Sean Gillespie 8b9e24cd85 Allow dynamic-provider to send structured errors
A critical part of the partial update protocol is to return a structured
error when a resource is successfully created, but fails to initialize.
This structured error contains the properties of the
partially-initialized resource, and instructs the engine to halt.

Most languages implement this by attaching "details" to the error, i.e.,
an arbitrary proto message attached to the error. The JavaScript
implementation is not mature enough to include all the facilities
required to use this, so here we must add a `Status` message, which
protobuf requires as part of its structure for returning details.
2018-07-02 13:32:23 -07:00

66 lines
2.8 KiB
Executable file

# This script regenerates all Protobuf/gRPC client files.
# For now, it must be run manually, and the results are checked into source control. Eventually we might choose to
# automate this process as part of the overall build so that it's less manual and hence error prone.
# To run this script, the following pre-requisites are necessary:
# 1) Install the latest Protobuf compiler from https://github.com/google/protobuf/releases.
# 2) Add the `protoc` binary to your PATH (so that it can be found below).
# 3) Install the Golang Protobuf compiler by running this command from your Go workspace (also on your PATH):
# go get -u github.com/golang/protobuf/{proto,protoc-gen-go}
# 4) Install the Node.js gRPC SDK, which includes the gRPC Node.js compiler plugin
# npm install -g grpc-tools
# and add the `grpc_tools_node_protoc_plugin` binary to your PATH.a
# 5) Install the Python gRPC SDK, which includes the gRPC Python compiler plugin
# python -m pip install grpcio grpcio-tools
set -e
PROTOC=$(which protoc || { >&2 echo "error: Protobuf compiler (protoc) not found on PATH"; exit 1; })
PROTO_FILES=$(find . -name "*.proto" -not -name "status.proto")
JS_PROTO_FILES=$(find . -name "*.proto")
echo Generating Protobuf/gRPC SDK files:
echo -e "\tVERSION: $(protoc --version)"
echo -e "Generated by version $(protoc --version) of protoc" > ./grpc_version.txt
mkdir -p $GO_PULUMIRPC
mkdir -p $JS_PULUMIRPC
$PROTOC --js_out=$JS_PROTOFLAGS:$JS_PULUMIRPC --grpc_out=$JS_PULUMIRPC --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=`which grpc_tools_node_protoc_plugin` *.proto
echo -e "\tPython: $PY_PULUMIRPC"
mkdir -p $PY_PULUMIRPC
function on_exit() {
rm -rf "$TEMP_DIR"
# Protoc for Python has a bug where, if your proto files are all in the same directory relative
# to one another, imports of said proto files will produce imports that don't work using Python 3.
# Since our proto files are all in the same directory, this little bit of sed rewrites the broken
# imports that protoc produces, of the form
# import foo_pb2 as bar
# to the form
# from . import foo_pb2 as bar
# This form is semantically equivalent and is accepted by both Python 2 and Python 3.
TEMP_DIR="$(mktemp -d)"
trap on_exit EXIT
echo -e "\tPython temp dir: $TEMP_DIR"
python -m grpc_tools.protoc -I./ --python_out="$TEMP_DIR" --grpc_python_out="$TEMP_DIR" *.proto
sed -i '.old' "s/^import \([^ ]*\)_pb2 as \([^ ]*\)$/from . import \1_pb2 as \2/" "$TEMP_DIR"/*.py
echo Done.