joeduffy 5336122511 Dump eval state afterwards; also rename a few things
This change dumps the evaluation state after evaluation completes, at
log-level 5.  This includes which modules and classes were initialized,
in addition to the values for all global variables.

In addition to this, we rename a few things:

* Rename Object's Data field to Value.

* Rename the Object.T() methods to Object.TValue().  This more clearly
  indicates what they are doing (i.e., fetching the value from the object)
  and also avoids object.String() conflicting with fmt.Stringer's String().

* Rename Reference to Pointer, so it's consistent with everything else.

* Rename the GetValueReference/InitValueReference/etc. family of methods
  to GetValueAddr/InitValueAddr/etc., since this reflects what they are
  actually doing: manipulating a variable slot's address.
2017-01-28 10:51:30 -08:00

81 lines
2.3 KiB

// Copyright 2016 Marapongo, Inc. All rights reserved.
package tokens
import (
// Name is an identifier. It conforms to the regex [A-Za-z_.][A-Za-z0-9_]*.
type Name string
func (nm Name) String() string { return string(nm) }
// Q turns a Name into a qualified name; this is legal, since Name's is a proper subset of QName's grammar.
func (nm Name) Q() QName { return QName(nm) }
var NameRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(NameRegexpPattern)
var NameRegexpPattern = "[A-Za-z_.][A-Za-z0-9_]*"
// IsName checks whether a string is a legal Name.
func IsName(s string) bool {
return s != "" && NameRegexp.FindString(s) == s
// AsName converts a given string to a Name, asserting its validity.
func AsName(s string) Name {
contract.Assertf(IsName(s), "Expected string '%v' to be a name (%v)", s, NameRegexpPattern)
return Name(s)
// QName is a qualified identifier. The "/" character optionally delimits different pieces of the name. Each element
// conforms to the Name regex [A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*. For example, "marapongo/mu/stack".
type QName string
func (nm QName) String() string { return string(nm) }
// QNameDelimiter is what delimits Namespace and Name parts.
const QNameDelimiter = "/"
var QNameRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(QNameRegexpPattern)
var QNameRegexpPattern = "(" + NameRegexpPattern + "\\" + QNameDelimiter + ")*" + NameRegexpPattern
// IsQName checks whether a string is a legal Name.
func IsQName(s string) bool {
return s != "" && QNameRegexp.FindString(s) == s
// AsQName converts a given string to a QName, asserting its validity.
func AsQName(s string) QName {
contract.Assertf(IsQName(s), "Expected string '%v' to be a name (%v)", s, QNameRegexpPattern)
return QName(s)
// Name extracts the Name portion of a QName (dropping any namespace).
func (nm QName) Name() Name {
ix := strings.LastIndex(string(nm), QNameDelimiter)
var nmn string
if ix == -1 {
nmn = string(nm)
} else {
nmn = string(nm[ix+1:])
return Name(nmn)
// Namespace extracts the namespace portion of a QName (dropping the name); this may be empty.
func (nm QName) Namespace() QName {
ix := strings.LastIndex(string(nm), QNameDelimiter)
var qn string
if ix == -1 {
qn = ""
} else {
qn = string(nm[:ix])
return QName(qn)