Pat Gavlin 28579eba94
Rework asset identity and exposure of old assets. (#548)
Note: for the purposes of this discussion, archives will be treated as
assets, as their differences are not particularly meaningful.

Currently, the identity of an asset is derived from the hash and the
location of its contents (i.e. two assets are equal iff their contents
have the same hash and the same path/URI/inline value). This means that
changing the source of an asset will cause the engine to detect a
difference in the asset even if the source's contents are identical. At
best, this leads to inefficiencies such as unnecessary updates. This
commit changes asset identity so that it is derived solely from an
asset's hash. The source of an asset's contents is no longer part of
the asset's identity, and need only be provided if the contents
themselves may need to be available (e.g. if a hash does not yet exist
for the asset or if the asset's contents might be needed for an update).

This commit also changes the way old assets are exposed to providers.
Currently, an old asset is exposed as both its hash and its contents.
This allows providers to take a dependency on the contents of an old
asset being available, even though this is not an invariant of the
system. These changes remove the contents of old assets from their
serialized form when they are passed to providers, eliminating the
ability of a provider to take such a dependency. In combination with the
changes to asset identity, this allows a provider to detect changes to
an asset simply by comparing its old and new hashes.

This is half of the fix for [pulumi/pulumi-cloud#158]. The other half
involves changes in [pulumi/pulumi-terraform].
2017-11-12 11:45:13 -08:00

