joeduffy 22387d24cd Switch to a --parallel=P flag
This change flips the polarity on parallelism: rather than having a
--serialize flag, we will have a --parallel=P flag, and by default
we will shut off parallelism.  We aren't benefiting from it at the
moment (until we implement pulumi/pulumi-fabric#106), and there are
more hidden dependencies in places like AWS Lambdas and Permissions
than I had realized.  We may revisit the default, but this allows
us to bite off the messiness of dependsOn only when we benefit from
it.  And in any case, the --parallel=P capability will be useful.
2017-09-17 08:10:46 -07:00

197 lines
7.1 KiB

// Copyright 2017, Pulumi Corporation. All rights reserved.
package engine
import (
goerr "github.com/pkg/errors"
type DeployOptions struct {
Environment string // the environment we are deploying into
Package string // the package we are deploying (or "" to use the default)
Analyzers []string // an optional set of analyzers to run as part of this deployment.
Debug bool // true to enable resource debugging output.
DryRun bool // true if we should just print the plan without performing it.
Parallel int // the degree of parallelism for resource operations (<=1 for serial).
ShowConfig bool // true to show the configuration variables being used.
ShowReplacementSteps bool // true to show the replacement steps in the plan.
ShowSames bool // true to show the resources that aren't updated, in addition to those that are.
Summary bool // true if we should only summarize resources and operations.
func (eng *Engine) Deploy(opts DeployOptions) error {
// Initialize the diagnostics logger with the right stuff.
Colors: true,
Debug: opts.Debug,
info, err := eng.initEnvCmdName(tokens.QName(opts.Environment), opts.Package)
if err != nil {
return err
return eng.deployLatest(info, deployOptions{
Debug: opts.Debug,
Destroy: false,
DryRun: opts.DryRun,
Analyzers: opts.Analyzers,
Parallel: opts.Parallel,
ShowConfig: opts.ShowConfig,
ShowReplacementSteps: opts.ShowReplacementSteps,
ShowSames: opts.ShowSames,
Summary: opts.Summary,
type deployOptions struct {
Debug bool // true to enable resource debugging output.
Create bool // true if we are creating resources.
Destroy bool // true if we are destroying the environment.
DryRun bool // true if we should just print the plan without performing it.
Analyzers []string // an optional set of analyzers to run as part of this deployment.
Parallel int // the degree of parallelism for resource operations (<=1 for serial).
ShowConfig bool // true to show the configuration variables being used.
ShowReplacementSteps bool // true to show the replacement steps in the plan.
ShowSames bool // true to show the resources that aren't updated, in addition to those that are.
Summary bool // true if we should only summarize resources and operations.
DOT bool // true if we should print the DOT file for this plan.
func (eng *Engine) deployLatest(info *envCmdInfo, opts deployOptions) error {
result, err := eng.plan(info, opts)
if err != nil {
return err
if result != nil {
defer contract.IgnoreClose(result)
if opts.DryRun {
// If a dry run, just print the plan, don't actually carry out the deployment.
if err := eng.printPlan(result); err != nil {
return err
} else {
// Otherwise, we will actually deploy the latest bits.
var header bytes.Buffer
printPrelude(&header, result, false)
header.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%vDeploying changes:%v\n", colors.SpecUnimportant, colors.Reset))
fmt.Fprint(eng.Stdout, colors.Colorize(&header))
// Create an object to track progress and perform the actual operations.
start := time.Now()
progress := newProgress(opts, eng)
summary, _, _, err := result.Apply(progress)
if err != nil && summary == nil {
// Something went wrong, and we have no checkpoint to save.
return err
contract.Assert(summary != nil)
// Print a summary.
var footer bytes.Buffer
// Print out the total number of steps performed (and their kinds), the duration, and any summary info.
if c := printChangeSummary(&footer, progress.Ops, false); c != 0 {
footer.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%vDeployment duration: %v%v\n",
colors.SpecUnimportant, time.Since(start), colors.Reset))
if progress.MaybeCorrupt {
"%vA catastrophic error occurred; resources states may be unknown%v\n",
colors.SpecAttention, colors.Reset))
// Now save the updated snapshot Notee that if a failure has occurred, the Apply routine above will
// have returned a safe checkpoint.
targ := result.Info.Target
_ = eng.Environment.SaveEnvironment(targ, summary.Snap())
fmt.Fprint(eng.Stdout, colors.Colorize(&footer))
if err != nil {
return err
if !eng.Diag().Success() {
// If any error that wasn't printed above, be sure to make it evident in the output.
return goerr.New("One or more errors occurred during this deployment")
return nil
// deployProgress pretty-prints the plan application process as it goes.
type deployProgress struct {
Steps int
Ops map[deploy.StepOp]int
MaybeCorrupt bool
Opts deployOptions
Engine *Engine
func newProgress(opts deployOptions, engine *Engine) *deployProgress {
return &deployProgress{
Steps: 0,
Ops: make(map[deploy.StepOp]int),
Opts: opts,
Engine: engine,
func (prog *deployProgress) Before(step deploy.Step) {
if shouldShow(step, prog.Opts) {
var b bytes.Buffer
printStep(&b, step, prog.Opts.Summary, false, "")
fmt.Fprint(prog.Engine.Stdout, colors.Colorize(&b))
func (prog *deployProgress) After(step deploy.Step, status resource.Status, err error) {
stepop := step.Op()
if err != nil {
// Issue a true, bonafide error.
prog.Engine.Diag().Errorf(errors.ErrorPlanApplyFailed, err)
// Print the state of the resource; we don't issue the error, because the deploy above will do that.
var b bytes.Buffer
stepnum := prog.Steps + 1
b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Step #%v failed [%v]: ", stepnum, stepop))
switch status {
case resource.StatusOK:
b.WriteString("provider successfully recovered from this failure")
case resource.StatusUnknown:
b.WriteString("this failure was catastrophic and the provider cannot guarantee recovery")
prog.MaybeCorrupt = true
contract.Failf("Unrecognized resource state: %v", status)
fmt.Fprint(prog.Engine.Stdout, colors.Colorize(&b))
} else {
// Increment the counters.
if step.Logical() {
// Print out any output properties that got created as a result of this operation.
if shouldShow(step, prog.Opts) && !prog.Opts.Summary {
var b bytes.Buffer
printResourceOutputProperties(&b, step, "")
fmt.Fprint(prog.Engine.Stdout, colors.Colorize(&b))