Praneet Loke 0fd131fb9e
Add a new BuildNumber property to the backend metadata bag and CI vars (#3766)
* Add a new metadata property for BuildNumber. Update Travis and GitLab to set both Build ID and Build Number. Add link to env vars doc for Codefresh.

* Update changelog

* Update CI vars detection test.

* Add PR number to changelog.
2020-01-17 10:47:49 -08:00

164 lines
4.7 KiB

// Copyright 2016-2019, Pulumi Corporation.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package ciutil
import (
func TestDetectVars(t *testing.T) {
buildNumber := "123"
buildID := "87638724"
systemAndEnvVars := map[SystemName]map[string]string{
// Since the `pulumi/pulumi` repo runs on Travis,
// we set the TRAVIS env var to an empty string for all test cases
// except for the Travis one itself.
// This way when the unit test runs on Travis, we don't pick-up Travis env vars.
AzurePipelines: {
"TRAVIS": "",
"TF_BUILD": "true",
"BUILD_BUILDID": buildNumber,
CircleCI: {
"TRAVIS": "",
"CIRCLECI": "true",
"CIRCLE_BUILD_NUM": buildNumber,
Codefresh: {
"TRAVIS": "",
"CF_BUILD_URL": "https://g.codefresh.io/build/99f5d825577e23c56f8c6b2a",
"CF_BUILD_ID": buildNumber,
GenericCI: {
"TRAVIS": "",
"PULUMI_CI_SYSTEM": "generic-ci-system",
"PULUMI_CI_BUILD_ID": buildNumber,
GitLab: {
"TRAVIS": "",
"GITLAB_CI": "true",
"CI_PIPELINE_IID": buildNumber,
Travis: {
"TRAVIS": "true",
"TRAVIS_JOB_NUMBER": buildNumber,
for system := range systemAndEnvVars {
t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("Test_%v_Detection", system), func(t *testing.T) {
envVars := systemAndEnvVars[system]
originalEnvVars := make(map[string]string)
for envVar := range envVars {
// Save the original env value
if value, isSet := os.LookupEnv(envVar); isSet {
originalEnvVars[envVar] = value
os.Setenv(envVar, envVars[envVar])
vars := DetectVars()
// For CI systems where the build number and the ID are the same,
// only the BuildID is set and is considered to be the build "number".
if vars.BuildNumber == "" {
buildNumber, vars.BuildID,
"%v did not set the expected build ID %v in the Vars struct.", system, buildNumber)
} else {
buildID, vars.BuildID,
"%v did not set the expected build ID %v in the Vars struct.", system, buildNumber)
buildNumber, vars.BuildNumber,
"%v did not set the expected build number %v in the Vars struct.", system, buildNumber)
// Restore any modified env vars back to their original value
// if we previously saved it. Otherwise, just unset it.
for envVar := range envVars {
if val, ok := originalEnvVars[envVar]; ok {
os.Setenv(envVar, val)
} else {
func TestDetectVarsBaseCI(t *testing.T) {
systemAndEnvVars := map[SystemName]map[string]string{
// Since the `pulumi/pulumi` repo runs on Travis,
// we set the TRAVIS env var to an empty string for all test cases
// except for the Travis one itself.
// This way when the unit test runs on Travis, we don't pick-up Travis env vars.
AppVeyor: {
"TRAVIS": "",
"APPVEYOR": "true",
Codeship: {
"TRAVIS": "",
"CI_NAME": "codeship",
for system := range systemAndEnvVars {
t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("Test_%v_Detection", system), func(t *testing.T) {
envVars := systemAndEnvVars[system]
originalEnvVars := make(map[string]string)
for envVar := range envVars {
// Save the original env value
if value, isSet := os.LookupEnv(envVar); isSet {
originalEnvVars[envVar] = value
os.Setenv(envVar, envVars[envVar])
vars := DetectVars()
string(system), string(vars.Name),
"%v did not set the expected CI system name in the Vars struct.", system)
// Restore any modified env vars back to their original value
// if we previously saved it. Otherwise, just unset it.
for envVar := range envVars {
if val, ok := originalEnvVars[envVar]; ok {
os.Setenv(envVar, val)
} else {
func TestDetectVarsDisableCIDetection(t *testing.T) {
os.Setenv("PULUMI_DISABLE_CI_DETECTION", "nonEmptyString")
os.Setenv("TRAVIS", "true")
os.Setenv("TRAVIS_JOB_ID", "1234")
v := DetectVars()
assert.Equal(t, "", v.BuildID)
os.Setenv("TRAVIS", "")
os.Setenv("TRAVIS_JOB_ID", "")