Fraser Waters 2d26cdd9ed
Run validate function even if dryRun=true (#8494)
Hit this while trying to add some validation checks to runs of Preview while using plans. Seems one test actually was assuming this was the case already and just hasn't been running it's expected validate function.
2021-11-24 22:13:29 +00:00

341 lines
9 KiB

package lifecycletest
import (
. "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pkg/v3/engine"
type updateInfo struct {
project workspace.Project
target deploy.Target
func (u *updateInfo) GetRoot() string {
return ""
func (u *updateInfo) GetProject() *workspace.Project {
return &u.project
func (u *updateInfo) GetTarget() *deploy.Target {
return &u.target
func ImportOp(imports []deploy.Import) TestOp {
return TestOp(func(info UpdateInfo, ctx *Context, opts UpdateOptions, dryRun bool) (ResourceChanges, result.Result) {
return Import(info, ctx, opts, imports, dryRun)
type TestOp func(UpdateInfo, *Context, UpdateOptions, bool) (ResourceChanges, result.Result)
type ValidateFunc func(project workspace.Project, target deploy.Target, entries JournalEntries,
events []Event, res result.Result) result.Result
func (op TestOp) Run(project workspace.Project, target deploy.Target, opts UpdateOptions,
dryRun bool, backendClient deploy.BackendClient, validate ValidateFunc) (*deploy.Snapshot, result.Result) {
return op.RunWithContext(context.Background(), project, target, opts, dryRun, backendClient, validate)
func (op TestOp) RunWithContext(
callerCtx context.Context, project workspace.Project,
target deploy.Target, opts UpdateOptions, dryRun bool,
backendClient deploy.BackendClient, validate ValidateFunc) (*deploy.Snapshot, result.Result) {
// Create an appropriate update info and context.
info := &updateInfo{project: project, target: target}
cancelCtx, cancelSrc := cancel.NewContext(context.Background())
done := make(chan bool)
defer close(done)
go func() {
select {
case <-callerCtx.Done():
case <-done:
events := make(chan Event)
journal := NewJournal()
ctx := &Context{
Cancel: cancelCtx,
Events: events,
SnapshotManager: journal,
BackendClient: backendClient,
// Begin draining events.
var firedEvents []Event
go func() {
for e := range events {
firedEvents = append(firedEvents, e)
// Run the step and its validator.
_, res := op(info, ctx, opts, dryRun)
if validate != nil {
res = validate(project, target, journal.Entries(), firedEvents, res)
if dryRun {
return nil, res
snap := journal.Snap(target.Snapshot)
if res == nil && snap != nil {
res = result.WrapIfNonNil(snap.VerifyIntegrity())
return snap, res
type TestStep struct {
Op TestOp
ExpectFailure bool
SkipPreview bool
Validate ValidateFunc
type TestPlan struct {
Project string
Stack string
Runtime string
RuntimeOptions map[string]interface{}
Config config.Map
Decrypter config.Decrypter
BackendClient deploy.BackendClient
Options UpdateOptions
Steps []TestStep
//nolint: goconst
func (p *TestPlan) getNames() (stack tokens.QName, project tokens.PackageName, runtime string) {
project = tokens.PackageName(p.Project)
if project == "" {
project = "test"
runtime = p.Runtime
if runtime == "" {
runtime = "test"
stack = tokens.QName(p.Stack)
if stack == "" {
stack = "test"
return stack, project, runtime
func (p *TestPlan) NewURN(typ tokens.Type, name string, parent resource.URN) resource.URN {
stack, project, _ := p.getNames()
var pt tokens.Type
if parent != "" {
pt = parent.Type()
return resource.NewURN(stack, project, pt, typ, tokens.QName(name))
func (p *TestPlan) NewProviderURN(pkg tokens.Package, name string, parent resource.URN) resource.URN {
return p.NewURN(providers.MakeProviderType(pkg), name, parent)
func (p *TestPlan) GetProject() workspace.Project {
_, projectName, runtime := p.getNames()
return workspace.Project{
Name: projectName,
Runtime: workspace.NewProjectRuntimeInfo(runtime, p.RuntimeOptions),
func (p *TestPlan) GetTarget(snapshot *deploy.Snapshot) deploy.Target {
stack, _, _ := p.getNames()
cfg := p.Config
if cfg == nil {
cfg = config.Map{}
return deploy.Target{
Name: stack,
Config: cfg,
Decrypter: p.Decrypter,
Snapshot: snapshot,
func assertIsErrorOrBailResult(t *testing.T, res result.Result) {
assert.NotNil(t, res)
// CloneSnapshot makes a deep copy of the given snapshot and returns a pointer to the clone.
