Pat Gavlin eaac9280f5
Refactor lifecycle tests. (#5575)
Move these tests to a new package, `lifecycletest`, that also exposes
APIs that allow consumers to implement their own lifecycle tests. This
is intended to ease the burden of testing plugin implementations and to
set the stage for cleaning up the lifecycle tests themselves.

This involves two changes to the public API, only one of which is
strictly necessary:

- The `host` field of `UpdateOptions` is now exported
- The `Journal` type has been moved from test-only code to the package

The former change is necessary, as it is the mechanism by which package
consumers may inject their own plugin loaders. I was reluctant to expose
this field originally because I wanted to ensure that the behavior of
packages that embed Pulumi is consistent with that of the Pulumi CLI
with respect to plugin loading. I now believe that the risk of consumers
changing this behavior outside of test scenarios is low enough that we
can expose this field. This may also be useful for future scenarios,
e.g. statically linking providers and Pulumi programs.

The latter change is not necessary, but fleshes out the engine package
into a more complete toolkit. Downstream consumers may use the Journal
type to conveniently implement snapshotting.
2020-10-15 10:35:09 -07:00

636 lines
21 KiB

// Copyright 2016-2018, Pulumi Corporation.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package engine
import (
resourceanalyzer "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pkg/v2/resource/analyzer"
// RequiredPolicy represents a set of policies to apply during an update.
type RequiredPolicy interface {
// Name provides the user-specified name of the PolicyPack.
Name() string
// Version of the PolicyPack.
Version() string
// Install will install the PolicyPack locally, returning the path it was installed to.
Install(ctx context.Context) (string, error)
// Config returns the PolicyPack's configuration.
Config() map[string]*json.RawMessage
// LocalPolicyPack represents a set of local Policy Packs to apply during an update.
type LocalPolicyPack struct {
// Name provides the user-specified name of the Policy Pack.
Name string
// Path of the local Policy Pack.
Path string
// Path of the local Policy Pack's JSON config file.
Config string
// MakeLocalPolicyPacks is a helper function for converting the list of local Policy
// Pack paths to list of LocalPolicyPack. The name of the Local Policy Pack is not set
// since we must load up the Policy Pack plugin to determine its name.
func MakeLocalPolicyPacks(localPaths []string, configPaths []string) []LocalPolicyPack {
// If we have any configPaths, we should have already validated that the length of
// the localPaths and configPaths are the same.
contract.Assert(len(configPaths) == 0 || len(configPaths) == len(localPaths))
r := make([]LocalPolicyPack, len(localPaths))
for i, p := range localPaths {
var config string
if len(configPaths) > 0 {
config = configPaths[i]
r[i] = LocalPolicyPack{
Path: p,
Config: config,
return r
// ConvertLocalPolicyPacksToPaths is a helper function for converting the list of LocalPolicyPacks
// to a list of paths.
func ConvertLocalPolicyPacksToPaths(localPolicyPack []LocalPolicyPack) []string {
r := make([]string, len(localPolicyPack))
for i, p := range localPolicyPack {
r[i] = p.Name
return r
// UpdateOptions contains all the settings for customizing how an update (deploy, preview, or destroy) is performed.
// This structure is embedded in another which uses some of the unexported fields, which trips up the `structcheck`
// linter.
// nolint: structcheck
type UpdateOptions struct {
// LocalPolicyPacks contains an optional set of policy packs to run as part of this deployment.
LocalPolicyPacks []LocalPolicyPack
// RequiredPolicies is the set of policies that are required to run as part of the update.
RequiredPolicies []RequiredPolicy
// the degree of parallelism for resource operations (<=1 for serial).
Parallel int
// true if debugging output it enabled
Debug bool
// true if the plan should refresh before executing.
Refresh bool
// Specific resources to refresh during a refresh operation.
RefreshTargets []resource.URN
// Specific resources to replace during an update operation.
ReplaceTargets []resource.URN
// Specific resources to destroy during a destroy operation.
DestroyTargets []resource.URN
// Specific resources to update during an update operation.