288 lines
9.4 KiB

// Copyright 2016-2017, Pulumi Corporation. All rights reserved.
package plugin
import (
lumirpc "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/proto/go"
const ProviderPluginPrefix = "pulumi-provider-"
// provider reflects a resource plugin, loaded dynamically for a single package.
type provider struct {
ctx *Context
pkg tokens.Package
plug *plugin
client lumirpc.ResourceProviderClient
// NewProvider attempts to bind to a given package's resource plugin and then creates a gRPC connection to it. If the
// plugin could not be found, or an error occurs while creating the child process, an error is returned.
func NewProvider(host Host, ctx *Context, pkg tokens.Package) (Provider, error) {
// Go ahead and attempt to load the plugin from the PATH.
srvexe := ProviderPluginPrefix + strings.Replace(string(pkg), tokens.QNameDelimiter, "_", -1)
plug, err := newPlugin(ctx, srvexe, fmt.Sprintf("%v (resource)", pkg), []string{host.ServerAddr()})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if plug == nil {
return nil, nil
return &provider{
ctx: ctx,
pkg: pkg,
plug: plug,
client: lumirpc.NewResourceProviderClient(plug.Conn),
}, nil
func (p *provider) Pkg() tokens.Package { return p.pkg }
// Configure configures the resource provider with "globals" that control its behavior.
func (p *provider) Configure(vars map[tokens.ModuleMember]string) error {
glog.V(7).Infof("resource[%v].Configure(#vars=%v) executing", p.pkg, len(vars))
config := make(map[string]string)
for k, v := range vars {
config[string(k)] = v
_, err := p.client.Configure(p.ctx.Request(), &lumirpc.ConfigureRequest{Variables: config})
if err != nil {
glog.V(7).Infof("resource[%v].Configure(#vars=%v,...) failed: err=%v", p.pkg, len(vars), err)
return err
return nil
// Check validates that the given property bag is valid for a resource of the given type.
func (p *provider) Check(urn resource.URN, props resource.PropertyMap) (resource.PropertyMap, []CheckFailure, error) {
glog.V(7).Infof("resource[%v].Check(urn=%v,#props=%v) executing", p.pkg, urn, len(props))
mprops, err := MarshalProperties(props, MarshalOptions{KeepUnknowns: true})
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
resp, err := p.client.Check(p.ctx.Request(), &lumirpc.CheckRequest{
Urn: string(urn),
Properties: mprops,
if err != nil {
glog.V(7).Infof("resource[%v].Check(urn=%v,...) failed: err=%v", p.pkg, urn, err)
return nil, nil, err
// Unmarshal any defaults.
var defaults resource.PropertyMap
if defs := resp.GetDefaults(); defs != nil {
defaults, err = UnmarshalProperties(defs, MarshalOptions{KeepUnknowns: true})
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
// And now any properties that failed verification.
var failures []CheckFailure
for _, failure := range resp.GetFailures() {
failures = append(failures, CheckFailure{resource.PropertyKey(failure.Property), failure.Reason})
glog.V(7).Infof("resource[%v].Check(urn=%v,...) success: defs=#%v failures=#%v",
p.pkg, urn, len(defaults), len(failures))
return defaults, failures, nil
// Diff checks what impacts a hypothetical update will have on the resource's properties.
func (p *provider) Diff(urn resource.URN, id resource.ID,
olds resource.PropertyMap, news resource.PropertyMap) (DiffResult, error) {
contract.Assert(urn != "")
contract.Assert(id != "")
contract.Assert(news != nil)
contract.Assert(olds != nil)
glog.V(7).Infof("resource[%v].Diff(id=%v,urn=%v,#olds=%v,#news=%v) executing",
p.pkg, id, urn, len(olds), len(news))
molds, err := MarshalProperties(olds, MarshalOptions{ElideAssetContents: true})
if err != nil {
return DiffResult{}, err
mnews, err := MarshalProperties(news, MarshalOptions{KeepUnknowns: true})
if err != nil {
return DiffResult{}, err
resp, err := p.client.Diff(p.ctx.Request(), &lumirpc.DiffRequest{
Id: string(id),
Urn: string(urn),
Olds: molds,
News: mnews,
if err != nil {
glog.V(7).Infof("resource[%v].Diff(id=%v,urn=%v,...) failed: %v", p.pkg, id, urn, err)
return DiffResult{}, err
var replaces []resource.PropertyKey
for _, replace := range resp.GetReplaces() {
replaces = append(replaces, resource.PropertyKey(replace))
var stables []resource.PropertyKey
for _, stable := range resp.GetStables() {
stables = append(stables, resource.PropertyKey(stable))
glog.V(7).Infof("resource[%v].Update(id=%v,urn=%v,...) success: #replaces=%v #stables=%v",
p.pkg, id, urn, len(replaces), len(stables))
return DiffResult{
ReplaceKeys: replaces,
StableKeys: stables,
}, nil
// Create allocates a new instance of the provided resource and assigns its unique resource.ID and outputs afterwards.
