Matt Ellis fab74d19c9 Do not flow secrets from NodeJS SDK to older CLIs
When serializing values, if the other end of the resource monitor
interface does not support secrets (e.g. it is an older CLI), don't
pass secrets to it.
2019-05-10 17:07:52 -07:00

443 lines
19 KiB

// Copyright 2016-2018, Pulumi Corporation.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import * as asset from "../asset";
import * as log from "../log";
import { Input, Inputs, Output } from "../output";
import { ComponentResource, CustomResource, Resource } from "../resource";
import { debuggablePromise, errorString } from "./debuggable";
import { excessiveDebugOutput, isDryRun, monitorSupportsSecrets } from "./settings";
const gstruct = require("google-protobuf/google/protobuf/struct_pb.js");
export type OutputResolvers = Record<string, (value: any, isStable: boolean, isSecret: boolean) => void>;
* transferProperties mutates the 'onto' resource so that it has Promise-valued properties for all
* the 'props' input/output props. *Importantly* all these promises are completely unresolved. This
* is because we don't want anyone to observe the values of these properties until the rpc call to
* registerResource actually returns. This is because the registerResource call may actually
* override input values, and we only want people to see the final value.
* The result of this call (beyond the stateful changes to 'onto') is the set of Promise resolvers
* that will be called post-RPC call. When the registerResource RPC call comes back, the values
* that the engine actualy produced will be used to resolve all the unresolved promised placed on
* 'onto'.
export function transferProperties(onto: Resource, label: string, props: Inputs): OutputResolvers {
const resolvers: OutputResolvers = {};
for (const k of Object.keys(props)) {
// Skip "id" and "urn", since we handle those specially.
if (k === "id" || k === "urn") {
// Create a property to wrap the value and store it on the resource.
if (onto.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
throw new Error(`Property '${k}' is already initialized on target '${label}`);
let resolveValue: (v: any) => void;
let resolveIsKnown: (v: boolean) => void;
let resolveIsSecret: (v: boolean) => void;
resolvers[k] = (v: any, isKnown: boolean, isSecret: boolean) => {
const propString = Output.isInstance(props[k]) ? "Output<T>" : `${props[k]}`;
(<any>onto)[k] = new Output(
new Promise<any>(resolve => resolveValue = resolve),
`transferProperty(${label}, ${k}, ${propString})`),
new Promise<boolean>(resolve => resolveIsKnown = resolve),
`transferIsStable(${label}, ${k}, ${propString})`),
new Promise<boolean>(resolve => resolveIsSecret = resolve),
`transferIsSecret(${label}, ${k}, ${props[k]})`));
return resolvers;
* serializeFilteredProperties walks the props object passed in, awaiting all interior promises for
* properties with keys that match the provided filter, creating a reasonable POJO object that can
* be remoted over to registerResource.
async function serializeFilteredProperties(
label: string, props: Inputs, acceptKey: (k: string) => boolean): Promise<[Record<string, any>, Map<string, Set<Resource>>]> {
const propertyToDependentResources = new Map<string, Set<Resource>>();
const result: Record<string, any> = {};
for (const k of Object.keys(props)) {
if (acceptKey(k)) {
// We treat properties with undefined values as if they do not exist.
const dependentResources = new Set<Resource>();
const v = await serializeProperty(`${label}.${k}`, props[k], dependentResources);
if (v !== undefined) {
result[k] = v;
propertyToDependentResources.set(k, dependentResources);
return [result, propertyToDependentResources];
* serializeResourceProperties walks the props object passed in, awaiting all interior promises besides those for `id`
* and `urn`, creating a reasonable POJO object that can be remoted over to registerResource.
export async function serializeResourceProperties(label: string, props: Inputs) {
return serializeFilteredProperties(label, props, key => key !== "id" && key !== "urn");
* serializeProperties walks the props object passed in, awaiting all interior promises, creating a reasonable
* POJO object that can be remoted over to registerResource.
export async function serializeProperties(label: string, props: Inputs) {
const [result] = await serializeFilteredProperties(label, props, _ => true);
return result;
* deserializeProperties fetches the raw outputs and deserializes them from a gRPC call result.
export function deserializeProperties(outputsStruct: any): any {
const props: any = {};
const outputs: any = outputsStruct.toJavaScript();
for (const k of Object.keys(outputs)) {
// We treat properties with undefined values as if they do not exist.
if (outputs[k] !== undefined) {
props[k] = deserializeProperty(outputs[k]);
return props;
* resolveProperties takes as input a gRPC serialized proto.google.protobuf.Struct and resolves all
* of the resource's matching properties to the values inside.
