Matt Ellis 5c4a31f692 Adopt new version strategy
Our previous strategy of just using `git describe --tags --dirty` to
compute a version caused issues. The major one was that since version
sort lexigrapically, git's strategy of having a commit count without
leading zeros lead to cases where 0.11.0-dev-9 was "newer than"
0.11.0-dev-10 which is not what you want at all.

With this change, we compute a version by first seeing if the commit
is tagged, and if so, we use that tag. Otherwise, we take the closest
tag and to it append the unix timestamp of the commit and then append
a git hash.

Because we use the commit timestamp, things will sort correctly again.

Part of pulumi/home#174
2018-03-15 18:06:04 -07:00

64 lines
2 KiB
Executable file

# make_release.sh will create a build package ready for publishing.
set -o nounset -o errexit -o pipefail
ROOT=$(dirname $0)/..
PUBDIR=$(mktemp -du)
GITHASH=$(git rev-parse HEAD)
PUBFILE=$(dirname ${PUBDIR})/${GITHASH}.tgz
# Figure out which branch we're on. Prefer $TRAVIS_BRANCH, if set, since
# Travis leaves us at detached HEAD and `git rev-parse` just returns "HEAD".
BRANCH=${TRAVIS_BRANCH:-$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)}
# usage: run_go_build <path-to-package-to-build>
function run_go_build() {
local bin_suffix=""
local output_name=$(basename $(cd "$1" ; pwd))
if [ "$(go env GOOS)" = "windows" ]; then
mkdir -p "${PUBDIR}/bin"
go build \
-ldflags "-X github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pkg/version.Version=${VERSION}" \
-o "${PUBDIR}/bin/${output_name}${bin_suffix}" \
# usage: copy_package <path-to-module> <module-name>
copy_package() {
local module_root=${PUBDIR}/node_modules/$2
mkdir -p "${module_root}"
cp -R "$1" "${module_root}/"
if [ -e "${module_root}/node_modules" ]; then
rm -rf "${module_root}/node_modules"
if [ -e "${module_root}/tests" ]; then
rm -rf "${module_root}/tests"
# Build binaries
run_go_build "${ROOT}"
run_go_build "${ROOT}/sdk/nodejs/cmd/pulumi-language-nodejs"
# Copy over the language and dynamic resource provider
cp ${ROOT}/sdk/nodejs/dist/pulumi-language-nodejs-exec ${PUBDIR}/bin/
cp ${ROOT}/sdk/nodejs/dist/pulumi-resource-pulumi-nodejs ${PUBDIR}/bin/
# Copy over our custom Node plugin
mkdir -p ${PUBDIR}/bin/$(node --version)
cp ${ROOT}/sdk/nodejs/runtime/native/build/Release/nativeruntime-v0.11.0.node ${PUBDIR}/bin/$(node --version)/nativeruntime-v0.11.0.node
# Copy packages
copy_package "${ROOT}/sdk/nodejs/bin/." "@pulumi/pulumi"
# Tar up the file and then print it out for use by the caller or script.
tar -czf ${PUBFILE} -C ${PUBDIR} .