Pat Gavlin 2585b86aa4
Initial support for remote component construction. (#5280)
These changes add initial support for the construction of remote
components. For now, this support is limited to the NodeJS SDK;
follow-up changes will implement support for the other SDKs.

Remote components are component resources that are constructed and
managed by plugins rather than by Pulumi programs. In this sense, they
are a bit like cloud resources, and are supported by the same
distribution and plugin loading mechanisms and described by the same
schema system.

The construction of a remote component is initiated by a
`RegisterResourceRequest` with the new `remote` field set to `true`.
When the resource monitor receives such a request, it loads the plugin
that implements the component resource and calls the `Construct`
method added to the resource provider interface as part of these
changes. This method accepts the information necessary to construct the
component and its children: the component's name, type, resource
options, inputs, and input dependencies. It is responsible for
dispatching to the appropriate component factory to create the
component, then returning its URN, resolved output properties, and
output property dependencies. The dependency information is necessary to
support features such as delete-before-replace, which rely on precise
dependency information for custom resources.

These changes also add initial support for more conveniently
implementing resource providers in NodeJS. The interface used to
implement such a provider is similar to the dynamic provider interface
(and may be unified with that interface in the future).

An example of a NodeJS program constructing a remote component resource
also implemented in NodeJS can be found in

This is the core of #2430.
2020-09-07 19:33:55 -07:00

365 lines
14 KiB

// Copyright 2016-2018, Pulumi Corporation.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// tslint:disable
import * as assert from "assert";
import { all, output, Output, unknown } from "../index";
import { asyncTest } from "./util";
function test(val: any, expected: any) {
return asyncTest(async () => {
const unwrapped = output(val);
const actual = await unwrapped.promise();
assert.deepStrictEqual(actual, expected);
function testUntouched(val: any) {
return test(val, val);
function testPromise(val: any) {
return test(Promise.resolve(val), val);
function testOutput(val: any) {
return test(output(val), val);
function testResources(val: any, expected: any, resources: TestResource[], allResources: TestResource[], withUnknowns?: boolean) {
return asyncTest(async () => {
const unwrapped = output(val);
const actual = await unwrapped.promise(withUnknowns);
const syncResources = unwrapped.resources();
const asyncResources = await unwrapped.allResources!()
assert.deepStrictEqual(actual, expected);
assert.deepStrictEqual(syncResources, new Set(resources));
assert.deepStrictEqual(asyncResources, new Set(allResources));
for (const res of syncResources) {
if (!asyncResources.has(<TestResource>res)) {
assert.fail(`async resources did not contain: ${(<TestResource><any>res).name}`)
class TestResource {
// fake being a pulumi resource. We can't actually derive from Resource as that then needs an
// engine and whatnot. All things we don't want during simple unit tests.
private readonly __pulumiResource: boolean = true;
constructor(public name: string) {
// Helper type to try to do type asserts. Note that it's not totally safe. If TS thinks a type is
// the 'any' type, it will succeed here. Talking to the TS team, it does not look like there's a
// way to write a totally airtight type assertion.
type EqualsType<X, Y> = X extends Y ? Y extends X ? X : never : never;
describe("unwrap", () => {
describe("handles simple", () => {
it("null", testUntouched(null));
it("undefined", testUntouched(undefined));
it("true", testUntouched(true));
it("false", testUntouched(false));
it("0", testUntouched(0));
it("numbers", testUntouched(4));
it("empty string", testUntouched(""));
it("strings", testUntouched("foo"));
it("arrays", testUntouched([]));
it("object", testUntouched({}));