* NOTE: it is imperative that the properties in `allProps` were produced by `deserializeProperties` in order for
* output properties to work correctly w.r.t. knowns/unknowns: this function assumes that any undefined value in
* `allProps`represents an unknown value that was returned by an engine operation.
export function resolveProperties(
res: Resource, resolvers: Record<string, (v: any, isKnown: boolean, isSecret: boolean) => void>,
t: string, name: string, allProps: any): void {
// Now go ahead and resolve all properties present in the inputs and outputs set.
for (const k of Object.keys(allProps)) {
// Skip "id" and "urn", since we handle those specially.
if (k === "id" || k === "urn") {
// Otherwise, unmarshal the value, and store it on the resource object.
const resolve = resolvers[k];
if (resolve === undefined) {
// engine returned a property that was not in our initial property-map. This can happen
// for outputs that were registered through direct calls to 'registerOutputs'. We do
// *not* want to do anything with these returned properties. First, the component
// resources that were calling 'registerOutputs' will have already assigned these fields
// directly on them themselves. Second, if we were to try to assign here we would have
// an incredibly bad race condition for two reasons:
// 1. This call to 'resolveProperties' happens asynchronously at some point far after
// the resource was constructed. So the user will have been able to observe the
// initial value up until we get to this point.
// 2. The component resource will have often assigned a value of some arbitrary type
// (say, a 'string'). If we overwrite this with an `Output<string>` we'll be changing
// the type at some non-deterministic point in the future.
// If this value is a secret, unwrap its inner value.
let value = allProps[k];
const isSecret = value !== undefined && value[specialSecretSig] === true;
if (isSecret) {
value = value.value;
try {
// If either we are performing a real deployment, or this is a stable property value, we
// can propagate its final value. Otherwise, it must be undefined, since we don't know
// if it's final.
if (!isDryRun()) {
// normal 'pulumi up'. resolve the output with the value we got back
// from the engine. That output can always run its .apply calls.
resolve(value, true, isSecret);
else {
// We're previewing. If the engine was able to give us a reasonable value back,
// then use it. Otherwise, inform the Output that the value isn't known.
const isKnown = value !== undefined;
resolve(value, isKnown, isSecret);
catch (err) {
throw new Error(
`Unable to set property '${k}' on resource '${name}' [${t}]; error: ${errorString(err)}`);
// `allProps` may not have contained a value for every resolver: for example, optional outputs may not be present.
// We will resolve all of these values as `undefined`, and will mark the value as known if we are not running a
// preview.
for (const k of Object.keys(resolvers)) {
if (!allProps.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
const resolve = resolvers[k];
resolve(undefined, !isDryRun(), false);
* Unknown values are encoded as a distinguished string value.
export const unknownValue = "04da6b54-80e4-46f7-96ec-b56ff0331ba9";
* specialSigKey is sometimes used to encode type identity inside of a map. See pkg/resource/properties.go.
export const specialSigKey = "4dabf18193072939515e22adb298388d";
* specialAssetSig is a randomly assigned hash used to identify assets in maps. See pkg/resource/asset.go.
export const specialAssetSig = "c44067f5952c0a294b673a41bacd8c17";
* specialArchiveSig is a randomly assigned hash used to identify archives in maps. See pkg/resource/asset.go.
export const specialArchiveSig = "0def7320c3a5731c473e5ecbe6d01bc7";
* specialSecretSig is a randomly assigned hash used to identify secrets in maps. See pkg/resource/properties.go.
export const specialSecretSig = "1b47061264138c4ac30d75fd1eb44270";
* serializeProperty serializes properties deeply. This understands how to wait on any unresolved promises, as
* appropriate, in addition to translating certain "special" values so that they are ready to go on the wire.
export async function serializeProperty(ctx: string, prop: Input<any>, dependentResources: Set<Resource>): Promise<any> {
if (prop === undefined ||
prop === null ||
typeof prop === "boolean" ||
typeof prop === "number" ||
typeof prop === "string") {
if (excessiveDebugOutput) {
log.debug(`Serialize property [${ctx}]: primitive=${prop}`);
return prop;
if (asset.Asset.isInstance(prop) || asset.Archive.isInstance(prop)) {
// Serializing an asset or archive requires the use of a magical signature key, since otherwise it would look
// like any old weakly typed object/map when received by the other side of the RPC boundary.
const obj: any = {
[specialSigKey]: asset.Asset.isInstance(prop) ? specialAssetSig : specialArchiveSig,
return await serializeAllKeys(prop, obj);
if (prop instanceof Promise) {
// For a promise input, await the property and then serialize the result.
if (excessiveDebugOutput) {
log.debug(`Serialize property [${ctx}]: Promise<T>`);
const subctx = `Promise<${ctx}>`;
return serializeProperty(subctx,
await debuggablePromise(prop, `serializeProperty.await(${subctx})`), dependentResources);
if (Output.isInstance(prop)) {
if (excessiveDebugOutput) {
log.debug(`Serialize property [${ctx}]: Output<T>`);
for (const resource of prop.resources()) {
// When serializing an Output, we will either serialize it as its resolved value or the "unknown value"
// sentinel. We will do the former for all outputs created directly by user code (such outputs always
// resolve isKnown to true) and for any resource outputs that were resolved with known values.
