joeduffy 5b779798c4 Fix (don't torch) LUMIDL
This change finishes the conversion of LUMIDL over to the new
runtime model, with the appropriate code generation changes.

It turns out the old model actually had a flaw in it anyway that we
simply didn't hit because we hadn't been stressing output properties
nearly as much as the new model does.  This resulted in needing to
plumb the rejection (or allowance) of computed properties more
deeply into the resource property marshaling/unmarshaling logic.

As of these changes, I can run the GitHub provider again locally.

This change fixes pulumi/pulumi-fabric#332.
2017-09-14 16:40:44 -07:00

325 lines
12 KiB

// Copyright 2016-2017, Pulumi Corporation. All rights reserved.
package plugin
import (
structpb "github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/struct"
// MarshalOptions controls the marshaling of RPC structures.
type MarshalOptions struct {
SkipNulls bool // true to skip nulls altogether in the resulting map.
AllowUnknowns bool // true if we are allowing unknown values (otherwise an error results).
const (
// UnknownBoolValue is a sentinel indicating that a bool property's value is not known, because it depends on
// a computation with values whose values themselves are not yet known (e.g., dependent upon an output property).
UnknownBoolValue = "1c4a061d-8072-4f0a-a4cb-0ff528b18fe7"
// UnknownNumberValue is a sentinel indicating that a number property's value is not known, because it depends on
// a computation with values whose values themselves are not yet known (e.g., dependent upon an output property).
UnknownNumberValue = "3eeb2bf0-c639-47a8-9e75-3b44932eb421"
// UnknownStringValue is a sentinel indicating that a string property's value is not known, because it depends on
// a computation with values whose values themselves are not yet known (e.g., dependent upon an output property).
UnknownStringValue = "04da6b54-80e4-46f7-96ec-b56ff0331ba9"
// UnknownArrayValue is a sentinel indicating that an array property's value is not known, because it depends on
// a computation with values whose values themselves are not yet known (e.g., dependent upon an output property).
UnknownArrayValue = "6a19a0b0-7e62-4c92-b797-7f8e31da9cc2"
// UnknownAssetValue is a sentinel indicating that an asset property's value is not known, because it depends on
// a computation with values whose values themselves are not yet known (e.g., dependent upon an output property).
UnknownAssetValue = "030794c1-ac77-496b-92df-f27374a8bd58"
// UnknownArchiveValue is a sentinel indicating that an archive property's value is not known, because it depends
// on a computation with values whose values themselves are not yet known (e.g., dependent upon an output property).
UnknownArchiveValue = "e48ece36-62e2-4504-bad9-02848725956a"
// UnknownObjectValue is a sentinel indicating that an archive property's value is not known, because it depends
// on a computation with values whose values themselves are not yet known (e.g., dependent upon an output property).
UnknownObjectValue = "dd056dcd-154b-4c76-9bd3-c8f88648b5ff"
// MarshalProperties marshals a resource's property map as a "JSON-like" protobuf structure.
func MarshalProperties(props resource.PropertyMap, opts MarshalOptions) (*structpb.Struct, error) {
fields := make(map[string]*structpb.Value)
for _, key := range props.StableKeys() {
v := props[key]
glog.V(9).Infof("Marshaling property for RPC: %v=%v", key, v)
if v.IsOutput() {
glog.V(9).Infof("Skipping output property %v", key)
} else if opts.SkipNulls && v.IsNull() {
glog.V(9).Infof("Skipping null property %v (as requested)", key)
} else {
m, err := MarshalPropertyValue(v, opts)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
fields[string(key)] = m
return &structpb.Struct{
Fields: fields,
}, nil
// MarshalPropertyValue marshals a single resource property value into its "JSON-like" value representation.
func MarshalPropertyValue(v resource.PropertyValue, opts MarshalOptions) (*structpb.Value, error) {
if v.IsNull() {
return MarshalNull(opts), nil
