2017-06-09 12:51:31 -07:00

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// Licensed to Pulumi Corporation ("Pulumi") under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// Pulumi licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
// the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package workspace
import (
homedir "github.com/mitchellh/go-homedir"
// W offers functionality for interacting with Lumi workspaces. A workspace influences compilation; for example, it
// can specify default versions of dependencies, easing the process of working with multiple projects.
type W interface {
Path() string // the base path of the current workspace.
Root() string // the root path of the current workspace.
Settings() *Settings // returns a mutable pointer to the optional workspace settings info.
DetectPackage() (string, error) // locates the nearest project file in the directory hierarchy.
DepCandidates(dep pack.PackageURL) []string // fetches all candidate locations for a dependency's artifacts.
Save() error // saves any modifications to the workspace.
// New creates a new workspace from the given starting path.
func New(ctx *core.Context) (W, error) {
contract.Requiref(ctx != nil, "ctx", "!= nil")
// First normalize the path to an absolute one.
path, err := filepath.Abs(ctx.Path)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
home, err := homedir.Dir()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ws := workspace{
ctx: ctx,
path: path,
home: home,
// Perform our I/O: memoize the root directory and load up any settings before returning.
if err := ws.init(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &ws, nil
type workspace struct {
ctx *core.Context // the shared compiler context object.
path string // the path at which the workspace was constructed.
home string // the home directory to use for this workspace.
root string // the root of the workspace.
settings Settings // an optional bag of workspace-wide settings.
// init finds the root of the workspace, caches it for fast lookups, and loads up any workspace settings.
func (w *workspace) init() error {
if w.root == "" {
// Detect the root of the workspace and cache it.
root := pathDir(w.path)
for {
files, err := ioutil.ReadDir(root)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, file := range files {
// A lumi directory delimits the root of the workspace.
lumidir := filepath.Join(root, file.Name())
if IsLumiDir(lumidir) {
glog.V(3).Infof("Lumi workspace detected; setting root to %v", w.root)
w.root = root // remember the root.
w.settings, err = w.readSettings() // load up optional settings.
if err != nil {
return err
break Search
// If neither succeeded, keep looking in our parent directory.
if root = filepath.Dir(root); isTop(root) {
// We reached the top of the filesystem. Just set root back to the path and stop.
glog.V(3).Infof("No Lumi workspace found; defaulting to current path %v", w.root)
w.root = w.path
return nil
func (w *workspace) Path() string { return w.path }
func (w *workspace) Root() string { return w.root }
func (w *workspace) Settings() *Settings { return &w.settings }
func (w *workspace) DetectPackage() (string, error) {
return DetectPackage(w.path, w.ctx.Diag)
func (w *workspace) DepCandidates(dep pack.PackageURL) []string {
// The search order for dependencies is specified in https://github.com/pulumi/lumi/blob/master/docs/deps.md.
// Roughly speaking, these locations are are searched, in order:
// 1. The current workspace, for intra-workspace but inter-package dependencies.
// 2. The current workspace's .lumi/packs/ directory.
// 3. The global workspace's .lumi/packs/ directory.
// 4. The Lumi installation location's $LUMIROOT/lib/ directory (default /usr/local/lumi/lib).
// In each location, we prefer a fully qualified hit if it exists -- containing both the base of the reference plus
// the name -- however, we also accept name-only hits. This allows developers to organize their workspace without
// worrying about where packages are hosted. Most of the Lumi tools, however, prefer fully qualified paths.
// To be more precise, given a PackageRef r and a workspace root w, we look in these locations, in order:
// 1. w/base(r)/name(r)
// 2. w/name(r)
// 3. w/.lumi/packs/base(r)/name(r)
// 4. w/.lumi/packs/name(r)
// 5. ~/.lumi/packs/base(r)/name(r)
// 6. ~/.lumi/packs/name(r)
// 7. $LUMIROOT/lib/base(r)/name(r)
// 8. $LUMIROOT/lib/name(r)
// A workspace may optionally have a namespace, in which case, we will also look for stacks in the workspace whose
// name is simplified to omit that namespace part. For example, if a stack is named `mu/project/stack`, and the
// workspace namespace is `mu/`, then we will search `w/project/stack`; if the workspace is `mu/project/`, then we
// will search `w/stack`; and so on. This helps to avoid needing to deeply nest workspaces needlessly.
