Pat Gavlin 6e5c4a38d8
Defer all diffs to resource providers. (#2849)
Thse changes make a subtle but critical adjustment to the process the
Pulumi engine uses to determine whether or not a difference exists
between a resource's actual and desired states, and adjusts the way this
difference is calculated and displayed accordingly.

Today, the Pulumi engine get the first chance to decide whether or not
there is a difference between a resource's actual and desired states. It
does this by comparing the current set of inputs for a resource (i.e.
the inputs from the running Pulumi program) with the last set of inputs
used to update the resource. If there is no difference between the old
and new inputs, the engine decides that no change is necessary without
consulting the resource's provider. Only if there are changes does the
engine consult the resource's provider for more information about the
difference. This can be problematic for a number of reasons:

- Not all providers do input-input comparison; some do input-state
- Not all providers are able to update the last deployed set of inputs
  when performing a refresh
- Some providers--either intentionally or due to bugs--may see changes
  in resources whose inputs have not changed

All of these situations are confusing at the very least, and the first
is problematic with respect to correctness. Furthermore, the display
code only renders diffs it observes rather than rendering the diffs
observed by the provider, which can obscure the actual changes detected
at runtime.

These changes address both of these issues:
- Rather than comparing the current inputs against the last inputs
  before calling a resource provider's Diff function, the engine calls
  the Diff function in all cases.
- Providers may now return a list of properties that differ between the
  requested and actual state and the way in which they differ. This
  information will then be used by the CLI to render the diff
  appropriately. A provider may also indicate that a particular diff is
  between old and new inputs rather than old state and new inputs.