it("function", testUntouched(() => {}));
describe("handles promises", () => {
it("with null", testPromise(null));
it("with undefined", testPromise(undefined));
it("with true", testPromise(true));
it("with false", testPromise(false));
it("with 0", testPromise(0));
it("with numbers", testPromise(4));
it("with empty string", testPromise(""));
it("with strings", testPromise("foo"));
it("with array", testPromise([]));
it("with object", testPromise({}));
it("with function", testPromise(() => {}));
it("with nested promise", test(Promise.resolve(Promise.resolve(4)), 4))
describe("handles outputs", () => {
it("with null", testOutput(null));
it("with undefined", testOutput(undefined));
it("with true", testOutput(true));
it("with false", testOutput(false));
it("with 0", testOutput(0));
it("with numbers", testOutput(4));
it("with empty string", testOutput(""));
it("with strings", testOutput("foo"));
it("with array", testOutput([]));
it("with object", testOutput({}));
it("with function", testOutput(() => {}));
it("with nested output", test(output(output(4)), 4));
it("with output of promise", test(output(Promise.resolve(4)), 4));
describe("handles arrays", () => {
it("empty", testUntouched([]));
it("with primitives", testUntouched([1, true]));
it("with inner promise", test([1, true, Promise.resolve("")], [1, true, ""]));
it("with inner and outer promise", test(Promise.resolve([1, true, Promise.resolve("")]), [1, true, ""]));
it("recursion", test([1, Promise.resolve(""), [true, Promise.resolve(4)]], [1, "", [true, 4 ]]));
describe("handles complex object", () => {
it("empty", testUntouched({}));
it("with primitives", testUntouched({ a: 1, b: true, c: () => {} }));
it("with inner promise", test({ a: 1, b: true, c: Promise.resolve("") }, { a: 1, b: true, c: "" }));
it("with inner and outer promise", test(Promise.resolve({ a: 1, b: true, c: Promise.resolve("") }), { a: 1, b: true, c: "" }));
it("recursion", test({ a: 1, b: Promise.resolve(""), c: { d: true, e: Promise.resolve(4) } }, { a: 1, b: "", c: { d: true, e: 4 } }));
function createOutput<T>(cv: T, ...resources: TestResource[]): Output<T> {
return Output.isInstance<T>(cv)
? cv
: new Output(<any>new Set(resources), Promise.resolve(cv), Promise.resolve(true), Promise.resolve(false), Promise.resolve(<any>new Set(resources)))
describe("preserves resources", () => {
const r1 = new TestResource("r1");
const r2 = new TestResource("r2");
const r3 = new TestResource("r3");
const r4 = new TestResource("r4");
const r5 = new TestResource("r5");
const r6 = new TestResource("r6");
// assert.deepEqual(r1, r2);
it("with single output", testResources(
createOutput(3, r1, r2),
[r1, r2],
[r1, r2]));
it("inside array", testResources(
[createOutput(3, r1, r2)],
[r1, r2],
[r1, r2]));
it("inside multi array", testResources(
[createOutput(1, r1, r2),createOutput(2, r2, r3)],
[1, 2],
[r1, r2, r3],
[r1, r2, r3]));
it("inside nested array", testResources(
[createOutput(1, r1, r2), createOutput(2, r2, r3), [createOutput(3, r5)]],
[1, 2, [3]],
[r1, r2, r3, r5],
[r1, r2, r3, r5]));
it("inside object", testResources(
{ a: createOutput(3, r1, r2) },
{ a: 3 },
[r1, r2],
[r1, r2]));
it("inside multi object", testResources(
{ a: createOutput(1, r1, r2), b: createOutput(2, r2, r3) },
{ a: 1, b: 2 },
[r1, r2, r3],
[r1, r2, r3]));
it("inside nested object", testResources(
{ a: createOutput(1, r1, r2), b: createOutput(2, r2, r3), c: { d: createOutput(3, r5) } },
{ a: 1, b: 2, c: { d: 3 } },
[r1, r2, r3, r5],
[r1, r2, r3, r5]));
it("across inner promise", testResources(
createOutput(Promise.resolve(3), r1, r2),
[r1, r2],
[r1, r2]));
describe("with unknowns", () => {
it("across 'all' without unknowns", testResources(
all([Promise.resolve({ a: createOutput(unknown, r1, r2)}), Promise.resolve({ b: createOutput(unknown, r3, r4)})]),
[r1, r2, r3, r4]));
it("across 'all' with unknowns", testResources(
all([Promise.resolve({ a: createOutput(unknown, r1, r2)}), Promise.resolve({ b: createOutput(unknown, r3, r4)})]),
[{a: unknown}, {b: unknown}],
[r1, r2, r3, r4],
/*withUnknowns:*/ true));
describe("across promise boundaries", () => {
