joeduffy 7e48e8726b Add (back) component outputs
This change adds back component output properties.  Doing so
requires splitting the RPC interface for creating resources in
half, with an initial RegisterResource which contains all of the
input properties, and a final CompleteResource which optionally
contains any output properties synthesized by the component.
2017-11-20 17:38:09 -08:00

101 lines
3.2 KiB

// Copyright 2016-2017, Pulumi Corporation. All rights reserved.
package cmd
import (
func newStackCmd() *cobra.Command {
var showIDs bool
var showURNs bool
cmd := &cobra.Command{
Use: "stack",
Short: "Manage stacks",
Long: "Manage stacks\n" +
"\n" +
"An stack is a named update target, and a single project may have many of them.\n" +
"Each stack has a configuration and update history associated with it, stored in\n" +
"the workspace, in addition to a full checkpoint of the last known good update.\n",
Run: cmdutil.RunFunc(func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
stackName, err := getCurrentStack()
if err != nil {
return err
_, config, snapshot, stackFile, err := getStack(stackName)
if err != nil {
return err
fmt.Printf("Current stack is %v\n", stackName)
if snapshot != nil {
fmt.Printf("\tLast updated at %v\n", snapshot.Time)
if len(config) > 0 {
fmt.Printf("\t%v configuration variables set (see `pulumi config` for details)\n", len(config))
fmt.Printf("\tCheckpoint file is %s\n", stackFile)
fmt.Printf("\t(Use `pulumi stack select` to change stack; `pulumi stack ls` lists known ones)\n")
var stackResource *resource.State
if snapshot == nil || len(snapshot.Resources) == 0 {
fmt.Printf("No resources currently in this stack\n")
} else {
fmt.Printf("%v resources currently in this stack:\n", len(snapshot.Resources))
fmt.Printf("%-48s %s\n", "TYPE", "NAME")
for _, res := range snapshot.Resources {
if res.Type == stack.RootPulumiStackTypeName {
stackResource = res
fmt.Printf("%-48s %s\n", res.Type, res.URN.Name())
// If the ID and/or URN is requested, show it on the following line. It would be nice to do this
// on a single line, but they can get quite lengthy and so this formatting makes more sense.
if showIDs {
fmt.Printf("\tID: %s\n", res.ID)
if showURNs {
fmt.Printf("\tURN: %s\n", res.URN)
if stackResource != nil {
// Note: Currently, components place their output properties into the `Inputs` of the resource, so
// we need to extract the outputs from the `Inputs`.
outputs := stack.SerializeResource(stackResource).Inputs
if len(outputs) == 0 {
fmt.Printf("No output values currently in this stack\n")
} else {
fmt.Printf("%v output values currently in this stack:\n", len(outputs))
fmt.Printf("%-48s %s\n", "OUTPUT", "VALUE")
for key, val := range outputs {
fmt.Printf("%-48s %s\n", key, val)
return nil
&showIDs, "show-ids", "i", false, "Display each resource's provider-assigned unique ID")
&showURNs, "show-urns", "u", false, "Display each resource's Pulumi-assigned globally unique URN")
return cmd