joeduffy 5f3af891f7 Support Workspaces
This change adds support for Workspaces, a convenient way of sharing settings
among many Stacks, like default cluster targets, configuration settings, and the
like, which are not meant to be distributed as part of the Stack itself.

The following things are included in this checkin:

* At workspace initialization time, detect and parse the .mu/workspace.yaml
  file.  This is pretty rudimentary right now and contains just the default
  cluster targets.  The results are stored in a new ast.Workspace type.

* Rename "target" to "cluster".  This impacts many things, including ast.Target
  being changed to ast.Cluster, and all related fields, the command line --target
  being changed to --cluster, various internal helper functions, and so on.  This
  helps to reinforce the desired mental model.

* Eliminate the ast.Metadata type.  Instead, the metadata moves directly onto
  the Stack.  This reflects the decision to make Stacks "the thing" that is
  distributed, versioned, and is the granularity of dependency.

* During cluster targeting, add the workspace settings into the probing logic.
  We still search in the same order: CLI > Stack > Workspace.
2016-11-22 10:41:07 -08:00

192 lines
6.3 KiB

// Copyright 2016 Marapongo, Inc. All rights reserved.
package workspace
import (
homedir "github.com/mitchellh/go-homedir"
// W offers functionality for interacting with Mu workspaces.
type W interface {
// Root returns the base path of the current workspace.
Root() string
// Settings returns a mutable pointer to the optional workspace settings info.
Settings() *ast.Workspace
// DetectMufile locates the closest Mufile from the given path, searching "upwards" in the directory hierarchy.
DetectMufile() (string, error)
// DepCandidates fetches all candidate locations for resolving a dependency name to its installed artifacts.
DepCandidates(dep ast.Ref) []string
// New creates a new workspace from the given starting path.
func New(path string, d diag.Sink) (W, error) {
// First normalize the path to an absolute one.
var err error
path, err = filepath.Abs(path)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
home, err := homedir.Dir()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ws := workspace{
path: path,
home: home,
d: d,
// Memoize the root directory before returning.
if _, err := ws.initRootInfo(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &ws, nil
type workspace struct {
path string // the path at which the workspace was constructed.
root string // the root of the workspace.
home string // the home directory to use for this workspace.
settings ast.Workspace // an optional bag of workspace-wide settings.
d diag.Sink // a diagnostics sink to use for workspace operations.
// initRootInfo finds the root of the workspace, caches it for fast lookups, and loads up any workspace settings.
func (w *workspace) initRootInfo() (string, error) {
if w.root == "" {
// Detect the root of the workspace and cache it.
root := pathDir(w.path)
for {
files, err := ioutil.ReadDir(root)
if err != nil {
return "", err
for _, file := range files {
// A muspace file delimits the root of the workspace.
if file.Name() == Muspace {
w.root = root
glog.V(3).Infof("Mu workspace detected; setting root to %v", w.root)
// If there is a workspace settings file in here, load it up before returning.
if file.IsDir() {
for _, ext := range encoding.Exts {
path := filepath.Join(root, Muspace, MuspaceWorkspace+ext)
wb, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
if err == nil {
glog.V(3).Infof("Parsing Workspace file: %v", path)
m := encoding.Marshalers[ext]
util.AssertMF(m != nil, "Expected a non-nil marshaler for extension %v", ext)
if err = m.Unmarshal(wb, &w.settings); err != nil {
w.d.Errorf(errors.IllegalWorkspaceSyntax.WithFile(path), err)
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
// OK if it's just the standard ENOENT error. Skip ahead and try the next extension.
return "", err
break Search
// If neither succeeded, keep looking in our parent directory.
root = filepath.Dir(root)
if isTop(root) {
// We reached the top of the filesystem. Just set root back to the path and stop.
w.root = w.path
glog.V(3).Infof("No Mu workspace found; defaulting to current path %v", w.root)
return w.root, nil
func (w *workspace) Root() string {
return w.root
func (w *workspace) Settings() *ast.Workspace {
return &w.settings
func (w *workspace) DetectMufile() (string, error) {
return DetectMufile(w.path, w.d)
func (w *workspace) DepCandidates(dep ast.Ref) []string {
// The search order for dependencies is specified in https://github.com/marapongo/mu/blob/master/docs/deps.md.
// Roughly speaking, these locations are are searched, in order:
// 1. The current Workspace, for intra-Workspace but inter-Stack dependencies.
// 2. The current Workspace's .mu/stacks/ directory.
// 3. The global Workspace's .mu/stacks/ directory.
// 4. The Mu installation location's $MUROOT/lib/ directory (default /usr/local/mu/lib).
// In each location, we prefer a fully qualified hit if it exists -- containing both the base of the reference plus
// the name -- however, we also accept name-only hits. This allows developers to organize their workspace without
// worrying about where their Mu Stacks are hosted. Most of the Mu tools, however, prefer fully qualified paths.
// To be more precise, given a StackRef r and a workspace root w, we look in these locations, in order:
// 1. w/base(r)/name(r)
// 2. w/name(r)
// 3. w/.mu/stacks/base(r)/name(r)
// 4. w/.mu/stacks/name(r)
// 5. ~/.mu/stacks/base(r)/name(r)
// 6. ~/.mu/stacks/name(r)
// 7. $MUROOT/bin/stacks/base(r)/name(r)
// 8. $MUROOT/bin/stacks/name(r)
// The following code simply produces an array of these candidate locations, in order.
base := stringNamePath(dep.Base())
name := namePath(dep.Name())
// For each extension we support, add the same set of search locations.
cands := make([]string, 0, 4*len(encoding.Exts))
for _, ext := range encoding.Exts {
cands = append(cands, filepath.Join(w.root, base, name, Mufile+ext))
cands = append(cands, filepath.Join(w.root, name, Mufile+ext))
cands = append(cands, filepath.Join(w.root, Muspace, MuspaceStacks, base, name, Mufile+ext))
cands = append(cands, filepath.Join(w.root, Muspace, MuspaceStacks, name, Mufile+ext))
cands = append(cands, filepath.Join(w.home, Muspace, MuspaceStacks, base, name, Mufile+ext))
cands = append(cands, filepath.Join(w.home, Muspace, MuspaceStacks, name, Mufile+ext))
cands = append(cands, filepath.Join(InstallRoot(), InstallRootLibdir, base, name, Mufile+ext))
cands = append(cands, filepath.Join(InstallRoot(), InstallRootLibdir, name, Mufile+ext))
return cands
// namePath just cleans a name and makes sure it's appropriate to use as a path.
func namePath(nm ast.Name) string {
return stringNamePath(string(nm))
// stringNamePart cleans a string component of a name and makes sure it's appropriate to use as a path.
func stringNamePath(nm string) string {
return strings.Replace(nm, ast.NameDelimiter, string(os.PathSeparator), -1)