Pat Gavlin e1a52693dc
Add support for importing existing resources. (#2893)
A resource can be imported by setting the `import` property in the
resource options bag when instantiating a resource. In order to
successfully import a resource, its desired configuration (i.e. its
inputs) must not differ from its actual configuration (i.e. its state)
as calculated by the resource's provider.

There are a few interesting state transitions hiding here when importing
a resource:
1. No prior resource exists in the checkpoint file. In this case, the
   resource is simply imported.
2. An external resource exists in the checkpoint file. In this case, the
   resource is imported and the old external state is discarded.
3. A non-external resource exists in the checkpoint file and its ID is
   different from the ID to import. In this case, the new resource is
   imported and the old resource is deleted.
4. A non-external resource exists in the checkpoint file, but the ID is
   the same as the ID to import. In this case, the import ID is ignored
   and the resource is treated as it would be in all cases except for
   changes that would replace the resource. In that case, the step
   generator issues an error that indicates that the import ID should be
   removed: were we to move forward with the replace, the new state of
   the stack would fall under case (3), which is almost certainly not
   what the user intends.

Fixes #1662.
2019-07-12 11:12:01 -07:00

954 lines
30 KiB

// Copyright 2016-2018, Pulumi Corporation.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package engine
import (
// IsInternalPropertyKey returns true if the given property key is an internal key that should not be displayed to
// users.
func IsInternalPropertyKey(key resource.PropertyKey) bool {
return strings.HasPrefix(string(key), "__")
// GetIndent computes a step's parent indentation.
func GetIndent(step StepEventMetadata, seen map[resource.URN]StepEventMetadata) int {
indent := 0
for p := step.Res.Parent; p != ""; {
if par, has := seen[p]; !has {
// This can happen during deletes, since we delete children before parents.
// TODO[pulumi/pulumi#340]: we need to figure out how best to display this sequence; at the very
// least, it would be ideal to preserve the indentation.
} else {
p = par.Res.Parent
return indent
func printStepHeader(b io.StringWriter, step StepEventMetadata) {
var extra string
old := step.Old
new := step.New
if new != nil && !new.Protect && old != nil && old.Protect {
// show an unlocked symbol, since we are unprotecting a resource.
extra = " 🔓"
} else if (new != nil && new.Protect) || (old != nil && old.Protect) {
// show a locked symbol, since we are either newly protecting this resource, or retaining protection.
extra = " 🔒"
writeString(b, fmt.Sprintf("%s: (%s)%s\n", string(step.Type), step.Op, extra))
func GetIndentationString(indent int) string {
var result string
for i := 0; i < indent; i++ {
result += " "
return result
func getIndentationString(indent int, op deploy.StepOp, prefix bool) string {
var result = GetIndentationString(indent)
if !prefix {
return result
if result == "" {
contract.Assertf(!prefix, "Expected indention for a prefixed line")
return result
rp := op.RawPrefix()
contract.Assert(len(rp) == 2)
contract.Assert(len(result) >= 2)
return result[:len(result)-2] + rp
func writeString(b io.StringWriter, s string) {
_, err := b.WriteString(s)
func writeWithIndent(b io.StringWriter, indent int, op deploy.StepOp, prefix bool, format string, a ...interface{}) {
writeString(b, op.Color())
writeString(b, getIndentationString(indent, op, prefix))
writeString(b, fmt.Sprintf(format, a...))
writeString(b, colors.Reset)
func writeWithIndentNoPrefix(b io.StringWriter, indent int, op deploy.StepOp, format string, a ...interface{}) {
writeWithIndent(b, indent, op, false, format, a...)
func write(b io.StringWriter, op deploy.StepOp, format string, a ...interface{}) {
writeWithIndentNoPrefix(b, 0, op, format, a...)
func writeVerbatim(b io.StringWriter, op deploy.StepOp, value string) {
writeWithIndentNoPrefix(b, 0, op, "%s", value)
func GetResourcePropertiesSummary(step StepEventMetadata, indent int) string {
var b bytes.Buffer
op := step.Op
urn := step.URN
old := step.Old
// Print the indentation.