func (p *provider) Create(urn resource.URN, props resource.PropertyMap) (resource.ID,
resource.PropertyMap, resource.Status, error) {
contract.Assert(urn != "")
contract.Assert(props != nil)
glog.V(7).Infof("resource[%v].Create(urn=%v,#props=%v) executing", p.pkg, urn, len(props))
mprops, err := MarshalProperties(props, MarshalOptions{})
if err != nil {
return "", nil, resource.StatusOK, err
resp, err := p.client.Create(p.ctx.Request(), &lumirpc.CreateRequest{
Urn: string(urn),
Properties: mprops,
if err != nil {
glog.V(7).Infof("resource[%v].Create(urn=%v,...) failed: err=%v", p.pkg, urn, err)
return "", nil, resource.StatusUnknown, err
id := resource.ID(resp.GetId())
if id == "" {
return "", nil, resource.StatusUnknown,
errors.Errorf("plugin for package '%v' returned empty resource.ID from create '%v'", p.pkg, urn)
outs, err := UnmarshalProperties(resp.GetProperties(), MarshalOptions{})
if err != nil {
return "", nil, resource.StatusUnknown, err
glog.V(7).Infof("resource[%v].Create(urn=%v,...) success: id=%v; #outs=%v", p.pkg, urn, id, len(outs))
return id, outs, resource.StatusOK, nil
// Update updates an existing resource with new values.
func (p *provider) Update(urn resource.URN, id resource.ID,
olds resource.PropertyMap, news resource.PropertyMap) (resource.PropertyMap, resource.Status, error) {
contract.Assert(urn != "")
contract.Assert(id != "")
contract.Assert(news != nil)
contract.Assert(olds != nil)
glog.V(7).Infof("resource[%v].Update(id=%v,urn=%v,#olds=%v,#news=%v) executing",
p.pkg, id, urn, len(olds), len(news))
molds, err := MarshalProperties(olds, MarshalOptions{ElideAssetContents: true})
if err != nil {
return nil, resource.StatusOK, err
mnews, err := MarshalProperties(news, MarshalOptions{})
if err != nil {
return nil, resource.StatusOK, err
req := &lumirpc.UpdateRequest{
Id: string(id),
Urn: string(urn),
Olds: molds,
News: mnews,
resp, err := p.client.Update(p.ctx.Request(), req)
if err != nil {
glog.V(7).Infof("resource[%v].Update(id=%v,urn=%v,...) failed: %v", p.pkg, id, urn, err)
return nil, resource.StatusUnknown, err
outs, err := UnmarshalProperties(resp.GetProperties(), MarshalOptions{})
if err != nil {
return nil, resource.StatusUnknown, err
glog.V(7).Infof("resource[%v].Update(id=%v,urn=%v,...) success; #out=%v", p.pkg, id, urn, len(outs))
return outs, resource.StatusOK, nil
// Delete tears down an existing resource.
func (p *provider) Delete(urn resource.URN, id resource.ID, props resource.PropertyMap) (resource.Status, error) {
contract.Assert(urn != "")
contract.Assert(id != "")
mprops, err := MarshalProperties(props, MarshalOptions{ElideAssetContents: true})
if err != nil {
return resource.StatusOK, err
glog.V(7).Infof("resource[%v].Delete(id=%v,urn=%v) executing", p.pkg, id, urn)
req := &lumirpc.DeleteRequest{
Id: string(id),
Urn: string(urn),
Properties: mprops,
if _, err := p.client.Delete(p.ctx.Request(), req); err != nil {
glog.V(7).Infof("resource[%v].Delete(id=%v,urn=%v) failed: %v", p.pkg, id, urn, err)
return resource.StatusUnknown, err
glog.V(7).Infof("resource[%v].Delete(id=%v,urn=%v) success", p.pkg, id, urn)
return resource.StatusOK, nil
// Invoke dynamically executes a built-in function in the provider.
func (p *provider) Invoke(tok tokens.ModuleMember, args resource.PropertyMap) (resource.PropertyMap,
[]CheckFailure, error) {
contract.Assert(tok != "")
margs, err := MarshalProperties(args, MarshalOptions{KeepUnknowns: true})
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
glog.V(7).Infof("resource[%v].Invoke(tok=%v,#args=%v) executing", tok, len(args))
resp, err := p.client.Invoke(p.ctx.Request(), &lumirpc.InvokeRequest{Tok: string(tok), Args: margs})
if err != nil {
glog.V(7).Infof("resource[%v].Invoke(tok=%v,#args=%v) failed: %v", p.pkg, tok, len(args), err)
return nil, nil, err
// Unmarshal any return values.
ret, err := UnmarshalProperties(resp.GetReturn(), MarshalOptions{KeepUnknowns: true})
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
// And now any properties that failed verification.
var failures []CheckFailure
for _, failure := range resp.GetFailures() {
failures = append(failures, CheckFailure{resource.PropertyKey(failure.Property), failure.Reason})
glog.V(7).Infof("resource[%v].Invoke(tok=%v,#args=%v,#ret=%v,#failures=%v) success",
p.pkg, tok, len(args), len(ret), len(failures))
return ret, failures, nil
// Close tears down the underlying plugin RPC connection and process.
func (p *provider) Close() error {
return p.plug.Close()