UpdateTargets []resource.URN
// true if we're allowing dependent targets to change, even if not specified in one of the above
// XXXTargets lists.
TargetDependents bool
// true if the engine should use legacy diffing behavior during an update.
UseLegacyDiff bool
// true if the engine should disable provider previews.
DisableProviderPreview bool
// true if we should report events for steps that involve default providers.
reportDefaultProviderSteps bool
// the plugin host to use for this update
Host plugin.Host
// ResourceChanges contains the aggregate resource changes by operation type.
type ResourceChanges map[deploy.StepOp]int
// HasChanges returns true if there are any non-same changes in the resulting summary.
func (changes ResourceChanges) HasChanges() bool {
var c int
for op, count := range changes {
if op != deploy.OpSame &&
op != deploy.OpRead &&
op != deploy.OpReadDiscard &&
op != deploy.OpReadReplacement {
c += count
return c > 0
func Update(u UpdateInfo, ctx *Context, opts UpdateOptions, dryRun bool) (ResourceChanges, result.Result) {
contract.Require(u != nil, "update")
contract.Require(ctx != nil, "ctx")
defer func() { ctx.Events <- cancelEvent() }()
info, err := newPlanContext(u, "update", ctx.ParentSpan)
if err != nil {
return nil, result.FromError(err)
defer info.Close()
emitter, err := makeEventEmitter(ctx.Events, u)
if err != nil {
return nil, result.FromError(err)
defer emitter.Close()
return update(ctx, info, planOptions{
UpdateOptions: opts,
SourceFunc: newUpdateSource,
Events: emitter,
Diag: newEventSink(emitter, false),
StatusDiag: newEventSink(emitter, true),
}, dryRun)
// RunInstallPlugins calls installPlugins and just returns the error (avoids having to export pluginSet).
func RunInstallPlugins(
proj *workspace.Project, pwd, main string, target *deploy.Target, plugctx *plugin.Context) error {
_, _, err := installPlugins(proj, pwd, main, target, plugctx)
return err
func installPlugins(
proj *workspace.Project, pwd, main string, target *deploy.Target,
plugctx *plugin.Context) (pluginSet, map[tokens.Package]*semver.Version, error) {
// Before launching the source, ensure that we have all of the plugins that we need in order to proceed.
// There are two places that we need to look for plugins:
// 1. The language host, which reports to us the set of plugins that the program that's about to execute
// needs in order to create new resources. This is purely advisory by the language host and not all
// languages implement this (notably Python).
// 2. The snapshot. The snapshot contains plugins in two locations: first, in the manifest, all plugins
// that were loaded are recorded. Second, all first class providers record the version of the plugin
// to which they are bound.
// In order to get a complete view of the set of plugins that we need for an update or query, we must
// consult both sources and merge their results into a list of plugins.
languagePlugins, err := gatherPluginsFromProgram(plugctx, plugin.ProgInfo{
Proj: proj,
Pwd: pwd,
Program: main,
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
snapshotPlugins, err := gatherPluginsFromSnapshot(plugctx, target)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
allPlugins := languagePlugins.Union(snapshotPlugins)
// If there are any plugins that are not available, we can attempt to install them here.
// Note that this is purely a best-effort thing. If we can't install missing plugins, just proceed; we'll fail later
// with an error message indicating exactly what plugins are missing.
if err := ensurePluginsAreInstalled(allPlugins); err != nil {
logging.V(7).Infof("newUpdateSource(): failed to install missing plugins: %v", err)
// Collect the version information for default providers.
defaultProviderVersions := computeDefaultProviderPlugins(languagePlugins, allPlugins)
return allPlugins, defaultProviderVersions, nil
func installAndLoadPolicyPlugins(plugctx *plugin.Context, d diag.Sink, policies []RequiredPolicy,
localPolicyPacks []LocalPolicyPack, opts *plugin.PolicyAnalyzerOptions) error {
var allValidationErrors []string
appendValidationErrors := func(policyPackName, policyPackVersion string, validationErrors []string) {
for _, validationError := range validationErrors {
allValidationErrors = append(allValidationErrors,
fmt.Sprintf("validating policy config: %s %s %s",
policyPackName, policyPackVersion, validationError))
// Install and load required policy packs.
