Anton Tayanovskyy 13f63e9648
Fix bug in semver usage by enabling typechecking (#6833)
* Fix bug in semver usage by enabling typechecking

* Add CHANGELOG note
2021-04-21 15:48:57 -04:00

868 lines
38 KiB

# Copyright 2016-2018, Pulumi Corporation.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
Support for serializing and deserializing properties going into or flowing
out of RPC calls.
import asyncio
from collections import abc
import functools
import inspect
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import List, Any, Callable, Dict, Mapping, Optional, Sequence, Set, TYPE_CHECKING, cast
from enum import Enum
from google.protobuf import struct_pb2
from semver import VersionInfo as Version
import six
from . import known_types, settings
from .. import log
from .. import _types
from ..output import Inputs, Input, Output
from ..resource import CustomResource, Resource, ProviderResource
from ..asset import FileAsset, RemoteAsset, StringAsset, FileArchive, RemoteArchive, AssetArchive
UNKNOWN = "04da6b54-80e4-46f7-96ec-b56ff0331ba9"
"""If a value is None, we serialize as UNKNOWN, which tells the engine that it may be computed later."""
_special_sig_key = "4dabf18193072939515e22adb298388d"
"""_special_sig_key is sometimes used to encode type identity inside of a map. See pkg/resource/properties.go."""
_special_asset_sig = "c44067f5952c0a294b673a41bacd8c17"
"""special_asset_sig is a randomly assigned hash used to identify assets in maps. See pkg/resource/asset.go."""
_special_archive_sig = "0def7320c3a5731c473e5ecbe6d01bc7"
"""special_archive_sig is a randomly assigned hash used to identify assets in maps. See pkg/resource/asset.go."""
_special_secret_sig = "1b47061264138c4ac30d75fd1eb44270"
"""special_secret_sig is a randomly assigned hash used to identify secrets in maps. See pkg/resource/properties.go"""
_special_resource_sig = "5cf8f73096256a8f31e491e813e4eb8e"
"""special_resource_sig is a randomly assigned hash used to identify resources in maps. See pkg/resource/properties.go"""
_INT_OR_FLOAT = six.integer_types + (float,)
def isLegalProtobufValue(value: Any) -> bool:
Returns True if the given value is a legal Protobuf value as per the source at
return value is None or isinstance(value, (bool, six.string_types, _INT_OR_FLOAT, dict, list))
def _get_list_element_type(typ: Optional[type]) -> Optional[type]:
if typ is None:
return None
# If typ is a list, get the type for its values, to pass
# along for each item.
origin = _types.get_origin(typ)
if typ is list or origin in {list, List, Sequence, abc.Sequence}:
args = _types.get_args(typ)
if len(args) == 1:
return args[0]
raise AssertionError(f"Unexpected type. Expected 'list' got '{typ}'")
async def serialize_properties(inputs: 'Inputs',
property_deps: Dict[str, List['Resource']],
input_transformer: Optional[Callable[[str], str]] = None,
typ: Optional[type] = None) -> struct_pb2.Struct:
Serializes an arbitrary Input bag into a Protobuf structure, keeping track of the list
of dependent resources in the `deps` list. Serializing properties is inherently async
because it awaits any futures that are contained transitively within the input bag.
When `typ` is an input type, the metadata from the type is used to translate Python snake_case
names to Pulumi camelCase names, rather than using the `input_transformer`.
Modifies given property_deps dict to collect discovered dependencies by property name.
:param Inputs inputs: The bag to serialize.
:param Dict[str, List[Resource]] property_deps: Dependencies are set here.
:param input_transfomer: Optional name translator.
# Default implementation of get_type that always returns None.
get_type: Callable[[str], Optional[type]] = lambda k: None
# Key translator.
translate = input_transformer
# If we have type information, we'll use it to do name translations rather than using
# any passed-in input_transformer.
if typ is not None:
py_name_to_pulumi_name = _types.input_type_py_to_pulumi_names(typ)
types = _types.input_type_types(typ)
translate = lambda k: py_name_to_pulumi_name.get(k) or k
get_type = lambda k: types.get(translate(k)) # type: ignore
struct = struct_pb2.Struct()