writeString(&b, getIndentationString(indent, op, false))
// First, print out the operation's prefix.
writeString(&b, op.Prefix())
// Next, print the resource type (since it is easy on the eyes and can be quickly identified).
printStepHeader(&b, step)
// For these simple properties, print them as 'same' if they're just an update or replace.
simplePropOp := considerSameIfNotCreateOrDelete(op)
// Print out the URN and, if present, the ID, as "pseudo-properties" and indent them.
var id resource.ID
if old != nil {
id = old.ID
// Always print the ID, URN, and provider.
if id != "" {
writeWithIndentNoPrefix(&b, indent+1, simplePropOp, "[id=%s]\n", string(id))
if urn != "" {
writeWithIndentNoPrefix(&b, indent+1, simplePropOp, "[urn=%s]\n", urn)
if step.Provider != "" {
new := step.New
if old != nil && new != nil && old.Provider != new.Provider {
newProv, err := providers.ParseReference(new.Provider)
contract.Assert(err == nil)
writeWithIndentNoPrefix(&b, indent+1, deploy.OpUpdate, "[provider: ")
write(&b, deploy.OpDelete, "%s", old.Provider)
writeVerbatim(&b, deploy.OpUpdate, " => ")
if newProv.ID() == providers.UnknownID {
write(&b, deploy.OpCreate, "%s", string(newProv.URN())+"::output<string>")
} else {
write(&b, deploy.OpCreate, "%s", new.Provider)
writeVerbatim(&b, deploy.OpUpdate, "]\n")
} else {
prov, err := providers.ParseReference(step.Provider)
contract.Assert(err == nil)
// Elide references to default providers.
if prov.URN().Name() != "default" {
writeWithIndentNoPrefix(&b, indent+1, simplePropOp, "[provider=%s]\n", step.Provider)
return b.String()
func GetResourcePropertiesDetails(
step StepEventMetadata, indent int, planning bool, summary bool, debug bool) string {
var b bytes.Buffer
// indent everything an additional level, like other properties.
old, new := step.Old, step.New
if old == nil && new != nil {
if len(new.Outputs) > 0 {
PrintObject(&b, new.Outputs, planning, indent, step.Op, false, debug)
} else {
PrintObject(&b, new.Inputs, planning, indent, step.Op, false, debug)
} else if new == nil && old != nil {
// in summary view, we don't have to print out the entire object that is getting deleted.
// note, the caller will have already printed out the type/name/id/urn of the resource,
// and that's sufficient for a summarized deletion view.
if !summary {
PrintObject(&b, old.Inputs, planning, indent, step.Op, false, debug)
} else if len(new.Outputs) > 0 && step.Op != deploy.OpImport && step.Op != deploy.OpImportReplacement {
printOldNewDiffs(&b, old.Outputs, new.Outputs, nil, planning, indent, step.Op, summary, debug)
} else {
printOldNewDiffs(&b, old.Inputs, new.Inputs, step.Diffs, planning, indent, step.Op, summary, debug)
return b.String()
func maxKey(keys []resource.PropertyKey) int {
maxkey := 0
for _, k := range keys {
if len(k) > maxkey {
maxkey = len(k)
return maxkey
func PrintObject(
b *bytes.Buffer, props resource.PropertyMap, planning bool,
indent int, op deploy.StepOp, prefix bool, debug bool) {
// Compute the maximum width of property keys so we can justify everything.
keys := props.StableKeys()
maxkey := maxKey(keys)
// Now print out the values intelligently based on the type.
for _, k := range keys {
if v := props[k]; !IsInternalPropertyKey(k) && shouldPrintPropertyValue(v, planning) {
printPropertyTitle(b, string(k), maxkey, indent, op, prefix)
printPropertyValue(b, v, planning, indent, op, prefix, debug)
// GetResourceOutputsPropertiesString prints only those properties that either differ from the input properties or, if
// there is an old snapshot of the resource, differ from the prior old snapshot's output properties.