for _, policy := range policies {
policyPath, err := policy.Install(context.Background())
if err != nil {
return err
analyzer, err := plugctx.Host.PolicyAnalyzer(tokens.QName(policy.Name()), policyPath, opts)
if err != nil {
return err
analyzerInfo, err := analyzer.GetAnalyzerInfo()
if err != nil {
return err
// Parse the config, reconcile & validate it, and pass it to the policy pack.
if !analyzerInfo.SupportsConfig {
if len(policy.Config()) > 0 {
logging.V(7).Infof("policy pack %q does not support config; skipping configure", analyzerInfo.Name)
configFromAPI, err := resourceanalyzer.ParsePolicyPackConfigFromAPI(policy.Config())
if err != nil {
return err
config, validationErrors, err := resourceanalyzer.ReconcilePolicyPackConfig(
analyzerInfo.Policies, analyzerInfo.InitialConfig, configFromAPI)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "reconciling config for %q", analyzerInfo.Name)
appendValidationErrors(analyzerInfo.Name, analyzerInfo.Version, validationErrors)
if err = analyzer.Configure(config); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "configuring policy pack %q", analyzerInfo.Name)
// Load local policy packs.
for i, pack := range localPolicyPacks {
abs, err := filepath.Abs(pack.Path)
if err != nil {
return err
analyzer, err := plugctx.Host.PolicyAnalyzer(tokens.QName(abs), pack.Path, opts)
if err != nil {
return err
} else if analyzer == nil {
return errors.Errorf("policy analyzer could not be loaded from path %q", pack.Path)
// Update the Policy Pack names now that we have loaded the plugins and can access the name.
analyzerInfo, err := analyzer.GetAnalyzerInfo()
if err != nil {
return err
localPolicyPacks[i].Name = analyzerInfo.Name
// Load config, reconcile & validate it, and pass it to the policy pack.
if !analyzerInfo.SupportsConfig {
if pack.Config != "" {
return errors.Errorf("policy pack %q at %q does not support config", analyzerInfo.Name, pack.Path)
var configFromFile map[string]plugin.AnalyzerPolicyConfig
if pack.Config != "" {
configFromFile, err = resourceanalyzer.LoadPolicyPackConfigFromFile(pack.Config)
if err != nil {
return err
config, validationErrors, err := resourceanalyzer.ReconcilePolicyPackConfig(
analyzerInfo.Policies, analyzerInfo.InitialConfig, configFromFile)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "reconciling policy config for %q at %q", analyzerInfo.Name, pack.Path)
appendValidationErrors(analyzerInfo.Name, analyzerInfo.Version, validationErrors)
if err = analyzer.Configure(config); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "configuring policy pack %q at %q", analyzerInfo.Name, pack.Path)
// Report any policy config validation errors and return an error.
if len(allValidationErrors) > 0 {
for _, validationError := range allValidationErrors {
plugctx.Diag.Errorf(diag.Message("", validationError))
return errors.New("validating policy config")
return nil
func newUpdateSource(
client deploy.BackendClient, opts planOptions, proj *workspace.Project, pwd, main string,
target *deploy.Target, plugctx *plugin.Context, dryRun bool) (deploy.Source, error) {
// Step 1: Install and load plugins.
allPlugins, defaultProviderVersions, err := installPlugins(proj, pwd, main, target,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Once we've installed all of the plugins we need, make sure that all analyzers and language plugins are
// loaded up and ready to go. Provider plugins are loaded lazily by the provider registry and thus don't
// need to be loaded here.
const kinds = plugin.AnalyzerPlugins | plugin.LanguagePlugins
if err := ensurePluginsAreLoaded(plugctx, allPlugins, kinds); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Step 2: Install and load policy plugins.
