Matt Ellis 865422567c Alow multiple instances of engine.Engine
This refactors the engine so all of the APIs on it are instance
methods on the type instead of raw methods that float around and use
data from a global engine.

A mechcanical change as we remove the global `E` and then make
anything that interacted with that in pkg/engine to be an instance
method and the dealing with the fallout.
2017-08-24 18:09:37 -07:00

399 lines
11 KiB

package engine
import (
func (eng *Engine) PackInfo(printExportedSymbols bool, printIL bool, printSymbols bool, packages []string) error {
var pkg *pack.Package
var err error
if len(packages) == 0 {
// No package specified, just load from the current directory.
pwd, locerr := os.Getwd()
if locerr != nil {
return locerr
if pkg, err = eng.detectPackage(pwd); err != nil {
return err
eng.printPackage(pkg, printSymbols, printExportedSymbols, printIL)
} else {
// Enumerate the list of packages, deserialize them, and print information.
var path string
for _, arg := range packages {
pkg, path = eng.readPackageFromArg(arg)
if pkg == nil {
if pkg, err = eng.detectPackage(path); err != nil {
return err
eng.printPackage(pkg, printSymbols, printExportedSymbols, printIL)
return nil
func (eng *Engine) printComment(pc *string, indent string) {
// Prints a comment header using the given indentation, wrapping at 100 lines.
if pc != nil {
prefix := "// "
maxlen := 100 - len(indent)
// For every tab, chew up 3 more chars (so each one is 4 chars wide).
for _, i := range indent {
if i == '\t' {
maxlen -= 3
maxlen -= len(prefix)
if maxlen < 40 {
maxlen = 40
c := make([]rune, 0)
for _, r := range *pc {
c = append(c, r)
for len(c) > 0 {
fmt.Fprint(eng.Stdout, indent+prefix)
// Now, try to split the comment as close to maxlen-3 chars as possible (taking into account indent+"// "),
// but don't split words -- only split at whitespace characters if we can help it.
six := maxlen
for {
if len(c) <= six {
six = len(c)
} else if unicode.IsSpace(c[six]) {
// It's a space, set six to the first non-space character beforehand, and eix to the first
// non-space character afterwards.
for six > 0 && unicode.IsSpace(c[six-1]) {
} else if six == 0 {
// We hit the start of the string and didn't find any spaces. Start over and try to find the
// first space *beyond* the start point (instead of *before*) and use that.
six = maxlen + 1
for six < len(c) && !unicode.IsSpace(c[six]) {
// We need to keep searching, back up one and try again.
// Print what we've got thus far, plus a newline.
fmt.Fprintf(eng.Stdout, "%v\n", string(c[:six]))
// Now find the first non-space character beyond the split point and use that for the remainder.
eix := six
for eix < len(c) && unicode.IsSpace(c[eix]) {
c = c[eix:]
// printPackage pretty-prints the package metadata.
func (eng *Engine) printPackage(pkg *pack.Package, printSymbols bool, printExports bool, printIL bool) {
eng.printComment(pkg.Description, "")
fmt.Fprintf(eng.Stdout, "package \"%v\" {\n", pkg.Name)
if pkg.Author != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(eng.Stdout, "%vauthor \"%v\"\n", tab, *pkg.Author)
if pkg.Website != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(eng.Stdout, "%vwebsite \"%v\"\n", tab, *pkg.Website)
if pkg.License != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(eng.Stdout, "%vlicense \"%v\"\n", tab, *pkg.License)
// Print the dependencies:
fmt.Fprintf(eng.Stdout, "%vdependencies [", tab)
if pkg.Dependencies != nil && len(*pkg.Dependencies) > 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(eng.Stdout, "\n")
for _, dep := range pack.StableDependencies(*pkg.Dependencies) {
fmt.Fprintf(eng.Stdout, "%v%v: \"%v\"\n", tab+tab, dep, (*pkg.Dependencies)[dep])
fmt.Fprintf(eng.Stdout, "%v", tab)
fmt.Fprintf(eng.Stdout, "]\n")
// Print the modules (just names by default, or full symbols and/or IL if requested).