func CloneSnapshot(t *testing.T, snap *deploy.Snapshot) *deploy.Snapshot {
if snap != nil {
copiedSnap := copystructure.Must(copystructure.Copy(*snap)).(deploy.Snapshot)
assert.True(t, reflect.DeepEqual(*snap, copiedSnap))
return &copiedSnap
return snap
func (p *TestPlan) Run(t *testing.T, snapshot *deploy.Snapshot) *deploy.Snapshot {
project := p.GetProject()
snap := snapshot
for _, step := range p.Steps {
// note: it's really important that the preview and update operate on different snapshots. the engine can and
// does mutate the snapshot in-place, even in previews, and sharing a snapshot between preview and update can
// cause state changes from the preview to persist even when doing an update.
if !step.SkipPreview {
previewSnap := CloneSnapshot(t, snap)
previewTarget := p.GetTarget(previewSnap)
// Don't run validate on the preview step
_, res := step.Op.Run(project, previewTarget, p.Options, true, p.BackendClient, nil)
if step.ExpectFailure {
assertIsErrorOrBailResult(t, res)
assert.Nil(t, res)
var res result.Result
target := p.GetTarget(snap)
snap, res = step.Op.Run(project, target, p.Options, false, p.BackendClient, step.Validate)
if step.ExpectFailure {
assertIsErrorOrBailResult(t, res)
if res != nil {
if res.IsBail() {
t.Logf("Got unexpected bail result")
} else {
t.Logf("Got unexpected error result: %v", res.Error())
assert.Nil(t, res)
return snap
func MakeBasicLifecycleSteps(t *testing.T, resCount int) []TestStep {
return []TestStep{
// Initial update
Op: Update,
Validate: func(project workspace.Project, target deploy.Target, entries JournalEntries,
_ []Event, res result.Result) result.Result {
// Should see only creates or reads.
for _, entry := range entries {
op := entry.Step.Op()
assert.True(t, op == deploy.OpCreate || op == deploy.OpRead)
assert.Len(t, entries.Snap(target.Snapshot).Resources, resCount)
return res
// No-op refresh
Op: Refresh,
Validate: func(project workspace.Project, target deploy.Target, entries JournalEntries,
_ []Event, res result.Result) result.Result {
// Should see only refresh-sames.
for _, entry := range entries {
assert.Equal(t, deploy.OpRefresh, entry.Step.Op())
assert.Equal(t, deploy.OpSame, entry.Step.(*deploy.RefreshStep).ResultOp())
assert.Len(t, entries.Snap(target.Snapshot).Resources, resCount)
return res
// No-op update
Op: Update,
Validate: func(project workspace.Project, target deploy.Target, entries JournalEntries,
_ []Event, res result.Result) result.Result {
// Should see only sames.
for _, entry := range entries {
op := entry.Step.Op()
assert.True(t, op == deploy.OpSame || op == deploy.OpRead)
assert.Len(t, entries.Snap(target.Snapshot).Resources, resCount)
return res
// No-op refresh
Op: Refresh,
Validate: func(project workspace.Project, target deploy.Target, entries JournalEntries,
_ []Event, res result.Result) result.Result {
// Should see only refresh-sames.
for _, entry := range entries {
assert.Equal(t, deploy.OpRefresh, entry.Step.Op())
assert.Equal(t, deploy.OpSame, entry.Step.(*deploy.RefreshStep).ResultOp())
assert.Len(t, entries.Snap(target.Snapshot).Resources, resCount)
return res
// Destroy
Op: Destroy,
Validate: func(project workspace.Project, target deploy.Target, entries JournalEntries,
_ []Event, res result.Result) result.Result {
// Should see only deletes.
for _, entry := range entries {
switch entry.Step.Op() {
case deploy.OpDelete, deploy.OpReadDiscard:
// ok
assert.Fail(t, "expected OpDelete or OpReadDiscard")
assert.Len(t, entries.Snap(target.Snapshot).Resources, 0)
return res
// No-op refresh
Op: Refresh,
Validate: func(project workspace.Project, target deploy.Target, entries JournalEntries,
_ []Event, res result.Result) result.Result {
assert.Len(t, entries, 0)
assert.Len(t, entries.Snap(target.Snapshot).Resources, 0)
return res