// Decrypt the configuration.
config, err := target.Config.Decrypt(target.Decrypter)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
analyzerOpts := plugin.PolicyAnalyzerOptions{
Project: proj.Name.String(),
Stack: target.Name.String(),
Config: config,
DryRun: dryRun,
if err := installAndLoadPolicyPlugins(plugctx, opts.Diag, opts.RequiredPolicies, opts.LocalPolicyPacks,
&analyzerOpts); err != nil {
return nil, err
// If we are connecting to an existing client, stash the address of the engine in its arguments.
var args []string
if proj.Runtime.Name() == clientRuntimeName {
args = []string{plugctx.Host.ServerAddr()}
// If that succeeded, create a new source that will perform interpretation of the compiled program.
// TODO[pulumi/pulumi#88]: we are passing `nil` as the arguments map; we need to allow a way to pass these.
return deploy.NewEvalSource(plugctx, &deploy.EvalRunInfo{
Proj: proj,
Pwd: pwd,
Program: main,
Args: args,
Target: target,
}, defaultProviderVersions, dryRun), nil
func update(ctx *Context, info *planContext, opts planOptions, dryRun bool) (ResourceChanges, result.Result) {
planResult, err := plan(ctx, info, opts, dryRun)
if err != nil {
return nil, result.FromError(err)
policies := map[string]string{}
// Refresh and Import do not execute Policy Packs.
if !opts.isRefresh && !opts.isImport {
for _, p := range opts.RequiredPolicies {
policies[p.Name()] = p.Version()
for _, pack := range opts.LocalPolicyPacks {
path := abbreviateFilePath(pack.Path)
packName := fmt.Sprintf("%s (%s)", pack.Name, path)
policies[packName] = "(local)"
var resourceChanges ResourceChanges
var res result.Result
if planResult != nil {
defer contract.IgnoreClose(planResult)
// Make the current working directory the same as the program's, and restore it upon exit.
done, chErr := planResult.Chdir()
if chErr != nil {
return nil, result.FromError(chErr)
defer done()
if dryRun {
// If a dry run, just print the plan, don't actually carry out the deployment.
resourceChanges, res = printPlan(ctx, planResult, dryRun, policies)
} else {
// Otherwise, we will actually deploy the latest bits.
opts.Events.preludeEvent(dryRun, planResult.Ctx.Update.GetTarget().Config)
// Walk the plan, reporting progress and executing the actual operations as we go.
start := time.Now()
actions := newUpdateActions(ctx, info.Update, opts)
res = planResult.Walk(ctx, actions, false)
resourceChanges = ResourceChanges(actions.Ops)
if len(resourceChanges) != 0 {
// Print out the total number of steps performed (and their kinds), the duration, and any summary info.
opts.Events.updateSummaryEvent(actions.MaybeCorrupt, time.Since(start),
resourceChanges, policies)
return resourceChanges, res
// abbreviateFilePath is a helper function that cleans up and shortens a provided file path.
// If the path is long, it will keep the first two and last two directories and then replace the
// middle directories with `...`.
func abbreviateFilePath(path string) string {
path = filepath.Clean(path)
if len(path) > 75 {
// Do some shortening.
separator := "/"
dirs := strings.Split(path, separator)
// If we get no splits, we will try to use the backslashes in support of a Windows path.
if len(dirs) == 1 {
separator = `\`
dirs = strings.Split(path, separator)
if len(dirs) > 4 {
back := dirs[len(dirs)-2:]
dirs = append(dirs[:2], "...")
dirs = append(dirs, back...)
path = strings.Join(dirs, separator)
return path
// updateActions pretty-prints the plan application process as it goes.
type updateActions struct {
Context *Context
Steps int
Ops map[deploy.StepOp]int
Seen map[resource.URN]deploy.Step
MapLock sync.Mutex
MaybeCorrupt bool
Update UpdateInfo
Opts planOptions
func newUpdateActions(context *Context, u UpdateInfo, opts planOptions) *updateActions {
return &updateActions{
Context: context,
Ops: make(map[deploy.StepOp]int),
Seen: make(map[resource.URN]deploy.Step),
Update: u,
Opts: opts,
func (acts *updateActions) OnResourceStepPre(step deploy.Step) (interface{}, error) {
// Ensure we've marked this step as observed.