func GetResourceOutputsPropertiesString(
step StepEventMetadata, indent int, planning bool, debug bool, refresh bool) string {
// We should only print outputs if the outputs are known to be complete. This will be the case if we are
// 1) not doing a preview
// 2) doing a refresh
// 3) doing a read
// 4) doing an import
// Technically, 2-4 are the same, since they're all bottoming out at a provider's implementation of Read, but
// the upshot is that either way we're ending up with outputs that are exactly accurate. If we are not sure that we
// are in one of the above states, we shouldn't try to print outputs.
if planning {
printOutputDuringPlanning := refresh ||
step.Op == deploy.OpRead ||
step.Op == deploy.OpReadReplacement ||
step.Op == deploy.OpImport ||
step.Op == deploy.OpImportReplacement
if !printOutputDuringPlanning {
return ""
// Resources that have initialization errors did not successfully complete, and therefore do not
// have outputs to render diffs for. So, simply return.
if step.Old != nil && len(step.Old.InitErrors) > 0 {
return ""
b := &bytes.Buffer{}
// Only certain kinds of steps have output properties associated with them.
new := step.New
if new == nil || new.Outputs == nil {
return ""
op := step.Op
// First fetch all the relevant property maps that we may consult.
ins := new.Inputs
outs := new.Outputs
// If there was an old state associated with this step, we may have old outputs. If we do, and if they differ from
// the new outputs, we want to print the diffs.
var outputDiff *resource.ObjectDiff
if step.Old != nil && step.Old.Outputs != nil {
outputDiff = step.Old.Outputs.Diff(outs, IsInternalPropertyKey)
var keys []resource.PropertyKey
if outputDiff == nil {
keys = outs.StableKeys()
} else {
keys = outputDiff.Keys()
maxkey := maxKey(keys)
// Now sort the keys and enumerate each output property in a deterministic order.
for _, k := range keys {
out := outs[k]
// Print this property if it is printable and if any of the following are true:
// - a property with the same key is not present in the inputs
// - the property that is present in the inputs is different
// - we are doing a refresh, in which case we always want to show state differences
if outputDiff != nil || (!IsInternalPropertyKey(k) && shouldPrintPropertyValue(out, true)) {
print := true
if in, has := ins[k]; has && !refresh {
print = (out.Diff(in, IsInternalPropertyKey) != nil)
if print {
if outputDiff != nil {
printObjectPropertyDiff(b, k, maxkey, *outputDiff, planning, indent, false, debug)
} else {
printPropertyTitle(b, string(k), maxkey, indent, op, false)
printPropertyValue(b, out, planning, indent, op, false, debug)
return b.String()
func considerSameIfNotCreateOrDelete(op deploy.StepOp) deploy.StepOp {
switch op {
case deploy.OpCreate, deploy.OpDelete, deploy.OpDeleteReplaced, deploy.OpReadDiscard, deploy.OpDiscardReplaced:
return op
return deploy.OpSame
func shouldPrintPropertyValue(v resource.PropertyValue, outs bool) bool {
if v.IsNull() {
return false // don't print nulls (they just clutter up the output).
if v.IsString() && v.StringValue() == "" {
return false // don't print empty strings either.
if v.IsArray() && len(v.ArrayValue()) == 0 {
return false // skip empty arrays, since they are often uninteresting default values.
if v.IsObject() && len(v.ObjectValue()) == 0 {
return false // skip objects with no properties, since they are also uninteresting.
if v.IsObject() && len(v.ObjectValue()) == 0 {
return false // skip objects with no properties, since they are also uninteresting.
if v.IsOutput() && !outs {
// also don't show output properties until the outs parameter tells us to.
