joeduffy 2362d45a5c Eliminate type redundancy
Despite our good progress moving towards having an apitype package,
where our exchange types live and can be shared among the engine and
our services, there were a few major types that were still duplciated.
Resource was the biggest example -- and indeed, the apitype varirant
was missing the new Dependencies property -- but there were others,
like Manfiest, PluginInfo, etc.  These too had semi-random omissions.

This change merges all of these types into the apitype package.  This
not only cleans up the redundancy and missing properties, but will
"force the issue" with respect to keeping them in sync and properly
versioning the information in a backwards compatible way.

The resource/stack package still exists as a simple marshaling layer
to and from the engine's core data types.

Finally, I've made the controversial change to share the actual
Deployment data structure at the apitype layer also.  This will force
us to confront differences in that data structure similarly, and will
allow us to leverage the strong typing throughout to catch issues.
2018-02-28 12:44:55 -08:00

236 lines
9.4 KiB

// Copyright 2016-2018, Pulumi Corporation. All rights reserved.
package apitype
import (
// CreateUpdateConfig describes the configuration data for an request to `POST /updates`.
type CreateUpdateConfig struct {
// Contents contains the configuration values for an update as a set of key-value pairs.
Contents map[string]ConfigValue `json:"contents"`
// UpdateProgramRequest is the request type for updating (aka deploying) a Pulumi program.
type UpdateProgramRequest struct {
// Properties from the Project file. Subset of pack.Package.
Name string `json:"name"`
Runtime string `json:"runtime"`
Main string `json:"main"`
Description string `json:"description"`
Options UpdateOptions `json:"options"`
// Configuration values.
Config map[string]ConfigValue `json:"config"`
Metadata UpdateMetadata `json:"metadata"`
// UpdateOptions is the set of operations for configuring the output of an update.
// Should generally mirror engine.UpdateOptions, but we clone it in this package to add
// flexibility in case there is a breaking change in the engine-type.
type UpdateOptions struct {
Analyzers []string `json:"analyzers"`
Color colors.Colorization `json:"color"`
DryRun bool `json:"dryRun"`
Parallel int `json:"parallel"`
ShowConfig bool `json:"showConfig"`
ShowReplacementSteps bool `json:"showReplacementSteps"`
ShowSames bool `json:"showNames"`
Summary bool `json:"summary"`
// UpdateMetadata describes optional metadata about an update.
// Should generally mirror backend.UpdateMetadata, but we clone it in this package to add
// flexibility in case there is a breaking change in the backend-type.
type UpdateMetadata struct {
// Message is an optional message associated with the update.
Message string `json:"message"`
// Environment contains optional data from the deploying environment. e.g. the current
// source code control commit information.
Environment map[string]string `json:"environment"`
// UpdateProgramRequestUntyped is a legacy type: see comment in pulumi-service stacks_update.go
// unmarshalConfig()
// TODO(#478): remove support for string-only config.
type UpdateProgramRequestUntyped struct {
// Properties from the Project file.
Name string `json:"name"`
Runtime string `json:"runtime"`
Main string `json:"main"`
Description string `json:"description"`
// Configuration values. Note that although the element type of this map is an `interface{}`, the value
// must be either a string or a ConfigValue.
Config map[string]interface{} `json:"config"`
// UpdateProgramResponse is the result of an update program request.
type UpdateProgramResponse struct {
// UpdateID is the opaque identifier of the requested update. This value is needed to begin an update, as
// well as poll for its progress.
UpdateID string `json:"updateID"`
// UploadURL is a URL the client can use to upload their program's contents into. Ignored for destroys.
UploadURL string `json:"uploadURL"`
// StartUpdateResponse is the result of the command to start an update.
type StartUpdateResponse struct {
// Version is the version of the program once the update is complete.
// (Will be the current, unchanged value for previews.)
Version int `json:"version"`
// UpdateEventKind is an enum for the type of update events.
type UpdateEventKind string
const (
// StdoutEvent is used to mark the event being emitted to STDOUT.
StdoutEvent UpdateEventKind = "stdout"
// StderrEvent is used to mark the event being emitted to STDERR.
StderrEvent UpdateEventKind = "stderr"
// UpdateEvent describes an event that happened on the Pulumi Cloud while processing an update.
type UpdateEvent struct {
Index string `json:"index"`
Kind UpdateEventKind `json:"kind"`
Fields map[string]interface{} `json:"fields"`
// UpdateStatus is an enum describing the current state during the lifecycle of an update.
type UpdateStatus string
const (
// StatusNotStarted is returned when the Update has been created but not applied.
StatusNotStarted UpdateStatus = "not started"
