Matt Ellis 3f1197ef84 Move .pulumi to root of a repository
Now, instead of having a .pulumi folder next to each project, we have
a single .pulumi folder in the root of the repository. This is created
by running `pulumi init`.

When run in a git repository, `pulumi init` will place the .pulumi
file next to the .git folder, so it can be shared across all projects
in a repository. When not in a git repository, it will be created in
the current working directory.

We also start tracking information about the repository itself, in a
new `repo.json` file stored in the root of the .pulumi folder. The
information we track are "owner" and "name" which map to information
we use on pulumi.com.

When run in a git repository with a remote named origin pointing to a
GitHub project, we compute the owner and name by deconstructing
information from the remote's URL. Otherwise, we just use the current
user's username and the name of the current working directory as the
owner and name, respectively.
2017-10-27 11:46:21 -07:00

416 lines
13 KiB

// Copyright 2016-2017, Pulumi Corporation. All rights reserved.
package integration
import (
const (
testStackName = "integrationtesting"
// EditDir is an optional edit to apply to the example, as subsequent deployments.
type EditDir struct {
Dir string
ExtraRuntimeValidation func(t *testing.T, checkpoint stack.Checkpoint)
// ProgramTestOptions provides options for ProgramTest
type ProgramTestOptions struct {
// Dir is the program directory to test.
Dir string
// Array of NPM packages which must be `yarn linked` (e.g. {"pulumi", "@pulumi/aws"})
Dependencies []string
// Map of config keys and values to set (e.g. {"aws:config:region": "us-east-2"})
Config map[string]string
// Map of secure config keys and values to set on the Lumi stack (e.g. {"aws:config:region": "us-east-2"})
Secrets map[string]string
// EditDirs is an optional list of edits to apply to the example, as subsequent deployments.
EditDirs []EditDir
// ExtraRuntimeValidation is an optional callback for additional validation, called before applying edits.
ExtraRuntimeValidation func(t *testing.T, checkpoint stack.Checkpoint)
// Stdout is the writer to use for all stdout messages.
Stdout io.Writer
// Stderr is the writer to use for all stderr messages.
Stderr io.Writer
// Bin is a location of a `pulumi` executable to be run. Taken from the $PATH if missing.
Bin string
// YarnBin is a location of a `yarn` executable to be run. Taken from the $PATH if missing.
YarnBin string
// With combines a source set of options with a set of overrides.
func (opts ProgramTestOptions) With(overrides ProgramTestOptions) ProgramTestOptions {
if overrides.Dir != "" {
opts.Dir = overrides.Dir
if overrides.Dependencies != nil {
opts.Dependencies = overrides.Dependencies
for k, v := range overrides.Config {
if opts.Config == nil {
opts.Config = make(map[string]string)
opts.Config[k] = v
if overrides.EditDirs != nil {
opts.EditDirs = overrides.EditDirs
return opts
// ProgramTest runs a lifecycle of Pulumi commands in a program working directory, using the `pulumi` and `yarn`
// binaries available on PATH. It essentially executes the following workflow:
// yarn install
// yarn link <each opts.Depencies>
// yarn run build
// pulumi init
// pulumi stack init integrationtesting
// pulumi config text <each opts.Config>
// pulumi config secret <each opts.Secrets>
// pulumi preview
// pulumi update
// pulumi preview (expected to be empty)
// pulumi update (expected to be empty)
// pulumi destroy --yes
// pulumi stack rm --yes integrationtesting
// All commands must return success return codes for the test to succeed.
func ProgramTest(t *testing.T, opts ProgramTestOptions) {
dir, err := CopyTestToTemporaryDirectory(t, &opts)
if !assert.NoError(t, err) {
// Ensure all links are present, the stack is created, and all configs are applied.
_, err = fmt.Fprintf(opts.Stdout, "Initializing project\n")
RunCommand(t, []string{opts.Bin, "init"}, dir, opts)
RunCommand(t, []string{opts.Bin, "stack", "init", testStackName}, dir, opts)
for key, value := range opts.Config {
RunCommand(t, []string{opts.Bin, "config", "text", key, value}, dir, opts)
for key, value := range opts.Secrets {
RunCommand(t, []string{opts.Bin, "config", "secret", key, value}, dir, opts)
// Now preview and update the real changes.
_, err = fmt.Fprintf(opts.Stdout, "Performing primary preview and update\n")
