joeduffy 713fe29fef Custom types, round 1
This change overhauls the core of how types are used by the entire
compiler.  In particular, we now have an ast.Type, and have begun
using its use where appropriate.  An ast.Type is a union representing
precisely one of the possible sources of types in the system:

* Primitive type: any, bool, number, string, or service.

* Stack type: a resolved reference to an actual concrete stack.

* Schema type: a resolved reference to an actual concrete schema.

* Unresolved reference: a textual reference that hasn't yet been
  resolved to a concrete artifact.

* Uninstantiated reference: a reference that has been resolved to
  an uninstantiated stack, but hasn't been bound to a concrete
  result yet.  Right now, this can point to a stack, however
  eventually we would imagine this supporting inter-stack schema
  references also.

* Decorated type: either an array or a map; in the array case, there
  is a single inner element type; in the map case, there are two,
  the keys and values; in all cases, the type recurses to any of the
  possibilities listed here.

All of the relevant AST nodes have been overhauled accordingly.

In addition to this, we now have an ast.Schema type.  It is loosely
modeled on JSON Schema in its capabilities (http://json-schema.org/).
Although we parse and perform some visitation and binding of these,
there are mostly placeholders left in the code for the interesting
aspects, such as registering symbols, resolving dependencies, and
typechecking usage of schema types.

This is part of the ongoing work behind marapongo/mu#9.
2016-12-06 14:49:47 -08:00

102 lines
3.4 KiB

// Copyright 2016 Marapongo, Inc. All rights reserved.
package compiler
import (
// buildDocumentSema runs the middle semantic analysis phases of the compiler.
func (c *compiler) buildDocumentSema(w workspace.W, stack *ast.Stack) {
// Perform semantic analysis on all stacks passes to validate, transform, and/or update the AST.
b := NewBinder(c)
c.bindStack(b, w, stack)
if !c.Diag().Success() {
// bindStack performs the two phases of binding plus dependency resolution for the given Stack.
func (c *compiler) bindStack(b Binder, w workspace.W, stack *ast.Stack) {
util.Assert(stack != nil)
// First prepare the AST for binding.
refs := b.PrepareStack(stack)
if !c.Diag().Success() {
// Next, resolve all dependencies discovered during this first pass.
deprefs := make(ast.DependencyRefs)
for _, ref := range refs {
// Only resolve dependencies that are currently unknown. This will exlude built-in types that have already
// been bound to a stack during the first phase of binding. Note that we don't actually parse and perform
// template substitution here; instead, we remember the document and let the binder do this, since it has
// all of the information necessary to create a unique Stack per-PropertyBag used to instantiate it.
if doc := c.resolveDependency(w, stack, ref); doc != nil {
deprefs[ref] = &ast.UninstStack{Ref: ref, Doc: doc}
if !c.Diag().Success() {
// Complete the binding process.
deps := b.BindStack(stack, deprefs)
if !c.Diag().Success() {
// Now ensure we bind all dependency stacks too.
for _, dep := range deps {
c.bindStack(b, w, dep)
if !c.Diag().Success() {
// Finally, now that we know the entire tree, and its transitive closure, is bound, perform final validation.
// resolveDependency loads up the target dependency from the current workspace using the stack resolution rules.
func (c *compiler) resolveDependency(w workspace.W, stack *ast.Stack, ref ast.Ref) *diag.Document {
glog.V(3).Infof("Loading Stack %v dependency %v", stack.Name, ref)
// First, see if we've already loaded this dependency (anywhere in any Stacks). If yes, reuse it.
// TODO: check for version mismatches.
if doc, exists := c.deps[ref]; exists {
return doc
// There are many places a dependency could come from. Consult the workspace for a list of those paths. It will
// return a number of them, in preferred order, and we simply probe each one until we find something.
dep := ref.MustParse()
for _, loc := range w.DepCandidates(dep) {
// Try to read this location as a document.
isMufile := workspace.IsMufile(loc, c.Diag())
glog.V(5).Infof("Probing for dependency %v at %v: %v", dep, loc, isMufile)
if isMufile {
doc, err := diag.ReadDocument(loc)
if err != nil {
c.Diag().Errorf(errors.ErrorCouldNotReadMufile.AtFile(loc), err)
return nil
// Memoize this in the compiler's cache and return it.
c.deps[ref] = doc
return doc
// If we got to this spot, we could not find the dependency. Issue an error and bail out.
c.Diag().Errorf(errors.ErrorStackTypeNotFound.At(stack), ref)
return nil