Fixes #2453.
2019-07-01 12:34:19 -07:00

534 lines
14 KiB

// Copyright 2016-2018, Pulumi Corporation.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package display
import (
type Row interface {
DisplayOrderIndex() int
SetDisplayOrderIndex(index int)
ColorizedColumns() []string
ColorizedSuffix() string
HideRowIfUnnecessary() bool
SetHideRowIfUnnecessary(value bool)
type ResourceRow interface {
Step() engine.StepEventMetadata
SetStep(step engine.StepEventMetadata)
AddOutputStep(step engine.StepEventMetadata)
// The tick we were on when we created this row. Purely used for generating an
// ellipses to show progress for in-flight resources.
Tick() int
IsDone() bool
DiagInfo() *DiagInfo
RecordDiagEvent(diagEvent engine.Event)
RecordPolicyViolationEvent(diagEvent engine.Event)
// Implementation of a Row, used for the header of the grid.
type headerRowData struct {
display *ProgressDisplay
columns []string
func (data *headerRowData) HideRowIfUnnecessary() bool {
return false
func (data *headerRowData) SetHideRowIfUnnecessary(value bool) {
func (data *headerRowData) DisplayOrderIndex() int {
// sort the header before all other rows
return -1
func (data *headerRowData) SetDisplayOrderIndex(time int) {
// Nothing to do here. Header is always at the same index.
func (data *headerRowData) ColorizedColumns() []string {
if len(data.columns) == 0 {
blue := func(msg string) string {
return colors.Underline + colors.BrightBlue + msg + colors.Reset
header := func(msg string) string {
return blue(msg)
var statusColumn string
if data.display.isPreview {
statusColumn = header("Plan")
} else {
statusColumn = header("Status")
data.columns = []string{"", header("Type"), header("Name"), statusColumn, header("Info")}
return data.columns
func (data *headerRowData) ColorizedSuffix() string {
return ""
// Implementation of a row used for all the resource rows in the grid.
type resourceRowData struct {
displayOrderIndex int
display *ProgressDisplay
// The change that the engine wants apply to that resource.
step engine.StepEventMetadata
outputSteps []engine.StepEventMetadata
// True if we should diff outputs instead of inputs for this row.
diffOutputs bool
// The tick we were on when we created this row. Purely used for generating an
// ellipses to show progress for in-flight resources.
tick int
// If we failed this operation for any reason.
failed bool
diagInfo *DiagInfo
// If this row should be hidden by default. We will hide unless we have any child nodes
// we need to show.
hideRowIfUnnecessary bool
func (data *resourceRowData) DisplayOrderIndex() int {
// sort the header before all other rows
return data.displayOrderIndex
func (data *resourceRowData) SetDisplayOrderIndex(index int) {
// only set this if it's the first time.
if data.displayOrderIndex == 0 {
data.displayOrderIndex = index
func (data *resourceRowData) HideRowIfUnnecessary() bool {
return data.hideRowIfUnnecessary
func (data *resourceRowData) SetHideRowIfUnnecessary(value bool) {
data.hideRowIfUnnecessary = value
func (data *resourceRowData) Step() engine.StepEventMetadata {
return data.step
func (data *resourceRowData) SetStep(step engine.StepEventMetadata) {
data.step = step
if step.Op == deploy.OpRefresh {
data.diffOutputs = true
func (data *resourceRowData) AddOutputStep(step engine.StepEventMetadata) {
data.outputSteps = append(data.outputSteps, step)
func (data *resourceRowData) Tick() int {
return data.tick
func (data *resourceRowData) Failed() bool {
return data.failed
func (data *resourceRowData) SetFailed() {
data.failed = true
func (data *resourceRowData) DiagInfo() *DiagInfo {
return data.diagInfo
func (data *resourceRowData) RecordDiagEvent(event engine.Event) {
payload := event.Payload.(engine.DiagEventPayload)
func (data *resourceRowData) recordDiagEventPayload(payload engine.DiagEventPayload) {
diagInfo := data.diagInfo
diagInfo.LastDiag = &payload
switch payload.Severity {
case diag.Error:
diagInfo.LastError = &payload
case diag.Warning:
diagInfo.LastWarning = &payload
case diag.Infoerr:
diagInfo.LastInfoError = &payload
case diag.Info:
diagInfo.LastInfo = &payload
case diag.Debug:
diagInfo.LastDebug = &payload
if diagInfo.StreamIDToDiagPayloads == nil {
diagInfo.StreamIDToDiagPayloads = make(map[int32][]engine.DiagEventPayload)
payloads := diagInfo.StreamIDToDiagPayloads[payload.StreamID]
payloads = append(payloads, payload)
diagInfo.StreamIDToDiagPayloads[payload.StreamID] = payloads
if !payload.Ephemeral {
switch payload.Severity {
case diag.Error:
case diag.Warning:
case diag.Infoerr:
case diag.Info:
case diag.Debug:
func (data *resourceRowData) RecordPolicyViolationEvent(event engine.Event) {
// NOTE: The display code only understands DiagEvents. We convert the policy violation events
// accordingly so they can be displayed.
pePayload := event.Payload.(engine.PolicyViolationEventPayload)
payload := engine.DiagEventPayload{
URN: pePayload.ResourceURN,
Prefix: pePayload.Prefix,
Message: pePayload.Message,
Color: pePayload.Color}
switch pePayload.EnforcementLevel {
case apitype.Mandatory:
payload.Severity = diag.Error
case apitype.Warning:
payload.Severity = diag.Warning
contract.Failf("Unknown enforcement level %q", pePayload.EnforcementLevel)
type column int
const (
opColumn column = 0
typeColumn column = 1
nameColumn column = 2
statusColumn column = 3
infoColumn column = 4
func (data *resourceRowData) IsDone() bool {
if data.failed {
// consider a failed resource 'done'.
return true
if data.display.done {
// if the display is done, then we're definitely done.
return true
if isRootStack(data.step) {
// the root stack only becomes 'done' once the program has completed (i.e. the condition
// checked just above this). If the program is not finished, then always show the root
// stack as not done so the user sees "running..." presented for it.
return false
// We're done if we have the output-step for whatever step operation we're performing
return data.ContainsOutputsStep(data.step.Op)
func (data *resourceRowData) ContainsOutputsStep(op deploy.StepOp) bool {
for _, s := range data.outputSteps {
if s.Op == op {
return true
return false
func (data *resourceRowData) ColorizedSuffix() string {
if !data.IsDone() && data.display.isTerminal {