it("inside and outside of array", testResources(
createOutput([createOutput(3, r1, r2)], r2, r3),
[r2, r3],
[r1, r2, r3]));
it("inside and outside of object", testResources(
createOutput({ a: createOutput(3, r1, r2) }, r2, r3),
{ a: 3 },
[r2, r3],
[r1, r2, r3]));
it("inside nested object and array", testResources(
{ a: createOutput(1, r1, r2), b: createOutput(2, r2, r3), c: { d: createOutput([createOutput(3, r5)], r6) } },
{ a: 1, b: 2, c: { d: [3] } },
[r1, r2, r3, r6],
[r1, r2, r3, r5, r6]));
it("inside nested array and object", testResources(
{ a: createOutput(1, r1, r2), b: createOutput(2, r2, r3), c: createOutput([{ d: createOutput(3, r5) }], r6) },
{ a: 1, b: 2, c: [{ d: 3 }] },
[r1, r2, r3, r6],
[r1, r2, r3, r5, r6]));
it("across outer promise", testResources(
Promise.resolve(createOutput(3, r1, r2)),
[r1, r2]));
it("across inner and outer promise", testResources(
Promise.resolve(createOutput(Promise.resolve(3), r1, r2)),
[r1, r2]));
it("across promise and inner object", testResources(
Promise.resolve(createOutput(Promise.resolve({ a: createOutput(1, r4, r5)}), r1, r2)),
{ a: 1 },
[r1, r2, r4, r5]));
it("across promise and inner array and object", testResources(
Promise.resolve(createOutput([Promise.resolve({ a: createOutput(1, r4, r5)})], r1, r2)),
[{ a: 1 }],
[r1, r2, r4, r5]));
it("across inner object", testResources(
createOutput(Promise.resolve({ a: createOutput(1, r4, r5)}), r1, r2),
{ a: 1 },
[r1, r2],
[r1, r2, r4, r5]));
it("across 'all'", testResources(
all([Promise.resolve({ a: createOutput(1, r1, r2)}), Promise.resolve({ b: createOutput(2, r3, r4)})]),
[{ a: 1 }, { b: 2 }],
[r1, r2, r3, r4]));
describe("type system", () => {
it ("across promises", asyncTest(async () => {
var v = { a: 1, b: Promise.resolve(""), c: { d: true, e: Promise.resolve(4) } };
var xOutput = output(v);
var x = await xOutput.promise();
// Ensure that ts thinks that 'e' is a number.
const z: EqualsType<typeof x.c.e, number> = 1;
// The runtime value better be a number;
it ("across nested promises", asyncTest(async () => {
var v = { a: 1, b: Promise.resolve(""), c: Promise.resolve({ d: true, e: Promise.resolve(4) }) };
var xOutput = output(v);
var x = await xOutput.promise();
// Ensure that ts thinks that 'e' is a number.
const z: EqualsType<typeof x.c.e, number> = 1;
// The runtime value better be a number;
it ("across outputs", asyncTest(async () => {
var v = { a: 1, b: Promise.resolve(""), c: output({ d: true, e: [4, 5, 6] }) };
var xOutput = output(v);
var x = await xOutput.promise();
// Ensure that ts thinks that 'e' is an array of numbers;
const z: EqualsType<typeof x.c.e, number[]> = x.c.e;
// The runtime value better be a number[]
it ("across nested outputs", asyncTest(async () => {
var v = { a: 1, b: Promise.resolve(""), c: output({ d: true, e: output([4, 5, 6]) }) };
var xOutput = output(v);
var x = await xOutput.promise();
// Ensure that ts thinks that 'e' is an array of numbers;
const z: EqualsType<typeof x.c.e, number[]> = x.c.e;
// The runtime value better be a number[]
it ("across promise and output", asyncTest(async () => {
var v = { a: 1, b: Promise.resolve(""), c: Promise.resolve({ d: true, e: output([4, 5, 6]) }) };
var xOutput = output(v);
var x = await xOutput.promise();
// Ensure that ts thinks that 'e' is an array of numbers;
const z: EqualsType<typeof x.c.e, number[]> = x.c.e;
// The runtime value better be a number[]
it ("across output and promise", asyncTest(async () => {
var v = { a: 1, b: Promise.resolve(""), c: output({ d: true, e: Promise.resolve([4, 5, 6]) }) };
var xOutput = output(v);
var x = await xOutput.promise();
// Ensure that ts thinks that 'e' is an array of numbers;
const z: EqualsType<typeof x.c.e, number[]> = x.c.e;
// The runtime value better be a number[]
it ("does not wrap functions", asyncTest(async () => {
var sentinel = function(_: () => void) {}
// `v` should be type `() => void` rather than `UnwrappedObject<void>`.
output(function() {}).apply(v => sentinel(v));
it("handles all in one", test(
Promise.resolve([1, output({ a: [Promise.resolve([1, 2, { b: true, c: null }, undefined])]})]),
[1, { a: [[1, 2, { b: true, c: null }, undefined]]}]