Sean Gillespie ae1a2e8b7e
Fail closure serialization in Node 11 (#2098)
* Fail closure serialization in Node 11

Node 11 changed many of the intrinsics that we depend upon for closure
serialization, so until we fix the underlying issues this commit lazily
fails if a closure is serialized when running on Node 11.

* CR feedback
2018-10-25 10:55:47 -07:00

224 lines
9.6 KiB

// Copyright 2016-2018, Pulumi Corporation.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// This file provides a low-level interface to a few V8 runtime objects.
// We will use this low-level interface when serializing closures to walk the scope
// chain and find the value of free variables captured by closures, as well as getting
// source-level debug information so that we can present high-quality error messages.
// As a side-effect of importing this file, we must enable the --allow-natives-syntax V8
// flag. This is because we are using V8 intrinsics in order to implement this module.
import * as semver from "semver";
import * as v8 from "v8";
// We depend on V8 intrinsics to inspect JavaScript functions and runtime values. These intrinsics
// are unstable and change radically between versions. These two version checks are used by this module
// to determine whether or not it is safe to use particular intrinsincs.
// We were broken especially badly by Node 11, which removed most of the intrinsics that we used.
// We will need to find replacements for them.
const isNodeAtLeastV10 = semver.gte(process.version, "10.0.0");
const isNodeAtLeastV11 = semver.gte(process.version, "11.0.0");
function throwUnsupportedNodeVersion(): never {
throw new Error(
`Function serialization with Node version ${process.version} is not supported by Pulumi at this time. ` +
"Please use Node 10 or older.");
// We use four V8 intrinsics in this file. The first, `FunctionGetScript`, gets
// a `Script` object given a JavaScript function. The `Script` object contains metadata
// about the function's source definition.
function getScript(func: Function): V8Script | undefined {
if (isNodeAtLeastV11) {
// The use of the Function constructor here and elsewhere in this file is because
// because V8 intrinsics are not valid JavaScript identifiers; they all begin with '%',
// which means that the TypeScript compiler issues errors for them.
const scriptFunc = new Function("func", "return %FunctionGetScript(func);") as any;
return scriptFunc(func);
// The V8 script object contains the name of the file that defined a function and a function
// that convert a `V8SourcePosition` into a `V8SourceLocation`. (Conceptually - Positions are offsets
// into a resource stream, while locations are objects with line and column information.)
interface V8Script {
readonly name: string;
locationFromPosition(pos: V8SourcePosition): V8SourceLocation;
// The second intrinsic is `FunctionGetScriptSourcePosition`, which does about what you'd
// expect. It returns a `V8SourcePosition`, which can be passed to `V8Script::locationFromPosition`
// to produce a `V8SourceLocation`.
const getSourcePosition: (func: Function) => V8SourcePosition =
new Function("func", "return %FunctionGetScriptSourcePosition(func);") as any;
function scriptPositionInfo(script: V8Script, pos: V8SourcePosition): {line: number, column: number} {
if (isNodeAtLeastV11) {
if (isNodeAtLeastV10) {
const scriptPositionInfoFunc =
new Function("script", "pos", "return %ScriptPositionInfo(script, pos, false);") as any;
return scriptPositionInfoFunc(script, pos);
// Should not be called if running on Node<10.0.0.
return <any>undefined;
// V8SourcePosition is an opaque value that should be passed verbatim to `V8Script.locationFromPosition`
// in order to receive a V8SourceLocation.
interface V8SourcePosition { }
// V8SourceLocation contains metadata about a single location within a Script. For a function, it
// refers to the last character of that function's declaration.
interface V8SourceLocation {
readonly line: number;
readonly column: number;
// The last two intrinsics are `GetFunctionScopeCount` and `GetFunctionScopeDetails`.
// The former function returns the number of scopes in a given function's scope chain, while
// the latter function returns the i'th entry in a function's scope chain, given a function and
// index i.
function getFunctionScopeDetails(func: Function, index: number): any[] {
if (isNodeAtLeastV11) {
const getFunctionScopeDetailsFunc =
