joeduffy 5fb014e53c Explicitly track default properties
This changes the RPC interfaces between Lumi and provider ever so
slightly, so that we can track default properties explicitly.  This
is required to perform accurate diffing between inputs provided by
the developer, inputs provided by the system, and outputs.  This is
particularly important for default values that may be indeterminite,
such as those we use in the bridge to auto-generate unique IDs.
Otherwise, we fail to reapply defaults correctly, and trick the
provider into thinking that properties changed when they did not.

This is a small step towards pulumi/lumi#306, in which we will defer
even more responsibility for diffing semantics to the providers.
2017-07-31 18:26:15 -07:00

319 lines
9.3 KiB

// Copyright 2016-2017, Pulumi Corporation. All rights reserved.
package environment
import (
// Deployment is a serializable, flattened LumiGL graph structure, representing a deploy. It is similar
// to the actual Snapshot structure, except that it flattens and rearranges a few data structures for serializability.
// Over time, we also expect this to gather more information about deploys themselves.
type Deployment struct {
Time time.Time `json:"time"` // the time of the deploy.
Info interface{} `json:"info,omitempty"` // optional information about the source.
Resources *Resources `json:"resources,omitempty"` // a map of resource.URNs to resource vertices.
// Resource is a serializable vertex within a LumiGL graph, specifically for resource snapshots.
type Resource struct {
ID resource.ID `json:"id"` // the provider ID for this resource, if any.
Type tokens.Type `json:"type"` // this resource's full type token.
Inputs map[string]interface{} `json:"inputs,omitempty"` // the input properties from the program.
Defaults map[string]interface{} `json:"defaults,omitempty"` // the default property values from the provider.
Outputs map[string]interface{} `json:"outputs,omitempty"` // the output properties from the resource provider.
// SerializeDeployment serializes an entire snapshot as a deploy record.
func SerializeDeployment(snap *deploy.Snapshot) *Deployment {
// Serialize all vertices and only include a vertex section if non-empty.
var resm *Resources
if snapres := snap.Resources; len(snapres) > 0 {
resm = NewResources()
for _, res := range snapres {
urn := res.URN()
contract.Assertf(string(urn) != "", "Unexpected empty resource resource.URN")
contract.Assertf(!resm.Has(urn), "Unexpected duplicate resource resource.URN '%v'", urn)
resm.Add(urn, SerializeResource(res))
return &Deployment{
Time: time.Now(),
Info: snap.Info,
Resources: resm,
// SerializeResource turns a resource into a LumiGL data structure suitable for serialization.
func SerializeResource(res *resource.State) *Resource {
contract.Assert(res != nil)
// Serialize all input and output properties recursively, and add them if non-empty.
var inputs map[string]interface{}
if inp := res.Inputs; inp != nil {
inputs = SerializeProperties(inp)
var defaults map[string]interface{}
if defp := res.Defaults; defp != nil {
defaults = SerializeProperties(defp)
var outputs map[string]interface{}
if outp := res.Outputs; outp != nil {
outputs = SerializeProperties(outp)
return &Resource{
ID: res.ID,
Type: res.Type(),
Inputs: inputs,
Defaults: defaults,
Outputs: outputs,
// SerializeProperties serializes a resource property bag so that it's suitable for serialization.
func SerializeProperties(props resource.PropertyMap) map[string]interface{} {
dst := make(map[string]interface{})
for _, k := range props.StableKeys() {
if v := SerializePropertyValue(props[k]); v != nil {
dst[string(k)] = v
return dst
// SerializePropertyValue serializes a resource property value so that it's suitable for serialization.
func SerializePropertyValue(prop resource.PropertyValue) interface{} {
// Skip nulls and "outputs"; the former needn't be serialized, and the latter happens if there is an output
// that hasn't materialized (either because we're serializing inputs or the provider didn't give us the value).
if !prop.HasValue() {
return nil
// For arrays, make sure to recurse.
if prop.IsArray() {
srcarr := prop.ArrayValue()
dstarr := make([]interface{}, len(srcarr))
for i, elem := range prop.ArrayValue() {
dstarr[i] = SerializePropertyValue(elem)
return dstarr
// Also for objects, recurse and use naked properties.
if prop.IsObject() {
return SerializeProperties(prop.ObjectValue())
// For assets, we need to serialize them a little carefully, so we can recover them afterwards.
if prop.IsAsset() {
return prop.AssetValue().Serialize()
} else if prop.IsArchive() {
