joeduffy 1c4e41b916 Improve the overall cloud CLI experience
This improves the overall cloud CLI experience workflow.

Now whether a stack is local or cloud is inherent to the stack
itself.  If you interact with a cloud stack, we transparently talk
to the cloud; if you interact with a local stack, we just do the
right thing, and perform all operations locally.  Aside from sometimes
seeing a cloud emoji pop-up ☁️, the experience is quite similar.

For example, to initialize a new cloud stack, simply:

    $ pulumi login
    Logging into Pulumi Cloud: https://pulumi.com/
    Enter Pulumi access token: <enter your token>
    $ pulumi stack init my-cloud-stack

Note that you may log into a specific cloud if you'd like.  For
now, this is just for our own testing purposes, but someday when we
support custom clouds (e.g., Enterprise), you can just say:

    $ pulumi login --cloud-url https://corp.acme.my-ppc.net:9873

The cloud is now the default.  If you instead prefer a "fire and
forget" style of stack, you can skip the login and pass `--local`:

    $ pulumi stack init my-faf-stack --local

If you are logged in and run `pulumi`, we tell you as much:

    $ pulumi
      pulumi [command]

    // as before...

    Currently logged into the Pulumi Cloud ☁️

And if you list your stacks, we tell you which one is local or not:

    $ pulumi stack ls
    my-cloud-stack  2017-12-01 ...    3                https://pulumi.com/
    my-faf-stack    n/a               0                n/a

And `pulumi stack` by itself prints information like your cloud org,
PPC name, and so on, in addition to the usuals.

I shall write up more details and make sure to document these changes.

This change also fairly significantly refactors the layout of cloud
versus local logic, so that the cmd/ package is resonsible for CLI
things, and the new pkg/backend/ package is responsible for the
backends.  The following is the overall resulting package architecture:

* The backend.Backend interface can be implemented to substitute
  a new backend.  This has operations to get and list stacks,
  perform updates, and so on.

* The backend.Stack struct is a wrapper around a stack that has
  or is being manipulated by a Backend.  It resembles our existing
  Stack notions in the engine, but carries additional metadata
  about its source.  Notably, it offers functions that allow
  operations like updating and deleting on the Backend from which
  it came.

* There is very little else in the pkg/backend/ package.

* A new package, pkg/backend/local/, encapsulates all local state
  management for "fire and forget" scenarios.  It simply implements
  the above logic and contains anything specific to the local

* A peer package, pkg/backend/cloud/, encapsulates all logic
  required for the cloud experience.  This includes its subpackage
  apitype/ which contains JSON schema descriptions required for
  REST calls against the cloud backend.  It also contains handy
  functions to list which clouds we have authenticated with.

* A subpackage here, pkg/backend/state/, is not a provider at all.
  Instead, it contains all of the state management functions that
  are currently shared between local and cloud backends.  This
  includes configuration logic -- including encryption -- as well
  as logic pertaining to which stacks are known to the workspace.

This addresses pulumi/pulumi#629 and pulumi/pulumi#494.
2017-12-02 14:34:42 -08:00