new Function("func", "index", "return %GetFunctionScopeDetails(func, index);") as any;
return getFunctionScopeDetailsFunc(func, index);
function getFunctionScopeCount(func: Function): number {
if (isNodeAtLeastV11) {
const getFunctionScopeCountFunc = new Function("func", "return %GetFunctionScopeCount(func);") as any;
return getFunctionScopeCountFunc(func);
// All of these functions contain syntax that is not legal TS/JS (i.e. "%Whatever"). As such,
// we cannot serialize them. In case they somehow get captured, just block them from closure
// serialization entirely.
(<any>getScript).doNotCapture = true;
(<any>getSourcePosition).doNotCapture = true;
(<any>getFunctionScopeDetails).doNotCapture = true;
(<any>getFunctionScopeCount).doNotCapture = true;
// `GetFunctionScopeDetails` returns a raw JavaScript array. This enum enumerates the objects that
// are at specific indices of the array. We only care about one of these.
enum V8ScopeDetailsFields {
kScopeDetailsTypeIndex = 0,
kScopeDetailsObjectIndex = 1, // <-- this one
kScopeDetailsNameIndex = 2,
kScopeDetailsStartPositionIndex = 3,
kScopeDetailsEndPositionIndex = 4,
kScopeDetailsFunctionIndex = 5,
// V8ScopeDetails contains a lot of information about a particular scope in the scope chain, but the
// only one we care about is `scopeObject`, which is a mapping of strings to values. The strings are variables
// declared within the given scope, and the values are the value of the captured variables.
interface V8ScopeDetails {
readonly scopeObject: Record<string, any>;
// getScopeForFunction extracts a V8ScopeDetails for the index'th element in the scope chain for the
// given function.
function getScopeForFunction(func: Function, index: number): V8ScopeDetails {
const scopeDetails = getFunctionScopeDetails(func, index);
return {
scopeObject: scopeDetails[V8ScopeDetailsFields.kScopeDetailsObjectIndex] as Record<string, any>,
* Given a function and a free variable name, lookupCapturedVariableValue looks up the value of that free variable
* in the scope chain of the provided function. If the free variable is not found, `throwOnFailure` indicates
* whether or not this function should throw or return `undefined.
* @param func The function whose scope chain is to be analyzed
* @param freeVariable The name of the free variable to inspect
* @param throwOnFailure If true, throws if the free variable can't be found.
* @returns The value of the free variable. If `throwOnFailure` is false, returns `undefined` if not found.
export function lookupCapturedVariableValue(func: Function, freeVariable: string, throwOnFailure: boolean): any {
// The implementation of this function is now very straightforward since the intrinsics do all of the
// difficult work.
const count = getFunctionScopeCount(func);
for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
const scope = getScopeForFunction(func, i);
if (freeVariable in scope.scopeObject) {
return scope.scopeObject[freeVariable];
if (throwOnFailure) {
throw new Error("Unexpected missing variable in closure environment: " + freeVariable);
return undefined;
* Given a function, returns the name of the file where this function was defined.
* Returns the empty string if the given function has no Script. (e.g. a native function)
export function getFunctionFile(func: Function): string {
const script = getScript(func);
return script ? script.name : "";
* Given a function, returns the line and column number in the file where this function was defined.
* Returns { 0, 0 } if the location cannot be found or if the given function has no Script.
export function getFunctionLocation(func: Function): { line: number, column: number } {
const script = getScript(func);
if (script) {
const pos = getSourcePosition(func);
try {
if (isNodeAtLeastV10) {
return scriptPositionInfo(script, pos);
} else {
return script.locationFromPosition(pos);
} catch (err) {
// Be resilient to native functions not being available. In this case, we just return
// '0,0'. That's not great, but it at least lets us run, and it isn't a terrible
// experience.
// Specifically, we only need these locations when we're printing out an error about not
// being able to serialize something. In that case, we still print out the names of the
// functions (as well as the call-tree that got us there), *and* we print out the body
// of the function. With both of these, it is generally not too difficult to find out
// where the code actually lives.
return { line: 0, column: 0 };