eng.printModules(pkg, printSymbols, printExports, printIL, tab)
fmt.Fprintf(eng.Stdout, "}\n")
func (eng *Engine) printModules(pkg *pack.Package, printSymbols bool, printExports bool, printIL bool, indent string) {
if pkg.Modules != nil {
pkgtok := tokens.NewPackageToken(pkg.Name)
for _, name := range ast.StableModules(*pkg.Modules) {
mod := (*pkg.Modules)[name]
modtok := tokens.NewModuleToken(pkgtok, name)
// Print the name.
fmt.Fprintf(eng.Stdout, "%vmodule \"%v\" {", indent, name)
// Now, if requested, print the tokens.
if printSymbols || printExports {
if mod.Exports != nil || mod.Members != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(eng.Stdout, "\n")
exports := make(map[tokens.Token]bool)
if mod.Exports != nil {
// Print the exports.
fmt.Fprintf(eng.Stdout, "%vexports [", indent+tab)
if mod.Exports != nil && len(*mod.Exports) > 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(eng.Stdout, "\n")
for _, exp := range ast.StableModuleExports(*mod.Exports) {
ref := (*mod.Exports)[exp].Referent.Tok
fmt.Fprintf(eng.Stdout, "%v\"%v\" -> \"%v\"\n", indent+tab+tab, exp, ref)
exports[ref] = true
fmt.Fprintf(eng.Stdout, "%v", indent+tab)
fmt.Fprintf(eng.Stdout, "]\n")
if mod.Members != nil {
// Print the members.
for _, member := range ast.StableModuleMembers(*mod.Members) {
memtok := tokens.NewModuleMemberToken(modtok, member)
eng.printModuleMember(memtok, (*mod.Members)[member], printExports, exports, indent+tab)
fmt.Fprintf(eng.Stdout, "%v", indent)
} else {
// Print a "..." so that it's clear we're omitting information, versus the module being empty.
fmt.Fprintf(eng.Stdout, "...")
fmt.Fprintf(eng.Stdout, "}\n")
func (eng *Engine) printModuleMember(tok tokens.ModuleMember, member ast.ModuleMember,
exportOnly bool, exports map[tokens.Token]bool, indent string) {
eng.printComment(member.GetDescription(), indent)
if !exportOnly || exports[tokens.Token(tok)] {
switch member.GetKind() {
case ast.ClassKind:
eng.printClass(tokens.Type(tok), member.(*ast.Class), exportOnly, indent)
case ast.ModulePropertyKind:
eng.printModuleProperty(tok, member.(*ast.ModuleProperty), indent)
case ast.ModuleMethodKind:
eng.printModuleMethod(tok, member.(*ast.ModuleMethod), indent)
contract.Failf("Unexpected ModuleMember kind: %v (tok %v)\n", member.GetKind(), tok)
func (eng *Engine) printClass(tok tokens.Type, class *ast.Class, exportOnly bool, indent string) {
fmt.Fprintf(eng.Stdout, "%vclass \"%v\"", indent, tok.Name())
var mods []string
if class.Sealed != nil && *class.Sealed {
mods = append(mods, "sealed")
if class.Abstract != nil && *class.Abstract {
mods = append(mods, "abstract")
if class.Record != nil && *class.Record {
mods = append(mods, "record")
if class.Interface != nil && *class.Interface {
mods = append(mods, "interface")
if class.Attributes != nil {
for _, att := range *class.Attributes {
mods = append(mods, "@"+att.Decorator.Tok.String())
fmt.Fprint(eng.Stdout, modString(mods))
if class.Extends != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(eng.Stdout, "\n%vextends %v", indent+tab+tab, string(class.Extends.Tok))
if class.Implements != nil {
for _, impl := range *class.Implements {
fmt.Fprintf(eng.Stdout, "\n%vimplements %v", indent+tab+tab, string(impl.Tok))
fmt.Fprintf(eng.Stdout, " {")
if class.Members != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(eng.Stdout, "\n")
for _, member := range ast.StableClassMembers(*class.Members) {
memtok := tokens.NewClassMemberToken(tok, member)
eng.printClassMember(memtok, (*class.Members)[member], exportOnly, indent+tab)
fmt.Fprint(eng.Stdout, indent)
fmt.Fprintf(eng.Stdout, "}\n")
func (eng *Engine) printClassMember(tok tokens.ClassMember, member ast.ClassMember, exportOnly bool, indent string) {
