2020-10-06 10:19:22 -07:00

137 lines
7 KiB

// Copyright 2016-2019, Pulumi Corporation
using System;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Google.Protobuf.WellKnownTypes;
using Pulumi.Serialization;
namespace Pulumi
public partial class Deployment
void IDeploymentInternal.ReadOrRegisterResource(
Resource resource, bool remote, Func<string, Resource> newDependency, ResourceArgs args,
ResourceOptions options)
// ReadOrRegisterResource is called in a fire-and-forget manner. Make sure we keep
// track of this task so that the application will not quit until this async work
// completes.
// Also, we can only do our work once the constructor for the resource has actually
// finished. Otherwise, we might actually read and get the result back *prior* to the
// object finishing initializing. Note: this is not a speculative concern. This is
// something that does happen and has to be accounted for.
// IMPORTANT! We have to make sure we run 'OutputCompletionSource.InitializeOutputs'
// synchronously directly when `resource`'s constructor runs since this will set all of
// the `[Output(...)] Output<T>` properties. We need those properties assigned by the
// time the base 'Resource' constructor finishes so that both derived classes and
// external consumers can use the Output properties of `resource`.
var completionSources = OutputCompletionSource.InitializeOutputs(resource);
$"{nameof(IDeploymentInternal.ReadOrRegisterResource)}: {resource.GetResourceType()}-{resource.GetResourceName()}",
CompleteResourceAsync(resource, remote, newDependency, args, options, completionSources));
private async Task<(string urn, string id, Struct data, ImmutableDictionary<string, ImmutableHashSet<Resource>> dependencies)> ReadOrRegisterResourceAsync(
Resource resource, bool remote, Func<string, Resource> newDependency, ResourceArgs args,
ResourceOptions options)
if (options.Id != null)
var id = await options.Id.ToOutput().GetValueAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(id))
if (!(resource is CustomResource))
throw new ArgumentException($"{nameof(ResourceOptions)}.{nameof(ResourceOptions.Id)} is only valid for a {nameof(CustomResource)}");
// If this resource already exists, read its state rather than registering it anew.
return await ReadResourceAsync(resource, id, args, options).ConfigureAwait(false);
// Kick off the resource registration. If we are actually performing a deployment, this
// resource's properties will be resolved asynchronously after the operation completes,
// so that dependent computations resolve normally. If we are just planning, on the
// other hand, values will never resolve.
return await RegisterResourceAsync(resource, remote, newDependency, args, options).ConfigureAwait(false);
/// <summary>
/// Calls <see cref="ReadOrRegisterResourceAsync"/> then completes all the
/// <see cref="IOutputCompletionSource"/> sources on the <paramref name="resource"/> with
/// the results of it.
/// </summary>
private async Task CompleteResourceAsync(
Resource resource, bool remote, Func<string, Resource> newDependency, ResourceArgs args,
ResourceOptions options, ImmutableDictionary<string, IOutputCompletionSource> completionSources)
// Run in a try/catch/finally so that we always resolve all the outputs of the resource
// regardless of whether we encounter an errors computing the action.
var response = await ReadOrRegisterResourceAsync(
resource, remote, newDependency, args, options).ConfigureAwait(false);
completionSources[Constants.UrnPropertyName].SetStringValue(response.urn, isKnown: true);
if (resource is CustomResource customResource)
var id = response.id ?? "";
completionSources[Constants.IdPropertyName].SetStringValue(id, isKnown: id != "");
// Go through all our output fields and lookup a corresponding value in the response
// object. Allow the output field to deserialize the response.
foreach (var (fieldName, completionSource) in completionSources)
if (fieldName == Constants.UrnPropertyName || fieldName == Constants.IdPropertyName)
// Already handled specially above.
// We process and deserialize each field (instead of bulk processing
// 'response.data' so that each field can have independent isKnown/isSecret
// values. We do not want to bubble up isKnown/isSecret from one field to the
// rest.
if (response.data.Fields.TryGetValue(fieldName, out var value))
if (!response.dependencies.TryGetValue(fieldName, out var dependencies))
dependencies = ImmutableHashSet<Resource>.Empty;
var converted = Converter.ConvertValue($"{resource.GetType().FullName}.{fieldName}", value,
completionSource.TargetType, dependencies);
catch (Exception e)
// Mark any unresolved output properties with this exception. That way we don't
// leave any outstanding tasks sitting around which might cause hangs.
foreach (var source in completionSources.Values)
// ensure that we've at least resolved all our completion sources. That way we
// don't leave any outstanding tasks sitting around which might cause hangs.
foreach (var source in completionSources.Values)
// Didn't get a value for this field. Resolve it with a default value.
// If we're in preview, we'll consider this unknown and in a normal
// update we'll consider it known.
source.TrySetDefaultResult(isKnown: !_isDryRun);