Luke Hoban 5ede33e03d
Run tests against managed stacks backend instead of FnF (#1092)
Tests now target managed stacks instead of local stacks.

The existing logged in user and target backend API are used unless PULUMI_ACCES_TOKEN is defined, in which case tests are run under that access token and against the PULUMI_API backend.

For developer machines, we will now need to be logged in to Pulumi to run tests, and whichever default API backend is logged in (the one listed as current in ~/.pulumi/credentials.json) will be used. If you need to override these, provide PULUMI_ACCESS_TOKEN and possibly PULUMI_API.

For Travis, we currently target the staging service using the Pulumi Bot user.

We have decided to run tests in the pulumi organization. This can be overridden for local testing (or in Travis in the future) by defining PULUMI_API_OWNER_ORGANIZATION and using an access token with access to that organization.

Part of pulumi/home#195.
2018-04-02 21:34:54 -07:00

356 lines
12 KiB

// Copyright 2016-2018, Pulumi Corporation. All rights reserved.
package ints
import (
ptesting "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pkg/testing"
// TestEmptyNodeJS simply tests that we can run an empty NodeJS project.
func TestEmptyNodeJS(t *testing.T) {
integration.ProgramTest(t, &integration.ProgramTestOptions{
Dir: filepath.Join("empty", "nodejs"),
Dependencies: []string{"@pulumi/pulumi"},
Quick: true,
// TestEmptyPython simply tests that we can run an empty Python project.
func TestEmptyPython(t *testing.T) {
integration.ProgramTest(t, &integration.ProgramTestOptions{
Dir: filepath.Join("empty", "python"),
Quick: true,
// TestProjectMain tests out the ability to override the main entrypoint.
func TestProjectMain(t *testing.T) {
var test integration.ProgramTestOptions
test = integration.ProgramTestOptions{
Dir: "project_main",
Dependencies: []string{"@pulumi/pulumi"},
ExtraRuntimeValidation: func(t *testing.T, stackInfo integration.RuntimeValidationStackInfo) {
// Simple runtime validation that just ensures the checkpoint was written and read.
assert.NotNil(t, stackInfo.Deployment)
integration.ProgramTest(t, &test)
t.Run("Error_AbsolutePath", func(t *testing.T) {
e := ptesting.NewEnvironment(t)
defer func() {
if !t.Failed() {
e.RunCommand("git", "init")
e.RunCommand("pulumi", "init")
e.RunCommand("pulumi", "stack", "init", "--local", "main-abs")
stdout, stderr := e.RunCommandExpectError("pulumi", "update")
assert.Equal(t, "", stdout)
assert.Contains(t, stderr, "project 'main' must be a relative path")
t.Run("Error_ParentFolder", func(t *testing.T) {
e := ptesting.NewEnvironment(t)
defer func() {
if !t.Failed() {
e.RunCommand("git", "init")
e.RunCommand("pulumi", "init")
e.RunCommand("pulumi", "stack", "init", "--local", "main-parent")
stdout, stderr := e.RunCommandExpectError("pulumi", "update")
assert.Equal(t, "", stdout)
assert.Contains(t, stderr, "project 'main' must be a subfolder")
// TestStackProjectName ensures we can read the Pulumi stack and project name from within the program.
func TestStackProjectName(t *testing.T) {
integration.ProgramTest(t, &integration.ProgramTestOptions{
Dir: "stack_project_name",
Dependencies: []string{"@pulumi/pulumi"},
Quick: true,
// TestStackOutputs ensures we can export variables from a stack and have them get recorded as outputs.
func TestStackOutputs(t *testing.T) {
integration.ProgramTest(t, &integration.ProgramTestOptions{
Dir: "stack_outputs",
Dependencies: []string{"@pulumi/pulumi"},
Quick: true,
ExtraRuntimeValidation: func(t *testing.T, stackInfo integration.RuntimeValidationStackInfo) {
// Ensure the checkpoint contains a single resource, the Stack, with two outputs.
fmt.Printf("Deployment: %v", stackInfo.Deployment)
assert.NotNil(t, stackInfo.Deployment)
if assert.Equal(t, 1, len(stackInfo.Deployment.Resources)) {
stackRes := stackInfo.Deployment.Resources[0]
assert.NotNil(t, stackRes)
