Luke Hoban 15e924b5cf
Support aliases for renaming, re-typing, or re-parenting resources (#2774)
Adds a new resource option `aliases` which can be used to rename a resource.  When making a breaking change to the name or type of a resource or component, the old name can be added to the list of `aliases` for a resource to ensure that existing resources will be migrated to the new name instead of being deleted and replaced with the new named resource.

There are two key places this change is implemented. 

The first is the step generator in the engine.  When computing whether there is an old version of a registered resource, we now take into account the aliases specified on the registered resource.  That is, we first look up the resource by its new URN in the old state, and then by any aliases provided (in order).  This can allow the resource to be matched as a (potential) update to an existing resource with a different URN.

The second is the core `Resource` constructor in the JavaScript (and soon Python) SDKs.  This change ensures that when a parent resource is aliased, that all children implicitly inherit corresponding aliases.  It is similar to how many other resource options are "inherited" implicitly from the parent.

Four specific scenarios are explicitly tested as part of this PR:
1. Renaming a resource
2. Adopting a resource into a component (as the owner of both component and consumption codebases)
3. Renaming a component instance (as the owner of the consumption codebase without changes to the component)
4. Changing the type of a component (as the owner of the component codebase without changes to the consumption codebase)
4. Combining (1) and (3) to make both changes to a resource at the same time
2019-05-31 23:01:01 -07:00

195 lines
7.5 KiB

// Copyright 2016-2018, Pulumi Corporation.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package deploy
import (
// Snapshot is a view of a collection of resources in an stack at a point in time. It describes resources; their
// IDs, names, and properties; their dependencies; and more. A snapshot is a diffable entity and can be used to create
// or apply an infrastructure deployment plan in order to make reality match the snapshot state.
type Snapshot struct {
Manifest Manifest // a deployment manifest of versions, checksums, and so on.
SecretsManager secrets.Manager // the manager to use use when seralizing this snapshot.
Resources []*resource.State // fetches all resources and their associated states.
PendingOperations []resource.Operation // all currently pending resource operations.
// Manifest captures versions for all binaries used to construct this snapshot.
type Manifest struct {
Time time.Time // the time this snapshot was taken.
Magic string // a magic cookie.
Version string // the pulumi command version.
Plugins []workspace.PluginInfo // the plugin versions also loaded.
// NewMagic creates a magic cookie out of a manifest; this can be used to check for tampering. This ignores
// any existing magic value already stored on the manifest.
func (m Manifest) NewMagic() string {
if m.Version == "" {
return ""
return fmt.Sprintf("%x", sha256.Sum256([]byte(m.Version)))
// NewSnapshot creates a snapshot from the given arguments. The resources must be in topologically sorted order.
// This property is not checked; for verification, please refer to the VerifyIntegrity function below.
func NewSnapshot(manifest Manifest, secretsManager secrets.Manager,
resources []*resource.State, ops []resource.Operation) *Snapshot {
return &Snapshot{
Manifest: manifest,
SecretsManager: secretsManager,
Resources: resources,
PendingOperations: ops,
// NormalizeURNReferences fixes up all URN references in a snapshot to use the new URNs instead of potentially-aliased
// URNs. This will affect resources that are "old", and which would be expected to be updated to refer to the new names
// later in the deployment. But until they are, we still want to ensure that any serialization of the snapshot uses URN
// references which do not need to be indirected through any alias lookups, and which instead refer directly to the URN
// of a resource in the resources map.
// Note: This method modifies the snapshot (and resource.States in the snapshot) in-place.
func (snap *Snapshot) NormalizeURNReferences() {
if snap != nil {
aliased := make(map[resource.URN]resource.URN)
fixUrn := func(urn resource.URN) resource.URN {
if newUrn, has := aliased[urn]; has {
return newUrn
return urn
for _, state := range snap.Resources {
// Fix up any references to URNs
state.Parent = fixUrn(state.Parent)
for i, dependency := range state.Dependencies {
state.Dependencies[i] = fixUrn(dependency)
for k, deps := range state.PropertyDependencies {
for i, dep := range deps {
state.PropertyDependencies[k][i] = fixUrn(dep)
if state.Provider != "" {
ref, err := providers.ParseReference(state.Provider)
ref, err = providers.NewReference(fixUrn(ref.URN()), ref.ID())
state.Provider = ref.String()
// Add to aliased maps
for _, alias := range state.Aliases {
if otherUrn, has := aliased[alias]; has {
contract.Assertf(!has, "two resources ('%s' and '%s') aliased to the same: '%s'", otherUrn, state.URN, alias)
aliased[alias] = state.URN
// VerifyIntegrity checks a snapshot to ensure it is well-formed. Because of the cost of this operation,
// integrity verification is only performed on demand, and not automatically during snapshot construction.
// This function verifies a number of invariants:
// 1. Provider resources must be referenceable (i.e. they must have a valid URN and ID)
// 2. A resource's provider must precede the resource in the resource list
// 3. Parents must precede children in the resource list
// 4. Dependents must precede their dependencies in the resource list
// 5. For every URN in the snapshot, there must be at most one resource with that URN that is not pending deletion
// 6. The magic manifest number should change every time the snapshot is mutated
func (snap *Snapshot) VerifyIntegrity() error {
if snap != nil {
// Ensure the magic cookie checks out.
if snap.Manifest.Magic != snap.Manifest.NewMagic() {
return errors.Errorf("magic cookie mismatch; possible tampering/corruption detected")
// Now check the resources. For now, we just verify that parents come before children, and that there aren't
// any duplicate URNs.
urns := make(map[resource.URN]*resource.State)
provs := make(map[providers.Reference]struct{})
for i, state := range snap.Resources {
urn := state.URN
if providers.IsProviderType(state.Type) {
ref, err := providers.NewReference(urn, state.ID)
if err != nil {
return errors.Errorf("provider %s is not referenceable: %v", urn, err)
provs[ref] = struct{}{}
if provider := state.Provider; provider != "" {
ref, err := providers.ParseReference(provider)
if err != nil {
return errors.Errorf("failed to parse provider reference for resource %s: %v", urn, err)
if _, has := provs[ref]; !has {
return errors.Errorf("resource %s refers to unknown provider %s", urn, ref)
if par := state.Parent; par != "" {
if _, has := urns[par]; !has {
// The parent isn't there; to give a good error message, see whether it's missing entirely, or
// whether it comes later in the snapshot (neither of which should ever happen).
for _, other := range snap.Resources[i+1:] {
if other.URN == par {
return errors.Errorf("child resource %s's parent %s comes after it", urn, par)
return errors.Errorf("child resource %s refers to missing parent %s", urn, par)
for _, dep := range state.Dependencies {
if _, has := urns[dep]; !has {
// same as above - doing this for better error messages
for _, other := range snap.Resources[i+1:] {
if other.URN == dep {
return errors.Errorf("resource %s's dependency %s comes after it", urn, other.URN)
return errors.Errorf("resource %s dependency %s refers to missing resource", urn, dep)
if _, has := urns[urn]; has && !state.Delete {
// The only time we should have duplicate URNs is when all but one of them are marked for deletion.
return errors.Errorf("duplicate resource %s (not marked for deletion)", urn)
urns[urn] = state
return nil