return false
return true
func printPropertyTitle(b io.StringWriter, name string, align int, indent int, op deploy.StepOp, prefix bool) {
writeWithIndent(b, indent, op, prefix, "%-"+strconv.Itoa(align)+"s: ", name)
func printPropertyValue(
b *bytes.Buffer, v resource.PropertyValue, planning bool,
indent int, op deploy.StepOp, prefix bool, debug bool) {
if isPrimitive(v) {
printPrimitivePropertyValue(b, v, planning, op)
} else if v.IsArray() {
arr := v.ArrayValue()
if len(arr) == 0 {
writeVerbatim(b, op, "[]")
} else {
writeVerbatim(b, op, "[\n")
for i, elem := range arr {
writeWithIndent(b, indent, op, prefix, " [%d]: ", i)
printPropertyValue(b, elem, planning, indent+1, op, prefix, debug)
writeWithIndentNoPrefix(b, indent, op, "]")
} else if v.IsAsset() {
a := v.AssetValue()
if a.IsText() {
write(b, op, "asset(text:%s) {\n", shortHash(a.Hash))
a = resource.MassageIfUserProgramCodeAsset(a, debug)
massaged := a.Text
// pretty print the text, line by line, with proper breaks.
lines := strings.Split(massaged, "\n")
for _, line := range lines {
writeWithIndentNoPrefix(b, indent, op, " %s\n", line)
writeWithIndentNoPrefix(b, indent, op, "}")
} else if path, has := a.GetPath(); has {
write(b, op, "asset(file:%s) { %s }", shortHash(a.Hash), path)
} else {
write(b, op, "asset(uri:%s) { %s }", shortHash(a.Hash), a.URI)
} else if v.IsArchive() {
a := v.ArchiveValue()
if assets, has := a.GetAssets(); has {
write(b, op, "archive(assets:%s) {\n", shortHash(a.Hash))
var names []string
for name := range assets {
names = append(names, name)
for _, name := range names {
printAssetOrArchive(b, assets[name], name, planning, indent, op, prefix, debug)
writeWithIndentNoPrefix(b, indent, op, "}")
} else if path, has := a.GetPath(); has {
write(b, op, "archive(file:%s) { %s }", shortHash(a.Hash), path)
} else {
write(b, op, "archive(uri:%s) { %v }", shortHash(a.Hash), a.URI)
} else {
obj := v.ObjectValue()
if len(obj) == 0 {
writeVerbatim(b, op, "{}")
} else {
writeVerbatim(b, op, "{\n")
PrintObject(b, obj, planning, indent+1, op, prefix, debug)
writeWithIndentNoPrefix(b, indent, op, "}")
writeVerbatim(b, op, "\n")
func printAssetOrArchive(
b *bytes.Buffer, v interface{}, name string, planning bool,
indent int, op deploy.StepOp, prefix bool, debug bool) {
writeWithIndent(b, indent, op, prefix, " \"%v\": ", name)
printPropertyValue(b, assetOrArchiveToPropertyValue(v), planning, indent+1, op, prefix, debug)
func assetOrArchiveToPropertyValue(v interface{}) resource.PropertyValue {
switch t := v.(type) {
case *resource.Asset:
return resource.NewAssetProperty(t)
case *resource.Archive:
return resource.NewArchiveProperty(t)
contract.Failf("Unexpected archive element '%v'", reflect.TypeOf(t))
return resource.PropertyValue{V: nil}
func shortHash(hash string) string {
if len(hash) > 7 {
return hash[:7]
return hash
func printOldNewDiffs(
b *bytes.Buffer, olds resource.PropertyMap, news resource.PropertyMap, include []resource.PropertyKey,
planning bool, indent int, op deploy.StepOp, summary bool, debug bool) {
// Get the full diff structure between the two, and print it (recursively).
if diff := olds.Diff(news, IsInternalPropertyKey); diff != nil {
PrintObjectDiff(b, *diff, include, planning, indent, summary, debug)
} else {
// If there's no diff, report the op as Same - there's no diff to render
// so it should be rendered as if nothing changed.