1098 lines
34 KiB

// Copyright 2017, Pulumi Corporation. All rights reserved.
package engine
import (
// plan just uses the standard logic to parse arguments, options, and to create a snapshot and plan.
func (eng *Engine) plan(info *planContext, opts deployOptions) (*planResult, error) {
contract.Assert(info != nil)
contract.Assert(info.Target != nil)
// Create a context for plugins.
ctx, err := plugin.NewContext(opts.Diag, nil, info.TracingSpan)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// First, load the package metadata, in preparation for executing it and creating resources.
pkginfo, err := ReadPackageFromArg(info.PackageArg)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Errorf("Error loading package: %v", err)
contract.Assert(pkginfo != nil)
// If the package contains an override for the main entrypoint, use it.
pwd, main, err := pkginfo.GetPwdMain()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// If that succeeded, create a new source that will perform interpretation of the compiled program.
// TODO[pulumi/pulumi#88]: we are passing `nil` as the arguments map; we need to allow a way to pass these.
source := deploy.NewEvalSource(ctx, &deploy.EvalRunInfo{
Pkg: pkginfo.Pkg,
Pwd: pwd,
Program: main,
Target: info.Target,
}, opts.Destroy, opts.DryRun)
// If there are any analyzers in the project file, add them.
var analyzers []tokens.QName
if as := pkginfo.Pkg.Analyzers; as != nil {
for _, a := range *as {
analyzers = append(analyzers, a)
// Append any analyzers from the command line.
for _, a := range opts.Analyzers {
analyzers = append(analyzers, tokens.QName(a))
// Generate a plan; this API handles all interesting cases (create, update, delete).
plan := deploy.NewPlan(ctx, info.Target, info.Snapshot, source, analyzers)
return &planResult{
Ctx: ctx,
Info: info,
Plan: plan,
Options: opts,
}, nil
type planResult struct {
Ctx *plugin.Context // the context containing plugins and their state.
Info *planContext // plan command information.
Plan *deploy.Plan // the plan created by this command.
Options deployOptions // the deployment options.
// Walk enumerates all steps in the plan, calling out to the provided action at each step. It returns four things: the
// resulting Snapshot, no matter whether an error occurs or not; an error, if something went wrong; the step that
// failed, if the error is non-nil; and finally the state of the resource modified in the failing step.
func (res *planResult) Walk(events deploy.Events, preview bool) (deploy.PlanSummary,
deploy.Step, resource.Status, error) {
opts := deploy.Options{
Events: events,
Parallel: res.Options.Parallel,
// Fetch a plan iterator and keep walking it until we are done.
iter, err := res.Plan.Start(opts)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, resource.StatusOK, err
step, err := iter.Next()
if err != nil {
closeerr := iter.Close() // ignore close errors; the Next error trumps
return nil, nil, resource.StatusOK, err
for step != nil {
// Perform any per-step actions.
rst, err := iter.Apply(step, preview)
// If an error occurred, exit early.
if err != nil {
closeerr := iter.Close() // ignore close errors; the action error trumps
return iter, step, rst, err
contract.Assert(rst == resource.StatusOK)
step, err = iter.Next()
if err != nil {
closeerr := iter.Close() // ignore close errors; the action error trumps
return iter, step, resource.StatusOK, err
// Finally, return a summary and the resulting plan information.
return iter, nil, resource.StatusOK, iter.Close()
func (res *planResult) Close() error {
return res.Ctx.Close()
func (eng *Engine) printPlan(result *planResult) error {
// First print config/unchanged/etc. if necessary.
var prelude bytes.Buffer
printPrelude(&prelude, result, true)
// Now walk the plan's steps and and pretty-print them out.
prelude.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%vPreviewing changes:%v\n", colors.SpecUnimportant, colors.Reset))
result.Options.Events <- stdOutEventWithColor(&prelude)
actions := newPreviewActions(result.Options)
_, _, _, err := result.Walk(actions, true)
if err != nil {
return errors.Errorf("An error occurred while advancing the preview: %v", err)
if !result.Options.Diag.Success() {
// If any error occurred while walking the plan, be sure to let the developer know. Otherwise,
// although error messages may have spewed to the output, the final lines of the plan may look fine.
return errors.New("One or more errors occurred during this preview")
// Print a summary of operation counts.
printChangeSummary(&actions.Summary, actions.Ops, true)
