Pat Gavlin 14da941b0c
Standardize on Stack for backend methods. (#3336)
The current pattern of using backend.Stack values in the CLI but
accepting backend.StackReference values in backend methods leads to
frequent transitions between these types. In the case of the HTTP
backend, the transition from a StackReference to a Stack requires an API
call. These changes refactor the backend.Backend API such that most of
its methods accept backend.Stack values in place of
backend.StackReference values, which avoids these transitions.

This removes two calls to the getStack API on the startup path of a
`pulumi preview`.
2019-10-14 14:30:42 -07:00

278 lines
11 KiB

// Copyright 2016-2018, Pulumi Corporation.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Package backend encapsulates all extensibility points required to fully implement a new cloud provider.
package backend
import (
var (
// ErrNoPreviousDeployment is returned when there isn't a previous deployment.
ErrNoPreviousDeployment = errors.New("no previous deployment")
// StackAlreadyExistsError is returned from CreateStack when the stack already exists in the backend.
type StackAlreadyExistsError struct {
StackName string
func (e StackAlreadyExistsError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("stack '%v' already exists", e.StackName)
// StackReference is an opaque type that refers to a stack managed by a backend. The CLI uses the ParseStackReference
// method to turn a string like "my-great-stack" or "pulumi/my-great-stack" into a stack reference that can be used to
// interact with the stack via the backend. Stack references are specific to a given backend and different back ends
// may interpret the string passed to ParseStackReference differently
type StackReference interface {
// fmt.Stringer's String() method returns a string of the stack identity, suitable for display in the CLI
// Name is the name that will be passed to the Pulumi engine when preforming operations on this stack. This
// name may not uniquely identify the stack (e.g. the cloud backend embeds owner information in the StackReference
// but that information is not part of the StackName() we pass to the engine.
Name() tokens.QName
// PolicyPackReference is an opaque type that refers to a PolicyPack managed by a backend. The CLI
// uses the ParsePolicyPackReference method to turn a string like "myOrg/mySecurityRules" into a
// PolicyPackReference that can be used to interact with the PolicyPack via the backend.
// PolicyPackReferences are specific to a given backend and different back ends may interpret the
// string passed to ParsePolicyPackReference differently.
type PolicyPackReference interface {
// fmt.Stringer's String() method returns a string of the stack identity, suitable for display in the CLI
// OrgName is the name of the organization that is managing the PolicyPack.
OrgName() string
// Name is the name of the PolicyPack being referenced.
Name() tokens.QName
// StackSummary provides a basic description of a stack, without the ability to inspect its resources or make changes.
type StackSummary interface {
Name() StackReference
// LastUpdate returns when the stack was last updated, as applicable.
LastUpdate() *time.Time
// ResourceCount returns the stack's resource count, as applicable.
ResourceCount() *int
// ListStacksFilter describes optional filters when listing stacks.
type ListStacksFilter struct {
Organization *string
Project *string
TagName *string
TagValue *string
// Backend is an interface that represents actions the engine will interact with to manage stacks of cloud resources.
// It can be implemented any number of ways to provide pluggable backend implementations of the Pulumi Cloud.
type Backend interface {
// Name returns a friendly name for this backend.
Name() string
// URL returns a URL at which information about this backend may be seen.
URL() string
// GetPolicyPack returns a PolicyPack object tied to this backend, or nil if it cannot be found.
GetPolicyPack(ctx context.Context, policyPack string, d diag.Sink) (PolicyPack, error)
// SupportsOrganizations tells whether a user can belong to multiple organizations in this backend.
SupportsOrganizations() bool
// ParseStackReference takes a string representation and parses it to a reference which may be used for other
// methods in this backend.
ParseStackReference(s string) (StackReference, error)
// DoesProjectExist returns true if a project with the given name exists in this backend, or false otherwise.
DoesProjectExist(ctx context.Context, projectName string) (bool, error)
// GetStack returns a stack object tied to this backend with the given name, or nil if it cannot be found.
GetStack(ctx context.Context, stackRef StackReference) (Stack, error)
// CreateStack creates a new stack with the given name and options that are specific to the backend provider.
CreateStack(ctx context.Context, stackRef StackReference, opts interface{}) (Stack, error)
// RemoveStack removes a stack with the given name. If force is true, the stack will be removed even if it
// still contains resources. Otherwise, if the stack contains resources, a non-nil error is returned, and the
// first boolean return value will be set to true.
RemoveStack(ctx context.Context, stack Stack, force bool) (bool, error)
// ListStacks returns a list of stack summaries for all known stacks in the target backend.
ListStacks(ctx context.Context, filter ListStacksFilter) ([]StackSummary, error)