PrintObject(b, news, planning, indent, deploy.OpSame, true, debug)
func PrintObjectDiff(b *bytes.Buffer, diff resource.ObjectDiff, include []resource.PropertyKey,
planning bool, indent int, summary bool, debug bool) {
contract.Assert(indent > 0)
// Compute the maximum width of property keys so we can justify everything. If an include set was given, filter out
// any properties that are not in the set.
keys := diff.Keys()
if include != nil {
includeSet := make(map[resource.PropertyKey]bool)
for _, k := range include {
includeSet[k] = true
var filteredKeys []resource.PropertyKey
for _, k := range keys {
if includeSet[k] {
filteredKeys = append(filteredKeys, k)
keys = filteredKeys
maxkey := maxKey(keys)
// To print an object diff, enumerate the keys in stable order, and print each property independently.
for _, k := range keys {
printObjectPropertyDiff(b, k, maxkey, diff, planning, indent, summary, debug)
func printObjectPropertyDiff(b *bytes.Buffer, key resource.PropertyKey, maxkey int, diff resource.ObjectDiff,
planning bool, indent int, summary bool, debug bool) {
titleFunc := func(top deploy.StepOp, prefix bool) {
printPropertyTitle(b, string(key), maxkey, indent, top, prefix)
if add, isadd := diff.Adds[key]; isadd {
printAdd(b, add, titleFunc, planning, indent, debug)
} else if delete, isdelete := diff.Deletes[key]; isdelete {
printDelete(b, delete, titleFunc, planning, indent, debug)
} else if update, isupdate := diff.Updates[key]; isupdate {
b, titleFunc, update, planning, indent, summary, debug)
} else if same := diff.Sames[key]; !summary && shouldPrintPropertyValue(same, planning) {
titleFunc(deploy.OpSame, false)
printPropertyValue(b, diff.Sames[key], planning, indent, deploy.OpSame, false, debug)
func printPropertyValueDiff(
b *bytes.Buffer, titleFunc func(deploy.StepOp, bool),
diff resource.ValueDiff, planning bool,
indent int, summary bool, debug bool) {
op := deploy.OpUpdate
contract.Assert(indent > 0)
if diff.Array != nil {
titleFunc(op, true)
writeVerbatim(b, op, "[\n")
a := diff.Array
for i := 0; i < a.Len(); i++ {
elemTitleFunc := func(eop deploy.StepOp, eprefix bool) {
writeWithIndent(b, indent+1, eop, eprefix, "[%d]: ", i)
if add, isadd := a.Adds[i]; isadd {
printAdd(b, add, elemTitleFunc, planning, indent+2, debug)
} else if delete, isdelete := a.Deletes[i]; isdelete {
printDelete(b, delete, elemTitleFunc, planning, indent+2, debug)
} else if update, isupdate := a.Updates[i]; isupdate {
b, elemTitleFunc, update, planning,
indent+2, summary, debug)
} else if !summary {
elemTitleFunc(deploy.OpSame, false)
printPropertyValue(b, a.Sames[i], planning, indent+2, deploy.OpSame, false, debug)
writeWithIndentNoPrefix(b, indent, op, "]\n")
} else if diff.Object != nil {
titleFunc(op, true)
writeVerbatim(b, op, "{\n")
PrintObjectDiff(b, *diff.Object, nil, planning, indent+1, summary, debug)
writeWithIndentNoPrefix(b, indent, op, "}\n")
} else {
shouldPrintOld := shouldPrintPropertyValue(diff.Old, false)
shouldPrintNew := shouldPrintPropertyValue(diff.New, false)
if shouldPrintOld && shouldPrintNew {
if diff.Old.IsArchive() &&
diff.New.IsArchive() {
b, titleFunc, diff.Old.ArchiveValue(), diff.New.ArchiveValue(),
planning, indent, summary, debug)
if isPrimitive(diff.Old) && isPrimitive(diff.New) {
titleFunc(deploy.OpUpdate, true /*indent*/)
printPrimitivePropertyValue(b, diff.Old, planning, deploy.OpDelete)
writeVerbatim(b, deploy.OpUpdate, " => ")
printPrimitivePropertyValue(b, diff.New, planning, deploy.OpCreate)
writeVerbatim(b, deploy.OpUpdate, "\n")
// If we ended up here, the two values either differ by type, or they have different primitive values. We will
// simply emit a deletion line followed by an addition line.
