2018-04-16 23:41:00 -07:00

332 lines
7.7 KiB

// Copyright 2016-2018, Pulumi Corporation. All rights reserved.
package local
import (
type Row interface {
ColorizedColumns() []string
ColorizedSuffix() string
type ResourceRow interface {
// The change that the engine wants apply to that resource.
SetStep(step engine.StepEventMetadata)
// The tick we were on when we created this row. Purely used for generating an
// ellipses to show progress for in-flight resources.
Tick() int
Done() bool
DiagInfo() *DiagInfo
RecordDiagEvent(diagEvent engine.Event)
// Implementation of a Row, used for the header of the grid.
type headerRowData struct {
display *ProgressDisplay
columns []string
func (data *headerRowData) ColorizedColumns() []string {
if len(data.columns) == 0 {
blue := func(msg string) string {
return colors.Blue + msg + colors.Reset
header := func(msg string) string {
return blue(msg)
var statusColumn string
if data.display.isPreview {
statusColumn = header("Plan")
} else {
statusColumn = header("Status")
data.columns = []string{"#", header("Resource Type"), header("Name"), statusColumn, header("Extra Info")}
return data.columns
func (data *headerRowData) ColorizedSuffix() string {
return ""
// Implementation of a row used for all the resource rows in the grid.
type resourceRowData struct {
display *ProgressDisplay
// The simple short ID we have generated for the resource to present it to the user.
// Usually similar to the form: aws.Function("name")
id string
// The change that the engine wants apply to that resource.
step engine.StepEventMetadata
// The tick we were on when we created this row. Purely used for generating an
// ellipses to show progress for in-flight resources.
tick int
// If the engine finished processing this resources.
done bool
// If we failed this operation for any reason.
failed bool
diagInfo *DiagInfo
columns []string
func (data *resourceRowData) SetStep(step engine.StepEventMetadata) {
data.step = step
func (data *resourceRowData) Tick() int {
return data.tick
func (data *resourceRowData) Done() bool {
return data.done
func (data *resourceRowData) SetDone() {
data.done = true
func (data *resourceRowData) Failed() bool {
return data.failed
func (data *resourceRowData) SetFailed() {
data.failed = true
func (data *resourceRowData) DiagInfo() *DiagInfo {
return data.diagInfo
func (data *resourceRowData) RecordDiagEvent(event engine.Event) {
diagInfo := data.diagInfo
payload := event.Payload.(engine.DiagEventPayload)
switch payload.Severity {
case diag.Error:
diagInfo.LastError = &event
case diag.Warning:
diagInfo.LastWarning = &event
case diag.Infoerr:
diagInfo.LastInfoError = &event
case diag.Info:
diagInfo.LastInfo = &event
case diag.Debug:
diagInfo.LastDebug = &event
diagInfo.DiagEvents = append(diagInfo.DiagEvents, event)
func (data *resourceRowData) ClearCachedData() {
data.columns = []string{}
type column int
const (
idColumn column = 0
typeColumn column = 1
nameColumn column = 2
statusColumn column = 3
infoColumn column = 4
func (data *resourceRowData) ColorizedSuffix() string {
if !data.display.Done && !data.done {
suffixes := data.display.suffixesArray
ellipses := suffixes[(data.tick+data.display.currentTick)%len(suffixes)]
return data.step.Op.Color() + ellipses + colors.Reset
return ""
func (data *resourceRowData) ColorizedColumns() []string {
if len(data.columns) == 0 {
columns := data.getUnpaddedColumns()
data.columns = columns
return data.columns
// Gets the single line summary to show for a resource. This will include the current state of
// the resource (i.e. "Creating", "Replaced", "Failed", etc.) as well as relevant diagnostic
// information if there is any.
func (data *resourceRowData) getUnpaddedColumns() []string {
step := data.step
if step.Op == "" {
contract.Failf("Finishing a resource we never heard about: '%s'", data.id)
var name string
var typ string
if data.step.URN == "" {
name = "global"
typ = "global"
} else {
name = string(data.step.URN.Name())
typ = simplifyTypeName(data.step.URN.Type())
columns := make([]string, 5)
columns[idColumn] = data.id
columns[typeColumn] = typ
columns[nameColumn] = name
diagInfo := data.diagInfo
if data.done {
failed := data.failed || diagInfo.ErrorCount > 0
columns[statusColumn] = data.display.getStepDoneDescription(step, failed)
} else {
columns[statusColumn] = data.display.getStepInProgressDescription(step)
columns[infoColumn] = data.getInfo()
return columns
func (data *resourceRowData) getInfo() string {
step := data.step
changesBuf := &bytes.Buffer{}
if step.Old != nil && step.New != nil && step.Old.Inputs != nil && step.New.Inputs != nil {
diff := step.Old.Inputs.Diff(step.New.Inputs)
if diff != nil {
writeString(changesBuf, "changes:")
updates := make(resource.PropertyMap)
for k := range diff.Updates {
updates[k] = resource.PropertyValue{}
writePropertyKeys(changesBuf, diff.Adds, deploy.OpCreate)
writePropertyKeys(changesBuf, diff.Deletes, deploy.OpDelete)
writePropertyKeys(changesBuf, updates, deploy.OpReplace)
fprintIgnoreError(changesBuf, colors.Reset)
changes := changesBuf.String()
diagMsg := ""
if colors.Never.Colorize(changes) != "" {
diagMsg += changes
appendDiagMessage := func(msg string) {
if diagMsg != "" {
diagMsg += ", "
diagMsg += msg
diagInfo := data.diagInfo
if diagInfo.ErrorCount == 1 {
appendDiagMessage("1 error")
} else if diagInfo.ErrorCount > 1 {
appendDiagMessage(fmt.Sprintf("%v errors", diagInfo.ErrorCount))
if diagInfo.WarningCount == 1 {
appendDiagMessage("1 warning")
} else if diagInfo.WarningCount > 1 {
appendDiagMessage(fmt.Sprintf("%v warnings", diagInfo.WarningCount))
if diagInfo.InfoCount == 1 {
appendDiagMessage("1 info message")
} else if diagInfo.InfoCount > 1 {
appendDiagMessage(fmt.Sprintf("%v info messages", diagInfo.InfoCount))
if diagInfo.DebugCount == 1 {
appendDiagMessage("1 debug message")
} else if diagInfo.ErrorCount > 1 {
appendDiagMessage(fmt.Sprintf("%v debug messages", diagInfo.DebugCount))
// If we're not totally done, also print out the worst diagnostic next to the status message.
// This is helpful for long running tasks to know what's going on. However, once done, we print
// the diagnostics at the bottom, so we don't need to show this.
worstDiag := getWorstDiagnostic(data.diagInfo)
if worstDiag != nil && !data.display.Done {
eventMsg := data.display.renderProgressDiagEvent(*worstDiag)
if eventMsg != "" {
diagMsg += ". " + eventMsg
newLineIndex := strings.Index(diagMsg, "\n")
if newLineIndex >= 0 {
diagMsg = diagMsg[0:newLineIndex]
return diagMsg
// Returns the worst diagnostic we've seen. Used to produce a diagnostic string to go along with
// any resource if it has had any issues.
func getWorstDiagnostic(diagInfo *DiagInfo) *engine.Event {
if diagInfo.LastError != nil {
return diagInfo.LastError
if diagInfo.LastWarning != nil {
return diagInfo.LastWarning
if diagInfo.LastInfoError != nil {
return diagInfo.LastInfoError
if diagInfo.LastInfo != nil {
return diagInfo.LastInfo
return diagInfo.LastDebug