joeduffy e3a2002155 Support binding to arbitrary service types
This implements support for arbitrary service types on properties,
not just the weakly typed "service".  For example, in the AWS stacks,
the aws/ec2/route type requires a routeTable, among other things:

        name: aws/ec2/route
                        type: aws/ec2/routeTable

This not only binds the definition of such properties, but also the
callsites of those creating stacks and supplying values for them.
This includes checking for concrete, instantiated, and even base
types, so that, for instance, if a custom stack derived from
aws/ec2/routeTable using the base property, in the above example
it could be supplied as a legal value for the routeTable property.
2016-12-03 13:00:08 -08:00

156 lines
5.1 KiB

// Copyright 2016 Marapongo, Inc. All rights reserved.
package compiler
import (
// buildDocumentFE runs the front-end phases of the compiler.
func (c *compiler) buildDocumentFE(w workspace.W, doc *diag.Document) *ast.Stack {
// If there's a workspace-wide settings file available, load it up.
wdoc, err := w.ReadSettings()
if err != nil {
// TODO: we should include the file information in the error message.
c.Diag().Errorf(errors.ErrorIO, err)
return nil
// Now create a parser to create ASTs from the workspace settings file and Mufile.
p := NewParser(c)
if wdoc != nil {
// Store the parsed AST on the workspace object itself.
*w.Settings() = *p.ParseWorkspace(wdoc)
// Determine what cloud target we will be using; we need this to process the Mufile and imports.
cl, a := c.detectClusterArch(w)
if !c.Diag().Success() {
return nil
c.ctx = c.ctx.WithClusterArch(cl, a)
util.Assert(c.ctx.Cluster != nil)
// Now parse the stack, using whatever args may have been supplied as the properties.
// TODO[marapongo/mu#7]: we want to strongly type the properties; e.g., a stack expecting a number should
// get a number, etc. However, to know that we must first have parsed the metadata for the target stack!
props := make(ast.PropertyBag)
for arg, val := range c.opts.Args {
props[arg] = val
stack := p.ParseStack(doc, props)
// If any parser errors occurred, bail now to prevent needlessly obtuse error messages.
if !p.Diag().Success() {
return nil
return stack
// detectClusterArch uses a variety of mechanisms to discover the target architecture, returning it. If no
// architecture was discovered, an error is issued, and the bool return will be false.
func (c *compiler) detectClusterArch(w workspace.W) (*ast.Cluster, backends.Arch) {
// Cluster and architectures settings may come from one of two places, in order of search preference:
// 1) command line arguments.
// 2) cluster-wide settings in a workspace.
arch := c.opts.Arch
// If a cluster was specified, look it up and load up its options.
var cluster *ast.Cluster
if c.opts.Cluster != "" {
if cl, exists := w.Settings().Clusters[c.opts.Cluster]; exists {
cluster = cl
} else {
c.Diag().Errorf(errors.ErrorClusterNotFound, c.opts.Cluster)
return nil, arch
// If no cluster was specified or discovered yet, see if there is a default one to use.
if cluster == nil {
for _, cl := range w.Settings().Clusters {
if cl.Default {
cluster = cl
if cluster == nil {
// If no target was found, and we don't have an architecture, error out.
if arch.Cloud == clouds.None && !c.opts.SkipCodegen {
return nil, arch
// If we got here, generate an "anonymous" cluster, so that we at least have a name.
cluster = c.newAnonCluster(arch)
} else {
// If a target was found, go ahead and extract and validate the target architecture.
a, ok := c.extractClusterArch(cluster, arch)
if !ok {
return nil, arch
arch = a
return cluster, arch
// newAnonCluster creates an anonymous cluster for stacks that didn't declare one.
func (c *compiler) newAnonCluster(arch backends.Arch) *ast.Cluster {
// TODO: ensure this is unique.
// TODO: we want to cache names somewhere (~/.mu/?) so that we can reuse temporary local stacks, etc.
return &ast.Cluster{
Name: uuid.NewV4().String(),
Cloud: clouds.Names[arch.Cloud],
Scheduler: schedulers.Names[arch.Scheduler],
// extractClusterArch gets and validates the architecture from an existing target.
func (c *compiler) extractClusterArch(cluster *ast.Cluster, existing backends.Arch) (backends.Arch, bool) {
targetCloud := existing.Cloud
targetScheduler := existing.Scheduler
// If specified, look up the cluster's architecture settings.
if cluster.Cloud != "" {
tc, ok := clouds.Values[cluster.Cloud]
if !ok {
c.Diag().Errorf(errors.ErrorUnrecognizedCloudArch, cluster.Cloud)
return existing, false
targetCloud = tc
if cluster.Scheduler != "" {
ts, ok := schedulers.Values[cluster.Scheduler]
if !ok {
c.Diag().Errorf(errors.ErrorUnrecognizedSchedulerArch, cluster.Scheduler)
return existing, false
targetScheduler = ts
// Ensure there aren't any conflicts, comparing compiler options to cluster settings.
tarch := backends.Arch{targetCloud, targetScheduler}
if targetCloud != existing.Cloud && existing.Cloud != clouds.None {
c.Diag().Errorf(errors.ErrorConflictingClusterArchSelection, existing, cluster.Name, tarch)
return tarch, false
if targetScheduler != existing.Scheduler && existing.Scheduler != schedulers.None {
c.Diag().Errorf(errors.ErrorConflictingClusterArchSelection, existing, cluster.Name, tarch)
return tarch, false
return tarch, true