result.Options.Events <- stdOutEventWithColor(&actions.Summary)
return nil
// shouldShow returns true if a step should show in the output.
func shouldShow(seen map[resource.URN]deploy.Step, step deploy.Step, opts deployOptions) bool {
// Ensure we've marked this step as observed.
seen[step.URN()] = step
// For certain operations, whether they are tracked is controlled by flags (to cut down on superfluous output).
if step.Op() == deploy.OpSame {
return opts.ShowSames
} else if step.Op() == deploy.OpCreateReplacement || step.Op() == deploy.OpDeleteReplaced {
return opts.ShowReplacementSteps
} else if step.Op() == deploy.OpReplace {
return !opts.ShowReplacementSteps
return true
func printPrelude(b *bytes.Buffer, result *planResult, planning bool) {
// If there are configuration variables, show them.
if result.Options.ShowConfig {
printConfig(b, result.Info.Target.Config)
func printConfig(b *bytes.Buffer, config map[tokens.ModuleMember]string) {
b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%vConfiguration:%v\n", colors.SpecUnimportant, colors.Reset))
if config != nil {
var keys []string
for key := range config {
keys = append(keys, string(key))
for _, key := range keys {
b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" %v: %v\n", key, config[tokens.ModuleMember(key)]))
func printChangeSummary(b *bytes.Buffer, counts map[deploy.StepOp]int, preview bool) int {
changes := 0
for op, c := range counts {
if op != deploy.OpSame {
changes += c
var kind string
if preview {
kind = "previewed"
} else {
kind = "performed"
var changesLabel string
if changes == 0 {
kind = "required"
changesLabel = "no"
} else {
changesLabel = strconv.Itoa(changes)
if changes > 0 || counts[deploy.OpSame] > 0 {
kind += ":"
b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%vinfo%v: %v %v %v\n",
colors.SpecInfo, colors.Reset, changesLabel, plural("change", changes), kind))
var planTo string
if preview {
planTo = "to "
// Now summarize all of the changes; we print sames a little differently.
for _, op := range deploy.StepOps {
if op != deploy.OpSame {
if c := counts[op]; c > 0 {
opDescription := string(op)
if !preview {
opDescription = op.PastTense()
b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" %v%v %v %v%v%v\n",
op.Prefix(), c, plural("resource", c), planTo, opDescription, colors.Reset))
if c := counts[deploy.OpSame]; c > 0 {
b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" %v %v unchanged\n", c, plural("resource", c)))
return changes
func plural(s string, c int) string {
if c != 1 {
s += "s"
return s
// stepParentIndent computes a step's parent indentation. If print is true, it also prints parents as it goes.
func stepParentIndent(b *bytes.Buffer, step deploy.Step,
seen map[resource.URN]deploy.Step, shown map[resource.URN]bool, planning bool, indent int, print bool) int {
for p := step.Res().Parent; p != ""; {
par := seen[p]
if par == nil {
// This can happen during deletes, since we delete children before parents.
// TODO[pulumi/pulumi#340]: we need to figure out how best to display this sequence; at the very
// least, it would be ideal to preserve the indentation.
if print && !shown[p] {
// If the parent isn't yet shown, print it now as a summary.
printStep(b, par, seen, shown, true, false, planning, indent)
p = par.Res().Parent
return indent
func printStep(b *bytes.Buffer, step deploy.Step, seen map[resource.URN]deploy.Step, shown map[resource.URN]bool,
summary bool, detailed bool, planning bool, indent int) {
op := step.Op()
// First, indent to the same level as this resource has parents, and toggle the level of detail accordingly.
// TODO[pulumi/pulumi#340]: this isn't entirely correct. Conventionally, all children are created adjacent to
// their parents, so this often does the right thing, but not always. For instance, we can have interleaved
// infrastructure that gets emitted in the middle of the flow, making things look like they are parented
// incorrectly. The real solution here is to have a more first class way of structuring the output.
indent = stepParentIndent(b, step, seen, shown, planning, indent, true)
// Print the indentation.
b.WriteString(getIndentationString(indent, op, false))
// First, print out the operation's prefix.
// Next, print the resource type (since it is easy on the eyes and can be quickly identified).
printStepHeader(b, step)
// Next print the resource URN, properties, etc.
var replaces []resource.PropertyKey
if step.Op() == deploy.OpCreateReplacement {
replaces = step.(*deploy.CreateStep).Keys()
} else if step.Op() == deploy.OpReplace {
