Matt Ellis fcc81bac24 Fix nativeruntime module build on Windows
There were two problems:

- node-gyp configure was failing because of different shell syntax
between windows and *nix.
- MSVC 2015 is not smart enough to understand our use of strlen actually
results in a constant value and prevents us from using it to create an
array, move to a macro based solution.
2017-09-21 11:49:03 -07:00

25 lines
699 B

"targets": [
"target_name": "nativeruntime",
"sources": [
"conditions": [
[ 'OS=="win"',
"include_dirs": [
"<!(node -e \"console.log(`third_party/node/node-${process.version}/deps/v8`)\")"
"include_dirs": [
"<!(node -e \"console.log(\`third_party/node/node-\${process.version}/deps/v8\`)\")"