acts.Seen[step.URN()] = step
// Skip reporting if necessary.
if shouldReportStep(step, acts.Opts) {
acts.Opts.Events.resourcePreEvent(step, false /*planning*/, acts.Opts.Debug)
// Inform the snapshot service that we are about to perform a step.
return acts.Context.SnapshotManager.BeginMutation(step)
func (acts *updateActions) OnResourceStepPost(
ctx interface{}, step deploy.Step,
status resource.Status, err error) error {
assertSeen(acts.Seen, step)
// If we've already been terminated, exit without writing the checkpoint. We explicitly want to leave the
// checkpoint in an inconsistent state in this event.
if acts.Context.Cancel.TerminateErr() != nil {
return nil
reportStep := shouldReportStep(step, acts.Opts)
// Report the result of the step.
if err != nil {
if status == resource.StatusUnknown {
acts.MaybeCorrupt = true
errorURN := resource.URN("")
if reportStep {
errorURN = step.URN()
// Issue a true, bonafide error.
acts.Opts.Diag.Errorf(diag.GetResourceOperationFailedError(errorURN), err)
if reportStep {
acts.Opts.Events.resourceOperationFailedEvent(step, status, acts.Steps, acts.Opts.Debug)
} else if reportStep {
op, record := step.Op(), step.Logical()
if acts.Opts.isRefresh && op == deploy.OpRefresh {
// Refreshes are handled specially.
op, record = step.(*deploy.RefreshStep).ResultOp(), true
if step.Op() == deploy.OpRead {
record = ShouldRecordReadStep(step)
if record {
// Increment the counters.
// Also show outputs here for custom resources, since there might be some from the initial registration. We do
// not show outputs for component resources at this point: any that exist must be from a previous execution of
// the Pulumi program, as component resources only report outputs via calls to RegisterResourceOutputs.
if step.Res().Custom || acts.Opts.Refresh && step.Op() == deploy.OpRefresh {
acts.Opts.Events.resourceOutputsEvent(op, step, false /*planning*/, acts.Opts.Debug)
// See pulumi/pulumi#2011 for details. Terraform always returns the existing state with the diff applied to it in
// the event of an update failure. It's appropriate that we save this new state in the output of the resource, but
// it is not appropriate to save the inputs, because the resource that exists was not created or updated
// successfully with those inputs.
// If we were doing an update and got a `StatusPartialFailure`, the resource that ultimately gets persisted in the
// snapshot should be old inputs and new outputs. We accomplish that here by clobbering the new resource's inputs
// with the old inputs.
// This is a little kludgy given that these resources are global state. However, given the way that we have
// implemented the snapshot manager and engine today, it's the easiest way to accomplish what we are trying to do.
if status == resource.StatusPartialFailure && step.Op() == deploy.OpUpdate {
"OnResourceStepPost(%s): Step is partially-failed update, saving old inputs instead of new inputs",
new := step.New()
old := step.Old()
contract.Assert(new != nil)
contract.Assert(old != nil)
new.Inputs = make(resource.PropertyMap)
for key, value := range old.Inputs {
new.Inputs[key] = value
// Write out the current snapshot. Note that even if a failure has occurred, we should still have a
// safe checkpoint. Note that any error that occurs when writing the checkpoint trumps the error
// reported above.
return ctx.(SnapshotMutation).End(step, err == nil || status == resource.StatusPartialFailure)
func (acts *updateActions) OnResourceOutputs(step deploy.Step) error {
assertSeen(acts.Seen, step)
// Skip reporting if necessary.
if shouldReportStep(step, acts.Opts) {
acts.Opts.Events.resourceOutputsEvent(step.Op(), step, false /*planning*/, acts.Opts.Debug)
// There's a chance there are new outputs that weren't written out last time.
// We need to perform another snapshot write to ensure they get written out.
return acts.Context.SnapshotManager.RegisterResourceOutputs(step)
func (acts *updateActions) OnPolicyViolation(urn resource.URN, d plugin.AnalyzeDiagnostic) {
acts.Opts.Events.policyViolationEvent(urn, d)