replaces = step.(*deploy.ReplaceStep).Keys()
printResourceProperties(b, step.URN(), step.Old(), step.New(), replaces, summary, detailed, planning, indent, op)
// Reset the color and mark this as shown -- we're done.
shown[step.URN()] = true
func printStepHeader(b *bytes.Buffer, step deploy.Step) {
b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s: (%s)\n", string(step.Type()), step.Op()))
func getIndentationString(indent int, op deploy.StepOp, prefix bool) string {
var result string
for i := 0; i < indent; i++ {
result += " "
if result == "" {
contract.Assertf(!prefix, "Expected indention for a prefixed line")
return result
var rp string
if prefix {
rp = op.RawPrefix()
} else {
rp = " "
contract.Assert(len(rp) == 2)
contract.Assert(len(result) >= 2)
return result[:len(result)-2] + rp
func writeWithIndent(b *bytes.Buffer, indent int, op deploy.StepOp, prefix bool, format string, a ...interface{}) {
b.WriteString(getIndentationString(indent, op, prefix))
b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(format, a...))
func writeWithIndentPrefix(b *bytes.Buffer, indent int, op deploy.StepOp, format string, a ...interface{}) {
writeWithIndent(b, indent, op, true, format, a...)
func writeWithIndentNoPrefix(b *bytes.Buffer, indent int, op deploy.StepOp, format string, a ...interface{}) {
writeWithIndent(b, indent, op, false, format, a...)
func write(b *bytes.Buffer, op deploy.StepOp, format string, a ...interface{}) {
writeWithIndentNoPrefix(b, 0, op, format, a...)
func writeVerbatim(b *bytes.Buffer, op deploy.StepOp, value string) {
writeWithIndentNoPrefix(b, 0, op, "%s", value)
func printResourceProperties(
b *bytes.Buffer, urn resource.URN, old *resource.State, new *resource.State,
replaces []resource.PropertyKey, summary bool, detailed bool, planning bool, indent int, op deploy.StepOp) {
// For these simple properties, print them as 'same' if they're just an update or replace.
simplePropOp := considerSameIfNotCreateOrDelete(op)
// Print out the URN and, if present, the ID, as "pseudo-properties".
var id resource.ID
if old != nil {
id = old.ID
// Always print the ID and URN.
if id != "" {
writeWithIndentNoPrefix(b, indent, simplePropOp, "[id=%s]\n", string(id))
if urn != "" {
writeWithIndentNoPrefix(b, indent, simplePropOp, "[urn=%s]\n", urn)
// If not summarizing, print all of the properties associated with this resource.
if !summary {
if old == nil && new != nil {
printObject(b, new.AllInputs(), planning, indent, op, false)
} else if new == nil && old != nil {
printObject(b, old.AllInputs(), planning, indent, op, false)
} else {
printOldNewDiffs(b, old.AllInputs(), new.AllInputs(), replaces, detailed, planning, indent, op)
func maxKey(keys []resource.PropertyKey) int {
maxkey := 0
for _, k := range keys {
if len(k) > maxkey {
maxkey = len(k)
return maxkey
func printObject(
b *bytes.Buffer, props resource.PropertyMap, planning bool,
indent int, op deploy.StepOp, prefix bool) {
// Compute the maximum with of property keys so we can justify everything.
keys := props.StableKeys()
maxkey := maxKey(keys)
// Now print out the values intelligently based on the type.
for _, k := range keys {
if v := props[k]; shouldPrintPropertyValue(v, planning) {
printPropertyTitle(b, string(k), maxkey, indent, op, prefix)
printPropertyValue(b, v, planning, indent, op, prefix)
// printResourceOutputProperties prints only those properties that either differ from the input properties or, if
// there is an old snapshot of the resource, differ from the prior old snapshot's output properties.
func printResourceOutputProperties(b *bytes.Buffer, step deploy.Step,
seen map[resource.URN]deploy.Step, shown map[resource.URN]bool, indent int) {
// Only certain kinds of steps have output properties associated with them.
op := step.Op()
if op != deploy.OpCreate &&
op != deploy.OpCreateReplacement &&
op != deploy.OpUpdate {
op = considerSameIfNotCreateOrDelete(op)
// Now compute the indentation level, in part based on the parents.
indent++ // indent for the resource.
indent = stepParentIndent(b, step, seen, shown, false, indent, false)
// First fetch all the relevant property maps that we may consult.
newins := step.New().Inputs
newouts := step.New().Outputs
var oldouts resource.PropertyMap
if old := step.Old(); old != nil {
oldouts = old.Outputs
// Now sort the keys and enumerate each output property in a deterministic order.
firstout := true
keys := newouts.StableKeys()
maxkey := maxKey(keys)
for _, k := range keys {
newout := newouts[k]
// Print this property if it is printable, and one of these cases
