joeduffy c04341edb2 Consult the program for its list of plugins
This change adds a GetRequiredPlugins RPC method to the language
host, enabling us to query it for its list of plugin requirements.
This is language-specific because it requires looking at the set
of dependencies (e.g., package.json files).

It also adds a call up front during any update/preview operation
to compute the set of plugins and require that they are present.
These plugins are populated in the cache and will be used for all
subsequent plugin-related operations during the engine's activity.

We now cache the language plugins, so that we may load them
eagerly too, which we never did previously due to the fact that
we needed to pass the monitor address at load time.  This was a
bit bizarre anyhow, since it's really the Run RPC function that
needs this information.  So, to enable caching and eager loading
-- which we need in order to invoke GetRequiredPlugins -- the
"phone home" monitor RPC address is passed at Run time.

In a subsequent change, we will switch to faulting in the plugins
that are missing -- rather than erroring -- in addition to
supporting the `pulumi plugin install` CLI command.
2018-02-18 08:08:15 -08:00

173 lines
4.8 KiB

// Copyright 2016-2017, Pulumi Corporation. All rights reserved.
package cmd
import (
func newStackCmd() *cobra.Command {
var showIDs bool
var showURNs bool
cmd := &cobra.Command{
Use: "stack",
Short: "Manage stacks",
Long: "Manage stacks\n" +
"\n" +
"An stack is a named update target, and a single project may have many of them.\n" +
"Each stack has a configuration and update history associated with it, stored in\n" +
"the workspace, in addition to a full checkpoint of the last known good update.\n",
Args: cmdutil.NoArgs,
Run: cmdutil.RunFunc(func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
s, err := requireCurrentStack(true)
if err != nil {
return err
// First print general info about the current stack.
fmt.Printf("Current stack is %v:\n", s.Name())
be := s.Backend()
fmt.Printf(" Managed by %s", be.Name())
if _, isCloud := be.(cloud.Backend); isCloud {
fmt.Printf(" ☁️\n")
if cs, ok := s.(cloud.Stack); ok {
fmt.Printf(" Organization %s\n", cs.OrgName())
fmt.Printf(" PPC %s\n", cs.CloudName())
} else {
snap := s.Snapshot()
if snap != nil {
if t := snap.Manifest.Time; t.IsZero() {
fmt.Printf(" Last update time unknown\n")
} else {
fmt.Printf(" Last updated %s (%v)\n", humanize.Time(t), t)
var cliver string
if snap.Manifest.Version == "" {
cliver = "?"
} else {
cliver = snap.Manifest.Version
fmt.Printf(" Pulumi version %s\n", cliver)
for _, plugin := range snap.Manifest.Plugins {
var plugver string
if plugin.Version == nil {
plugver = "?"
} else {
plugver = plugin.Version.String()
fmt.Printf(" Plugin %s [%s] version %s\n", plugin.Name, plugin.Kind, plugver)
} else {
fmt.Printf(" No updates yet; run 'pulumi update'\n")
cfg := s.Config()
if cfg != nil && len(cfg) > 0 {
fmt.Printf(" %v configuration variables set (see `pulumi config` for details)\n", len(cfg))
// Now show the resources.
var rescnt int
if snap != nil {
rescnt = len(snap.Resources)
fmt.Printf("Current stack resources (%d):\n", rescnt)
if rescnt == 0 {
fmt.Printf(" No resources currently in this stack\n")
} else {
fmt.Printf(" %-48s %s\n", "TYPE", "NAME")
for _, res := range snap.Resources {
fmt.Printf(" %-48s %s\n", res.Type, res.URN.Name())
// If the ID and/or URN is requested, show it on the following line. It would be nice to do
// this on a single line, but this can get quite lengthy and so this formatting is better.
if showURNs {
fmt.Printf(" URN: %s\n", res.URN)
if showIDs && res.ID != "" {
fmt.Printf(" ID: %s\n", res.ID)
// Print out the output properties for the stack, if present.
if res, outputs := stack.GetRootStackResource(snap); res != nil {
fmt.Printf("Use `pulumi stack select` to change stack; `pulumi stack ls` lists known ones\n")
return nil
&showIDs, "show-ids", "i", false, "Display each resource's provider-assigned unique ID")
&showURNs, "show-urns", "u", false, "Display each resource's Pulumi-assigned globally unique URN")
return cmd
func printStackOutputs(outputs map[string]interface{}) {
fmt.Printf("Current stack outputs (%d):\n", len(outputs))
if len(outputs) == 0 {
fmt.Printf(" No output values currently in this stack\n")
} else {
maxkey := 48
var outkeys []string
for outkey := range outputs {
if len(outkey) > maxkey {
maxkey = len(outkey)
outkeys = append(outkeys, outkey)
fmt.Printf(" %-"+strconv.Itoa(maxkey)+"s %s\n", "OUTPUT", "VALUE")
for _, key := range outkeys {
fmt.Printf(" %-"+strconv.Itoa(maxkey)+"s %s\n", key, stringifyOutput(outputs[key]))
// stringifyOutput formats an output value for presentation to a user. We use JSON formatting, except in the case
// of top level strings, where we just return the raw value.
func stringifyOutput(v interface{}) string {
s, ok := v.(string)
if ok {
return s
b, err := json.Marshal(v)
if err != nil {
return "error: could not format value"
return string(b)