
120 lines
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package test
import (
type sdkTest struct {
Directory string
Description string
Skip codegen.StringSet
var sdkTests = []sdkTest{
Directory: "external-resource-schema",
Description: "External resource schema",
Directory: "nested-module",
Description: "Nested module",
Directory: "nested-module-thirdparty",
Description: "Third-party nested module",
Directory: "plain-schema-gh6957",
Description: "Repro for #6957",
Directory: "resource-args-python",
Description: "Resource args with same named resource and type",
Directory: "simple-enum-schema",
Description: "Simple schema with enum types",
Directory: "simple-plain-schema",
Description: "Simple schema with plain properties",
Directory: "simple-plain-schema-with-root-package",
Description: "Simple schema with root package set",
Directory: "simple-resource-schema",
Description: "Simple schema with local resource properties",
Directory: "simple-resource-schema-custom-pypackage-name",
Description: "Simple schema with local resource properties and custom Python package name",
Directory: "simple-methods-schema",
Description: "Simple schema with methods",
Skip: codegen.NewStringSet("docs", "dotnet"),
Directory: "simple-yaml-schema",
Description: "Simple schema encoded using YAML",
Directory: "provider-config-schema",
Description: "Simple provider config schema",
// TestSDKCodegen runs the complete set of SDK code generation tests against a particular language's code generator.
// An SDK code generation test consists of a schema and a set of expected outputs for each language. Each test is
// structured as a directory that contains that information:
// test-directory/
// schema.(json|yaml)
// language-0
// ...
// language-n
// The schema is the only piece that must be manually authored. Once the schema has been written, the expected outputs
// can be generated by running `PULUMI_ACCEPT=true go test ./..." from the `pkg/codegen` directory.
func TestSDKCodegen(t *testing.T, language string, genPackage GenPkgSignature) {
testDir := filepath.Join("..", "internal", "test", "testdata")
for _, tt := range sdkTests {
t.Run(tt.Description, func(t *testing.T) {
if tt.Skip.Has(language) {
dirPath := filepath.Join(testDir, filepath.FromSlash(tt.Directory))
schemaPath := filepath.Join(dirPath, "schema.json")
if _, err := os.Stat(schemaPath); err != nil && os.IsNotExist(err) {
schemaPath = filepath.Join(dirPath, "schema.yaml")
files, err := GeneratePackageFilesFromSchema(schemaPath, genPackage)
assert.NoError(t, err)
dir := filepath.Join(testDir, tt.Directory)
if RewriteFilesWhenPulumiAccept(t, dir, language, files) {
expectedFiles, err := LoadBaseline(dir, language)
assert.NoError(t, err)
ValidateFileEquality(t, files, expectedFiles)