assert.Equal(t, resource.RootStackType, stackRes.URN.Type())
assert.Equal(t, 0, len(stackRes.Inputs))
assert.Equal(t, 2, len(stackRes.Outputs))
assert.Equal(t, "ABC", stackRes.Outputs["xyz"])
assert.Equal(t, float64(42), stackRes.Outputs["foo"])
// TestStackParenting tests out that stacks and components are parented correctly.
func TestStackParenting(t *testing.T) {
integration.ProgramTest(t, &integration.ProgramTestOptions{
Dir: "stack_parenting",
Dependencies: []string{"@pulumi/pulumi"},
Quick: true,
ExtraRuntimeValidation: func(t *testing.T, stackInfo integration.RuntimeValidationStackInfo) {
// Ensure the checkpoint contains resources parented correctly. This should look like this:
// A F
// / \ \
// B C G
// / \
// D E
// with the caveat, of course, that A and F will share a common parent, the implicit stack.
assert.NotNil(t, stackInfo.Deployment)
if assert.Equal(t, 8, len(stackInfo.Deployment.Resources)) {
stackRes := stackInfo.Deployment.Resources[0]
assert.NotNil(t, stackRes)
assert.Equal(t, resource.RootStackType, stackRes.Type)
assert.Equal(t, "", string(stackRes.Parent))
urns := make(map[string]resource.URN)
for _, res := range stackInfo.Deployment.Resources[1:] {
assert.NotNil(t, res)
urns[string(res.URN.Name())] = res.URN
switch res.URN.Name() {
case "a", "f":
assert.NotEqual(t, "", res.Parent)
assert.Equal(t, stackRes.URN, res.Parent)
case "b", "c":
assert.Equal(t, urns["a"], res.Parent)
case "d", "e":
assert.Equal(t, urns["c"], res.Parent)
case "g":
assert.Equal(t, urns["f"], res.Parent)
t.Fatalf("unexpected name %s", res.URN.Name())
// TestStackDependencyGraph tests that the dependency graph of a stack is saved
// in the checkpoint file.
func TestStackDependencyGraph(t *testing.T) {
integration.ProgramTest(t, &integration.ProgramTestOptions{
Dir: "stack_dependencies",
Dependencies: []string{"@pulumi/pulumi"},
Quick: true,
ExtraRuntimeValidation: func(t *testing.T, stackInfo integration.RuntimeValidationStackInfo) {
assert.NotNil(t, stackInfo.Deployment)
latest := stackInfo.Deployment
assert.True(t, len(latest.Resources) >= 2)
sawFirst := false
sawSecond := false
for _, res := range latest.Resources {
urn := string(res.URN)
if strings.Contains(urn, "dynamic:Resource::first") {
// The first resource doesn't depend on anything.
assert.Equal(t, 0, len(res.Dependencies))
sawFirst = true
} else if strings.Contains(urn, "dynamic:Resource::second") {
// The second resource uses an Output property of the first resource, so it
// depends directly on first.
assert.Equal(t, 1, len(res.Dependencies))
assert.True(t, strings.Contains(string(res.Dependencies[0]), "dynamic:Resource::first"))
sawSecond = true
assert.True(t, sawFirst && sawSecond)
// TestConfigSave ensures that config commands in the Pulumi CLI work as expected.
func TestConfigSave(t *testing.T) {
e := ptesting.NewEnvironment(t)
defer func() {
if !t.Failed() {
// Initialize an empty stack.
path := filepath.Join(e.RootPath, "Pulumi.yaml")
err := (&workspace.Project{
Name: "testing-config",
Runtime: "nodejs",
assert.NoError(t, err)
e.RunCommand("git", "init")
e.RunCommand("pulumi", "init")
e.RunCommand("pulumi", "stack", "init", "--local", "testing-2")
e.RunCommand("pulumi", "stack", "init", "--local", "testing-1")
// Now configure and save a few different things:
e.RunCommand("pulumi", "config", "set", "configA", "value1")
e.RunCommand("pulumi", "config", "set", "configB", "value2", "--stack", "testing-2")
e.RunCommand("pulumi", "stack", "select", "testing-2")
e.RunCommand("pulumi", "config", "set", "configD", "value4")
e.RunCommand("pulumi", "config", "set", "configC", "value3", "--stack", "testing-1")
// Now read back the config using the CLI:
stdout, _ := e.RunCommand("pulumi", "config", "get", "configB")
assert.Equal(t, "value2\n", stdout)
// the config in a different stack, so this should error.
stdout, stderr := e.RunCommandExpectError("pulumi", "config", "get", "configA")
