Matt Ellis 6f0bc7eb46 Call pulumi stack rm --yes in some tests
Our normal lifecycle tests always call pulumi stack rm, but some of
the tests that used the more barebones framework did not do so. This
was "ok" in the past, since all bookkeeping data about a stack was
stored next to the Pulumi program itself and we deleted that folder
once the test passed.

As part of removing `pulumi init` workspace tracking will move to
~/.pulumi/workspaces and so we'd like to have a gesture that actually
removes the stack, which will cause the workspace file to be removed
as well, instead of littering ~/.pulumi/workspaces with tests.
2018-04-18 03:29:19 -07:00

268 lines
7.8 KiB

// Copyright 2016-2018, Pulumi Corporation. All rights reserved.
package tests
import (
ptesting "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pkg/testing"
func TestStackErrors(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("NoRepository", func(t *testing.T) {
e := ptesting.NewEnvironment(t)
defer func() {
if !t.Failed() {
e.RunCommand("pulumi", "login", "--cloud-url", "local://")
stdout, stderr := e.RunCommandExpectError("pulumi", "stack", "rm", "does-not-exist", "--yes")
assert.Empty(t, stdout, "expected nothing to be written to stdout")
assert.Contains(t, stderr, "error: no repository")
func TestStackCommands(t *testing.T) {
// stack init, stack ls, stack rm, stack ls
t.Run("SanityTest", func(t *testing.T) {
e := ptesting.NewEnvironment(t)
defer func() {
if !t.Failed() {
e.RunCommand("pulumi", "login", "--cloud-url", "local://")
e.RunCommand("pulumi", "stack", "init", "foo")
stacks, current := integration.GetStacks(e)
assert.Equal(t, 1, len(stacks))
assert.NotNil(t, current)
if current == nil {
t.Logf("stacks: %v, current: %v", stacks, current)
t.Fatalf("No current stack?")
assert.Equal(t, "foo", *current)
assert.Contains(t, stacks, "foo")
e.RunCommand("pulumi", "stack", "rm", "foo", "--yes")
stacks, _ = integration.GetStacks(e)
assert.Equal(t, 0, len(stacks))
t.Run("StackSelect", func(t *testing.T) {
e := ptesting.NewEnvironment(t)
defer func() {
if !t.Failed() {
e.RunCommand("pulumi", "login", "--cloud-url", "local://")
e.RunCommand("pulumi", "stack", "init", "blighttown")
e.RunCommand("pulumi", "stack", "init", "majula")
e.RunCommand("pulumi", "stack", "init", "lothric")
// Last one created is always selected.
stacks, current := integration.GetStacks(e)
if current == nil {
t.Fatalf("No stack was labeled as current among: %v", stacks)
assert.Equal(t, "lothric", *current)
// Select works
e.RunCommand("pulumi", "stack", "select", "blighttown")
stacks, current = integration.GetStacks(e)
if current == nil {
t.Fatalf("No stack was labeled as current among: %v", stacks)
assert.Equal(t, "blighttown", *current)
// Error
out, err := e.RunCommandExpectError("pulumi", "stack", "select", "anor-londo")
assert.Empty(t, out)
// local: "no stack with name 'anor-londo' found"
// cloud: "Stack 'integration-test-59f645ba/pulumi-test/anor-londo' not found"
assert.Contains(t, err, "anor-londo")
e.RunCommand("pulumi", "stack", "rm", "--yes")
t.Run("StackRm", func(t *testing.T) {
e := ptesting.NewEnvironment(t)
defer func() {
if !t.Failed() {
e.RunCommand("pulumi", "login", "--cloud-url", "local://")
e.RunCommand("pulumi", "stack", "init", "blighttown")
e.RunCommand("pulumi", "stack", "init", "majula")
e.RunCommand("pulumi", "stack", "init", "lothric")
stacks, _ := integration.GetStacks(e)
assert.Equal(t, 3, len(stacks))
e.RunCommand("pulumi", "stack", "rm", "majula", "--yes")
stacks, _ = integration.GetStacks(e)
assert.Equal(t, 2, len(stacks))
assert.Contains(t, stacks, "blighttown")
assert.Contains(t, stacks, "lothric")
e.RunCommand("pulumi", "stack", "rm", "lothric", "--yes")
stacks, _ = integration.GetStacks(e)
