Pat Gavlin 1ecdc83a33 Implement more precise delete-before-replace semantics. (#2369)
This implements the new algorithm for deciding which resources must be
deleted due to a delete-before-replace operation.

We need to compute the set of resources that may be replaced by a
change to the resource under consideration. We do this by taking the
complete set of transitive dependents on the resource under
consideration and removing any resources that would not be replaced by
changes to their dependencies. We determine whether or not a resource
may be replaced by substituting unknowns for input properties that may
change due to deletion of the resources their value depends on and
calling the resource provider's Diff method.

This is perhaps clearer when described by example. Consider the
following dependency graph:

B   C
|  _|_
D  E F

In this graph, all of B, C, D, E, and F transitively depend on A. It may
be the case, however, that changes to the specific properties of any of
those resources R that would occur if a resource on the path to A were
deleted and recreated may not cause R to be replaced. For example, the
edge from B to A may be a simple dependsOn edge such that a change to
B does not actually influence any of B's input properties. In that case,
neither B nor D would need to be deleted before A could be deleted.

In order to make the above algorithm a reality, the resource monitor
interface has been updated to include a map that associates an input
property key with the list of resources that input property depends on.
Older clients of the resource monitor will leave this map empty, in
which case all input properties will be treated as depending on all
dependencies of the resource. This is probably overly conservative, but
it is less conservative than what we currently implement, and is
certainly correct.
2019-01-28 09:46:30 -08:00

