Nathan Winder 0bdf73341b
Enable creation of TStack using IServiceProvider (#5723)
* Enable creation of TStack using IServiceProvider to enable dependency injection.

* fixed line endings

* update change log

* Added PR link to change log

* fixed change log

* Added integration test

* Review adjustments

Co-authored-by: Mikhail Shilkov <github@mikhail.io>
2020-11-30 16:43:18 +01:00

223 lines
10 KiB

// Copyright 2016-2019, Pulumi Corporation
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Pulumi.Testing;
namespace Pulumi
public partial class Deployment
/// <summary>
/// <see cref="RunAsync(Func{Task{IDictionary{string, object}}}, StackOptions)"/> for more details.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="action">Callback that creates stack resources.</param>
public static Task<int> RunAsync(Action action)
=> RunAsync(() =>
return ImmutableDictionary<string, object?>.Empty;
/// <summary>
/// <see cref="RunAsync(Func{Task{IDictionary{string, object}}}, StackOptions)"/> for more details.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="func">Callback that creates stack resources.</param>
/// <returns>A dictionary of stack outputs.</returns>
public static Task<int> RunAsync(Func<IDictionary<string, object?>> func)
=> RunAsync(() => Task.FromResult(func()));
/// <summary>
/// <see cref="RunAsync(Func{Task{IDictionary{string, object}}}, StackOptions)"/> for more details.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="func">Callback that creates stack resources.</param>
public static Task<int> RunAsync(Func<Task> func)
=> RunAsync(async () =>
await func();
return ImmutableDictionary<string, object?>.Empty;
/// <summary>
/// <see cref="RunAsync(Func{Task{IDictionary{string, object}}}, StackOptions)"/> is an
/// entry-point to a Pulumi application. .NET applications should perform all startup logic
/// they need in their <c>Main</c> method and then end with:
/// <para>
/// <c>
/// static Task&lt;int&gt; Main(string[] args)
/// {
/// // program initialization code ...
/// return Deployment.Run(async () =>
/// {
/// // Code that creates resources.
/// });
/// }
/// </c>
/// </para>
/// Importantly: Cloud resources cannot be created outside of the lambda passed to any of the
/// <see cref="Deployment.RunAsync(Action)"/> overloads. Because cloud Resource construction is
/// inherently asynchronous, the result of this function is a <see cref="Task{T}"/> which should
/// then be returned or awaited. This will ensure that any problems that are encountered during
/// the running of the program are properly reported. Failure to do this may lead to the
/// program ending early before all resources are properly registered.
/// <para/>
/// The function passed to <see cref="RunAsync(Func{Task{IDictionary{string, object}}}, StackOptions)"/>
/// can optionally return an <see cref="IDictionary{TKey, TValue}"/>. The keys and values
/// in this dictionary will become the outputs for the Pulumi Stack that is created.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="func">Callback that creates stack resources.</param>
/// <param name="options">Stack options.</param>
public static Task<int> RunAsync(Func<Task<IDictionary<string, object?>>> func, StackOptions? options = null)
=> CreateRunner().RunAsync(func, options);
/// <summary>
/// <see cref="RunAsync{TStack}()"/> is an entry-point to a Pulumi
/// application. .NET applications should perform all startup logic they
/// need in their <c>Main</c> method and then end with:
/// <para>
/// <c>
/// static Task&lt;int&gt; Main(string[] args) {// program
/// initialization code ...
/// return Deployment.Run&lt;MyStack&gt;();}
/// </c>
/// </para>
/// <para>
/// Deployment will instantiate a new stack instance based on the type
/// passed as TStack type parameter. Importantly, cloud resources cannot
/// be created outside of the <see cref="Stack"/> component.
/// </para>
/// <para>
/// Because cloud Resource construction is inherently asynchronous, the
/// result of this function is a <see cref="Task{T}"/> which should then
/// be returned or awaited. This will ensure that any problems that are
/// encountered during the running of the program are properly reported.
/// Failure to do this may lead to the program ending early before all
/// resources are properly registered.
/// </para>
/// </summary>
public static Task<int> RunAsync<TStack>() where TStack : Stack, new()
=> CreateRunner().RunAsync<TStack>();
/// <summary>
/// <see cref="RunAsync{TStack}()"/> is an entry-point to a Pulumi
