joeduffy e84c2d9388 Remember output properties in snapshot records
This change remembers which properties were computed as outputs,
or even just read back as default values, during a deployment.  This
information is required in the before/after comparison in order to
perform an intelligent diff that doesn't flag, for example, the absence
of "default" values in the after image as deletions (among other things).
As I was in here, I also cleaned up the way the provider interface
works, dealing with concrete resource types, making it feel a little
richer and less like we're doing in-memory RPC.
2017-06-01 08:39:48 -07:00

322 lines
11 KiB

// Licensed to Pulumi Corporation ("Pulumi") under one or more
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// Pulumi licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package resource
import (
// ID is a unique resource identifier; it is managed by the provider and is mostly opaque to Lumi.
type ID string
func MaybeID(s *string) *ID {
var ret *ID
if s != nil {
id := ID(*s)
ret = &id
return ret
func (id ID) String() string { return string(id) }
func (id *ID) StringPtr() *string {
if id == nil {
return nil
ids := (*id).String()
return &ids
func IDStrings(ids []ID) []string {
ss := make([]string, len(ids))
for i, id := range ids {
ss[i] = id.String()
return ss
// Resource is an instance of a resource with an ID, type, and bag of state.
type Resource interface {
ID() ID // the resource's unique ID assigned by the provider (or blank if uncreated).
URN() URN // the resource's object urn, a human-friendly, unique name for the resource.
Type() tokens.Type // the resource's type.
Properties() PropertyMap // the resource's property map.
Outputs() PropertySet // the set of properties that were set via outputs from the provider.
ClearOutputs() // clears the outputs set in preparation for an operation that marks them.
MarkOutput(k PropertyKey) // marks a property as an output from the provider.
HasID() bool // returns true if the resource has been assigned an ID.
SetID(id ID) // assignes an ID to this resource, for those under creation.
HasURN() bool // returns true if the resource has been assigned URN.
SetURN(m URN) // assignes a URN to this resource, for those under creation.
ShallowClone() Resource // make a shallow clone of the resource.
// State is returned when an error has occurred during a resource provider operation. It indicates whether the
// operation could be rolled back cleanly (OK). If not, it means the resource was left in an indeterminate state.
type State int
const (
StateOK State = iota
// IsResourceVertex returns true if the heap graph vertex has an object whose type is the standard resource class.
func IsResourceVertex(v *heapstate.ObjectVertex) bool {
return predef.IsResourceType(v.Obj().Type())
type resource struct {
id ID // the resource's unique ID, assigned by the resource provider (or blank if uncreated).
urn URN // the resource's object urn, a human-friendly, unique name for the resource.
t tokens.Type // the resource's type.
properties PropertyMap // the resource's property map.
outs PropertySet // the set of properties that were set via outputs from the provider.
func (r *resource) ID() ID { return r.id }
func (r *resource) URN() URN { return r.urn }
func (r *resource) Type() tokens.Type { return r.t }
func (r *resource) Properties() PropertyMap { return r.properties }
func (r *resource) Outputs() PropertySet { return r.outs }
func (r *resource) ClearOutputs() {
r.outs = nil
func (r *resource) MarkOutput(k PropertyKey) {
if r.outs == nil {
r.outs = make(PropertySet)
r.outs[k] = true
func (r *resource) HasID() bool { return (string(r.id) != "") }
func (r *resource) SetID(id ID) {
contract.Requiref(!r.HasID(), "id", "empty")
glog.V(9).Infof("Assigning ID=%v to resource w/ URN=%v", id, r.urn)
r.id = id
func (r *resource) HasURN() bool { return (string(r.urn) != "") }
func (r *resource) SetURN(m URN) {
contract.Requiref(!r.HasURN(), "urn", "empty")
r.urn = m
// ShallowClone clones a resource object so that any modifications to it are not reflected in the original. Note that
// the property map is only shallowly cloned so any mutations deep within it may get reflected in the original.
func (r *resource) ShallowClone() Resource {
return &resource{
id: r.id,
urn: r.urn,
t: r.t,
properties: r.properties.ShallowClone(),
outs: r.outs.ShallowClone(),
// NewResource creates a new resource from the information provided.
func NewResource(id ID, urn URN, t tokens.Type, properties PropertyMap) Resource {
return &resource{
id: id,
urn: urn,
t: t,
properties: properties,
outs: nil, // lazily allocated when provider operations occur.