320 lines
12 KiB

// Copyright 2016-2018, Pulumi Corporation.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import * as minimist from "minimist";
import * as path from "path";
import * as dynamic from "../../dynamic";
import * as resource from "../../resource";
import * as runtime from "../../runtime";
import { version } from "../../version";
const requireFromString = require("require-from-string");
const grpc = require("grpc");
const anyproto = require("google-protobuf/google/protobuf/any_pb.js");
const emptyproto = require("google-protobuf/google/protobuf/empty_pb.js");
const structproto = require("google-protobuf/google/protobuf/struct_pb.js");
const provproto = require("../../proto/provider_pb.js");
const provrpc = require("../../proto/provider_grpc_pb.js");
const plugproto = require("../../proto/plugin_pb.js");
const statusproto = require("../../proto/status_pb.js");
const providerKey: string = "__provider";
function getProvider(props: any): dynamic.ResourceProvider {
// TODO[pulumi/pulumi#414]: investigate replacing requireFromString with eval
return requireFromString(props[providerKey]).handler();
// Each of the *RPC functions below implements a single method of the resource provider gRPC interface. The CRUD
// functions--checkRPC, diffRPC, createRPC, updateRPC, and deleteRPC--all operate in a similar fashion:
// 1. Deserialize the dyanmic provider for the resource on which the function is operating
// 2. Call the dynamic provider's corresponding {check,diff,create,update,delete} method
// 3. Convert and return the results
// In all cases, the dynamic provider is available in its serialized form as a property of the resource;
// getProvider` is responsible for handling its deserialization. In the case of diffRPC, if the provider itself
// has changed, `diff` reports that the resource requires replacement and does not delegate to the dynamic provider.
// This allows the creation of the replacement resource to use the new provider while the deletion of the old
// resource uses the provider with which it was created.
function cancelRPC(call: any, callback: any): void {
callback(undefined, new emptyproto.Empty());
function configureRPC(call: any, callback: any): void {
callback(undefined, new emptyproto.Empty());
async function invokeRPC(call: any, callback: any): Promise<void> {
const req: any = call.request;
// TODO[pulumi/pulumi#406]: implement this.
callback(new Error(`unknown function ${req.getTok()}`), undefined);
async function checkRPC(call: any, callback: any): Promise<void> {
try {
const req: any = call.request;
const resp = new provproto.CheckResponse();
const olds = req.getOlds().toJavaScript();
const news = req.getNews().toJavaScript();
const provider = getProvider(news[providerKey] === runtime.unknownValue ? olds : news);
let inputs: any = news;
let failures: any[] = [];
if (provider.check) {
const result = await provider.check(olds, news);
if (result.inputs) {
inputs = result.inputs;
if (result.failures) {
failures = result.failures;
} else {
// If no check method was provided, propagate the new inputs as-is.
inputs = news;
inputs[providerKey] = news[providerKey];
if (failures.length !== 0) {
const failureList = [];
for (const f of failures) {
const failure = new provproto.CheckFailure();
callback(undefined, resp);
} catch (e) {
console.error(`${e}: ${e.stack}`);
callback(e, undefined);
async function diffRPC(call: any, callback: any): Promise<void> {
try {
const req: any = call.request;
const resp = new provproto.DiffResponse();
// Note that we do not take any special action if the provider has changed. This allows a user to iterate on a
// dynamic provider's implementation. This does require some care on the part of the user: each iteration of a
// dynamic provider's implementation must be able to handle all state produced by prior iterations.
// Prior versions of the dynamic provider required that a dynamic resource be replaced any time its provider
// implementation changed. This made iteration painful, especially if the dynamic resource was managing a
// physical resource--in this case, the physical resource would be unnecessarily deleted and recreated each
// time the provider was updated.
const olds = req.getOlds().toJavaScript();
const news = req.getNews().toJavaScript();
const provider = getProvider(news[providerKey] === runtime.unknownValue ? olds : news);
if (provider.diff) {
const result: any = await provider.diff(req.getId(), olds, news);
if (result.changes === true) {
} else if (result.changes === false) {
} else {
if (result.replaces && result.replaces.length !== 0) {
if (result.deleteBeforeReplace) {
callback(undefined, resp);
} catch (e) {
console.error(`${e}: ${e.stack}`);
callback(e, undefined);
async function createRPC(call: any, callback: any): Promise<void> {
try {
const req: any = call.request;
const resp = new provproto.CreateResponse();
const props = req.getProperties().toJavaScript();
const provider = getProvider(props);
const result = await provider.create(props);
const resultProps = resultIncludingProvider(result.outs, props);
callback(undefined, resp);
} catch (e) {
return callback(grpcResponseFromError(e));
async function readRPC(call: any, callback: any): Promise<void> {
try {
const req: any = call.request;
const resp = new provproto.ReadResponse();
const id = req.getId();
const props = req.getProperties().toJavaScript();
const provider = getProvider(props);
if (provider.read) {
// If there's a read function, consult the provider. Ensure to propagate the special __provider
// value too, so that the provider's CRUD operations continue to function after a refresh.
const result: any = await provider.read(id, props);
const resultProps = resultIncludingProvider(result.props, props);
} else {
// In the event of a missing read, simply return back the input state.
callback(undefined, resp);
} catch (e) {
console.error(`${e}: ${e.stack}`);
callback(e, undefined);
async function updateRPC(call: any, callback: any): Promise<void> {
try {
const req: any = call.request;
const resp = new provproto.UpdateResponse();
const olds = req.getOlds().toJavaScript();
const news = req.getNews().toJavaScript();
let result: any = {};
const provider = getProvider(news);
if (provider.update) {
result = await provider.update(req.getId(), olds, news) || {};
const resultProps = resultIncludingProvider(result.outs, news);
callback(undefined, resp);
} catch (e) {
return callback(grpcResponseFromError(e));
async function deleteRPC(call: any, callback: any): Promise<void> {
try {
const req: any = call.request;
const props: any = req.getProperties().toJavaScript();
const provider: any = await getProvider(props);
if (provider.delete) {
await provider.delete(req.getId(), props);
callback(undefined, new emptyproto.Empty());
} catch (e) {
console.error(`${e}: ${e.stack}`);
callback(e, undefined);
async function getPluginInfoRPC(call: any, callback: any): Promise<void> {
const resp: any = new plugproto.PluginInfo();
callback(undefined, resp);
function resultIncludingProvider(result: any, props: any): any {
return Object.assign(result || {}, {
[providerKey]: props[providerKey],
// grpcResponseFromError creates a gRPC response representing an error from a dynamic provider's
// resource. This is typically either a creation error, in which the API server has (virtually)
// rejected the resource, or an initialization error, where the API server has accepted the
// resource, but it failed to initialize (e.g., the app code is continually crashing and the
// resource has failed to become alive).
function grpcResponseFromError(e: {id: string, properties: any, message: string, reasons?: string[]}): any {
// Create response object.
const resp = new statusproto.Status();
const metadata = new grpc.Metadata();
if (e.id) {
// Object created successfully, but failed to initialize. Pack initialization failure into
// details.
const detail = new provproto.ErrorResourceInitFailed();
detail.setProperties(structproto.Struct.fromJavaScript(e.properties || {}));
detail.setReasonsList(e.reasons || []);
const details = new anyproto.Any();
details.pack(detail.serializeBinary(), "pulumirpc.ErrorResourceInitFailed");
// Add details to metadata.
// NOTE: `grpc-status-details-bin` is a magic field that allows us to send structured
// protobuf data as an error back through gRPC. This notion of details is a first-class in
// the Go gRPC implementation, and the nodejs implementation has not quite caught up to it,
// which is why it's cumbersome here.
metadata.add("grpc-status-details-bin", Buffer.from(resp.serializeBinary()));
return {
code: grpc.status.UNKNOWN,
message: e.message,
metadata: metadata,
export function main(args: string[]): void {
// The program requires a single argument: the address of the RPC endpoint for the engine. It
// optionally also takes a second argument, a reference back to the engine, but this may be missing.
if (args.length === 0) {
console.error("fatal: Missing <engine> address");
const engineAddr: string = args[0];
// Finally connect up the gRPC client/server and listen for incoming requests.
const server = new grpc.Server();
server.addService(provrpc.ResourceProviderService, {
cancel: cancelRPC,
configure: configureRPC,
invoke: invokeRPC,
check: checkRPC,
diff: diffRPC,
create: createRPC,
read: readRPC,
update: updateRPC,
delete: deleteRPC,
getPluginInfo: getPluginInfoRPC,
const port: number = server.bind(``, grpc.ServerCredentials.createInsecure());
// Emit the address so the monitor can read it to connect. The gRPC server will keep the message loop alive.