# We're deliberately not using `inputs.items()` here in case inputs is a subclass of `dict` that redefines items.
for k in inputs:
v = inputs[k]
deps: List['Resource'] = []
result = await serialize_property(v, deps, input_transformer, get_type(k))
# We treat properties that serialize to None as if they don't exist.
if result is not None:
# While serializing to a pb struct, we must "translate" all key names to be what the
# engine is going to expect. Resources provide the "transform" function for doing this.
translated_name = k
if translate is not None:
translated_name = translate(k)
log.debug(f"top-level input property translated: {k} -> {translated_name}")
# pylint: disable=unsupported-assignment-operation
struct[translated_name] = result
property_deps[translated_name] = deps
return struct
# pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements, too-many-branches
async def serialize_property(value: 'Input[Any]',
deps: List['Resource'],
input_transformer: Optional[Callable[[str], str]] = None,
typ: Optional[type] = None) -> Any:
Serializes a single Input into a form suitable for remoting to the engine, awaiting
any futures required to do so.
When `typ` is specified, the metadata from the type is used to translate Python snake_case
names to Pulumi camelCase names, rather than using the `input_transformer`.
# Set typ to T if it's Optional[T], Input[T], or InputType[T].
typ = _types.unwrap_type(typ) if typ else typ
# If the typ is Any, set it to None to treat it as if we don't have any type information,
# to avoid raising errors about unexpected types, since it could be any type.
if typ is Any:
typ = None
# Exclude some built-in types that are instances of Sequence that we don't want to treat as sequences here.
# From: https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/master/Lib/_collections_abc.py
if isinstance(value, abc.Sequence) and not isinstance(value, (tuple, str, range, memoryview, bytes, bytearray)):
element_type = _get_list_element_type(typ)
props = []
for elem in value:
props.append(await serialize_property(elem, deps, input_transformer, element_type))
return props
if known_types.is_unknown(value):
return UNKNOWN
if known_types.is_resource(value):
resource = cast('Resource', value)
is_custom = known_types.is_custom_resource(value)
resource_id = cast('CustomResource', value).id if is_custom else None
# If we're retaining resources, serialize the resource as a reference.
if await settings.monitor_supports_resource_references():
res = {
_special_sig_key: _special_resource_sig,
"urn": await serialize_property(resource.urn, deps, input_transformer)
if is_custom:
res["id"] = await serialize_property(resource_id, deps, input_transformer)
return res
# Otherwise, serialize the resource as either its ID (for custom resources) or its URN (for component resources)
return await serialize_property(resource_id if is_custom else resource.urn, deps, input_transformer)
if known_types.is_asset(value):
# Serializing an asset requires the use of a magical signature key, since otherwise it would
# look like any old weakly typed object/map when received by the other side of the RPC
# boundary.
obj = {
_special_sig_key: _special_asset_sig
if hasattr(value, "path"):
file_asset = cast('FileAsset', value)
obj["path"] = await serialize_property(file_asset.path, deps, input_transformer)
elif hasattr(value, "text"):
str_asset = cast('StringAsset', value)
obj["text"] = await serialize_property(str_asset.text, deps, input_transformer)
elif hasattr(value, "uri"):
remote_asset = cast('RemoteAsset', value)
obj["uri"] = await serialize_property(remote_asset.uri, deps, input_transformer)
raise AssertionError(f"unknown asset type: {value!r}")
return obj
if known_types.is_archive(value):
# Serializing an archive requires the use of a magical signature key, since otherwise it
# would look like any old weakly typed object/map when received by the other side of the RPC
# boundary.
obj = {
_special_sig_key: _special_archive_sig
if hasattr(value, "assets"):
asset_archive = cast('AssetArchive', value)
obj["assets"] = await serialize_property(asset_archive.assets, deps, input_transformer)
elif hasattr(value, "path"):
file_archive = cast('FileArchive', value)
obj["path"] = await serialize_property(file_archive.path, deps, input_transformer)
elif hasattr(value, "uri"):
remote_archive = cast('RemoteArchive', value)
obj["uri"] = await serialize_property(remote_archive.uri, deps, input_transformer)
raise AssertionError(f"unknown archive type: {value!r}")
return obj
if inspect.isawaitable(value):