/// application. .NET applications should perform all startup logic they
/// need in their <c>Main</c> method and then end with:
/// <para>
/// <c>
/// static Task&lt;int&gt; Main(string[] args) {// program
/// initialization code ...
/// return Deployment.Run&lt;MyStack&gt;(serviceProvider);}
/// </c>
/// </para>
/// <para>
/// Deployment will instantiate a new stack instance based on the type
/// passed as TStack type parameter using the serviceProvider.
/// Importantly, cloud resources cannot be created outside of the
/// <see cref="Stack"/> component.
/// </para>
/// <para>
/// Because cloud Resource construction is inherently asynchronous, the
/// result of this function is a <see cref="Task{T}"/> which should then
/// be returned or awaited. This will ensure that any problems that are
/// encountered during the running of the program are properly reported.
/// Failure to do this may lead to the program ending early before all
/// resources are properly registered.
/// </para>
/// </summary>
public static Task<int> RunAsync<TStack>(IServiceProvider serviceProvider) where TStack : Stack
=> CreateRunner().RunAsync<TStack>(serviceProvider);
/// <summary>
/// Entry point to test a Pulumi application. Deployment will
/// instantiate a new stack instance based on the type passed as TStack
/// type parameter using the given service provider. This method creates
/// no real resources.
/// Note: Currently, unit tests that call
/// <see cref="TestWithServiceProviderAsync{TStack}(IMocks, IServiceProvider, TestOptions)"/>
/// must run serially; parallel execution is not supported.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mocks">Hooks to mock the engine calls.</param>
/// <param name="serviceProvider"></param>
/// <param name="options">Optional settings for the test run.</param>
/// <typeparam name="TStack">The type of the stack to test.</typeparam>
/// <returns>Test result containing created resources and errors, if any.</returns>
public static Task<ImmutableArray<Resource>> TestWithServiceProviderAsync<TStack>(IMocks mocks, IServiceProvider serviceProvider, TestOptions? options = null)
where TStack : Stack
return TestAsync(mocks, (deployment) => deployment._runner.RunAsync<TStack>(serviceProvider), options);
/// <summary>
/// Entry point to test a Pulumi application. Deployment will
/// instantiate a new stack instance based on the type passed as TStack
/// type parameter. This method creates no real resources.
/// Note: Currently, unit tests that call <see cref="TestAsync{TStack}(IMocks, TestOptions)"/>
/// must run serially; parallel execution is not supported.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mocks">Hooks to mock the engine calls.</param>
/// <param name="options">Optional settings for the test run.</param>
/// <typeparam name="TStack">The type of the stack to test.</typeparam>
/// <returns>Test result containing created resources and errors, if any.</returns>
public static Task<ImmutableArray<Resource>> TestAsync<TStack>(IMocks mocks, TestOptions? options = null)
where TStack : Stack, new()
return TestAsync(mocks, (deployment)=> deployment._runner.RunAsync<TStack>(), options);
private static async Task<ImmutableArray<Resource>> TestAsync(IMocks mocks, Func<Deployment, Task<int>> runAsync, TestOptions? options = null)
var engine = new MockEngine();
var monitor = new MockMonitor(mocks);
Deployment deployment;
lock (_instanceLock)
if (_instance != null)
throw new NotSupportedException($"Multiple executions of {nameof(TestAsync)} must run serially. Please configure your unit test suite to run tests one-by-one.");
deployment = new Deployment(engine, monitor, options);
Instance = new DeploymentInstance(deployment);
await runAsync(deployment);
return engine.Errors.Count switch
1 => throw new RunException(engine.Errors.Single()),
int v when v > 1 => throw new AggregateException(engine.Errors.Select(e => new RunException(e))),
_ => monitor.Resources.ToImmutableArray()
lock (_instanceLock)
_instance = null;
private static IRunner CreateRunner()
// Serilog.Log.Logger = new LoggerConfiguration().MinimumLevel.Debug().WriteTo.Console().CreateLogger();
Serilog.Log.Debug("Deployment.Run called.");
lock (_instanceLock)
if (_instance != null)
throw new NotSupportedException("Deployment.Run can only be called a single time.");
Serilog.Log.Debug("Creating new Deployment.");
var deployment = new Deployment();
Instance = new DeploymentInstance(deployment);
return deployment._runner;