op := data.display.getStepOp(data.step)
if op != deploy.OpSame || isRootURN(data.step.URN) {
suffixes := data.display.suffixesArray
ellipses := suffixes[(data.tick+data.display.currentTick)%len(suffixes)]
return op.Color() + ellipses + colors.Reset
return ""
func (data *resourceRowData) ColorizedColumns() []string {
step := data.step
urn := data.step.URN
if urn == "" {
// If we don't have a URN yet, mock parent it to the global stack.
urn = resource.DefaultRootStackURN(data.display.stack, data.display.proj)
name := string(urn.Name())
typ := simplifyTypeName(urn.Type())
columns := make([]string, 5)
columns[opColumn] = data.display.getStepOpLabel(step)
columns[typeColumn] = typ
columns[nameColumn] = name
diagInfo := data.diagInfo
if data.IsDone() {
failed := data.failed || diagInfo.ErrorCount > 0
columns[statusColumn] = data.display.getStepDoneDescription(step, failed)
} else {
columns[statusColumn] = data.display.getStepInProgressDescription(step)
columns[infoColumn] = data.getInfoColumn()
return columns
func (data *resourceRowData) getInfoColumn() string {
step := data.step
if step.Op == deploy.OpCreateReplacement || step.Op == deploy.OpDeleteReplaced {
// if we're doing a replacement, see if we can find a replace step that contains useful
// information to display.
for _, outputStep := range data.outputSteps {
if outputStep.Op == deploy.OpReplace {
step = outputStep
var diagMsg string
appendDiagMessage := func(msg string) {
if diagMsg != "" {
diagMsg += "; "
diagMsg += msg
changes := data.getDiffInfo(step)
if colors.Never.Colorize(changes) != "" {
appendDiagMessage("[" + changes + "]")
diagInfo := data.diagInfo
if data.display.done {
// If we are done, show a summary of how many messages were printed.
if c := diagInfo.ErrorCount; c > 0 {
appendDiagMessage(fmt.Sprintf("%d %s%s%s",
c, colors.SpecError, english.PluralWord(c, "error", ""), colors.Reset))
if c := diagInfo.WarningCount; c > 0 {
appendDiagMessage(fmt.Sprintf("%d %s%s%s",
c, colors.SpecWarning, english.PluralWord(c, "warning", ""), colors.Reset))
if c := diagInfo.InfoCount; c > 0 {
appendDiagMessage(fmt.Sprintf("%d %s%s%s",
c, colors.SpecInfo, english.PluralWord(c, "message", ""), colors.Reset))
if c := diagInfo.DebugCount; c > 0 {
appendDiagMessage(fmt.Sprintf("%d %s%s%s",
c, colors.SpecDebug, english.PluralWord(c, "debug", ""), colors.Reset))
} else {
// If we're not totally done, and we're in the tree-view, just print out the worst diagnostic next to the
// status message. This is helpful for long running tasks to know what's going on. However, once done, we
// print the diagnostics at the bottom, so we don't need to show this.
// if we're not in the tree-view (i.e. non-interactive mode), then we want to print out whatever the last
// diagnostics was that we got. This way, as we're hearing about diagnostic events, we're always printing
// out the last one.
var diagnostic *engine.DiagEventPayload
if data.display.isTerminal {
diagnostic = data.diagInfo.LastDiag
} else {
diagnostic = getWorstDiagnostic(data.diagInfo)
if diagnostic != nil {
eventMsg := data.display.renderProgressDiagEvent(*diagnostic, true /*includePrefix:*/)
if eventMsg != "" {
newLineIndex := strings.Index(diagMsg, "\n")
if newLineIndex >= 0 {
diagMsg = diagMsg[0:newLineIndex]
return diagMsg
func (data *resourceRowData) getDiffInfo(step engine.StepEventMetadata) string {
changesBuf := &bytes.Buffer{}
if step.Old != nil && step.New != nil {
var diff *resource.ObjectDiff
if step.DetailedDiff != nil {
diff = translateDetailedDiff(step)
} else if data.diffOutputs {
if step.Old.Outputs != nil && step.New.Outputs != nil {
diff = step.Old.Outputs.Diff(step.New.Outputs)
} else if step.Old.Inputs != nil && step.New.Inputs != nil {
diff = step.Old.Inputs.Diff(step.New.Inputs)
// Show a diff if either `provider` or `protect` changed; they might not show a diff via inputs or outputs, but
// it is still useful to show that these changed in output.
recordMetadataDiff := func(name string, old, new resource.PropertyValue) {
if old != new {
if diff == nil {
diff = &resource.ObjectDiff{
Adds: make(resource.PropertyMap),
Deletes: make(resource.PropertyMap),
Sames: make(resource.PropertyMap),
Updates: make(map[resource.PropertyKey]resource.ValueDiff),
diff.Updates[resource.PropertyKey(name)] = resource.ValueDiff{Old: old, New: new}
resource.NewStringProperty(step.Old.Provider), resource.NewStringProperty(step.New.Provider))
resource.NewBoolProperty(step.Old.Protect), resource.NewBoolProperty(step.New.Protect))
if diff != nil {
writeString(changesBuf, "diff: ")
updates := make(resource.PropertyMap)
for k := range diff.Updates {
updates[k] = resource.PropertyValue{}
filteredKeys := func(m resource.PropertyMap) []string {
keys := make([]string, 0, len(m))
for k := range m {
keys = append(keys, string(k))
return keys
if include := step.Diffs; include != nil {
includeSet := make(map[resource.PropertyKey]bool)
for _, k := range include {
includeSet[k] = true
filteredKeys = func(m resource.PropertyMap) []string {
var filteredKeys []string
for k := range m {
if includeSet[k] {
filteredKeys = append(filteredKeys, string(k))
return filteredKeys
writePropertyKeys(changesBuf, filteredKeys(diff.Adds), deploy.OpCreate)
writePropertyKeys(changesBuf, filteredKeys(diff.Deletes), deploy.OpDelete)
writePropertyKeys(changesBuf, filteredKeys(updates), deploy.OpUpdate)
fprintIgnoreError(changesBuf, colors.Reset)
return changesBuf.String()
func writePropertyKeys(b io.StringWriter, keys []string, op deploy.StepOp) {
if len(keys) > 0 {
writeString(b, strings.Trim(op.Prefix(), " "))
for index, k := range keys {
if index != 0 {
writeString(b, ",")
writeString(b, k)
writeString(b, colors.Reset)
// Returns the worst diagnostic we've seen. Used to produce a diagnostic string to go along with
// any resource if it has had any issues.
func getWorstDiagnostic(diagInfo *DiagInfo) *engine.DiagEventPayload {
if diagInfo.LastError != nil {
return diagInfo.LastError
} else if diagInfo.LastWarning != nil {
return diagInfo.LastWarning
} else if diagInfo.LastInfoError != nil {
return diagInfo.LastInfoError
} else if diagInfo.LastInfo != nil {
return diagInfo.LastInfo
return diagInfo.LastDebug