# Coroutines and Futures are both awaitable. Coroutines need to be scheduled.
# asyncio.ensure_future returns futures verbatim while converting coroutines into
# futures by arranging for the execution on the event loop.
# The returned future can then be awaited to yield a value, which we'll continue
# serializing.
awaitable = cast('Any', value)
future_return = await asyncio.ensure_future(awaitable)
return await serialize_property(future_return, deps, input_transformer, typ)
if known_types.is_output(value):
output = cast('Output', value)
value_resources = await output.resources()
# When serializing an Output, we will either serialize it as its resolved value or the
# "unknown value" sentinel. We will do the former for all outputs created directly by user
# code (such outputs always resolve isKnown to true) and for any resource outputs that were
# resolved with known values.
is_known = await output._is_known
is_secret = await output._is_secret
value = await serialize_property(output.future(), deps, input_transformer, typ)
if not is_known:
return UNKNOWN
if is_secret and await settings.monitor_supports_secrets():
# Serializing an output with a secret value requires the use of a magical signature key,
# which the engine detects.
return {
_special_sig_key: _special_secret_sig,
"value": value
return value
# If value is an input type, convert it to a dict.
value_cls = type(value)
if _types.is_input_type(value_cls):
value = _types.input_type_to_dict(value)
types = _types.input_type_types(value_cls)
return {
k: await serialize_property(v, deps, input_transformer, types.get(k))
for k, v in value.items()
if isinstance(value, abc.Mapping):
# Default implementation of get_type that always returns None.
get_type: Callable[[str], Optional[type]] = lambda k: None
# Key translator.
translate = input_transformer
# If we have type information, we'll use it to do name translations rather than using
# any passed-in input_transformer.
if typ is not None:
if _types.is_input_type(typ):
# If it's intended to be an input type, translate using the type's metadata.
py_name_to_pulumi_name = _types.input_type_py_to_pulumi_names(typ)
types = _types.input_type_types(typ)
translate = lambda k: py_name_to_pulumi_name.get(k) or k
get_type = types.get
# Otherwise, don't do any translation of user-defined dict keys.
origin = _types.get_origin(typ)
if typ is dict or origin in {dict, Dict, Mapping, abc.Mapping}:
args = _types.get_args(typ)
if len(args) == 2 and args[0] is str:
get_type = lambda k: args[1]
translate = None
raise AssertionError(f"Unexpected type. Expected 'dict' got '{typ}'")
obj = {}
# Don't use value.items() here, as it will error in the case of outputs with an `items` property.
for k in value:
transformed_key = k
if translate is not None:
transformed_key = translate(k)
log.debug(f"transforming input property: {k} -> {transformed_key}")
obj[transformed_key] = await serialize_property(value[k], deps, input_transformer, get_type(transformed_key))
return obj
# Ensure that we have a value that Protobuf understands.
if not isLegalProtobufValue(value):
raise ValueError(f"unexpected input of type {type(value).__name__}")
return value
# pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements
def deserialize_properties(props_struct: struct_pb2.Struct, keep_unknowns: Optional[bool] = None) -> Any:
Deserializes a protobuf `struct_pb2.Struct` into a Python dictionary containing normal
Python types.
# Check out this link for details on what sort of types Protobuf is going to generate:
# https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/reference/python-generated
# We assume that we are deserializing properties that we got from a Resource RPC endpoint,
# which has type `Struct` in our gRPC proto definition.
if _special_sig_key in props_struct:
from .. import FileAsset, StringAsset, RemoteAsset, AssetArchive, FileArchive, RemoteArchive # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
if props_struct[_special_sig_key] == _special_asset_sig:
# This is an asset. Re-hydrate this object into an Asset.
if "path" in props_struct:
return FileAsset(props_struct["path"])
if "text" in props_struct:
return StringAsset(props_struct["text"])
if "uri" in props_struct:
return RemoteAsset(props_struct["uri"])
raise AssertionError("Invalid asset encountered when unmarshalling resource property")
if props_struct[_special_sig_key] == _special_archive_sig:
# This is an archive. Re-hydrate this object into an Archive.
if "assets" in props_struct:
return AssetArchive(deserialize_property(props_struct["assets"]))
if "path" in props_struct:
return FileArchive(props_struct["path"])
if "uri" in props_struct:
return RemoteArchive(props_struct["uri"])
raise AssertionError("Invalid archive encountered when unmarshalling resource property")
if props_struct[_special_sig_key] == _special_secret_sig:
return wrap_rpc_secret(deserialize_property(props_struct["value"]))
if props_struct[_special_sig_key] == _special_resource_sig:
return deserialize_resource(props_struct, keep_unknowns)
raise AssertionError("Unrecognized signature when unmarshalling resource property")
# Struct is duck-typed like a dictionary, so we can iterate over it in the normal ways. Note
# that if the struct had any secret properties, we push the secretness of the object up to us
# since we can only set secret outputs on top level properties.
output = {}
for k, v in list(props_struct.items()):