} else if v.IsBool() {
return &structpb.Value{
Kind: &structpb.Value_BoolValue{
BoolValue: v.BoolValue(),
}, nil
} else if v.IsNumber() {
return &structpb.Value{
Kind: &structpb.Value_NumberValue{
NumberValue: v.NumberValue(),
}, nil
} else if v.IsString() {
return MarshalString(v.StringValue(), opts), nil
} else if v.IsArray() {
var elems []*structpb.Value
for _, elem := range v.ArrayValue() {
e, err := MarshalPropertyValue(elem, opts)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
elems = append(elems, e)
return &structpb.Value{
Kind: &structpb.Value_ListValue{
ListValue: &structpb.ListValue{Values: elems},
}, nil
} else if v.IsAsset() {
return MarshalAsset(v.AssetValue(), opts)
} else if v.IsArchive() {
return MarshalArchive(v.ArchiveValue(), opts)
} else if v.IsObject() {
obj, err := MarshalProperties(v.ObjectValue(), opts)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return MarshalStruct(obj, opts), nil
} else if v.IsComputed() {
elem := v.ComputedValue().Element
if opts.AllowUnknowns {
return marshalUnknownProperty(elem, opts), nil
return nil, errors.Errorf("unpexected computed property during marshaling: %v", elem)
} else if v.IsOutput() {
// Note that at the moment we don't differentiate between computed and output properties on the wire. As
// a result, they will show up as computed on the other end. This distinction isn't currently interesting.
elem := v.ComputedValue().Element
if opts.AllowUnknowns {
return marshalUnknownProperty(v.OutputValue().Element, opts), nil
return nil, errors.Errorf("unexpected output property during marshaling: %v", elem)
contract.Failf("Unrecognized property value: %v (type=%v)", v.V, reflect.TypeOf(v.V))
return nil, nil
// marshalUnknownProperty marshals an unknown property in a way that lets us recover its type on the other end.
func marshalUnknownProperty(elem resource.PropertyValue, opts MarshalOptions) *structpb.Value {
// Normal cases, these get sentinels.
if elem.IsBool() {
return MarshalString(UnknownBoolValue, opts)
} else if elem.IsNumber() {
return MarshalString(UnknownNumberValue, opts)
} else if elem.IsString() {
return MarshalString(UnknownStringValue, opts)
} else if elem.IsArray() {
return MarshalString(UnknownArrayValue, opts)
} else if elem.IsAsset() {
return MarshalString(UnknownAssetValue, opts)
} else if elem.IsArchive() {
return MarshalString(UnknownArchiveValue, opts)
} else if elem.IsObject() {
return MarshalString(UnknownObjectValue, opts)
// If for some reason we end up with a recursive computed/output, just keep digging.
if elem.IsComputed() {
return marshalUnknownProperty(elem.ComputedValue().Element, opts)
} else if elem.IsOutput() {
return marshalUnknownProperty(elem.OutputValue().Element, opts)
// Finally, if a null, we can guess its value! (the one and only...)
if elem.IsNull() {
return MarshalNull(opts)
contract.Failf("Unexpected output/computed property element: %v", elem)
return nil
// UnmarshalProperties unmarshals a "JSON-like" protobuf structure into a new resource property map.
func UnmarshalProperties(props *structpb.Struct, opts MarshalOptions) (resource.PropertyMap, error) {
result := make(resource.PropertyMap)
// First sort the keys so we enumerate them in order (in case errors happen, we want determinism).
var keys []string
if props != nil {
for k := range props.Fields {
keys = append(keys, k)
// And now unmarshal every field it into the map.
for _, key := range keys {
pk := resource.PropertyKey(key)
v, err := UnmarshalPropertyValue(props.Fields[key], opts)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
glog.V(9).Infof("Unmarshaling property for RPC: %v=%v", key, v)
if opts.SkipNulls && v.IsNull() {
glog.V(9).Infof("Skipping unmarshaling of %v (it is null)", key)
} else {
result[pk] = v
return result, nil
// UnmarshalPropertyValue unmarshals a single "JSON-like" value into a new property value.
func UnmarshalPropertyValue(v *structpb.Value, opts MarshalOptions) (resource.PropertyValue, error) {
contract.Assert(v != nil)
switch v.Kind.(type) {
case *structpb.Value_NullValue:
return resource.NewNullProperty(), nil
