joeduffy 47f7b0e609 Rearrange workspace logic
This change moves the workspace and Mufile detection logic out of the compiler
package and into the workspace one.

This also sketches out the overall workspace structure.  A workspace is "delimited"
by the presence of a .mu/ directory anywhere in the parent ancestry.  Inside of that
directory we have an optional .mu/clusters.yaml (or .json) file containing cluster
settings shared among the whole workspace.  We also have an optional .mu/stacks/
directory that contains dependencies used during package management.

The notion of a "global" workspace will also be present, which is essentially just
a .mu/ directory in your home, ~/.mu/, that has an equivalent structure, but can be
shared among all workspaces on the same machine.
2016-11-20 08:20:19 -08:00

117 lines
3.2 KiB

// Copyright 2016 Marapongo, Inc. All rights reserved.
package workspace
import (
// Mufile is the base name of a Mufile.
const Mufile = "Mu"
// Muspace is a directory containing settings, modules, etc., delimiting a workspace.
const Muspace = ".mu"
// MuspaceStacks is the directory in which dependency modules exist, either local to a workspace, or globally.
const MuspaceStacks = "stacks"
// MuspaceClusters is the base name of a clusters specification file.
const MuspaceClusters = "clusters"
// Exts contains a list of all the valid Mufile and Mucluster extensions.
var Exts = []string{
// Although ".yml" is not a sanctioned YAML extension, it is used quite broadly; so we will support it.
// DetectMufile locates the closest Mufile from the given path, searching "upwards" in the directory hierarchy. If no
// Mufile is found, an empty path is returned. If problems are detected, they are logged to the diag.Sink.
func DetectMufile(from string, d diag.Sink) string {
abs, err := filepath.Abs(from)
util.AssertMF(err == nil, "An IO error occurred while searching for a Mufile: %v", err)
// It's possible the target is already the file we seek; if so, return right away.
if IsMufile(abs, d) {
return abs
curr := abs
for {
stop := false
// If the target is a directory, enumerate its files, checking each to see if it's a Mufile.
files, err := ioutil.ReadDir(curr)
util.AssertMF(err == nil, "An IO error occurred while searching for a Mufile: %v", err)
for _, file := range files {
name := file.Name()
path := filepath.Join(curr, name)
if IsMufile(path, d) {
return path
} else if name == Muspace {
// If we hit a .muspace file, stop looking.
stop = true
// If we encountered a stop condition, break out of the loop.
if stop {
// If neither succeeded, keep looking in our parent directory.
curr = filepath.Dir(curr)
if os.IsPathSeparator(curr[len(curr)-1]) {
return ""
// IsMufile returns true if the path references what appears to be a valid Mufile. If problems are detected -- like
// an incorrect extension -- they are logged to the provided diag.Sink (if non-nil).
func IsMufile(path string, d diag.Sink) bool {
info, err := os.Stat(path)
if err != nil {
return false
// Directories can't be Mufiles.
if info.IsDir() {
return false
// Ensure the base name is expected.
name := info.Name()
ext := filepath.Ext(name)
base := strings.TrimSuffix(name, ext)
if base != Mufile {
if d != nil && strings.EqualFold(base, Mufile) {
// If the strings aren't equal, but case-insensitively match, issue a warning.
return false
// Check all supported extensions.
for _, mufileExt := range Exts {
if name == Mufile+mufileExt {
return true
// If we got here, it means the base name matched, but not the extension. Warn and return.
if d != nil {
d.Warningf(errors.WarnIllegalMufileExt.WithFile(name), ext)
return false