return prop.ArchiveValue().Serialize()
// All others are returned as-is.
return prop.V
// DeserializeProperties deserializes an entire map of deploy properties into a resource property map.
func DeserializeProperties(props map[string]interface{}) resource.PropertyMap {
result := make(resource.PropertyMap)
for k, prop := range props {
result[resource.PropertyKey(k)] = DeserializePropertyValue(prop)
return result
// DeserializePropertyValue deserializes a single deploy property into a resource property value.
func DeserializePropertyValue(v interface{}) resource.PropertyValue {
if v != nil {
switch w := v.(type) {
case bool:
return resource.NewBoolProperty(w)
case float64:
return resource.NewNumberProperty(w)
case string:
return resource.NewStringProperty(w)
case []interface{}:
var arr []resource.PropertyValue
for _, elem := range w {
arr = append(arr, DeserializePropertyValue(elem))
return resource.NewArrayProperty(arr)
case map[string]interface{}:
obj := DeserializeProperties(w)
// This could be an asset or archive; if so, recover its type.
objmap := obj.Mappable()
if asset, isasset := resource.DeserializeAsset(objmap); isasset {
return resource.NewAssetProperty(asset)
} else if archive, isarchive := resource.DeserializeArchive(objmap); isarchive {
return resource.NewArchiveProperty(archive)
// Otherwise, it's just a weakly typed object map.
return resource.NewObjectProperty(obj)
contract.Failf("Unrecognized property type: %v", reflect.ValueOf(v))
return resource.NewNullProperty()
// Resources is a map of URN to resource, that also preserves a stable order of its keys. This ensures
// enumerations are ordered deterministically, versus Go's built-in map type whose enumeration is randomized.
// Additionally, because of this stable ordering, marshaling to and from JSON also preserves the order of keys.
type Resources struct {
m map[resource.URN]*Resource
keys []resource.URN
func NewResources() *Resources {
return &Resources{m: make(map[resource.URN]*Resource)}
func (m *Resources) Keys() []resource.URN { return m.keys }
func (m *Resources) Len() int { return len(m.keys) }
func (m *Resources) Add(k resource.URN, v *Resource) {
_, has := m.m[k]
contract.Assertf(!has, "Unexpected duplicate key '%v' added to map")
m.m[k] = v
m.keys = append(m.keys, k)
func (m *Resources) Delete(k resource.URN) {
_, has := m.m[k]
contract.Assertf(has, "Unexpected delete of non-existent key key '%v'")
delete(m.m, k)
for i, ek := range m.keys {
if ek == k {
newk := m.keys[:i]
m.keys = append(newk, m.keys[i+1:]...)
contract.Assertf(i != len(m.keys)-1, "Expected to find deleted key '%v' in map's keys")
func (m *Resources) Get(k resource.URN) (*Resource, bool) {
v, has := m.m[k]
return v, has
func (m *Resources) Has(k resource.URN) bool {
_, has := m.m[k]
return has
func (m *Resources) Must(k resource.URN) *Resource {
v, has := m.m[k]
contract.Assertf(has, "Expected key '%v' to exist in this map", k)
return v
func (m *Resources) Set(k resource.URN, v *Resource) {
_, has := m.m[k]
contract.Assertf(has, "Expected key '%v' to exist in this map for setting an element", k)
m.m[k] = v
func (m *Resources) SetOrAdd(k resource.URN, v *Resource) {
if _, has := m.m[k]; has {
m.Set(k, v)
} else {
m.Add(k, v)
type ResourceKV struct {
Key resource.URN
Value *Resource
// Iter can be used to conveniently range over a map's contents stably.
func (m *Resources) Iter() []ResourceKV {
var kvps []ResourceKV
for _, k := range m.Keys() {
kvps = append(kvps, ResourceKV{k, m.Must(k)})
return kvps
func (m *Resources) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
var b bytes.Buffer
for i, k := range m.Keys() {
if i != 0 {
kb, err := json.Marshal(k)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
vb, err := json.Marshal(m.Must(k))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return b.Bytes(), nil
func (m *Resources) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
contract.Assert(m.m == nil)
m.m = make(map[resource.URN]*Resource)
// Do a pass and read keys and values in the right order.
rdr := bytes.NewReader(b)
dec := json.NewDecoder(rdr)
// First, eat the open object curly '{':
opencurly, err := dec.Token()
if err != nil {
return err
contract.Assert(opencurly.(json.Delim) == '{')
// Parse out every resource key (resource.URN) and element (*Deployment):
for dec.More() {
// See if we've reached the closing '}'; if yes, chew on it and break.
token, err := dec.Token()
if err != nil {
return err
if closecurly, isclose := token.(json.Delim); isclose {
contract.Assert(closecurly == '}')
k := resource.URN(token.(string))
var v *Resource
if err := dec.Decode(&v); err != nil {
return err
m.Add(k, v)
return nil