previewAndUpdate := func(d string) {
RunCommand(t, []string{opts.Bin, "preview"}, d, opts)
RunCommand(t, []string{opts.Bin, "update"}, d, opts)
// Perform an empty preview and update; nothing is expected to happen here.
_, err = fmt.Fprintf(opts.Stdout, "Performing empty preview and update (no changes expected)\n")
// Run additional validation provided by the test options, passing in the
if opts.ExtraRuntimeValidation != nil {
err = performExtraRuntimeValidation(t, opts.ExtraRuntimeValidation, dir)
if err != nil {
// If there are any edits, apply them and run a preview and update for each one.
for _, edit := range opts.EditDirs {
_, err = fmt.Fprintf(opts.Stdout, "Applying edit '%v' and rerunning preview and update\n", edit)
dir, err = prepareProject(t, edit.Dir, dir, opts)
if !assert.NoError(t, err, "Expected to apply edit %v atop %v, but got an error %v", edit, dir, err) {
if edit.ExtraRuntimeValidation != nil {
err = performExtraRuntimeValidation(t, edit.ExtraRuntimeValidation, dir)
if err != nil {
// Finally, tear down the stack, and clean up the stack.
_, err = fmt.Fprintf(opts.Stdout, "Destroying stack\n")
RunCommand(t, []string{opts.Bin, "destroy", "--yes"}, dir, opts)
RunCommand(t, []string{opts.Bin, "stack", "rm", "--yes", testStackName}, dir, opts)
func performExtraRuntimeValidation(
t *testing.T,
extraRuntimeValidation func(t *testing.T, checkpoint stack.Checkpoint),
dir string) (err error) {
checkpointFile := path.Join(dir, workspace.BookkeepingDir, "stacks", filepath.Base(dir), testStackName+".json")
var byts []byte
byts, err = ioutil.ReadFile(checkpointFile)
if !assert.NoError(t, err, "Expected to be able to read checkpoint file at %v: %v", checkpointFile, err) {
return err
var checkpoint stack.Checkpoint
err = json.Unmarshal(byts, &checkpoint)
if !assert.NoError(t, err, "Expected to be able to deserialize checkpoint file at %v: %v", checkpointFile, err) {
return err
extraRuntimeValidation(t, checkpoint)
return nil
// CopyTestToTemporaryDirectory creates a temporary directory to run the test in and copies the test to it.
func CopyTestToTemporaryDirectory(t *testing.T, opts *ProgramTestOptions) (dir string, err error) {
// Ensure the required programs are present.
if opts.Bin == "" {
var lumi string
lumi, err = exec.LookPath("pulumi")
if !assert.NoError(t, err, "Expected to find `pulumi` binary on $PATH: %v", err) {
return dir, err
opts.Bin = lumi
if opts.YarnBin == "" {
var yarn string
yarn, err = exec.LookPath("yarn")
if !assert.NoError(t, err, "Expected to find `yarn` binary on $PATH: %v", err) {
return dir, err
opts.YarnBin = yarn
// Set up a prefix so that all output has the test directory name in it. This is important for debugging
// because we run tests in parallel, and so all output will be interleaved and difficult to follow otherwise.
dir = opts.Dir
prefix := fmt.Sprintf("[ %30.30s ] ", dir[len(dir)-30:])
stdout := opts.Stdout
if stdout == nil {
stdout = newPrefixer(os.Stdout, prefix)
opts.Stdout = stdout
stderr := opts.Stderr
if stderr == nil {
stderr = newPrefixer(os.Stderr, prefix)
opts.Stderr = stderr
_, err = fmt.Fprintf(opts.Stdout, "sample: %v\n", dir)
_, err = fmt.Fprintf(opts.Stdout, "pulumi: %v\n", opts.Bin)
_, err = fmt.Fprintf(opts.Stdout, "yarn: %v\n", opts.YarnBin)
// Now copy the source project, excluding the .pulumi directory.
dir, err = prepareProject(t, dir, "", *opts)
if !assert.NoError(t, err, "Failed to copy source project %v to a new temp dir: %v", dir, err) {
return dir, err
_, err = fmt.Fprintf(stdout, "projdir: %v\n", dir)
return dir, err
// RunCommand executes the specified command and additional arguments, wrapping any output in the
// specialized test output streams that list the location the test is running in.
func RunCommand(t *testing.T, args []string, wd string, opts ProgramTestOptions) {
path := args[0]
command := strings.Join(args, " ")
_, err := fmt.Fprintf(opts.Stdout, "\n**** Invoke '%v' in %v\n", command, wd)
// Spawn a goroutine to print out "still running..." messages.
finished := false
go func() {
for !finished {
time.Sleep(30 * time.Second)
if !finished {
_, stillerr := fmt.Fprintf(opts.Stderr, "Still running command '%s' (%s)...\n", command, wd)
env := append(os.Environ(), "PULUMI_RETAIN_CHECKPOINTS=true")
env = append(env, "PULUMI_CONFIG_PASSPHRASE=correct horse battery staple")
cmd := exec.Cmd{