// NewObjectResource creates a new resource object out of the runtime object provided. The context is used to resolve
// dependencies between resources and must contain all references that could be encountered.
func NewObjectResource(ctx *Context, obj *rt.Object) Resource {
t := obj.Type()
// Extract the urn. This must already exist.
urn, hasm := ctx.ObjURN[obj]
contract.Assertf(!hasm, "Object already assigned a urn '%v'; double allocation detected", urn)
// Do a deep copy of the resource properties. This ensures property serializability.
props := cloneObject(ctx, obj)
// Finally allocate and return the resource object; note that ID is left blank until the provider assignes one.
return &resource{
t: t.TypeToken(),
properties: props,
const resourceOutPropertyToken = tokens.Token("lumi:resource:out")
// cloneObject creates a property map out of a runtime object. The result is fully serializable in the sense that it
// can be stored in a JSON or YAML file, serialized over an RPC interface, etc. In particular, any references to other
// resources are replaced with their urn equivalents, which the runtime understands.
func cloneObject(ctx *Context, obj *rt.Object) PropertyMap {
contract.Assert(obj != nil)
// First accumulate a list of properties that are known to be outputs.
var outs map[PropertyKey]bool
t := obj.Type()
for t != nil {
for name, member := range t.TypeMembers() {
if prop, isprop := member.(*symbols.ClassProperty); isprop {
if attrs := prop.Node.Attributes; attrs != nil {
for _, attr := range *attrs {
if attr.Decorator.Tok == resourceOutPropertyToken {
if outs == nil {
outs = make(map[PropertyKey]bool)
outs[PropertyKey(name)] = true
t = t.Base()
// Next walk the object's properties and serialize them in a stable order.
src := obj.PropertyValues()
dest := make(PropertyMap)
for _, k := range src.Stable() {
// TODO: detect cycles.
obj := src.Get(k)
pky := PropertyKey(k)
var out bool
if outs != nil {
out = outs[pky]
if v, ok := cloneObjectProperty(ctx, obj, out); ok {
dest[pky] = v
return dest
// cloneObjectProperty creates a single property value out of a runtime object. It returns false if the property could
// not be stored in a property (e.g., it is a function or other unrecognized or unserializable runtime object).
func cloneObjectProperty(ctx *Context, obj *rt.Object, out bool) (PropertyValue, bool) {
t := obj.Type()
// Serialize resource references as URNs.
if predef.IsResourceType(t) {
// For resources, simply look up the urn from the resource map.
urn, hasm := ctx.ObjURN[obj]
contract.Assertf(hasm, "Missing object reference; possible out of order dependency walk")
return NewResourceProperty(urn), true
// Serialize simple primitive types with their primitive equivalents.
switch t {
case types.Null:
return NewNullProperty(), true
case types.Bool:
return NewBoolProperty(obj.BoolValue()), true
case types.Number:
return NewNumberProperty(obj.NumberValue()), true
case types.String:
return NewStringProperty(obj.StringValue()), true
case types.Object, types.Dynamic:
obj := cloneObject(ctx, obj) // an object literal, clone it
return NewObjectProperty(obj), true
// Serialize arrays, maps, and object instances in the obvious way.
// TODO: handle symbols.MapType.
switch t.(type) {
case *symbols.ArrayType:
var result []PropertyValue
for _, e := range *obj.ArrayValue() {
if v, ok := cloneObjectProperty(ctx, e.Obj(), false); ok {
result = append(result, v)
return NewArrayProperty(result), true
case *symbols.Class:
obj := cloneObject(ctx, obj) // a class, just deep clone it
return NewObjectProperty(obj), true
// If a latent value, we can propagate an unknown value, but only for certain cases.
if t.Latent() {
// If this is an output property, then this property will turn into an output. Otherwise, it will be marked
// completed. An output property is permitted in more places by virtue of the fact that it is expected not to
// exist during resource create operations, whereas all computed properties should have been resolved by then.
var makeProperty func(PropertyValue) PropertyValue
if out {
makeProperty = MakeOutput
} else {
makeProperty = MakeComputed
future := t.(*symbols.LatentType).Element
switch future {
case types.Null:
return makeProperty(NewNullProperty()), true
case types.Bool:
return makeProperty(NewBoolProperty(false)), true
case types.Number:
return makeProperty(NewNumberProperty(0)), true
case types.String:
return makeProperty(NewStringProperty("")), true
case types.Object, types.Dynamic:
return makeProperty(NewObjectProperty(make(PropertyMap))), true
switch future.(type) {
case *symbols.ArrayType:
return makeProperty(NewArrayProperty(nil)), true
case *symbols.Class:
return makeProperty(NewObjectProperty(make(PropertyMap))), true
// We can safely skip serializing functions, however, anything else is unexpected at this point.
_, isfunc := t.(*symbols.FunctionType)
contract.Assertf(isfunc, "Unrecognized resource property object type '%v' (%v)", t, reflect.TypeOf(t))
return PropertyValue{}, false
// NewUniqueHex generates a new "random" hex string for use by resource providers. It has the given optional prefix and
// the total length is capped to the maxlen. Note that capping to maxlen necessarily increases the risk of collisions.
func NewUniqueHex(prefix string, randlen, maxlen int) string {
bs := make([]byte, randlen)
n, err := rand.Read(bs)
contract.Assert(err == nil)
contract.Assert(n == len(bs))
str := prefix + hex.EncodeToString(bs)
if len(str) > maxlen {
str = str[:maxlen]
return str
// NewUniqueHexID generates a new "random" hex ID for use by resource providers. It has the given optional prefix and
// the total length is capped to the maxlen. Note that capping to maxlen necessarily increases the risk of collisions.
func NewUniqueHexID(prefix string, randlen, maxlen int) ID {
return ID(NewUniqueHex(prefix, randlen, maxlen))