assert.Equal(t, "", stdout)
assert.NotEqual(t, "", stderr)
// but selecting the stack should let you see it
stdout, _ := e.RunCommand("pulumi", "config", "get", "configA", "--stack", "testing-1")
assert.Equal(t, "value1\n", stdout)
// Finally, check that the stack file contains what we expected.
validate := func(k string, v string, cfg config.Map) {
key, err := config.ParseKey("testing-config:config:" + k)
assert.NoError(t, err)
d, ok := cfg[key]
assert.True(t, ok, "config key %v should be set", k)
dv, err := d.Value(nil)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, v, dv)
testStack1, err := workspace.LoadProjectStack(filepath.Join(e.CWD, "Pulumi.testing-1.yaml"))
assert.NoError(t, err)
testStack2, err := workspace.LoadProjectStack(filepath.Join(e.CWD, "Pulumi.testing-2.yaml"))
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, 2, len(testStack1.Config))
assert.Equal(t, 2, len(testStack2.Config))
validate("configA", "value1", testStack1.Config)
validate("configC", "value3", testStack1.Config)
validate("configB", "value2", testStack2.Config)
validate("configD", "value4", testStack2.Config)
// Tests basic configuration from the perspective of a Pulumi program.
func TestConfigBasicNodeJS(t *testing.T) {
integration.ProgramTest(t, &integration.ProgramTestOptions{
Dir: filepath.Join("config_basic", "nodejs"),
Dependencies: []string{"@pulumi/pulumi"},
Quick: true,
Config: map[string]string{
"aConfigValue": "this value is a value",
Secrets: map[string]string{
"bEncryptedSecret": "this super secret is encrypted",
// Tests basic configuration from the perspective of a Pulumi program.
func TestConfigBasicPython(t *testing.T) {
integration.ProgramTest(t, &integration.ProgramTestOptions{
Dir: filepath.Join("config_basic", "python"),
Quick: true,
Config: map[string]string{
"aConfigValue": "this value is a Pythonic value",
Secrets: map[string]string{
"bEncryptedSecret": "this super Pythonic secret is encrypted",
// Tests that when `pulumi` is run, configuration is upgraded from the old format to the new format.
func TestConfigUpgrade(t *testing.T) {
e := ptesting.NewEnvironment(t)
defer func() {
if !t.Failed() {
// Run a pulumi command, which will upgrade everything.
e.RunCommand("pulumi", "config")
validate := func(k string, v string, cfg config.Map) {
key, err := config.ParseKey("config_upgrade:config:" + k)
assert.NoError(t, err)
d, ok := cfg[key]
assert.True(t, ok, "config key %v should be set", k)
dv, err := d.Value(nil)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, v, dv)
testStack1, err := workspace.LoadProjectStack(filepath.Join(e.CWD, "Pulumi.local1.yaml"))
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, 4, len(testStack1.Config))
testStack2, err := workspace.LoadProjectStack(filepath.Join(e.CWD, "Pulumi.local2.yaml"))
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, 5, len(testStack2.Config))
validate("allKey", "allValue", testStack1.Config)
validate("allKeyOverride", "local1Overridden", testStack1.Config)
validate("allWorkspaceKey", "allWorkspaceValue", testStack1.Config)
validate("local1ProjectKey", "local1ProjectValue", testStack1.Config)
validate("allKey", "allValue", testStack2.Config)
validate("allKeyOverride", "local2Overridden", testStack2.Config)
validate("allWorkspaceKey", "allWorkspaceValue", testStack2.Config)
validate("local2WorkspaceKey", "local2WorkspaceValue", testStack2.Config)
// The stack local2 had an encrypted configuration value, ensure the EncryptionSalt was copied over
assert.NotEmpty(t, testStack2.EncryptionSalt)
// Ensure config has been removed from the old files:
w, err := workspace.NewFrom(e.CWD)
assert.NoError(t, err)
proj, err := workspace.LoadProject(filepath.Join(e.CWD, "Pulumi.yaml"))
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Empty(t, w.Settings().ConfigDeprecated)
assert.Empty(t, proj.ConfigDeprecated)
assert.Empty(t, proj.EncryptionSaltDeprecated)