if shouldPrintOld {
printDelete(b, diff.Old, titleFunc, planning, indent, debug)
if shouldPrintNew {
printAdd(b, diff.New, titleFunc, planning, indent, debug)
func isPrimitive(value resource.PropertyValue) bool {
return value.IsNull() || value.IsString() || value.IsNumber() ||
value.IsBool() || value.IsComputed() || value.IsOutput()
func printPrimitivePropertyValue(b io.StringWriter, v resource.PropertyValue, planning bool, op deploy.StepOp) {
if v.IsNull() {
writeVerbatim(b, op, "<null>")
} else if v.IsBool() {
write(b, op, "%t", v.BoolValue())
} else if v.IsNumber() {
write(b, op, "%v", v.NumberValue())
} else if v.IsString() {
write(b, op, "%q", v.StringValue())
} else if v.IsComputed() || v.IsOutput() {
// We render computed and output values differently depending on whether or not we are
// planning or deploying: in the former case, we display `computed<type>` or `output<type>`;
// in the former we display `undefined`. This is because we currently cannot distinguish
// between user-supplied undefined values and input properties that are undefined because
// they were sourced from undefined values in other resources' output properties. Once we
// have richer information about the dataflow between resources, we should be able to do a
// better job here (pulumi/pulumi#234).
if planning {
writeVerbatim(b, op, v.TypeString())
} else {
write(b, op, "undefined")
} else {
contract.Failf("Unexpected property value kind")
func printDelete(
b *bytes.Buffer, v resource.PropertyValue, title func(deploy.StepOp, bool),
planning bool, indent int, debug bool) {
op := deploy.OpDelete
title(op, true)
printPropertyValue(b, v, planning, indent, op, true, debug)
func printAdd(
b *bytes.Buffer, v resource.PropertyValue, title func(deploy.StepOp, bool),
planning bool, indent int, debug bool) {
op := deploy.OpCreate
title(op, true)
printPropertyValue(b, v, planning, indent, op, true, debug)
func printArchiveDiff(
b *bytes.Buffer, titleFunc func(deploy.StepOp, bool),
oldArchive *resource.Archive, newArchive *resource.Archive,
planning bool, indent int, summary bool, debug bool) {
op := deploy.OpUpdate
hashChange := getTextChangeString(shortHash(oldArchive.Hash), shortHash(newArchive.Hash))
if oldPath, has := oldArchive.GetPath(); has {
if newPath, has := newArchive.GetPath(); has {
titleFunc(op, true)
write(b, op, "archive(file:%s) { %s }\n", hashChange, getTextChangeString(oldPath, newPath))
} else if oldURI, has := oldArchive.GetURI(); has {
if newURI, has := newArchive.GetURI(); has {
titleFunc(op, true)
write(b, op, "archive(uri:%s) { %s }\n", hashChange, getTextChangeString(oldURI, newURI))
} else {
oldAssets, _ := oldArchive.GetAssets()
if newAssets, has := newArchive.GetAssets(); has {
titleFunc(op, true)
write(b, op, "archive(assets:%s) {\n", hashChange)
printAssetsDiff(b, oldAssets, newAssets, planning, indent+1, summary, debug)
writeWithIndentNoPrefix(b, indent, deploy.OpUpdate, "}\n")
// Type of archive changed, print this out as an remove and an add.