RenameStack(ctx context.Context, stack Stack, newName tokens.QName) error
// Preview shows what would be updated given the current workspace's contents.
Preview(ctx context.Context, stack Stack, op UpdateOperation) (engine.ResourceChanges, result.Result)
// Update updates the target stack with the current workspace's contents (config and code).
Update(ctx context.Context, stack Stack, op UpdateOperation) (engine.ResourceChanges, result.Result)
// Refresh refreshes the stack's state from the cloud provider.
Refresh(ctx context.Context, stack Stack, op UpdateOperation) (engine.ResourceChanges, result.Result)
// Destroy destroys all of this stack's resources.
Destroy(ctx context.Context, stack Stack, op UpdateOperation) (engine.ResourceChanges, result.Result)
// Query against the resource outputs in a stack's state checkpoint.
Query(ctx context.Context, stack Stack, op UpdateOperation) result.Result
// GetHistory returns all updates for the stack. The returned UpdateInfo slice will be in
// descending order (newest first).
GetHistory(ctx context.Context, stackRef StackReference) ([]UpdateInfo, error)
// GetLogs fetches a list of log entries for the given stack, with optional filtering/querying.
GetLogs(ctx context.Context, stack Stack, cfg StackConfiguration,
query operations.LogQuery) ([]operations.LogEntry, error)
// Get the configuration from the most recent deployment of the stack.
GetLatestConfiguration(ctx context.Context, stack Stack) (config.Map, error)
// GetStackTags fetches the stack's existing tags.
GetStackTags(ctx context.Context, stack Stack) (map[apitype.StackTagName]string, error)
// UpdateStackTags updates the stacks's tags, replacing all existing tags.
UpdateStackTags(ctx context.Context, stack Stack, tags map[apitype.StackTagName]string) error
// ExportDeployment exports the deployment for the given stack as an opaque JSON message.
ExportDeployment(ctx context.Context, stack Stack) (*apitype.UntypedDeployment, error)
// ImportDeployment imports the given deployment into the indicated stack.
ImportDeployment(ctx context.Context, stack Stack, deployment *apitype.UntypedDeployment) error
// Logout logs you out of the backend and removes any stored credentials.
Logout() error
// Returns the identity of the current user for the backend.
CurrentUser() (string, error)
// UpdateOperation is a complete stack update operation (preview, update, refresh, or destroy).
type UpdateOperation struct {
Proj *workspace.Project
Root string
M *UpdateMetadata
Opts UpdateOptions
SecretsManager secrets.Manager
StackConfiguration StackConfiguration
Scopes CancellationScopeSource
// StackConfiguration holds the configuration for a stack and it's associated decrypter.
type StackConfiguration struct {
Config config.Map
Decrypter config.Decrypter
// UpdateOptions is the full set of update options, including backend and engine options.
type UpdateOptions struct {
// Engine contains all of the engine-specific options.
Engine engine.UpdateOptions
// Display contains all of the backend display options.
Display display.Options
// AutoApprove, when true, will automatically approve previews.
AutoApprove bool
// SkipPreview, when true, causes the preview step to be skipped.
SkipPreview bool
// CancellationScope provides a scoped source of cancellation and termination requests.
type CancellationScope interface {
// Context returns the cancellation context used to observe cancellation and termination requests for this scope.
Context() *cancel.Context
// Close closes the cancellation scope.
// CancellationScopeSource provides a source for cancellation scopes.
type CancellationScopeSource interface {
// NewScope creates a new cancellation scope.
NewScope(events chan<- engine.Event, isPreview bool) CancellationScope
// NewBackendClient returns a deploy.BackendClient that wraps the given Backend.
func NewBackendClient(backend Backend) deploy.BackendClient {
return &backendClient{backend: backend}
type backendClient struct {
backend Backend
// GetStackOutputs returns the outputs of the stack with the given name.
func (c *backendClient) GetStackOutputs(ctx context.Context, name string) (resource.PropertyMap, error) {
ref, err := c.backend.ParseStackReference(name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
s, err := c.backend.GetStack(ctx, ref)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if s == nil {
return nil, errors.Errorf("unknown stack %q", name)
snap, err := s.Snapshot(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
res, err := stack.GetRootStackResource(snap)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "getting root stack resources")
if res == nil {
return resource.PropertyMap{}, nil
return res.Outputs, nil
func (c *backendClient) GetStackResourceOutputs(
ctx context.Context, name string) (resource.PropertyMap, error) {
ref, err := c.backend.ParseStackReference(name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
s, err := c.backend.GetStack(ctx, ref)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if s == nil {
return nil, errors.Errorf("unknown stack %q", name)
snap, err := s.Snapshot(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
pm := resource.PropertyMap{}
for _, r := range snap.Resources {
if r.Delete {
resc := resource.PropertyMap{
resource.PropertyKey("type"): resource.NewStringProperty(string(r.Type)),
resource.PropertyKey("outputs"): resource.NewObjectProperty(r.Outputs)}
pm[resource.PropertyKey(r.URN)] = resource.NewObjectProperty(resc)
return pm, nil