eng.printComment(member.GetDescription(), indent)
acc := member.GetAccess()
if !exportOnly || (acc != nil && *acc == tokens.PublicAccessibility) {
switch member.GetKind() {
case ast.ClassPropertyKind:
eng.printClassProperty(tok.Name(), member.(*ast.ClassProperty), indent)
case ast.ClassMethodKind:
eng.printClassMethod(tok.Name(), member.(*ast.ClassMethod), indent)
contract.Failf("Unexpected ClassMember kind: %v\n", member.GetKind())
func (eng *Engine) printClassProperty(name tokens.ClassMemberName, prop *ast.ClassProperty, indent string) {
var mods []string
if prop.Access != nil {
mods = append(mods, string(*prop.Access))
if prop.Static != nil && *prop.Static {
mods = append(mods, "static")
if prop.Readonly != nil && *prop.Readonly {
mods = append(mods, "readonly")
if prop.Attributes != nil {
for _, att := range *prop.Attributes {
mods = append(mods, "@"+att.Decorator.Tok.String())
fmt.Fprintf(eng.Stdout, "%vproperty \"%v\"%v", indent, name, modString(mods))
if prop.Type != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(eng.Stdout, ": %v", prop.Type.Tok)
if prop.Getter != nil || prop.Setter != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(eng.Stdout, " {\n")
if prop.Getter != nil {
eng.printClassMethod(tokens.ClassMemberName("get"), prop.Getter, indent+" ")
if prop.Setter != nil {
eng.printClassMethod(tokens.ClassMemberName("set"), prop.Setter, indent+" ")
fmt.Fprintf(eng.Stdout, "%v}\n", indent)
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(eng.Stdout, "\n")
func (eng *Engine) printClassMethod(name tokens.ClassMemberName, meth *ast.ClassMethod, indent string) {
var mods []string
if meth.Access != nil {
mods = append(mods, string(*meth.Access))
if meth.Static != nil && *meth.Static {
mods = append(mods, "static")
if meth.Sealed != nil && *meth.Sealed {
mods = append(mods, "sealed")
if meth.Abstract != nil && *meth.Abstract {
mods = append(mods, "abstract")
if meth.Attributes != nil {
for _, att := range *meth.Attributes {
mods = append(mods, "@"+att.Decorator.Tok.String())
fmt.Fprintf(eng.Stdout, "%vmethod \"%v\"%v: %v\n", indent, name, modString(mods), funcSig(meth))
func (eng *Engine) printModuleMethod(tok tokens.ModuleMember, meth *ast.ModuleMethod, indent string) {
fmt.Fprintf(eng.Stdout, "%vmethod \"%v\": %v\n", indent, tok.Name(), funcSig(meth))
func (eng *Engine) printModuleProperty(tok tokens.ModuleMember, prop *ast.ModuleProperty, indent string) {
var mods []string
if prop.Readonly != nil && *prop.Readonly {
mods = append(mods, "readonly")
fmt.Fprintf(eng.Stdout, "%vproperty \"%v\"%v", indent, tok.Name(), modString(mods))
if prop.Type != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(eng.Stdout, ": %v", prop.Type.Tok)
fmt.Fprintf(eng.Stdout, "\n")
func modString(mods []string) string {
if len(mods) == 0 {
return ""
s := " ["
for i, mod := range mods {
if i > 0 {
s += ", "
s += mod
s += "]"
return s
// spaces returns a string with the given number of spaces.
func spaces(num int) string {
return strings.Repeat(" ", num)
// tab is a tab represented as spaces, since some consoles have ridiculously wide true tabs.
var tab = spaces(4)
func funcSig(fun ast.Function) string {
sig := "("
// To create a signature, first concatenate the parameters.
params := fun.GetParameters()
if params != nil {
for i, param := range *params {
if i > 0 {
sig += ", "
sig += string(param.Name.Ident)
var mods []string
if param.Attributes != nil {
for _, att := range *param.Attributes {
mods = append(mods, "@"+att.Decorator.Tok.String())
sig += modString(mods)
if param.Type != nil {
sig += ": " + string(param.Type.Tok)
sig += ")"
// And then the return type, if present.
ret := fun.GetReturnType()
if ret != nil {
sig += ": " + string(ret.Tok)
return sig