b, assetOrArchiveToPropertyValue(oldArchive),
titleFunc, planning, indent, debug)
b, assetOrArchiveToPropertyValue(newArchive),
titleFunc, planning, indent, debug)
func printAssetsDiff(
b *bytes.Buffer,
oldAssets map[string]interface{}, newAssets map[string]interface{},
planning bool, indent int, summary bool, debug bool) {
// Diffing assets proceeds by getting the sorted list of asset names from both the old and
// new assets, and then stepwise processing each. For any asset in old that isn't in new,
// we print this out as a delete. For any asset in new that isn't in old, we print this out
// as an add. For any asset in both we print out of it is unchanged or not. If so, we
// recurse on that data to print out how it changed.
var oldNames []string
var newNames []string
for name := range oldAssets {
oldNames = append(oldNames, name)
for name := range newAssets {
newNames = append(newNames, name)
i := 0
j := 0
var keys []resource.PropertyKey
for _, name := range oldNames {
keys = append(keys, "\""+resource.PropertyKey(name)+"\"")
for _, name := range newNames {
keys = append(keys, "\""+resource.PropertyKey(name)+"\"")
maxkey := maxKey(keys)
for i < len(oldNames) || j < len(newNames) {
deleteOld := false
addNew := false
if i < len(oldNames) && j < len(newNames) {
oldName := oldNames[i]
newName := newNames[j]
if oldName == newName {
titleFunc := func(top deploy.StepOp, tprefix bool) {
printPropertyTitle(b, "\""+oldName+"\"", maxkey, indent, top, tprefix)
old := oldAssets[oldName]
new := newAssets[newName]
// If the assets/archvies haven't changed, then don't bother printing them out.
// This happens routinely when we have an archive that has changed because some
// asset it in it changed. We want *that* asset to be printed, but not all the
// unchanged assets.
switch t := old.(type) {
case *resource.Archive:
newArchive, newIsArchive := new.(*resource.Archive)
switch {
case !newIsArchive:
printAssetArchiveDiff(b, titleFunc, t, new, planning, indent, summary, debug)
case t.Hash != newArchive.Hash:
b, titleFunc, t, newArchive,
planning, indent, summary, debug)
case *resource.Asset:
newAsset, newIsAsset := new.(*resource.Asset)
switch {
case !newIsAsset:
printAssetArchiveDiff(b, titleFunc, t, new, planning, indent, summary, debug)
case t.Hash != newAsset.Hash:
b, titleFunc, t, newAsset,
planning, indent, summary, debug)
if oldName < newName {
deleteOld = true
} else {
addNew = true
} else if i < len(oldNames) {
deleteOld = true
} else {
addNew = true
newIndent := indent + 1
if deleteOld {
oldName := oldNames[i]
titleFunc := func(top deploy.StepOp, tprefix bool) {
printPropertyTitle(b, "\""+oldName+"\"", maxkey, indent, top, tprefix)
b, assetOrArchiveToPropertyValue(oldAssets[oldName]),
titleFunc, planning, newIndent, debug)
} else {
newName := newNames[j]
titleFunc := func(top deploy.StepOp, tprefix bool) {
printPropertyTitle(b, "\""+newName+"\"", maxkey, indent, top, tprefix)
b, assetOrArchiveToPropertyValue(newAssets[newName]),
titleFunc, planning, newIndent, debug)
func printAssetDiff(
b *bytes.Buffer, titleFunc func(deploy.StepOp, bool),
oldAsset *resource.Asset, newAsset *resource.Asset,
planning bool, indent int, summary bool, debug bool) {
contract.Assertf(oldAsset.Hash != newAsset.Hash, "Should not call printAssetDiff on unchanged assets")
op := deploy.OpUpdate
// if the asset changed, print out: ~ assetName: type(hash->hash) details...
