Pat Gavlin 6e5c4a38d8
Defer all diffs to resource providers. (#2849)
Thse changes make a subtle but critical adjustment to the process the
Pulumi engine uses to determine whether or not a difference exists
between a resource's actual and desired states, and adjusts the way this
difference is calculated and displayed accordingly.

Today, the Pulumi engine get the first chance to decide whether or not
there is a difference between a resource's actual and desired states. It
does this by comparing the current set of inputs for a resource (i.e.
the inputs from the running Pulumi program) with the last set of inputs
used to update the resource. If there is no difference between the old
and new inputs, the engine decides that no change is necessary without
consulting the resource's provider. Only if there are changes does the
engine consult the resource's provider for more information about the
difference. This can be problematic for a number of reasons:

- Not all providers do input-input comparison; some do input-state
- Not all providers are able to update the last deployed set of inputs
  when performing a refresh
- Some providers--either intentionally or due to bugs--may see changes
  in resources whose inputs have not changed

All of these situations are confusing at the very least, and the first
is problematic with respect to correctness. Furthermore, the display
code only renders diffs it observes rather than rendering the diffs
observed by the provider, which can obscure the actual changes detected
at runtime.

These changes address both of these issues:
- Rather than comparing the current inputs against the last inputs
  before calling a resource provider's Diff function, the engine calls
  the Diff function in all cases.
- Providers may now return a list of properties that differ between the
  requested and actual state and the way in which they differ. This
  information will then be used by the CLI to render the diff
  appropriately. A provider may also indicate that a particular diff is
  between old and new inputs rather than old state and new inputs.