case *structpb.Value_BoolValue:
return resource.NewBoolProperty(v.GetBoolValue()), nil
case *structpb.Value_NumberValue:
return resource.NewNumberProperty(v.GetNumberValue()), nil
case *structpb.Value_StringValue:
// If it's a string, it could be an unknown property, or just a regular string.
s := v.GetStringValue()
if unk, isunk := unmarshalUnknownPropertyValue(s, opts); isunk {
if opts.AllowUnknowns {
return unk, nil
return resource.PropertyValue{},
errors.Errorf("unexpected unknown property during unmarshaling: %v", unk)
return resource.NewStringProperty(s), nil
case *structpb.Value_ListValue:
// If there's already an array, prefer to swap elements within it.
var elems []resource.PropertyValue
lst := v.GetListValue()
for i, elem := range lst.GetValues() {
if i == len(elems) {
elems = append(elems, resource.PropertyValue{})
contract.Assert(len(elems) > i)
e, err := UnmarshalPropertyValue(elem, opts)
if err != nil {
return resource.PropertyValue{}, err
elems[i] = e
return resource.NewArrayProperty(elems), nil
case *structpb.Value_StructValue:
// Start by unmarshaling.
obj, err := UnmarshalProperties(v.GetStructValue(), opts)
if err != nil {
return resource.PropertyValue{}, err
// Before returning it as an object, check to see if it's a known recoverable type.
objmap := obj.Mappable()
if asset, isasset := resource.DeserializeAsset(objmap); isasset {
return resource.NewAssetProperty(asset), nil
} else if archive, isarchive := resource.DeserializeArchive(objmap); isarchive {
return resource.NewArchiveProperty(archive), nil
return resource.NewObjectProperty(obj), nil
contract.Failf("Unrecognized structpb value kind: %v", reflect.TypeOf(v.Kind))
return resource.PropertyValue{}, nil
func unmarshalUnknownPropertyValue(s string, opts MarshalOptions) (resource.PropertyValue, bool) {
var elem resource.PropertyValue
var unknown bool
switch s {
case UnknownBoolValue:
elem, unknown = resource.NewBoolProperty(false), true
case UnknownNumberValue:
elem, unknown = resource.NewNumberProperty(0), true
case UnknownStringValue:
elem, unknown = resource.NewStringProperty(""), true
case UnknownArrayValue:
elem, unknown = resource.NewArrayProperty([]resource.PropertyValue{}), true
case UnknownAssetValue:
elem, unknown = resource.NewAssetProperty(resource.Asset{}), true
case UnknownArchiveValue:
elem, unknown = resource.NewArchiveProperty(resource.Archive{}), true
case UnknownObjectValue:
elem, unknown = resource.NewObjectProperty(make(resource.PropertyMap)), true
if unknown {
comp := resource.Computed{Element: elem}
return resource.NewComputedProperty(comp), true
return resource.PropertyValue{}, false
// MarshalNull marshals a nil to its protobuf form.
func MarshalNull(opts MarshalOptions) *structpb.Value {
return &structpb.Value{
Kind: &structpb.Value_NullValue{
NullValue: structpb.NullValue_NULL_VALUE,
// MarshalString marshals a string to its protobuf form.
func MarshalString(s string, opts MarshalOptions) *structpb.Value {
return &structpb.Value{
Kind: &structpb.Value_StringValue{
StringValue: s,
// MarshalStruct marshals a struct for use in a protobuf field where a value is expected.
func MarshalStruct(obj *structpb.Struct, opts MarshalOptions) *structpb.Value {
return &structpb.Value{
Kind: &structpb.Value_StructValue{
StructValue: obj,
// MarshalAsset marshals an asset into its wire form for resource provider plugins.
func MarshalAsset(v resource.Asset, opts MarshalOptions) (*structpb.Value, error) {
// To marshal an asset, we need to first serialize it, and then marshal that.
sera := v.Serialize()
serap := resource.NewPropertyMapFromMap(sera)
return MarshalPropertyValue(resource.NewObjectProperty(serap), opts)
// MarshalArchive marshals an archive into its wire form for resource provider plugins.
func MarshalArchive(v resource.Archive, opts MarshalOptions) (*structpb.Value, error) {
// To marshal an archive, we need to first serialize it, and then marshal that.
sera := v.Serialize()
serap := resource.NewPropertyMapFromMap(sera)
return MarshalPropertyValue(resource.NewObjectProperty(serap), opts)