# Unilaterally skip properties considered internal by the Pulumi engine.
# These don't actually contribute to the exposed shape of the object, do
# not need to be passed back to the engine, and often will not match the
# expected type we are deserializing into.
# Keep "__provider" as it's the property name used by Python dynamic providers.
if k.startswith("__") and k != "__provider":
value = deserialize_property(v, keep_unknowns)
# We treat values that deserialize to "None" as if they don't exist.
if value is not None:
output[k] = value
return output
def deserialize_resource(ref_struct: struct_pb2.Struct, keep_unknowns: Optional[bool] = None) -> 'Resource':
urn = ref_struct["urn"]
version = ref_struct["packageVersion"] if "packageVersion" in ref_struct else ""
urn_parts = urn.split("::")
urn_name = urn_parts[3]
qualified_type = urn_parts[2]
typ = qualified_type.split("$")[-1]
typ_parts = typ.split(":")
pkg_name = typ_parts[0]
mod_name = typ_parts[1] if len(typ_parts) > 1 else ""
typ_name = typ_parts[2] if len(typ_parts) > 2 else ""
is_provider = pkg_name == "pulumi" and mod_name == "providers"
if is_provider:
resource_package = get_resource_package(typ_name, version)
if resource_package is not None:
return cast('Resource', resource_package.construct_provider(urn_name, typ, urn))
resource_module = get_resource_module(pkg_name, mod_name, version)
if resource_module is not None:
return cast('Resource', resource_module.construct(urn_name, typ, urn))
# If we've made it here, deserialize the reference as either a URN or an ID (if present).
if "id" in ref_struct:
ref_id = ref_struct["id"]
return deserialize_property(UNKNOWN if ref_id == "" else ref_id, keep_unknowns)
return urn
def is_rpc_secret(value: Any) -> bool:
Returns if a given python value is actually a wrapped secret.
return isinstance(value, dict) and _special_sig_key in value and value[_special_sig_key] == _special_secret_sig
def wrap_rpc_secret(value: Any) -> Any:
Given a value, wrap it as a secret value if it isn't already a secret, otherwise return the value unmodified.
if is_rpc_secret(value):
return value
return {
_special_sig_key: _special_secret_sig,
"value": value,
def unwrap_rpc_secret(value: Any) -> Any:
Given a value, if it is a wrapped secret value, return the underlying, otherwise return the value unmodified.
if is_rpc_secret(value):
return value["value"]
return value
def deserialize_property(value: Any, keep_unknowns: Optional[bool] = None) -> Any:
Deserializes a single protobuf value (either `Struct` or `ListValue`) into idiomatic
Python values.
from ..output import Unknown # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
if value == UNKNOWN:
return Unknown() if settings.is_dry_run() or keep_unknowns else None
# ListValues are projected to lists
if isinstance(value, struct_pb2.ListValue):
# values has no __iter__ defined but this works.
values = [deserialize_property(v, keep_unknowns) for v in value] # type: ignore
# If there are any secret values in the list, push the secretness "up" a level by returning
# an array that is marked as a secret with raw values inside.
if any(is_rpc_secret(v) for v in values):
return wrap_rpc_secret([unwrap_rpc_secret(v) for v in values])
return values
# Structs are projected to dictionaries
if isinstance(value, struct_pb2.Struct):
props = deserialize_properties(value, keep_unknowns)
# If there are any secret values in the dictionary, push the secretness "up" a level by returning
# a dictionary that is marked as a secret with raw values inside. Note: the isinstance check here is
# important, since deserialize_properties will return either a dictionary or a concret type (in the case of
# assets).
if isinstance(props, dict) and any(is_rpc_secret(v) for v in props.values()):
return wrap_rpc_secret({k: unwrap_rpc_secret(v) for k, v in props.items()})
return props
# Everything else is identity projected.
return value
Resolver = Callable[[Any, bool, bool, Optional[Set['Resource']], Optional[Exception]], None]
A Resolver is a function that takes four arguments:
1. A value, which represents the "resolved" value of a particular output (from the engine)
2. A boolean "is_known", which represents whether or not this value is known to have a particular value at this
point in time (not always true for previews), and
3. A boolean "is_secret", which represents whether or not this value is contains secret data, and
4. An exception, which (if provided) is an exception that occured when attempting to create the resource to whom
this resolver belongs.
