Matt Ellis d99f9457b0 Deprecate old configuration model
We are going to be changing the configuration model. To begin, let's
take most of the existing stuff and mark it as "deprecated" so we can
keep the existing behavior (to help transition newer code forward)
while making it clear what APIs should not be called in the
implementation of `pulumi` itself.
2018-02-28 17:25:09 -08:00

174 lines
5.1 KiB

// Copyright 2016-2017, Pulumi Corporation. All rights reserved.
package local
import (
cryptorand "crypto/rand"
func readPassphrase(prompt string) (string, error) {
if phrase := os.Getenv("PULUMI_CONFIG_PASSPHRASE"); phrase != "" {
return phrase, nil
return cmdutil.ReadConsoleNoEcho(prompt)
// defaultCrypter gets the right value encrypter/decrypter given the project configuration.
func defaultCrypter(stackName tokens.QName, cfg config.Map) (config.Crypter, error) {
// If there is no config, we can use a standard panic crypter.
if !cfg.HasSecureValue() {
return config.NewPanicCrypter(), nil
// Otherwise, we will use an encrypted one.
return symmetricCrypter(stackName)
// symmetricCrypter gets the right value encrypter/decrypter for this project.
func symmetricCrypter(stackName tokens.QName) (config.Crypter, error) {
// First, read the package to see if we've got a key.
proj, err := workspace.DetectProject()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if proj.StacksDeprecated == nil {
proj.StacksDeprecated = make(map[tokens.QName]workspace.ProjectStack)
// If we have a top level EncryptionSalt, we are reading an older version of Pulumi.yaml where local stacks shared
// a key. To migrate, we'll simply move this salt to any local stack that has encrypted config and then unset the
// package wide salt.
if proj.EncryptionSaltDeprecated != "" {
localStacks, stacksErr := getLocalStacks()
if stacksErr != nil {
return nil, stacksErr
for _, localStack := range localStacks {
stackInfo := proj.StacksDeprecated[localStack]
contract.Assertf(stackInfo.EncryptionSalt == "", "package and stack %v had an encryption salt", localStack)
if stackInfo.Config.HasSecureValue() {
stackInfo.EncryptionSalt = proj.EncryptionSaltDeprecated
proj.StacksDeprecated[localStack] = stackInfo
proj.EncryptionSaltDeprecated = ""
// Now store the result on the package and save it.
if err = workspace.SaveProject(proj); err != nil {
return nil, err
// If there's already a salt for the local stack, we can just use that.
if info, has := proj.StacksDeprecated[stackName]; has {
if info.EncryptionSalt != "" {
phrase, phraseErr := readPassphrase("Enter your passphrase to unlock config/secrets\n" +
" (set PULUMI_CONFIG_PASSPHRASE to remember)")
if phraseErr != nil {
return nil, phraseErr
crypter, crypterErr := symmetricCrypterFromPhraseAndState(phrase, info.EncryptionSalt)
if crypterErr != nil {
return nil, crypterErr
return crypter, nil
// Read a passphrase and confirm it.
phrase, err := readPassphrase("Enter your passphrase to protect config/secrets")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
confirm, err := readPassphrase("Re-enter your passphrase to confirm")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if phrase != confirm {
return nil, errors.New("passphrases do not match")
// Produce a new salt.
salt := make([]byte, 8)
_, err = cryptorand.Read(salt)
contract.Assertf(err == nil, "could not read from system random")
// Encrypt a message and store it with the salt so we can test if the password is correct later.
crypter := config.NewSymmetricCrypterFromPassphrase(phrase, salt)
msg, err := crypter.EncryptValue("pulumi")
// Now store the result on the package and save it.
stackInfo := proj.StacksDeprecated[stackName]
stackInfo.EncryptionSalt = fmt.Sprintf("v1:%s:%s", base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(salt), msg)
proj.StacksDeprecated[stackName] = stackInfo
if err = workspace.SaveProject(proj); err != nil {
return nil, err
return crypter, nil
// given a passphrase and an encryption state, construct a Crypter from it. Our encryption
// state value is a version tag followed by version specific state information. Presently, we only have one version
// we support (`v1`) which is AES-256-GCM using a key derived from a passphrase using 1,000,000 iterations of PDKDF2
// using SHA256.
func symmetricCrypterFromPhraseAndState(phrase string, state string) (config.Crypter, error) {
splits := strings.SplitN(state, ":", 3)
if len(splits) != 3 {
return nil, errors.New("malformed state value")
if splits[0] != "v1" {
return nil, errors.New("unknown state version")
salt, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(splits[1])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
decrypter := config.NewSymmetricCrypterFromPassphrase(phrase, salt)
decrypted, err := decrypter.DecryptValue(state[indexN(state, ":", 2)+1:])
if err != nil || decrypted != "pulumi" {
return nil, errors.New("incorrect passphrase")
return decrypter, nil
func indexN(s string, substr string, n int) int {
contract.Require(n > 0, "n")
scratch := s
for i := n; i > 0; i-- {
idx := strings.Index(scratch, substr)
if i == -1 {
return -1
scratch = scratch[idx+1:]
return len(s) - (len(scratch) + len(substr))