Fixes #2453.
2019-07-01 12:34:19 -07:00

360 lines
12 KiB

// Copyright 2016-2018, Pulumi Corporation.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package engine
import (
// ProjectInfoContext returns information about the current project, including its pwd, main, and plugin context.
func ProjectInfoContext(projinfo *Projinfo, host plugin.Host, config plugin.ConfigSource,
diag, statusDiag diag.Sink, tracingSpan opentracing.Span) (string, string, *plugin.Context, error) {
contract.Require(projinfo != nil, "projinfo")
// If the package contains an override for the main entrypoint, use it.
pwd, main, err := projinfo.GetPwdMain()
if err != nil {
return "", "", nil, err
// Create a context for plugins.
ctx, err := plugin.NewContext(diag, statusDiag, host, config, pwd,
projinfo.Proj.Runtime.Options(), tracingSpan)
if err != nil {
return "", "", nil, err
return pwd, main, ctx, nil
// newPlanContext creates a context for a subsequent planning operation. Callers must call Close on the
// resulting context object once they have completed the associated planning operation.
func newPlanContext(u UpdateInfo, opName string, parentSpan opentracing.SpanContext) (*planContext, error) {
contract.Require(u != nil, "u")
// Create a root span for the operation
opts := []opentracing.StartSpanOption{}
if opName != "" {
opts = append(opts, opentracing.Tag{Key: "operation", Value: opName})
if parentSpan != nil {
opts = append(opts, opentracing.ChildOf(parentSpan))
tracingSpan := opentracing.StartSpan("pulumi-plan", opts...)
return &planContext{
Update: u,
TracingSpan: tracingSpan,
}, nil
type planContext struct {
Update UpdateInfo // The update being processed.
TracingSpan opentracing.Span // An OpenTracing span to parent plan operations within.
func (ctx *planContext) Close() {
// planOptions includes a full suite of options for performing a plan and/or deploy operation.
type planOptions struct {
// SourceFunc is a factory that returns an EvalSource to use during planning. This is the thing that
// creates resources to compare against the current checkpoint state (e.g., by evaluating a program, etc).
SourceFunc planSourceFunc
DOT bool // true if we should print the DOT file for this plan.
Events eventEmitter // the channel to write events from the engine to.
Diag diag.Sink // the sink to use for diag'ing.
StatusDiag diag.Sink // the sink to use for diag'ing status messages.
// true if we're planning a refresh.
isRefresh bool
// true if we should trust the dependency graph reported by the language host. Not all Pulumi-supported languages
// correctly report their dependencies, in which case this will be false.
trustDependencies bool
// planSourceFunc is a callback that will be used to prepare for, and evaluate, the "new" state for a stack.
type planSourceFunc func(
client deploy.BackendClient, opts planOptions, proj *workspace.Project, pwd, main string,
target *deploy.Target, plugctx *plugin.Context, dryRun bool) (deploy.Source, error)
// plan just uses the standard logic to parse arguments, options, and to create a snapshot and plan.
func plan(ctx *Context, info *planContext, opts planOptions, dryRun bool) (*planResult, error) {
contract.Assert(info != nil)
contract.Assert(info.Update != nil)
contract.Assert(opts.SourceFunc != nil)
// First, load the package metadata and the deployment target in preparation for executing the package's program
// and creating resources. This includes fetching its pwd and main overrides.
proj, target := info.Update.GetProject(), info.Update.GetTarget()
contract.Assert(proj != nil)
contract.Assert(target != nil)
projinfo := &Projinfo{Proj: proj, Root: info.Update.GetRoot()}
pwd, main, plugctx, err := ProjectInfoContext(projinfo, opts.host, target,
opts.Diag, opts.StatusDiag, info.TracingSpan)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
opts.trustDependencies = proj.TrustResourceDependencies()
// Now create the state source. This may issue an error if it can't create the source. This entails,
// for example, loading any plugins which will be required to execute a program, among other things.
source, err := opts.SourceFunc(ctx.BackendClient, opts, proj, pwd, main, target, plugctx, dryRun)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// If there are any analyzers in the project file, add them.
var analyzers []tokens.QName
if as := projinfo.Proj.Analyzers; as != nil {
for _, a := range *as {
analyzers = append(analyzers, a)
// Append any analyzers from the command line.
for _, a := range opts.Analyzers {
analyzers = append(analyzers, tokens.QName(a))
// Generate a plan; this API handles all interesting cases (create, update, delete).
plan, err := deploy.NewPlan(plugctx, target, target.Snapshot, source, analyzers, dryRun, ctx.BackendClient)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &planResult{
Ctx: info,
Plugctx: plugctx,
Plan: plan,
Options: opts,
}, nil
type planResult struct {
Ctx *planContext // plan context information.
Plugctx *plugin.Context // the context containing plugins and their state.
Plan *deploy.Plan // the plan created by this command.
Options planOptions // the options used during planning.