const isKnown = await prop.isKnown;
const isSecret = await prop.isSecret;
const value = await serializeProperty(`${ctx}.id`, prop.promise(), dependentResources);
if (!isKnown) {
return unknownValue;
if (isSecret && await monitorSupportsSecrets()) {
return {
[specialSigKey]: specialSecretSig,
value: value,
return value;
if (CustomResource.isInstance(prop)) {
// Resources aren't serializable; instead, we serialize them as references to the ID property.
if (excessiveDebugOutput) {
log.debug(`Serialize property [${ctx}]: custom resource id`);
return serializeProperty(`${ctx}.id`, prop.id, dependentResources);
if (ComponentResource.isInstance(prop)) {
// Component resources often can contain cycles in them. For example, an awsinfra
// SecurityGroupRule can point a the awsinfra SecurityGroup, which in turn can point back to
// its rules through its `egressRules` and `ingressRules` properties. If serializing out
// the `SecurityGroup` resource ends up trying to serialize out those properties, a deadlock
// will happen, due to waiting on the child, which is waiting on the parent.
// Practically, there is no need to actually serialize out a component. It doesn't represent
// a real resource, nor does it have normal properties that need to be tracked for differences
// (since changes to its properties don't represent changes to resources in the real world).
// So, to avoid these problems, while allowing a flexible and simple programming model, we
// just serialize out the component as its urn. This allows the component to be identified
// and tracked in a reasonable manner, while not causing us to compute or embed information
// about it that is not needed, and which can lead to deadlocks.
if (excessiveDebugOutput) {
log.debug(`Serialize property [${ctx}]: component resource urnid`);
return serializeProperty(`${ctx}.urn`, prop.urn, dependentResources);
if (prop instanceof Array) {
const result: any[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < prop.length; i++) {
if (excessiveDebugOutput) {
log.debug(`Serialize property [${ctx}]: array[${i}] element`);
// When serializing arrays, we serialize any undefined values as `null`. This matches JSON semantics.
const elem = await serializeProperty(`${ctx}[${i}]`, prop[i], dependentResources);
result.push(elem === undefined ? null : elem);
return result;
return await serializeAllKeys(prop, {});
async function serializeAllKeys(innerProp: any, obj: any) {
for (const k of Object.keys(innerProp)) {
if (excessiveDebugOutput) {
log.debug(`Serialize property [${ctx}]: object.${k}`);
// When serializing an object, we omit any keys with undefined values. This matches JSON semantics.
const v = await serializeProperty(`${ctx}.${k}`, innerProp[k], dependentResources);
if (v !== undefined) {
obj[k] = v;
return obj;
* deserializeProperty unpacks some special types, reversing the above process.
export function deserializeProperty(prop: any): any {
if (prop === undefined) {
throw new Error("unexpected undefined property value during deserialization");
else if (prop === unknownValue) {
return undefined;
else if (prop === null || typeof prop === "boolean" || typeof prop === "number" || typeof prop === "string") {
return prop;
else if (prop instanceof Array) {
const elems: any[] = [];
for (const e of prop) {
return elems;
else {
// We need to recognize assets and archives specially, so we can produce the right runtime objects.
const sig: any = prop[specialSigKey];
if (sig) {
switch (sig) {
case specialAssetSig:
if (prop["path"]) {
return new asset.FileAsset(<string>prop["path"]);
else if (prop["text"]) {
return new asset.StringAsset(<string>prop["text"]);
else if (prop["uri"]) {
return new asset.RemoteAsset(<string>prop["uri"]);
else {
throw new Error("Invalid asset encountered when unmarshaling resource property");
case specialArchiveSig:
if (prop["assets"]) {
const assets: asset.AssetMap = {};
for (const name of Object.keys(prop["assets"])) {
const a = deserializeProperty(prop["assets"][name]);
if (!(asset.Asset.isInstance(a)) && !(asset.Archive.isInstance(a))) {
throw new Error(
"Expected an AssetArchive's assets to be unmarshaled Asset or Archive objects");
assets[name] = a;
return new asset.AssetArchive(assets);
else if (prop["path"]) {
return new asset.FileArchive(<string>prop["path"]);
else if (prop["uri"]) {
return new asset.RemoteArchive(<string>prop["uri"]);
else {
throw new Error("Invalid archive encountered when unmarshaling resource property");
case specialSecretSig:
return {
[specialSecretSig]: true,
value: deserializeProperty(prop["value"]),
throw new Error(`Unrecognized signature '${sig}' when unmarshaling resource property`);
// If there isn't a signature, it's not a special type, and we can simply return the object as a map.
const obj: any = {};
for (const k of Object.keys(prop)) {
obj[k] = deserializeProperty(prop[k]);
return obj;