Path: path,
Dir: wd,
Args: args,
Env: env,
Stdout: opts.Stdout,
Stderr: opts.Stderr,
runerr := cmd.Run()
finished = true
if runerr != nil {
_, err = fmt.Fprintf(opts.Stdout, "Invoke '%v' failed: %s\n", command, cmdutil.DetailedError(runerr))
assert.NoError(t, runerr, "Expected to successfully invoke '%v' in %v: %v", command, wd, runerr)
// prepareProject copies the source directory, src (excluding .pulumi), to a new temporary directory. It then copies
// .pulumi/ and Pulumi.yaml from origin, if any, for edits. The function returns the newly resulting directory.
func prepareProject(t *testing.T, src string, origin string, opts ProgramTestOptions) (string, error) {
// Create a new temp directory.
dir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "lumi-integration-test-")
if err != nil {
return "", err
// Now copy the source into it, ignoring .pulumi/ and Pulumi.yaml if there's an origin.
wdir := workspace.BookkeepingDir
proj := workspace.ProjectFile + ".yaml"
excl := make(map[string]bool)
if origin != "" {
excl[wdir] = true
excl[proj] = true
if copyerr := copyFile(dir, src, excl); copyerr != nil {
return "", copyerr
// Now, copy back the original project's .pulumi/ and Pulumi.yaml atop the target.
if origin != "" {
if copyerr := copyFile(filepath.Join(dir, proj), filepath.Join(origin, proj), nil); copyerr != nil {
return "", copyerr
if copyerr := copyFile(filepath.Join(dir, wdir), filepath.Join(origin, wdir), nil); copyerr != nil {
return "", copyerr
// Write a .yarnrc file to pass --mutex network to all yarn invocations, since tests
// may run concurrently and yarn may fail if invoked concurrently
// https://github.com/yarnpkg/yarn/issues/683
yarnrcerr := ioutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(dir, ".yarnrc"), []byte("--mutex network\n"), 0644)
if yarnrcerr != nil {
return "", yarnrcerr
// Now ensure dependencies are present.
RunCommand(t, withOptionalYarnFlags([]string{opts.YarnBin, "install", "--verbose"}), dir, opts)
for _, dependency := range opts.Dependencies {
RunCommand(t, withOptionalYarnFlags([]string{opts.YarnBin, "link", dependency}), dir, opts)
// And finally compile it using whatever build steps are in the package.json file.
RunCommand(t, withOptionalYarnFlags([]string{opts.YarnBin, "run", "build"}), dir, opts)
return dir, nil
func withOptionalYarnFlags(args []string) []string {
flags := os.Getenv("YARNFLAGS")
if flags != "" {
return append(args, flags)
return args
// copyFile is a braindead simple function that copies a src file to a dst file. Note that it is not general purpose:
// it doesn't handle symbolic links, it doesn't try to be efficient, it doesn't handle copies where src and dst overlap,
// and it makes no attempt to preserve file permissions. It is what we need for this test package, no more, no less.
func copyFile(dst string, src string, excl map[string]bool) error {
info, err := os.Lstat(src)
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
return nil
} else if err != nil {
return err
} else if excl[info.Name()] {
return nil
if info.IsDir() {
// Recursively copy all files in a directory.
files, err := ioutil.ReadDir(src)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, file := range files {
name := file.Name()
copyerr := copyFile(filepath.Join(dst, name), filepath.Join(src, name), excl)
if copyerr != nil {
return copyerr
} else if info.Mode().IsRegular() {
// Copy files by reading and rewriting their contents. Skip symlinks and other special files.
data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(src)
if err != nil {
return err
dstdir := filepath.Dir(dst)
if err = os.MkdirAll(dstdir, 0700); err != nil {
return err
if err = ioutil.WriteFile(dst, data, info.Mode()); err != nil {
return err
return nil
type prefixer struct {
writer io.Writer
prefix []byte
anyOutput bool
// newPrefixer wraps an io.Writer, prepending a fixed prefix after each \n emitting on the wrapped writer
func newPrefixer(writer io.Writer, prefix string) *prefixer {
return &prefixer{writer, []byte(prefix), false}
var _ io.Writer = (*prefixer)(nil)
func (prefixer *prefixer) Write(p []byte) (int, error) {
n := 0
lines := bytes.SplitAfter(p, []byte{'\n'})
for _, line := range lines {
if len(line) > 0 {
_, err := prefixer.writer.Write(prefixer.prefix)
if err != nil {
return n, err
m, err := prefixer.writer.Write(line)
n += m
if err != nil {
return n, err
return n, nil