joeduffy 57d5538ec1 Fix IfStatement json metadata
The node name is "condition", not "expression".
2017-01-16 12:27:04 -08:00

185 lines
5.1 KiB

// Copyright 2016 Marapongo, Inc. All rights reserved.
package ast
import (
// Statement is an element inside of an executable function body.
type Statement interface {
type statementNode struct {
func (node *statementNode) statement() {}
/* Blocks */
type Block struct {
Statements []Statement `json:"statements"`
var _ Node = (*Block)(nil)
var _ Statement = (*Block)(nil)
const BlockKind NodeKind = "Block"
/* Local Variables */
type LocalVariableDeclaration struct {
Local *LocalVariable `json:"local"`
var _ Node = (*LocalVariableDeclaration)(nil)
var _ Statement = (*LocalVariableDeclaration)(nil)
const LocalVariableDeclarationKind NodeKind = "LocalVariableDeclaration"
/* Try/Catch/Finally */
type TryCatchFinally struct {
TryBlock *Block `json:"tryBlock"`
CatchBlocks *[]*TryCatchBlock `json:"catchBlocks,omitempty"`
FinallyBlock *Block `json:"finallyBlock"`
var _ Node = (*TryCatchFinally)(nil)
var _ Statement = (*TryCatchFinally)(nil)
const TryCatchFinallyKind NodeKind = "TryCatchFinally"
type TryCatchBlock struct {
Block *Block `json:"block"`
Exception *symbols.TypeToken `json:"exception,omitempty"`
var _ Node = (*TryCatchBlock)(nil)
/* Branches */
// BreakStatement is the usual C-style `break` (only valid within loops).
type BreakStatement struct {
Label *Identifier `json:"identifier,omitempty"`
var _ Node = (*BreakStatement)(nil)
var _ Statement = (*BreakStatement)(nil)
const BreakStatementKind NodeKind = "BreakStatement"
// ContinueStatement is the usual C-style `continue` (only valid within loops).
type ContinueStatement struct {
Label *Identifier `json:"identifier,omitempty"`
var _ Node = (*ContinueStatement)(nil)
var _ Statement = (*ContinueStatement)(nil)
const ContinueStatementKind NodeKind = "ContinueStatement"
// IfStatement is the usual C-style `if`. To simplify the MuIL AST, this is the only conditional statement available.
// All higher-level conditional constructs such as `switch`, if`/`else if`/..., etc., must be desugared into it.
type IfStatement struct {
Condition Expression `json:"condition"` // a `bool` conditional expression.
Consequent Statement `json:"consequent"` // the statement to execute if `true`.
Alternate *Statement `json:"alternative,omitempty"` // the optional statement to execute if `false`.
var _ Node = (*IfStatement)(nil)
var _ Statement = (*IfStatement)(nil)
const IfStatementKind NodeKind = "IfStatement"
// LabeledStatement associates an identifier with a statement for purposes of labeled jumps.
type LabeledStatement struct {
Label *Identifier `json:"label"`
Statement Statement `json:"statement"`
var _ Node = (*LabeledStatement)(nil)
var _ Statement = (*LabeledStatement)(nil)
const LabeledStatementKind NodeKind = "LabeledStatement"
// ReturnStatement is the usual C-style `return`, to exit a function.
type ReturnStatement struct {
Expression *Expression `json:"expression,omitempty"`
var _ Node = (*ReturnStatement)(nil)
var _ Statement = (*ReturnStatement)(nil)
const ReturnStatementKind NodeKind = "ReturnStatement"
// ThrowStatement maps to raising an exception, usually `throw`, in the source language.
type ThrowStatement struct {
Expression *Expression `json:"expression,omitempty"`
var _ Node = (*ThrowStatement)(nil)
var _ Statement = (*ThrowStatement)(nil)
const ThrowStatementKind NodeKind = "ThrowStatement"
// WhileStatement is the usual C-style `while`. To simplify the MuIL AST, this is the only looping statement available.
// All higher-level looping constructs such as `for`, `foreach`, `do`/`while`, etc. must be desugared into it.
type WhileStatement struct {
Test Expression `json:"test"` // a `bool` statement indicating whether to condition.
Body *Block `json:"block"` // the body to execute provided the test remains `true`.
var _ Node = (*WhileStatement)(nil)
var _ Statement = (*WhileStatement)(nil)
const WhileStatementKind NodeKind = "WhileStatement"
/* Miscellaneous */
// EmptyStatement is a statement with no effect.
type EmptyStatement struct {
var _ Node = (*EmptyStatement)(nil)
var _ Statement = (*EmptyStatement)(nil)
const EmptyStatementKind NodeKind = "EmptyStatement"
// MultiStatement groups multiple statements into one; unlike a block, it doesn't introduce a new lexical scope.
type MultiStatement struct {
Statements []Statement `json:"statements"`
var _ Node = (*MultiStatement)(nil)
var _ Statement = (*MultiStatement)(nil)
const MultiStatementKind NodeKind = "MultiStatement"
// ExpressionStatement performs an expression, in a statement position, and ignores its result.
type ExpressionStatement struct {
Expression Expression `json:"expression"`
var _ Node = (*ExpressionStatement)(nil)
var _ Statement = (*ExpressionStatement)(nil)
const ExpressionStatementKind NodeKind = "ExpressionStatement"