pat@pulumi.com 97f99d7fa1 Do not disconnect from the engine prematurely.
The `nodejs` language support is implemented as two programs: one that
manages the initial connection to the engine and provides the language
serivce itself, and another that the language service invokes in order
to run a `nodejs` Pulumi program. The latter is responsible for running
the user's program and communicating its resource requests to the
engine. Currently, `run` effectively assumes that the user's program
will run synchronously from start to finish, and will disconnect from
the engine once the user's program has completed. This assumption breaks
if the user's program requires multiple turns of the event loop to
finish its root resource requests. For example, the following program
would fail to create its second resource because the engine will be
disconnected once it reaches its `await`:

(async () => {
    let a = new Resource();
    await somePromise();
    let = new Resource();

These changes fix this issue by disconnecting from the engine during
process shutdown rather than after the user's program has finished its
first turn through the event loop.
2017-10-26 12:16:32 -07:00

196 lines
8.8 KiB

// Copyright 2016-2017, Pulumi Corporation. All rights reserved.
import * as log from "../log";
import { Computed, ComputedValue, ComputedValues, ID, Resource, URN } from "../resource";
import { debuggablePromise, errorString } from "./debuggable";
import { PropertyTransfer, resolveProperties, transferProperties } from "./rpc";
import { excessiveDebugOutput, getMonitor, options, rpcKeepAlive, serialize } from "./settings";
const langproto = require("../proto/languages_pb.js");
* resourceChain is used to serialize all resource requests. If we don't do this, all resource operations will be
* entirely asynchronous, meaning the dataflow graph that results will determine ordering of operations. This
* causes problems with some resource providers, so for now we will serialize all of them. The issue
* pulumi/pulumi#335 tracks coming up with a long-term solution here.
let resourceChain: Promise<void> = Promise.resolve();
* registrations tracks all resources that have finished being registered.
const registrations = new Set<Resource>();
* pendingRegistrations is used to track all unfinished resources so that we can resolve their URNs when done.
const pendingRegistrations = new Map<Resource, (urn: URN | undefined) => void>();
* isRegistered returns true if the resource has begun being registered (no guarantee that it has finished yet).
export function isRegistered(res: Resource): boolean {
return registrations.has(res);
* initResource initializes a new resource object.
export function initResource(res: Resource): void {
if (registrations.has(res) || pendingRegistrations.has(res)) {
throw new Error("Illegal attempt to initialize resource more than once");
// Simply initialize the URN property and get prepared to resolve it later on.
(res as any).urn = debuggablePromise(new Promise<URN | undefined>((resolve) => {
pendingRegistrations.set(res, resolve);
* registerResource registers a new resource object with a given type t and name. It returns the auto-generated URN
* and the ID that will resolve after the deployment has completed. All properties will be initialized to property
* objects that the registration operation will resolve at the right time (or remain unresolved for deployments).
export function registerResource(
res: Resource, t: string, name: string, custom: boolean,
props: ComputedValues | undefined, children: Resource[], dependsOn: Resource[] | undefined): void {
log.debug(`Registering resource: t=${t}, name=${name}, custom=${custom}` +
(excessiveDebugOutput ? `, props=${JSON.stringify(props)}` : ``));
// Ensure we're not registering more than once.
if (registrations.has(res)) {
throw new Error("Illegal attempt to register resource more than once");
// Look up to ensure that this resource has been initialized.
const resolveURN: ((url: URN | undefined) => void) | undefined = pendingRegistrations.get(res);
if (!resolveURN) {
throw new Error("Cannot register a resource that hasn't yet been initialized");
// Pre-allocate an error so we have a clean stack to print even if an asynchronous operation occurs.
const createError: Error = new Error(`Resouce '${name}' [${t}] could not be created`);
// If a custom resource, make room for the ID property.
let resolveID: ((v: ID | undefined) => void) | undefined;
if (custom) {
(res as any).id = debuggablePromise(new Promise<ID | undefined>((resolve) => { resolveID = resolve; }));
// Ensure we depend on any children plus any explicit dependsOns.
let allDependsOn: Resource[] | undefined;
for (const depends of [ children, dependsOn ]) {
if (depends && depends.length) {
if (!allDependsOn) {
allDependsOn = [];
allDependsOn = allDependsOn.concat(depends);
// Now "transfer" all input properties; this simply awaits any promises and resolves when they all do.
const transfer: Promise<PropertyTransfer> = debuggablePromise(
transferProperties(res, `resource:${name}[${t}]`, props, allDependsOn));
// Serialize the invocation if necessary.
const resourceOp: Promise<void> = debuggablePromise(resourceChain.then(async () => {
// Make sure to propagate these no matter what.
let urn: URN | undefined = undefined;
let id: ID | undefined = undefined;
let propsStruct: any | undefined = undefined;
let stable: boolean = false;
let stables: Set<string> | undefined = undefined;
// During a real deployment, the transfer operation may take some time to settle (we may need to wait on
// other in-flight operations. As a result, we can't launch the RPC request until they are done. At the same
// time, we want to give the illusion of non-blocking code, so we return immediately.
const result: PropertyTransfer = await transfer;
try {
const obj: any = result.obj;
log.debug(`Resource RPC prepared: t=${t}, name=${name}` +
(excessiveDebugOutput ? `, obj=${JSON.stringify(obj)}` : ``));
// Create a list of child URNs.
const childURNs: URN[] = [];
for (const child of children) {
childURNs.push(await child.urn);
// Fetch the monitor and make an RPC request.
const monitor: any = getMonitor();
if (monitor) {
const req = new langproto.NewResourceRequest();
const resp: any = await debuggablePromise(new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
monitor.newResource(req, (err: Error, innerResponse: any) => {
log.debug(`Resource RPC finished: t=${t}, name=${name}; err: ${err}, resp: ${innerResponse}`);
if (err) {
log.error(`Failed to register new resource '${name}' [${t}]: ${err}`);
else {
urn = resp.getUrn();
id = resp.getId();
propsStruct = resp.getObject();
stable = resp.getStable();
const stablesList: string[] | undefined = resp.getStablesList();
if (stablesList) {
stables = new Set<string>();
for (const sta of stablesList) {
else {
// If the monitor doesn't exist, still make sure to resolve all properties to undefined.
log.warn(`Not sending RPC to monitor -- it doesn't exist: t=${t}, name=${name}`);
finally {
// If an ID is present, then it's safe to say it's final, because the resource planner wouldn't hand
// it back to us otherwise (e.g., if the resource was being replaced, it would be missing). If it isn't
// available, ensure the ID gets resolved, just resolve it to undefined (indicating it isn't known).
if (resolveID) {
resolveID(id || undefined);
// Propagate any other properties that were given to us as outputs.
resolveProperties(res, result, t, name, props, propsStruct, stable, stables);
// Finally, the resolution will always have a valid URN, even during planning; set it.
// If any errors make it this far, ensure we log them.
const finalOp: Promise<void> = debuggablePromise(resourceOp.catch((err: Error) => {
// At this point, we've gone fully asynchronous, and the stack is missing. To make it easier
// to debug which resource this came from, we will emit the original stack trace too.
log.error(`Failed to create resource '${name}' [${t}]: ${errorString(err)}`);
// Ensure the process won't exit until this registerResource call finishes and resolve it when appropriate.
const done: () => void = rpcKeepAlive();
finalOp.then(() => { done(); }, () => { done(); });
// If serialization is requested, wait for the prior resource operation to finish before we proceed, serializing
// them, and make this the current resource operation so that everybody piles up on it.
if (serialize()) {
resourceChain = finalOp;