// 1) new ins has it and it's different;
// 2) new ins doesn't have it, but old outs does, and it's different;
// 3) neither old outs nor new ins contain it;
if shouldPrintPropertyValue(newout, true) {
var print bool
if newin, has := newins[k]; has {
print = (newout.Diff(newin) != nil) // case 1
} else if oldouts != nil {
if oldout, has := oldouts[k]; has {
print = (newout.Diff(oldout) != nil) // case 2
} else {
print = true // case 3
} else {
print = true // also case 3
if print {
if firstout {
writeWithIndentNoPrefix(b, indent, op, "---outputs:---\n")
firstout = false
printPropertyTitle(b, string(k), maxkey, indent, op, false)
printPropertyValue(b, newout, false, indent, op, false)
func considerSameIfNotCreateOrDelete(op deploy.StepOp) deploy.StepOp {
if op == deploy.OpCreate || op == deploy.OpDelete || op == deploy.OpDeleteReplaced {
return op
return deploy.OpSame
func shouldPrintPropertyValue(v resource.PropertyValue, outs bool) bool {
if v.IsNull() {
return false // don't print nulls (they just clutter up the output).
if v.IsString() && v.StringValue() == "" {
return false // don't print empty strings either.
if v.IsArray() && len(v.ArrayValue()) == 0 {
return false // skip empty arrays, since they are often uninteresting default values.
if v.IsObject() && len(v.ObjectValue()) == 0 {
return false // skip objects with no properties, since they are also uninteresting.
if v.IsObject() && len(v.ObjectValue()) == 0 {
return false // skip objects with no properties, since they are also uninteresting.
if v.IsOutput() && !outs {
// also don't show output properties until the outs parameter tells us to.
return false
return true
func printPropertyTitle(b *bytes.Buffer, name string, align int, indent int, op deploy.StepOp, prefix bool) {
writeWithIndent(b, indent, op, prefix, "%-"+strconv.Itoa(align)+"s: ", name)
func printPropertyValue(
b *bytes.Buffer, v resource.PropertyValue, planning bool,
indent int, op deploy.StepOp, prefix bool) {
if v.IsNull() {
writeVerbatim(b, op, "<null>")
} else if v.IsBool() {
write(b, op, "%t", v.BoolValue())
} else if v.IsNumber() {
write(b, op, "%v", v.NumberValue())
} else if v.IsString() {
write(b, op, "%q", v.StringValue())
} else if v.IsArray() {
arr := v.ArrayValue()
if len(arr) == 0 {
writeVerbatim(b, op, "[]")
} else {
writeVerbatim(b, op, "[\n")
for i, elem := range arr {
writeWithIndent(b, indent, op, prefix, " [%d]: ", i)
printPropertyValue(b, elem, planning, indent+1, op, prefix)
writeWithIndent(b, indent, op, prefix, "]")
} else if v.IsAsset() {
a := v.AssetValue()
if text, has := a.GetText(); has {
write(b, op, "asset(text:%s) {\n", shortHash(a.Hash))
massaged := massageText(text)
// pretty print the text, line by line, with proper breaks.
lines := strings.Split(massaged, "\n")
for _, line := range lines {
writeWithIndentNoPrefix(b, indent, op, " %s\n", line)
writeWithIndent(b, indent, op, prefix, "}")
} else if path, has := a.GetPath(); has {
write(b, op, "asset(file:%s) { %s }", shortHash(a.Hash), path)
} else {
write(b, op, "asset(uri:%s) { %s }", shortHash(a.Hash), a.URI)
} else if v.IsArchive() {
a := v.ArchiveValue()
if assets, has := a.GetAssets(); has {
write(b, op, "archive(assets:%s) {\n", shortHash(a.Hash))
var names []string
for name := range assets {
names = append(names, name)
for _, name := range names {
printAssetOrArchive(b, assets[name], name, planning, indent, op, prefix)
writeWithIndent(b, indent, op, prefix, "}")
} else if path, has := a.GetPath(); has {
write(b, op, "archive(file:%s) { %s }", shortHash(a.Hash), path)
} else {
write(b, op, "archive(uri:%s) { %v }", shortHash(a.Hash), a.URI)
} else if v.IsComputed() || v.IsOutput() {
writeVerbatim(b, op, v.TypeString())
} else {
obj := v.ObjectValue()
if len(obj) == 0 {
writeVerbatim(b, op, "{}")
} else {
writeVerbatim(b, op, "{\n")
printObject(b, obj, planning, indent+1, op, prefix)
writeWithIndent(b, indent, op, prefix, "}")
writeVerbatim(b, op, "\n")
func printAssetOrArchive(
b *bytes.Buffer, v interface{}, name string, planning bool,
indent int, op deploy.StepOp, prefix bool) {
writeWithIndent(b, indent, op, prefix, " \"%v\": ", name)
printPropertyValue(b, assetOrArchiveToPropertyValue(v), planning, indent+1, op, prefix)
func assetOrArchiveToPropertyValue(v interface{}) resource.PropertyValue {
switch t := v.(type) {
case *resource.Asset:
return resource.NewAssetProperty(t)
case *resource.Archive:
return resource.NewArchiveProperty(t)
contract.Failf("Unexpected archive element '%v'", reflect.TypeOf(t))
return resource.PropertyValue{V: nil}
func shortHash(hash string) string {