// Chdir changes the directory so that all operations from now on are relative to the project we are working with.
// It returns a function that, when run, restores the old working directory.
func (planResult *planResult) Chdir() (func(), error) {
return fsutil.Chdir(planResult.Plugctx.Pwd)
// Walk enumerates all steps in the plan, calling out to the provided action at each step. It returns four things: the
// resulting Snapshot, no matter whether an error occurs or not; an error, if something went wrong; the step that
// failed, if the error is non-nil; and finally the state of the resource modified in the failing step.
func (planResult *planResult) Walk(cancelCtx *Context, events deploy.Events, preview bool) result.Result {
ctx, cancelFunc := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
done := make(chan bool)
var walkResult result.Result
go func() {
opts := deploy.Options{
Events: events,
Parallel: planResult.Options.Parallel,
Refresh: planResult.Options.Refresh,
RefreshOnly: planResult.Options.isRefresh,
TrustDependencies: planResult.Options.trustDependencies,
UseLegacyDiff: planResult.Options.UseLegacyDiff,
walkResult = planResult.Plan.Execute(ctx, opts, preview)
// Asynchronously listen for cancellation, and deliver that signal to plan.
go func() {
select {
case <-cancelCtx.Cancel.Canceled():
// Cancel the plan's execution context, so it begins to shut down.
case <-done:
select {
case <-cancelCtx.Cancel.Terminated():
return result.WrapIfNonNil(cancelCtx.Cancel.TerminateErr())
case <-done:
return walkResult
func (planResult *planResult) Close() error {
return planResult.Plugctx.Close()
// printPlan prints the plan's result to the plan's Options.Events stream.
func printPlan(ctx *Context, planResult *planResult, dryRun bool) (ResourceChanges, result.Result) {
planResult.Options.Events.preludeEvent(dryRun, planResult.Ctx.Update.GetTarget().Config)
// Walk the plan's steps and and pretty-print them out.
actions := newPlanActions(planResult.Options)
if res := planResult.Walk(ctx, actions, true); res != nil {
if res.IsBail() {
return nil, res
return nil, result.Error("an error occurred while advancing the preview")
// Emit an event with a summary of operation counts.
changes := ResourceChanges(actions.Ops)
return changes, nil
type planActions struct {
Ops map[deploy.StepOp]int
Opts planOptions
Seen map[resource.URN]deploy.Step
MapLock sync.Mutex
func shouldReportStep(step deploy.Step, opts planOptions) bool {
return step.Op() != deploy.OpRemovePendingReplace &&
(opts.reportDefaultProviderSteps || !isDefaultProviderStep(step))
func newPlanActions(opts planOptions) *planActions {
return &planActions{
Ops: make(map[deploy.StepOp]int),
Opts: opts,
Seen: make(map[resource.URN]deploy.Step),
func (acts *planActions) OnResourceStepPre(step deploy.Step) (interface{}, error) {
acts.Seen[step.URN()] = step
// Skip reporting if necessary.
if !shouldReportStep(step, acts.Opts) {
return nil, nil
acts.Opts.Events.resourcePreEvent(step, true /*planning*/, acts.Opts.Debug)
return nil, nil
func (acts *planActions) OnResourceStepPost(ctx interface{},
step deploy.Step, status resource.Status, err error) error {
assertSeen(acts.Seen, step)
reportStep := shouldReportStep(step, acts.Opts)
if err != nil {
// We always want to report a failure. If we intend to elide this step overall, though, we report it as a
// global message.
reportedURN := resource.URN("")
if reportStep {
reportedURN = step.URN()
acts.Opts.Diag.Errorf(diag.GetPreviewFailedError(reportedURN), err)
} else if reportStep {
op, record := step.Op(), step.Logical()
if acts.Opts.isRefresh && op == deploy.OpRefresh {
// Refreshes are handled specially.
op, record = step.(*deploy.RefreshStep).ResultOp(), true
if step.Op() == deploy.OpRead {
record = ShouldRecordReadStep(step)
// Track the operation if shown and/or if it is a logically meaningful operation.
if record {
acts.Opts.Events.resourceOutputsEvent(op, step, true /*planning*/, acts.Opts.Debug)
return nil
func ShouldRecordReadStep(step deploy.Step) bool {
contract.Assertf(step.Op() == deploy.OpRead, "Only call this on a Read step")
// If reading a resource didn't result in any change to the resource, we then want to
// record this as a 'same'. That way, when things haven't actually changed, but a user
// app did any 'reads' these don't show up in the resource summary at the end.
return step.Old() != nil &&
step.New() != nil &&
step.Old().Outputs != nil &&
step.New().Outputs != nil &&
step.Old().Outputs.Diff(step.New().Outputs) != nil
func (acts *planActions) OnResourceOutputs(step deploy.Step) error {
assertSeen(acts.Seen, step)
// Skip reporting if necessary.
if !shouldReportStep(step, acts.Opts) {
return nil
// Print the resource outputs separately.
acts.Opts.Events.resourceOutputsEvent(step.Op(), step, true /*planning*/, acts.Opts.Debug)
return nil
func (acts *planActions) OnPolicyViolation(urn resource.URN, d plugin.AnalyzeDiagnostic) {
acts.Opts.Events.policyViolationEvent(urn, d)
func assertSeen(seen map[resource.URN]deploy.Step, step deploy.Step) {
_, has := seen[step.URN()]
contract.Assertf(has, "URN '%v' had not been marked as seen", step.URN())
func isDefaultProviderStep(step deploy.Step) bool {
return providers.IsDefaultProvider(step.URN())