If argument 4 is not none, this output is considered to be abnormally resolved and attempts to await its future will
result in the exception being re-thrown.
def transfer_properties(res: 'Resource', props: 'Inputs') -> Dict[str, Resolver]:
from .. import Output # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
resolvers: Dict[str, Resolver] = {}
for name in props:
if name in ["id", "urn"]:
# these properties are handled specially elsewhere.
resolve_value: 'asyncio.Future' = asyncio.Future()
resolve_is_known: 'asyncio.Future' = asyncio.Future()
resolve_is_secret: 'asyncio.Future' = asyncio.Future()
resolve_deps: 'asyncio.Future' = asyncio.Future()
def do_resolve(r: 'Resource',
value_fut: 'asyncio.Future',
known_fut: 'asyncio.Future[bool]',
secret_fut: 'asyncio.Future[bool]',
deps_fut: 'asyncio.Future[Set[Resource]]',
value: Any,
is_known: bool,
is_secret: bool,
deps: Set['Resource'],
failed: Optional[Exception]):
# Create a union of deps and the resource.
deps_union = set(deps) if deps else set()
# Was an exception provided? If so, this is an abnormal (exceptional) resolution. Resolve the futures
# using set_exception so that any attempts to wait for their resolution will also fail.
if failed is not None:
# Important to note here is that the resolver's future is assigned to the resource object using the
# name before translation. When properties are returned from the engine, we must first translate the name
# from the Pulumi name to the Python name and then use *that* name to index into the resolvers table.
log.debug(f"adding resolver {name}")
resolvers[name] = functools.partial(do_resolve, res, resolve_value, resolve_is_known, resolve_is_secret, resolve_deps)
res.__dict__[name] = Output(resolve_deps, resolve_value, resolve_is_known, resolve_is_secret)
return resolvers
def translate_output_properties(output: Any,
output_transformer: Callable[[str], str],
typ: Optional[type] = None,
transform_using_type_metadata: bool = False) -> Any:
Recursively rewrite keys of objects returned by the engine to conform with a naming
convention specified by `output_transformer`. If `transform_using_type_metadata` is
set to True, then the metadata from `typ` is used to do the translation, and `dict`
values that are intended to be user-defined dicts aren't translated at all.
Additionally, perform any type conversions as necessary, based on the optional `typ` parameter.
If output is a `dict`, every key is translated (unless `transform_using_type_metadata is True,
the dict isn't an output type, and it is intended to be a user-defined dict) while every value is
transformed by recursing.
If output is a `list`, every value is recursively transformed.
If output is a `dict` and `typ` is an output type, instantiate the output type,
passing the values in the dict to the output type's __init__() method.
If output is a `float` and `typ` is `int`, the value is cast to `int`.
If output is in [`str`, `int`, `float`] and `typ` is an enum type, instantiate the enum type.
Otherwise, if output is a primitive (i.e. not a dict or list), the value is returned without modification.
:param Any output: The output value.
:param Callable[[str], str] output_transformer: The function used to translate.
:param Optional[type] typ: The output's target type.
:param bool transform_using_type_metadata: Set to True to use the metadata from `typ` to do name translation instead
of using `output_transformer`.
# If it's a secret, unwrap the value so the output is in alignment with the expected type, call
# translate_output_properties with the unwrapped value, and then rewrap the result as a secret.
if is_rpc_secret(output):
unwrapped = unwrap_rpc_secret(output)
result = translate_output_properties(unwrapped, output_transformer, typ, transform_using_type_metadata)
return wrap_rpc_secret(result)
# Unwrap optional types.
typ = _types.unwrap_optional_type(typ) if typ else typ
# If the typ is Any, set it to None to treat it as if we don't have any type information,
# to avoid raising errors about unexpected types, since it could be any type.
if typ is Any:
typ = None
if isinstance(output, dict):