assert.Equal(t, 1, len(stacks))
assert.Contains(t, stacks, "blighttown")
e.RunCommand("pulumi", "stack", "rm", "blighttown", "--yes")
stacks, _ = integration.GetStacks(e)
assert.Equal(t, 0, len(stacks))
// Error
out, err := e.RunCommandExpectError("pulumi", "stack", "rm", "anor-londo", "--yes")
assert.Empty(t, out)
// local: .pulumi/stacks/pulumi-test/anor-londo.json: no such file or directory
// cloud: Stack 'integration-test-59f645ba/pulumi-test/anor-londo' not found
assert.Contains(t, err, "anor-londo")
func TestStackBackups(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("StackBackupCreatedSanityTest", func(t *testing.T) {
e := ptesting.NewEnvironment(t)
defer func() {
if !t.Failed() {
// We're testing that backups are created so ensure backups aren't disabled.
if env := os.Getenv(local.DisableCheckpointBackupsEnvVar); env != "" {
defer os.Setenv(local.DisableCheckpointBackupsEnvVar, env)
// On macOS, e.RootPath will be something like:
// /var/folders/00/wttg611s0fl_91hpm8ff6g6c0000gn/T/test-env756909896
// However, `/var` is actually a symbolic link to `/private/var`.
// We evaluate the symbolic links to ensure the root path the test uses is
// the same path that `pulumi` commands see.
root, err := filepath.EvalSymlinks(e.RootPath)
assert.NoError(t, err, "evaluating symbolic links of e.RootPath")
// Get the path to the backup directory for this project.
backupDir, err := getStackProjectBackupDir(root)
assert.NoError(t, err, "getting stack project backup path")
defer func() {
if !t.Failed() {
// Cleanup the backup directory.
// Create a stack.
const stackName = "imulup"
e.RunCommand("pulumi", "login", "--cloud-url", "local://")
e.RunCommand("pulumi", "stack", "init", stackName)
// Build the project.
e.RunCommand("yarn", "install")
e.RunCommand("yarn", "link", "@pulumi/pulumi")
e.RunCommand("yarn", "run", "build")
// Now run pulumi update.
before := time.Now().UnixNano()
e.RunCommand("pulumi", "update", "--force")
after := time.Now().UnixNano()
// Verify the backup directory contains a single backup.
files, err := ioutil.ReadDir(backupDir)
assert.NoError(t, err, "getting the files in backup directory")
assert.Equal(t, 1, len(files))
fileName := files[0].Name()
// Verify the backup file.
assertBackupStackFile(t, stackName, files[0], before, after)
// Now run pulumi destroy.
before = time.Now().UnixNano()
e.RunCommand("pulumi", "destroy", "--force")
after = time.Now().UnixNano()
// Verify the backup directory has been updated with 1 additional backups.
files, err = ioutil.ReadDir(backupDir)
assert.NoError(t, err, "getting the files in backup directory")
assert.Equal(t, 2, len(files))
// Verify the new backup file.
for _, file := range files {
// Skip the file we previously verified.
if file.Name() == fileName {
assertBackupStackFile(t, stackName, file, before, after)
e.RunCommand("pulumi", "stack", "rm", "--yes")
func assertBackupStackFile(t *testing.T, stackName string, file os.FileInfo, before int64, after int64) {
assert.False(t, file.IsDir())
assert.True(t, file.Size() > 0)
split := strings.Split(file.Name(), ".")
assert.Equal(t, 3, len(split))
assert.Equal(t, stackName, split[0])
parsedTime, err := strconv.ParseInt(split[1], 10, 64)
assert.NoError(t, err, "parsing the time in the stack backup filename")
assert.True(t, parsedTime > before)
assert.True(t, parsedTime < after)
func getStackProjectBackupDir(projectDir string) (string, error) {
user, err := user.Current()
if user == nil || err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to get current user")
h := sha1.New()
_, err = h.Write([]byte(projectDir))
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("failed generating sha1")
hash := hex.EncodeToString(h.Sum(nil))
return filepath.Join(
), nil