if len(hash) > 7 {
return hash[:7]
return hash
func printOldNewDiffs(
b *bytes.Buffer, olds resource.PropertyMap, news resource.PropertyMap,
replaces []resource.PropertyKey, detailed bool, planning bool, indent int, op deploy.StepOp) {
// Get the full diff structure between the two, and print it (recursively).
if diff := olds.Diff(news); diff != nil {
printObjectDiff(b, *diff, detailed, replaces, false, planning, indent)
} else {
printObject(b, news, planning, indent, op, true)
func printObjectDiff(b *bytes.Buffer, diff resource.ObjectDiff, detailed bool,
replaces []resource.PropertyKey, causedReplace bool, planning bool, indent int) {
contract.Assert(indent > 0)
// Compute the maximum with of property keys so we can justify everything.
keys := diff.Keys()
maxkey := maxKey(keys)
// If a list of what causes a resource to get replaced exist, create a handy map.
var replaceMap map[resource.PropertyKey]bool
if len(replaces) > 0 {
replaceMap = make(map[resource.PropertyKey]bool)
for _, k := range replaces {
replaceMap[k] = true
// To print an object diff, enumerate the keys in stable order, and print each property independently.
for _, k := range keys {
titleFunc := func(top deploy.StepOp, prefix bool) {
printPropertyTitle(b, string(k), maxkey, indent, top, prefix)
if add, isadd := diff.Adds[k]; isadd {
if shouldPrintPropertyValue(add, planning) {
printAdd(b, add, titleFunc, true, planning, indent)
} else if delete, isdelete := diff.Deletes[k]; isdelete {
if shouldPrintPropertyValue(delete, planning) {
printDelete(b, delete, titleFunc, true, planning, indent)
} else if update, isupdate := diff.Updates[k]; isupdate {
if !causedReplace && replaceMap != nil {
causedReplace = replaceMap[k]
printPropertyValueDiff(b, titleFunc, update, detailed, causedReplace, planning, indent)
} else if same := diff.Sames[k]; shouldPrintPropertyValue(same, planning) {
titleFunc(deploy.OpSame, false)
printPropertyValue(b, diff.Sames[k], planning, indent, deploy.OpSame, false)
func printPropertyValueDiff(b *bytes.Buffer, titleFunc func(deploy.StepOp, bool),
diff resource.ValueDiff, detailed bool, causedReplace bool, planning bool, indent int) {
op := deploy.OpUpdate
contract.Assert(indent > 0)
if diff.Array != nil {
titleFunc(op, true)
writeVerbatim(b, op, "[\n")
a := diff.Array
for i := 0; i < a.Len(); i++ {
elemTitleFunc := func(eop deploy.StepOp, eprefix bool) {
writeWithIndent(b, indent+1, eop, eprefix, "[%d]: ", i)
if add, isadd := a.Adds[i]; isadd {
printAdd(b, add, elemTitleFunc, true, planning, indent+2)
} else if delete, isdelete := a.Deletes[i]; isdelete {
printDelete(b, delete, elemTitleFunc, true, planning, indent+2)
} else if update, isupdate := a.Updates[i]; isupdate {
printPropertyValueDiff(b, elemTitleFunc, update, detailed, causedReplace, planning, indent+2)
} else {
elemTitleFunc(deploy.OpSame, false)
printPropertyValue(b, a.Sames[i], planning, indent+2, deploy.OpSame, false)
writeWithIndentNoPrefix(b, indent, op, "]\n")
} else if diff.Object != nil {
titleFunc(op, true)
writeVerbatim(b, op, "{\n")
printObjectDiff(b, *diff.Object, detailed, nil, causedReplace, planning, indent+1)
writeWithIndentNoPrefix(b, indent, op, "}\n")
} else {
shouldPrintOld := shouldPrintPropertyValue(diff.Old, false)
shouldPrintNew := shouldPrintPropertyValue(diff.New, false)
if diff.Old.IsArchive() &&
diff.New.IsArchive() &&
!causedReplace &&
shouldPrintOld &&
shouldPrintNew {
printArchiveDiff(b, titleFunc, diff.Old.ArchiveValue(), diff.New.ArchiveValue(), planning, indent)
// If we ended up here, the two values either differ by type, or they have different primitive values. We will
// simply emit a deletion line followed by an addition line.
if shouldPrintOld {
printDelete(b, diff.Old, titleFunc, causedReplace, planning, indent)
if shouldPrintNew {
printAdd(b, diff.New, titleFunc, causedReplace, planning, indent)
func printDelete(
b *bytes.Buffer, v resource.PropertyValue, title func(deploy.StepOp, bool),
causedReplace bool, planning bool, indent int) {
op := deploy.OpDelete
title(op, true)
printPropertyValue(b, v, planning, indent, op, true)
func printAdd(
b *bytes.Buffer, v resource.PropertyValue, title func(deploy.StepOp, bool),
causedReplace bool, planning bool, indent int) {
op := deploy.OpCreate
title(op, true)
printPropertyValue(b, v, planning, indent, op, true)
func printArchiveDiff(
b *bytes.Buffer, titleFunc func(deploy.StepOp, bool),
oldArchive *resource.Archive, newArchive *resource.Archive,
planning bool, indent int) {
// TODO: this could be called recursively from itself. In the recursive case, we might have an