hashChange := getTextChangeString(shortHash(oldAsset.Hash), shortHash(newAsset.Hash))
if oldAsset.IsText() {
if newAsset.IsText() {
titleFunc(deploy.OpUpdate, true)
write(b, op, "asset(text:%s) {\n", hashChange)
massagedOldText := resource.MassageIfUserProgramCodeAsset(oldAsset, debug).Text
massagedNewText := resource.MassageIfUserProgramCodeAsset(newAsset, debug).Text
differ := diffmatchpatch.New()
differ.DiffTimeout = 0
hashed1, hashed2, lineArray := differ.DiffLinesToChars(massagedOldText, massagedNewText)
diffs1 := differ.DiffMain(hashed1, hashed2, false)
diffs2 := differ.DiffCharsToLines(diffs1, lineArray)
writeString(b, diffToPrettyString(diffs2, indent+1))
writeWithIndentNoPrefix(b, indent, op, "}\n")
} else if oldPath, has := oldAsset.GetPath(); has {
if newPath, has := newAsset.GetPath(); has {
titleFunc(deploy.OpUpdate, true)
write(b, op, "asset(file:%s) { %s }\n", hashChange, getTextChangeString(oldPath, newPath))
} else {
oldURI, _ := oldAsset.GetURI()
if newURI, has := newAsset.GetURI(); has {
titleFunc(deploy.OpUpdate, true)
write(b, op, "asset(uri:%s) { %s }\n", hashChange, getTextChangeString(oldURI, newURI))
// Type of asset changed, print this out as an remove and an add.
b, assetOrArchiveToPropertyValue(oldAsset),
titleFunc, planning, indent, debug)
b, assetOrArchiveToPropertyValue(newAsset),
titleFunc, planning, indent, debug)
func printAssetArchiveDiff(b *bytes.Buffer, titleFunc func(deploy.StepOp, bool), old interface{}, new interface{},
planning bool, indent int, summary bool, debug bool) {
printDelete(b, assetOrArchiveToPropertyValue(old), titleFunc, planning, indent, debug)
printAdd(b, assetOrArchiveToPropertyValue(new), titleFunc, planning, indent, debug)
func getTextChangeString(old string, new string) string {
if old == new {
return old
return fmt.Sprintf("%s->%s", old, new)
// diffToPrettyString takes the full diff produed by diffmatchpatch and condenses it into something
// useful we can print to the console. Specifically, while it includes any adds/removes in
// green/red, it will also show portions of the unchanged text to help give surrounding context to
// those add/removes. Because the unchanged portions may be very large, it only included around 3
// lines before/after the change.
func diffToPrettyString(diffs []diffmatchpatch.Diff, indent int) string {
var buff bytes.Buffer
writeDiff := func(op deploy.StepOp, text string) {
var prefix bool
if op == deploy.OpCreate || op == deploy.OpDelete {
prefix = true
writeWithIndent(&buff, indent, op, prefix, "%s", text)
for index, diff := range diffs {
text := diff.Text
lines := strings.Split(text, "\n")
printLines := func(op deploy.StepOp, startInclusive int, endExclusive int) {
for i := startInclusive; i < endExclusive; i++ {
if strings.TrimSpace(lines[i]) != "" {
writeDiff(op, lines[i])
switch diff.Type {
case diffmatchpatch.DiffInsert:
printLines(deploy.OpCreate, 0, len(lines))
case diffmatchpatch.DiffDelete:
printLines(deploy.OpDelete, 0, len(lines))
case diffmatchpatch.DiffEqual:
var trimmedLines []string
for _, line := range lines {
if strings.TrimSpace(line) != "" {
trimmedLines = append(trimmedLines, line)
lines = trimmedLines
const contextLines = 2
// Show the unchanged text in white.
if index == 0 {
// First chunk of the file.
if len(lines) > contextLines+1 {
writeDiff(deploy.OpSame, "...\n")
printLines(deploy.OpSame, len(lines)-contextLines, len(lines))
} else if index == len(diffs)-1 {
if len(lines) > contextLines+1 {
printLines(deploy.OpSame, 0, contextLines)
writeDiff(deploy.OpSame, "...\n")
} else {
if len(lines) > (2*contextLines + 1) {
printLines(deploy.OpSame, 0, contextLines)
writeDiff(deploy.OpSame, "...\n")
printLines(deploy.OpSame, len(lines)-contextLines, len(lines))
printLines(deploy.OpSame, 0, len(lines))
return buff.String()