joeduffy 2362d45a5c Eliminate type redundancy
Despite our good progress moving towards having an apitype package,
where our exchange types live and can be shared among the engine and
our services, there were a few major types that were still duplciated.
Resource was the biggest example -- and indeed, the apitype varirant
was missing the new Dependencies property -- but there were others,
like Manfiest, PluginInfo, etc.  These too had semi-random omissions.

This change merges all of these types into the apitype package.  This
not only cleans up the redundancy and missing properties, but will
"force the issue" with respect to keeping them in sync and properly
versioning the information in a backwards compatible way.

The resource/stack package still exists as a simple marshaling layer
to and from the engine's core data types.

Finally, I've made the controversial change to share the actual
Deployment data structure at the apitype layer also.  This will force
us to confront differences in that data structure similarly, and will
allow us to leverage the strong typing throughout to catch issues.
2018-02-28 12:44:55 -08:00

244 lines
7 KiB

// Copyright 2016-2017, Pulumi Corporation. All rights reserved.
package operations
import (
// Resource is a tree representation of a resource/component hierarchy
type Resource struct {
Stack tokens.QName
Project tokens.PackageName
State *resource.State
Parent *Resource
Children map[resource.URN]*Resource
// NewResourceMap constructs a map of resources with parent/child relations, indexed by URN.
func NewResourceMap(source []*resource.State) map[resource.URN]*Resource {
_, resources := makeResourceTreeMap(source)
return resources
// NewResourceTree constructs a tree representation of a resource/component hierarchy
func NewResourceTree(source []*resource.State) *Resource {
root, _ := makeResourceTreeMap(source)
return root
// makeResourceTreeMap is a helper used by the two above functions to construct a resource hierarchy.
func makeResourceTreeMap(source []*resource.State) (*Resource, map[resource.URN]*Resource) {
resources := make(map[resource.URN]*Resource)
var stack tokens.QName
var proj tokens.PackageName
// First create a list of resource nodes, without parent/child relations hooked up.
for _, state := range source {
stack = state.URN.Stack()
proj = state.URN.Project()
if !state.Delete {
// Only include resources which are not marked as pending-deletion.
contract.Assertf(resources[state.URN] == nil, "Unexpected duplicate resource %s", state.URN)
resources[state.URN] = &Resource{
Stack: stack,
Project: proj,
State: state,
Children: make(map[resource.URN]*Resource),
// Next, walk the list of resources, and wire up parents and children. We do this in a second pass so
// that the creation of the tree isn't order dependent.
for _, child := range resources {
if parurn := child.State.Parent; parurn != "" {
parent, ok := resources[parurn]
contract.Assertf(ok, "Expected to find parent node '%v' in checkpoint tree nodes", parurn)
child.Parent = parent
parent.Children[child.State.URN] = child
// Create a single root node which is the parent of all unparented nodes
root := &Resource{
Stack: stack,
Project: proj,
State: nil,
Parent: nil,
Children: make(map[resource.URN]*Resource),
for _, node := range resources {
if node.Parent == nil {
root.Children[node.State.URN] = node
node.Parent = root
// Return the root node and map of children.
return root, resources
// GetChild find a child with the given type and name or returns `nil`.
func (r *Resource) GetChild(typ string, name string) *Resource {
for childURN, childResource := range r.Children {
if childURN.Stack() == r.Stack &&
childURN.Project() == r.Project &&
childURN.Type() == tokens.Type(typ) &&
childURN.Name() == tokens.QName(name) {
return childResource
return nil
// OperationsProvider gets an OperationsProvider for this resource.
func (r *Resource) OperationsProvider(config map[tokens.ModuleMember]string) Provider {
return &resourceOperations{
resource: r,
config: config,
// ResourceOperations is an OperationsProvider for Resources
type resourceOperations struct {
resource *Resource
config map[tokens.ModuleMember]string
var _ Provider = (*resourceOperations)(nil)
// GetLogs gets logs for a Resource
func (ops *resourceOperations) GetLogs(query LogQuery) (*[]LogEntry, error) {
// Only get logs for this resource if it matches the resource filter query
if ops.matchesResourceFilter(query.ResourceFilter) {
// Set query to be a new query with `ResourceFilter` nil so that we don't filter out logs from any children of
// this resource since this resource did match the resource filter.
query = LogQuery{
StartTime: query.StartTime,
EndTime: query.EndTime,
ResourceFilter: nil,
// Try to get an operations provider for this resource, it may be `nil`
opsProvider, err := ops.getOperationsProvider()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if opsProvider != nil {
// If this resource has an operations provider - use it and don't recur into children. It is the
// responsibility of it's GetLogs implementation to aggregate all logs from children, either by passing them
// through or by filtering specific content out.
logsResult, err := opsProvider.GetLogs(query)
if err != nil {
return logsResult, err
if logsResult != nil {
return logsResult, nil
// If this resource did not choose to provide it's own logs, recur into children and collect + aggregate their logs.
var logs []LogEntry
// Kick off GetLogs on all children in parallel, writing results to shared channels
ch := make(chan *[]LogEntry)
errch := make(chan error)
for _, child := range ops.resource.Children {
childOps := &resourceOperations{
resource: child,
config: ops.config,
go func() {
childLogs, err := childOps.GetLogs(query)
ch <- childLogs
errch <- err
// Handle results from GetLogs calls as they complete
var err error
for range ops.resource.Children {
childLogs := <-ch
childErr := <-errch
if childErr != nil {
err = multierror.Append(err, childErr)
if childLogs != nil {
logs = append(logs, *childLogs...)
if err != nil {
return &logs, err
// Sort
sort.SliceStable(logs, func(i, j int) bool { return logs[i].Timestamp < logs[j].Timestamp })
// Remove duplicates
var retLogs []LogEntry
var lastLogTimestamp int64
var lastLogs []LogEntry
for _, log := range logs {
shouldContinue := false
if log.Timestamp == lastLogTimestamp {
for _, lastLog := range lastLogs {
if log.Message == lastLog.Message {
shouldContinue = true
} else {
lastLogs = nil
if shouldContinue {
lastLogs = append(lastLogs, log)
lastLogTimestamp = log.Timestamp
retLogs = append(retLogs, log)
return &retLogs, nil
// matchesResourceFilter determines whether this resource matches the provided resource filter.
func (ops *resourceOperations) matchesResourceFilter(filter *ResourceFilter) bool {
if filter == nil {
// No filter, all resources match it.
return true
if ops.resource == nil || ops.resource.State == nil {
return false
urn := ops.resource.State.URN
if resource.URN(*filter) == urn {
// The filter matched the full URN
return true
if string(*filter) == string(urn.Type())+"::"+string(urn.Name()) {
// The filter matched the '<type>::<name>' part of the URN
return true
if tokens.QName(*filter) == urn.Name() {
// The filter matched the '<name>' part of the URN
return true
return false
func (ops *resourceOperations) getOperationsProvider() (Provider, error) {
if ops.resource == nil || ops.resource.State == nil {
return nil, nil
switch ops.resource.State.Type.Package() {
case "cloud":
return CloudOperationsProvider(ops.config, ops.resource)
case "aws":
return AWSOperationsProvider(ops.config, ops.resource)
return nil, nil