// archive that actually hasn't changed. Check for that, and terminate the diff printing.
op := deploy.OpUpdate
hashChange := getTextChangeString(shortHash(oldArchive.Hash), shortHash(newArchive.Hash))
if oldPath, has := oldArchive.GetPath(); has {
if newPath, has := newArchive.GetPath(); has {
titleFunc(op, true)
write(b, op, "archive(file:%s) { %s }\n", hashChange, getTextChangeString(oldPath, newPath))
} else if oldURI, has := oldArchive.GetURI(); has {
if newURI, has := newArchive.GetURI(); has {
titleFunc(op, true)
write(b, op, "archive(uri:%s) { %s }\n", hashChange, getTextChangeString(oldURI, newURI))
} else {
oldAssets, _ := oldArchive.GetAssets()
if newAssets, has := newArchive.GetAssets(); has {
titleFunc(op, true)
write(b, op, "archive(assets:%s) {\n", hashChange)
printAssetsDiff(b, oldAssets, newAssets, planning, indent+1)
writeWithIndentPrefix(b, indent, deploy.OpUpdate, "}\n")
// Type of archive changed, print this out as an remove and an add.
b, assetOrArchiveToPropertyValue(oldArchive),
titleFunc, false /*causedReplace*/, planning, indent)
b, assetOrArchiveToPropertyValue(newArchive),
titleFunc, false /*causedReplace*/, planning, indent)
func printAssetsDiff(
b *bytes.Buffer,
oldAssets map[string]interface{}, newAssets map[string]interface{},
planning bool, indent int) {
// Diffing assets proceeds by getting the sorted list of asset names from both the old and
// new assets, and then stepwise processing each. For any asset in old that isn't in new,
// we print this out as a delete. For any asset in new that isn't in old, we print this out
// as an add. For any asset in both we print out of it is unchanged or not. If so, we
// recurse on that data to print out how it changed.
var oldNames []string
var newNames []string
for name := range oldAssets {
oldNames = append(oldNames, name)
for name := range newAssets {
newNames = append(newNames, name)
i := 0
j := 0
var keys []resource.PropertyKey
for _, name := range oldNames {
keys = append(keys, "\""+resource.PropertyKey(name)+"\"")
for _, name := range newNames {
keys = append(keys, "\""+resource.PropertyKey(name)+"\"")
maxkey := maxKey(keys)
for i < len(oldNames) || j < len(newNames) {
deleteOld := false
addNew := false
if i < len(oldNames) && j < len(newNames) {
oldName := oldNames[i]
newName := newNames[j]
if oldName == newName {
titleFunc := func(top deploy.StepOp, tprefix bool) {
printPropertyTitle(b, "\""+oldName+"\"", maxkey, indent, top, tprefix)
oldAsset := oldAssets[oldName]
newAsset := newAssets[newName]
switch t := oldAsset.(type) {
case *resource.Archive:
printArchiveDiff(b, titleFunc, t, newAsset.(*resource.Archive), planning, indent)
case *resource.Asset:
printAssetDiff(b, titleFunc, t, newAsset.(*resource.Asset), planning, indent)
if oldName < newName {
deleteOld = true
} else {
addNew = true
} else if i < len(oldNames) {
deleteOld = true
} else {
addNew = true
newIndent := indent + 1
if deleteOld {
oldName := oldNames[i]
titleFunc := func(top deploy.StepOp, tprefix bool) {
printPropertyTitle(b, "\""+oldName+"\"", maxkey, indent, top, tprefix)
printDelete(b, assetOrArchiveToPropertyValue(oldAssets[oldName]), titleFunc, false, planning, newIndent)
} else {
newName := newNames[j]
titleFunc := func(top deploy.StepOp, tprefix bool) {
printPropertyTitle(b, "\""+newName+"\"", maxkey, indent, top, tprefix)
printAdd(b, assetOrArchiveToPropertyValue(newAssets[newName]), titleFunc, false, planning, newIndent)
func makeAssetHeader(asset *resource.Asset) string {
var assetType string
var contents string
if path, has := asset.GetPath(); has {
assetType = "file"
contents = path
} else if uri, has := asset.GetURI(); has {
assetType = "uri"
contents = uri
} else {
assetType = "text"
contents = "..."
return fmt.Sprintf("asset(%s:%s) { %s }\n", assetType, shortHash(asset.Hash), contents)
func printAssetDiff(
b *bytes.Buffer, titleFunc func(deploy.StepOp, bool),
oldAsset *resource.Asset, newAsset *resource.Asset,
planning bool, indent int) {
op := deploy.OpUpdate
// If the assets aren't changed, just print out: = assetName: type(hash)
if oldAsset.Hash == newAsset.Hash {
op = deploy.OpSame
titleFunc(op, false)
write(b, op, makeAssetHeader(oldAsset))
// if the asset changed, print out: ~ assetName: type(hash->hash) details...
hashChange := getTextChangeString(shortHash(oldAsset.Hash), shortHash(newAsset.Hash))
if oldText, has := oldAsset.GetText(); has {
if newText, has := newAsset.GetText(); has {
titleFunc(deploy.OpUpdate, true)
write(b, op, "asset(text:%s) {\n", hashChange)
massagedOldText := massageText(oldText)