# Function called to lookup a type for a given key.
# The default always returns None.
get_type: Callable[[str], Optional[type]] = lambda k: None
translate = output_transformer
if typ is not None:
# If typ is an output type, instantiate it. We do not translate the top-level keys,
# as the output type will take care of doing that if it has a _translate_property()
# method.
if _types.is_output_type(typ):
# If typ is an output type, get its types, so we can pass the type along for each property.
types = _types.output_type_types(typ)
get_type = types.get
translated_values = {
k: translate_output_properties(v, output_transformer, get_type(k), transform_using_type_metadata)
for k, v in output.items()
return _types.output_type_from_dict(typ, translated_values)
# If typ is a dict, get the type for its values, to pass along for each key.
origin = _types.get_origin(typ)
if typ is dict or origin in {dict, Dict, Mapping, abc.Mapping}:
args = _types.get_args(typ)
if len(args) == 2 and args[0] is str:
get_type = lambda k: args[1]
# If transform_using_type_metadata is True, don't translate its keys because
# it is intended to be a user-defined dict.
if transform_using_type_metadata:
translate = lambda k: k
raise AssertionError(f"Unexpected type; expected 'dict' got '{typ}'")
return {
translate_output_properties(v, output_transformer, get_type(k), transform_using_type_metadata)
for k, v in output.items()
if isinstance(output, list):
element_type = _get_list_element_type(typ)
return [
translate_output_properties(v, output_transformer, element_type, transform_using_type_metadata)
for v in output
if typ and isinstance(output, (int, float, str)) and inspect.isclass(typ) and issubclass(typ, Enum):
return typ(output)
if isinstance(output, float) and typ is int:
return int(output)
return output
def contains_unknowns(val: Any) -> bool:
def impl(val: Any, stack: List[Any]) -> bool:
if known_types.is_unknown(val):
return True
if not any((x is val for x in stack)):
if isinstance(val, dict):
return any((impl(val[k], stack) for k in val))
if isinstance(val, list):
return any((impl(x, stack) for x in val))
return False
return impl(val, [])
def resolve_outputs(res: 'Resource',
serialized_props: struct_pb2.Struct,
outputs: struct_pb2.Struct,
deps: Mapping[str, Set['Resource']],
resolvers: Dict[str, Resolver],
transform_using_type_metadata: bool = False):
# Produce a combined set of property states, starting with inputs and then applying
# outputs. If the same property exists in the inputs and outputs states, the output wins.
all_properties = {}
# Get the resource's output types, so we can convert dicts from the engine into actual
# instantiated output types or primitive types into enums as needed.
resource_cls = type(res)
types = _types.resource_types(resource_cls)
translate, translate_to_pass = res.translate_output_property, res.translate_output_property
if transform_using_type_metadata:
pulumi_to_py_names = _types.resource_pulumi_to_py_names(resource_cls)
translate = lambda k: pulumi_to_py_names.get(k) or k
translate_to_pass = lambda k: k
for key, value in deserialize_properties(outputs).items():
# Outputs coming from the provider are NOT translated. Do so here.
translated_key = translate(key)
translated_value = translate_output_properties(value, translate_to_pass, types.get(key),
log.debug(f"incoming output property translated: {key} -> {translated_key}")
log.debug(f"incoming output value translated: {value} -> {translated_value}")
all_properties[translated_key] = translated_value
if not settings.is_dry_run() or settings.is_legacy_apply_enabled():
for key, value in list(serialized_props.items()):
translated_key = translate(key)
if translated_key not in all_properties:
# input prop the engine didn't give us a final value for.Just use the value passed into the resource by
# the user.
all_properties[translated_key] = translate_output_properties(deserialize_property(value),
resolve_properties(resolvers, all_properties, deps)
def resolve_properties(resolvers: Dict[str, Resolver], all_properties: Dict[str, Any], deps: Mapping[str, Set['Resource']]):
for key, value in all_properties.items():
# Skip "id" and "urn", since we handle those specially.
if key in ["id", "urn"]:
# Otherwise, unmarshal the value, and store it on the resource object.
log.debug(f"looking for resolver using translated name {key}")
resolve = resolvers.get(key)
if resolve is None:
# engine returned a property that was not in our initial property-map. This can happen
# for outputs that were registered through direct calls to 'registerOutputs'. We do
# *not* want to do anything with these returned properties. First, the component
# resources that were calling 'registerOutputs' will have already assigned these fields
# directly on them themselves. Second, if we were to try to assign here we would have
# an incredibly bad race condition for two reasons:
# 1. This call to 'resolveProperties' happens asynchronously at some point far after
# the resource was constructed. So the user will have been able to observe the
# initial value up until we get to this point.
# 2. The component resource will have often assigned a value of some arbitrary type
# (say, a 'string'). If we overwrite this with an `Output<string>` we'll be changing
# the type at some non-deterministic point in the future.
# If this value is a secret, unwrap its inner value.
is_secret = is_rpc_secret(value)
value = unwrap_rpc_secret(value)
# If either we are performing a real deployment, or this is a stable property value, we
# can propagate its final value. Otherwise, it must be undefined, since we don't know
# if it's final.
if not settings.is_dry_run():
# normal 'pulumi up'. resolve the output with the value we got back
# from the engine. That output can always run its .apply calls.
resolve(value, True, is_secret, deps.get(key), None)
# We're previewing. If the engine was able to give us a reasonable value back,
# then use it. Otherwise, inform the Output that the value isn't known.
resolve(value, value is not None, is_secret, deps.get(key), None)
# `allProps` may not have contained a value for every resolver: for example, optional outputs may not be present.
# We will resolve all of these values as `None`, and will mark the value as known if we are not running a
# preview.
for key, resolve in resolvers.items():
if key not in all_properties:
resolve(None, not settings.is_dry_run(), False, deps.get(key), None)
def resolve_outputs_due_to_exception(resolvers: Dict[str, Resolver], exn: Exception):
Resolves all outputs with resolvers exceptionally, using the given exception as the reason why the resolver has
failed to resolve.
:param resolvers: Resolvers associated with a resource's outputs.
:param exn: The exception that occurred when trying (and failing) to create this resource.
for key, resolve in resolvers.items():
log.debug(f"sending exception to resolver for {key}")
resolve(None, False, False, None, exn)
def same_version(a: Optional[Version], b: Optional[Version]) -> bool:
# We treat None as a wildcard, so it always equals every other version.
return a is None or b is None or a == b
def check_version(want: Optional[Version], have: Optional[Version]) -> bool:
if want is None or have is None:
return True
return have.major == want.major and have.minor >= want.minor and have.patch >= want.patch
class ResourcePackage(ABC):
def version(self) -> Optional[Version]:
def construct_provider(self, name: str, typ: str, urn: str) -> 'ProviderResource':
_RESOURCE_PACKAGES: Dict[str, List[ResourcePackage]] = dict()
def register_resource_package(pkg: str, package: ResourcePackage):
resource_packages = _RESOURCE_PACKAGES.get(pkg, None)
if resource_packages is not None:
for existing in resource_packages:
if same_version(existing.version(), package.version()):
raise ValueError(f"Cannot re-register package {pkg}@{package.version()}. Previous registration was {existing}, new registration was {package}.")
resource_packages = []
_RESOURCE_PACKAGES[pkg] = resource_packages
log.debug(f"registering package {pkg}@{package.version()}")
def get_resource_package(pkg: str, version: str) -> Optional[ResourcePackage]:
ver = None if version == "" else Version.parse(version)
best_package = None
for package in _RESOURCE_PACKAGES.get(pkg, []):
if not check_version(ver, package.version()):
if best_package is None or package.version() > best_package.version():
best_package = package
return best_package
class ResourceModule(ABC):
def version(self) -> Optional[Version]:
def construct(self, name: str, typ: str, urn: str) -> 'Resource':
_RESOURCE_MODULES: Dict[str, List[ResourceModule]] = dict()
def _module_key(pkg: str, mod: str) -> str:
return f"{pkg}:{mod}"
def register_resource_module(pkg: str, mod: str, module: ResourceModule):
key = _module_key(pkg, mod)
resource_modules = _RESOURCE_MODULES.get(key, None)
if resource_modules is not None:
for existing in resource_modules:
if same_version(existing.version(), module.version()):
raise ValueError(f"Cannot re-register module {key}@{module.version()}. Previous registration was {existing}, new registration was {module}.")
resource_modules = []
_RESOURCE_MODULES[key] = resource_modules
log.debug(f"registering module {key}@{module.version()}")
def get_resource_module(pkg: str, mod: str, version: str) -> Optional[ResourceModule]:
key = _module_key(pkg, mod)
ver = None if version == "" else Version.parse(version)
best_module = None
for module in _RESOURCE_MODULES.get(key, []):
if not check_version(ver, module.version()):
if best_module is None or module.version() > best_module.version():
best_module = module
return best_module