// The following code simply produces an array of these candidate locations, in order.
dep = dep.Defaults() // ensure we use defaults in the pathing.
base := stringNamePath(dep.Base)
name := packageNamePath(dep.Name)
wsname := workspacePath(w, dep.Name)
// For each extension we support, add the same set of search locations.
cands := make([]string, 0, 4*len(encoding.Exts))
for _, ext := range encoding.Exts {
cands = append(cands, filepath.Join(w.root, base, name, PackFile+ext))
cands = append(cands, filepath.Join(w.root, wsname, PackFile+ext))
cands = append(cands, filepath.Join(w.root, Dir, DepDir, base, name, PackFile+ext))
cands = append(cands, filepath.Join(w.root, Dir, DepDir, name, PackFile+ext))
cands = append(cands, filepath.Join(w.home, Dir, DepDir, base, name, PackFile+ext))
cands = append(cands, filepath.Join(w.home, Dir, DepDir, name, PackFile+ext))
cands = append(cands, filepath.Join(InstallRoot(), InstallRootLibdir, base, name, PackFile+ext))
cands = append(cands, filepath.Join(InstallRoot(), InstallRootLibdir, name, PackFile+ext))
return cands
// qnamePath just cleans a name and makes sure it's appropriate to use as a path.
func qnamePath(nm tokens.QName) string {
return stringNamePath(string(nm))
// packageNamePath just cleans a package name and makes sure it's appropriate to use as a path.
func packageNamePath(nm tokens.PackageName) string {
return stringNamePath(string(nm))
// stringNamePart cleans a string component of a name and makes sure it's appropriate to use as a path.
func stringNamePath(nm string) string {
return strings.Replace(nm, tokens.QNameDelimiter, string(os.PathSeparator), -1)
// workspacePath converts a name into the relevant name-part in the workspace to look for that dependency.
func workspacePath(w *workspace, nm tokens.PackageName) string {
if ns := w.Settings().Namespace; ns != "" {
// If the name starts with the namespace, trim the name part.
orig := string(nm)
if trim := strings.TrimPrefix(orig, ns+tokens.QNameDelimiter); trim != orig {
return stringNamePath(trim)
return packageNamePath(nm)
// Save persists any in-memory changes made to the workspace.
func (w *workspace) Save() error {
// For now, the only changes to commit are the settings file changes.
return w.saveSettings()
// settingsFile returns the settings file location for this workspace.
func (w *workspace) settingsFile(ext string) string {
return filepath.Join(w.root, Dir, SettingsFile+ext)
// readSettings loads a settings file from the workspace, probing for all available extensions.
func (w *workspace) readSettings() (Settings, error) {
// Attempt to load the raw bytes from all available extensions.
var settings Settings
for _, ext := range encoding.Exts {
// See if the file exists.
path := w.settingsFile(ext)
b, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
if err != nil {
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
continue // try the next extension
return settings, err
// If it does, go ahead and decode it.
m := encoding.Marshalers[ext]
if err := m.Unmarshal(b, &settings); err != nil {
return settings, err
return settings, nil
// saveSettings saves the settings into a file for this workspace, committing any in-memory changes that have been made.
// IDEA: right now, we only support JSON. It'd be ideal if we supported YAML too (and it would be quite easy).
func (w *workspace) saveSettings() error {
m := encoding.Default()
settings := w.Settings()
b, err := m.Marshal(settings)
if err != nil {
return err
path := w.settingsFile(encoding.DefaultExt())
return ioutil.WriteFile(path, b, 0644)