// StatusRequested is returned when the Update application has been requested but not started.
StatusRequested UpdateStatus = "requested"
// StatusRunning is returned when the Update is in progress.
StatusRunning UpdateStatus = "running"
// StatusFailed is returned when the update has failed.
StatusFailed UpdateStatus = "failed"
// StatusSucceeded is returned when the update has succeeded.
StatusSucceeded UpdateStatus = "succeeded"
// UpdateResults returns a series of events and the current status of an update. The events can be filtered. See
// API call for more details.
type UpdateResults struct {
Status UpdateStatus `json:"status"`
Events []UpdateEvent `json:"events"`
// UpdateProgram describes the metadata associated with an update's Pulumi program. Note that this does not
// include the contents of the program itself.
type UpdateProgram struct {
// Name is the name of the program.
Name string `json:"name"`
// Runtime is the language runtime used to execute the program.
Runtime string `json:"runtime"`
// Main is an optional redirect for the main program location. (e.g. a subfolder under Pulumi.yaml
// containing package.json.)
Main string `json:"main"`
// Analyzers is the set of analyzers to run when this program is executed.
Analyzers []string `json:"analyzers"`
// Destroy indicates whether or not this program is the nil program (i.e. the program that generates no
// resources).
Destroy bool `json:"destroy"`
// CreateUpdateRequest describe the data provided as the body of a request to the `POST /updates` endpoint of
// the PPC API.
type CreateUpdateRequest struct {
// Stack is the unqique ID for the stack that this update targets.
Stack string `json:"stack"`
// Import indicates whether or not this update's resources are given by a checkpoint to import rather than
// an actual Pulumi program. If this field is `true`, the client must upload the checkpoint file to the
// URL returned in the response. Config should be empty, as it will be copied from the base update. Program
// should also be empty, as it will not be used.
IsCheckpointImport bool `json:"import,omitempty"`
// StackAlias is the friendly name for the update's stack that will be exposed to the update's Pulumi
// program.
StackAlias string `json:"stackAlias,omitempty"`
// Config records the configuration values for an update. Must be nil if IsCheckpointImport is true.
Config *CreateUpdateConfig `json:"config,omitempty"`
// Program records the program metadata for an update. Must be nil if IsCheckpointImport is true.
Program *UpdateProgram `json:"program,omitempty"`
// CreateUpdateResponse describes the data returned by a request to the `POST /updates` endpoint of the PPC
// API.
type CreateUpdateResponse struct {
// ID is the unique identifier of the newly-created update.
ID string `json:"id"`
// Stack is the unique identifier of the stack targeted by the update.
Stack string `json:"stack"`
// BaseUpdate is the unique identifier of the update that was active in the stack indicated above at the
// time at which this update was created.
BaseUpdate string `json:"baseUpdate"`
// UploadURL is a URL that the client must use to upload the contents of the program associated with this
// update. The client should upload the program by sending a `PUT` request to this URL with the contents of
// the program as a ZIP file in the request body. The `PUT` request must also set the `Content-Length`
// header.
UploadURL string `json:"uploadURL"`
// UpdateApplyRequest describes the data provided as the body of a request to the `POST
// /updates/{updateID}/apply` and `POST /updates/{updateID}/preview` endpoints of the PPC API.
type UpdateApplyRequest struct {
// Should we tell the engine to emit information about the configuration during this update.
ShowConfig bool `json:"showConfig,omitempty"`
// Should we tell the engine to emit information about resources that have not changed during this update.
ShowSames bool `json:"showSames,omitempty"`
// Should we tell the engine to emit information about replacement steps during this update.
ShowReplacementSteps bool `json:"showReplacementSteps,omitempty"`
// Should we tell the engine to emit summary information during this update.
Summary bool `json:"summary,omitempty"`
// GetUpdateResponse describes the data retuerned by a request to the `GET /updates/{updateID}` endpoint of the
type GetUpdateResponse struct {
// State indicates which state the update is in.
State string `json:"state"`
// StackAlias is the friendly name for the update's stack that will be exposed to the update's Pulumi
// program.
StackAlias string `json:"stackAlias,omitempty"`
// Config records the configuration values for an update.
Config map[string]string `json:"config"`
// Program records the program metadata for an update.
Program UpdateProgram `json:"program"`
// GetApplyUpdateResultsResponse describes the data returned by the `GET /updates/{updateID}/apply` endpoint of
// the PPC API.
type GetApplyUpdateResultsResponse UpdateResults
// GetPreviewUpdateResultsResponse describes the data returned by the `GET /updates/{updateID}/preview`
// endpoint of the PPC API.
type GetPreviewUpdateResultsResponse UpdateResults