massagedNewText := massageText(newText)
differ := diffmatchpatch.New()
differ.DiffTimeout = 0
hashed1, hashed2, lineArray := differ.DiffLinesToChars(massagedOldText, massagedNewText)
diffs1 := differ.DiffMain(hashed1, hashed2, false)
diffs2 := differ.DiffCharsToLines(diffs1, lineArray)
b.WriteString(diffToPrettyString(diffs2, indent+1))
writeWithIndentPrefix(b, indent, op, "}\n")
} else if oldPath, has := oldAsset.GetPath(); has {
if newPath, has := newAsset.GetPath(); has {
titleFunc(deploy.OpUpdate, true)
write(b, op, "asset(file:%s) { %s }\n", hashChange, getTextChangeString(oldPath, newPath))
} else {
oldURI, _ := oldAsset.GetURI()
if newURI, has := newAsset.GetURI(); has {
titleFunc(deploy.OpUpdate, true)
write(b, op, "asset(uri:%s) { %s }\n", hashChange, getTextChangeString(oldURI, newURI))
// Type of asset changed, print this out as an remove and an add.
b, assetOrArchiveToPropertyValue(oldAsset),
titleFunc, false /*causedReplace*/, planning, indent)
b, assetOrArchiveToPropertyValue(newAsset),
titleFunc, false /*causedReplace*/, planning, indent)
func getTextChangeString(old string, new string) string {
if old == new {
return old
return fmt.Sprintf("%s->%s", old, new)
// massageText takes the text for a function and cleans it up a bit to make the user visible diffs
// less noisy. Specifically:
// 1. it tries to condense things by changling multiple blank lines into a single blank line.
// 2. it normalizs the sha hashes we emit so that changes to them don't appear in the diff.
// 3. it elides the with-capture headers, as changes there are not generally meaningful.
// TODO(https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi/issues/592) this is baking in a lot of knowledge about
// pulumi serialized functions. We should try to move to an alternative mode that isn't so brittle.
// Options include:
// 1. Have a documented delimeter format that plan.go will look for. Have the function serializer
// emit those delimeters around code that should be ignored.
// 2. Have our resource generation code supply not just the resource, but the "user presentable"
// resource that cuts out a lot of cruft. We could then just diff that content here.
func massageText(text string) string {
shaRegexp, _ := regexp.Compile("__[a-zA-Z0-9]{40}")
closureRegexp, _ := regexp.Compile(` with\(\{ .* \}\) \{`)
// Only do this for strings that match our serialized function pattern.
if !shaRegexp.MatchString(text) || !closureRegexp.MatchString(text) {
return text
for {
newText := strings.Replace(text, "\n\n\n", "\n\n", -1)
if len(newText) == len(text) {
text = newText
text = shaRegexp.ReplaceAllString(text, "__shaHash")
text = closureRegexp.ReplaceAllString(text, " with (__closure) {")
return text
// diffToPrettyString takes the full diff produed by diffmatchpatch and condenses it into something
// useful we can print to the console. Specifically, while it includes any adds/removes in
// green/red, it will also show portions of the unchanged text to help give surrounding context to
// those add/removes. Because the unchanged portions may be very large, it only included around 3
// lines before/after the change.
func diffToPrettyString(diffs []diffmatchpatch.Diff, indent int) string {
var buff bytes.Buffer
writeDiff := func(op deploy.StepOp, text string) {
var prefix bool
if op == deploy.OpCreate || op == deploy.OpDelete {
prefix = true
writeWithIndent(&buff, indent, op, prefix, "%s", text)
for index, diff := range diffs {
text := diff.Text
lines := strings.Split(text, "\n")
printLines := func(op deploy.StepOp, startInclusive int, endExclusive int) {
for i := startInclusive; i < endExclusive; i++ {
if strings.TrimSpace(lines[i]) != "" {
writeDiff(op, lines[i])
switch diff.Type {
case diffmatchpatch.DiffInsert:
printLines(deploy.OpCreate, 0, len(lines))
case diffmatchpatch.DiffDelete:
printLines(deploy.OpDelete, 0, len(lines))
case diffmatchpatch.DiffEqual:
var trimmedLines []string
for _, line := range lines {
if strings.TrimSpace(line) != "" {
trimmedLines = append(trimmedLines, line)
lines = trimmedLines
// Show the unchanged text in white.
if index == 0 {
// First chunk of the file.
if len(lines) > 4 {
writeDiff(deploy.OpSame, "...\n")
printLines(deploy.OpSame, len(lines)-3, len(lines))
} else if index == len(diffs)-1 {
if len(lines) > 4 {
printLines(deploy.OpSame, 0, 3)
writeDiff(deploy.OpSame, "...\n")
} else {
if len(lines) > 7 {
printLines(deploy.OpSame, 0, 3)
writeDiff(deploy.OpSame, "...\n")
printLines(deploy.OpSame, len(lines)-3, len(lines))
printLines(deploy.OpSame, 0, len(lines))
return buff.String()