Matt Ellis 328734f874 Define backend interface, move local implementation behind it
This change introduces an abstraction for a `backend` which manages
the implementation of some CLI commands. As part of defining the
interface, we introduce a new local backend implementation that just
uses data local to the machine.

This will let us share argument parsing and some display information
between the local case and the pulumi.com case in the CLI. We can
continue to refine this interface over time (e.g. today we have the
implementation of the Destroy/Update/Preview actually writing output
but instead they should be returning strongly typed data that the CLI
knows how to display and is unified across Pulumi.com deploys and
local deploys).

But this is a good first step.
2017-11-02 11:19:00 -07:00

190 lines
5.9 KiB

// Copyright 2016-2017, Pulumi Corporation. All rights reserved.
package cmd
import (
func newDestroyCmd() *cobra.Command {
if usePulumiCloudCommands() {
return newCloudDestroyCmd()
return newFAFDestroyCmd()
func newFAFDestroyCmd() *cobra.Command {
var debug bool
var preview bool
var stack string
var parallel int
var summary bool
var yes bool
var cmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "destroy",
SuggestFor: []string{"down", "remove"},
Short: "Destroy an existing stack and its resources",
Long: "Destroy an existing stack and its resources\n" +
"\n" +
"This command deletes an entire existing stack by name. The current state is\n" +
"loaded from the associated snapshot file in the workspace. After running to completion,\n" +
"all of this stack's resources and associated state will be gone.\n" +
"\n" +
"Warning: although old snapshots can be used to recreate an stack, this command\n" +
"is generally irreversable and should be used with great care.",
Run: cmdutil.RunFunc(func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
var backend pulumiBackend = &localPulumiBackend{}
stackName, err := explicitOrCurrent(stack)
if err != nil {
return err
if preview || yes ||
confirmPrompt("This will permanently destroy all resources in the '%v' stack!", stackName.String()) {
return backend.Destroy(stackName, debug, engine.DestroyOptions{
DryRun: preview,
Parallel: parallel,
Summary: summary,
return nil
&debug, "debug", "d", false,
"Print detailed debugging output during resource operations")
&preview, "preview", "n", false,
"Don't actually delete resources; just preview the planned deletions")
&stack, "stack", "s", "",
"Choose an stack other than the currently selected one")
&parallel, "parallel", "p", 0,
"Allow P resource operations to run in parallel at once (<=1 for no parallelism)")
&summary, "summary", false,
"Only display summarization of resources and plan operations")
&yes, "yes", false,
"Skip confirmation prompts, and proceed with the destruction anyway")
return cmd
func newCloudDestroyCmd() *cobra.Command {
var stack string
var yes bool
var cmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "destroy",
SuggestFor: []string{"down", "remove"},
Short: "Destroy an existing stack and its resources",
Long: "Destroy an existing stack and its resources\n" +
"\n" +
"This command deletes an entire existing stack by name. After running to\n" +
" completion, all of this stack's resources and associated state will be gone.\n" +
"\n" +
"Warning: this command is irreversable and should be used with great care.",
Run: cmdutil.RunFunc(func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
// Look up the owner, repository, and project from the workspace and nearest package.
w, err := newWorkspace()
if err != nil {
return err
projID, err := getCloudProjectIdentifier(w)
if err != nil {
return err
// Default to the workspace settings if stack isn't provided.
stackName := tokens.QName(stack)
if stackName == "" {
stackName = w.Settings().Stack
if stackName == "" {
return errors.New("stack argument not set and workspace does not have selected stack")
// Zip up the Pulumi program's directory, which may be a parent of CWD.
cwd, err := os.Getwd()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("getting working directory: %v", err)
programPath, err := workspace.DetectPackage(cwd)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("looking for Pulumi package: %v", err)
if programPath == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("no Pulumi package found")
// programPath is the path to the pulumi.yaml file. Need its parent folder.
programFolder := filepath.Dir(programPath)
archive, err := archive.EncodePath(programFolder)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("creating archive: %v", err)
if yes ||
confirmPrompt("This will permanently destroy all resources in the '%v' stack!", stackName.String()) {
// Gather up configuration.
// TODO(pulumi-service/issues/221): Have pulumi.com handle the encryption/decryption.
textConfig, err := getDecryptedConfig(stackName)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "getting decrypted configuration")
// Destroy the program in the Pulumi Cloud. Uses same API shape as update.
updateRequest := apitype.UpdateProgramRequest{
ProgramArchive: archive,
Config: textConfig,
var updateResponse apitype.UpdateProgramResponse
path := fmt.Sprintf("/orgs/%s/programs/%s/%s/stacks/%s/destroy",
projID.Owner, projID.Repository, projID.Project, string(stackName))
if err = pulumiRESTCall("POST", path, &updateRequest, &updateResponse); err != nil {
return err
fmt.Printf("Destroying Stack '%s'...\n", string(stackName))
// Wait for the update to complete.
status, err := waitForUpdate(path)
fmt.Println() // The PPC's final message we print to STDOUT doesn't include a newline.
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("waiting for destroy: %v", err)
if status == apitype.StatusSucceeded {
fmt.Println("destroy complete.")
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("destroy unsuccessful: status %v", status)
return nil
&stack, "stack", "s", "",
"Choose an stack other than the currently selected one")
return cmd