joeduffy 2362d45a5c Eliminate type redundancy
Despite our good progress moving towards having an apitype package,
where our exchange types live and can be shared among the engine and
our services, there were a few major types that were still duplciated.
Resource was the biggest example -- and indeed, the apitype varirant
was missing the new Dependencies property -- but there were others,
like Manfiest, PluginInfo, etc.  These too had semi-random omissions.

This change merges all of these types into the apitype package.  This
not only cleans up the redundancy and missing properties, but will
"force the issue" with respect to keeping them in sync and properly
versioning the information in a backwards compatible way.

The resource/stack package still exists as a simple marshaling layer
to and from the engine's core data types.

Finally, I've made the controversial change to share the actual
Deployment data structure at the apitype layer also.  This will force
us to confront differences in that data structure similarly, and will
allow us to leverage the strong typing throughout to catch issues.
2018-02-28 12:44:55 -08:00

56 lines
3 KiB

// Copyright 2016-2017, Pulumi Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Package backend encapsulates all extensibility points required to fully implement a new cloud provider.
package backend
import (
// Backend is an interface that represents actions the engine will interact with to manage stacks of cloud resources.
// It can be implemented any number of ways to provide pluggable backend implementations of the Pulumi Cloud.
type Backend interface {
// Name returns a friendly name for this backend.
Name() string
// GetStack returns a stack object tied to this backend with the given name, or nil if it cannot be found.
GetStack(name tokens.QName) (Stack, error)
// CreateStack creates a new stack with the given name and options that are specific to the backend provider.
CreateStack(name tokens.QName, opts interface{}) (Stack, error)
// RemoveStack removes a stack with the given name. If force is true, the stack will be removed even if it
// still contains resources. Otherwise, if the stack contains resources, a non-nil error is returned, and the
// first boolean return value will be set to true.
RemoveStack(name tokens.QName, force bool) (bool, error)
// ListStacks returns a list of stack summaries for all known stacks in the target backend.
ListStacks() ([]Stack, error)
// GetStackCrypter returns an encrypter/decrypter for the given stack's secret config values.
GetStackCrypter(stack tokens.QName) (config.Crypter, error)
// Preview initiates a preview of the current workspace's contents.
Preview(stackName tokens.QName, proj *workspace.Project, root string,
debug bool, opts engine.UpdateOptions, displayOpts DisplayOptions) error
// Update updates the target stack with the current workspace's contents (config and code).
Update(stackName tokens.QName, proj *workspace.Project, root string,
debug bool, m UpdateMetadata, opts engine.UpdateOptions, displayOpts DisplayOptions) error
// Destroy destroys all of this stack's resources.
Destroy(stackName tokens.QName, proj *workspace.Project, root string,
debug bool, m UpdateMetadata, opts engine.UpdateOptions, displayOpts DisplayOptions) error
// GetHistory returns all updates for the stack. The returned UpdateInfo slice will be in
// descending order by Version.
GetHistory(stackName tokens.QName) ([]UpdateInfo, error)
// GetLogs fetches a list of log entries for the given stack, with optional filtering/querying.
GetLogs(stackName tokens.QName, query operations.LogQuery) ([]operations.LogEntry, error)
// ExportDeployment exports the deployment for the given stack as an opaque JSON message.
ExportDeployment(stackName tokens.QName) (*apitype.Deployment, error)
// ImportDeployment imports the given deployment into the indicated stack.
ImportDeployment(stackName tokens.QName, deployment *apitype.Deployment) error