joeduffy 713fe29fef Custom types, round 1
This change overhauls the core of how types are used by the entire
compiler.  In particular, we now have an ast.Type, and have begun
using its use where appropriate.  An ast.Type is a union representing
precisely one of the possible sources of types in the system:

* Primitive type: any, bool, number, string, or service.

* Stack type: a resolved reference to an actual concrete stack.

* Schema type: a resolved reference to an actual concrete schema.

* Unresolved reference: a textual reference that hasn't yet been
  resolved to a concrete artifact.

* Uninstantiated reference: a reference that has been resolved to
  an uninstantiated stack, but hasn't been bound to a concrete
  result yet.  Right now, this can point to a stack, however
  eventually we would imagine this supporting inter-stack schema
  references also.

* Decorated type: either an array or a map; in the array case, there
  is a single inner element type; in the map case, there are two,
  the keys and values; in all cases, the type recurses to any of the
  possibilities listed here.

All of the relevant AST nodes have been overhauled accordingly.

In addition to this, we now have an ast.Schema type.  It is loosely
modeled on JSON Schema in its capabilities (http://json-schema.org/).
Although we parse and perform some visitation and binding of these,
there are mostly placeholders left in the code for the interesting
aspects, such as registering symbols, resolving dependencies, and
typechecking usage of schema types.

This is part of the ongoing work behind marapongo/mu#9.
2016-12-06 14:49:47 -08:00

300 lines
9.1 KiB

// Copyright 2016 Marapongo, Inc. All rights reserved.
package ast
import (
// Type is a union type that can represent any of the sort of "types" in the system.
type Type struct {
// one, and only one, of these will be non-nil:
Primitive *PrimitiveType // a simple type (like `string`, `number`, etc).
Decors *TypeDecors // a decorated type; this is either an array or map.
Unref *Ref // an unresolved name.
UninstStack *UninstStack // a resolved, but uninstantiated, stack reference.
Stack *Stack // a specific stack type.
Schema *Schema // a specific schema type.
func NewPrimitiveType(p *PrimitiveType) *Type {
return &Type{Primitive: p}
func NewAnyType() *Type {
return NewPrimitiveType(&PrimitiveTypeAny)
func NewBoolType() *Type {
return NewPrimitiveType(&PrimitiveTypeBool)
func NewNumberType() *Type {
return NewPrimitiveType(&PrimitiveTypeNumber)
func NewStringType() *Type {
return NewPrimitiveType(&PrimitiveTypeString)
func NewServiceType() *Type {
return NewPrimitiveType(&PrimitiveTypeService)
func NewArrayType(elemType *Type) *Type {
return &Type{Decors: &TypeDecors{ElemType: elemType}}
func NewMapType(keyType, valType *Type) *Type {
return &Type{Decors: &TypeDecors{KeyType: keyType, ValueType: valType}}
func NewStackType(stack *Stack) *Type {
return &Type{Stack: stack}
func NewSchemaType(schema *Schema) *Type {
return &Type{Schema: schema}
func NewUninstStackType(uninst *UninstStack) *Type {
return &Type{UninstStack: uninst}
func NewUnresolvedRefType(ref *Ref) *Type {
return &Type{Unref: ref}
// Name converts the given type into its corresponding friendly name.
func (ty *Type) Name() Ref {
if ty.Primitive != nil {
return Ref(*ty.Primitive)
} else if ty.Stack != nil {
return Ref(ty.Stack.Name)
} else if ty.Schema != nil {
return Ref(ty.Schema.Name)
} else if ty.Unref != nil {
return *ty.Unref
} else if ty.UninstStack != nil {
return ty.UninstStack.Ref
} else if ty.Decors != nil {
// TODO: consider caching these so we don't produce lots of strings.
if ty.Decors.ElemType != nil {
return Ref(fmt.Sprintf(string(TypeDecorsArray), ty.Decors.ElemType.Name()))
} else {
util.Assert(ty.Decors.KeyType != nil)
util.Assert(ty.Decors.ValueType != nil)
return Ref(fmt.Sprintf(string(TypeDecorsMap), ty.Decors.KeyType.Name(), ty.Decors.ValueType.Name()))
} else {
util.FailM("Expected this type to have one of primitive, stack, schema, unref, resref, or decors")
return Ref("")
// IsDecors checks whether the Type is decorated.
func (ty *Type) IsDecors() bool {
return ty.Decors != nil
// IsPrimitive checks whether the Type is primitive.
func (ty *Type) IsPrimitive() bool {
return ty.Primitive != nil
// IsStack checks whether the Type represents a bound Stack node.
func (ty *Type) IsStack() bool {
return ty.Stack != nil
// IsSchema checks whether the Type represents a bound Schema node.
func (ty *Type) IsSchema() bool {
return ty.Schema != nil
// IsUninstStack checks whether the Type is a resolved named reference.
func (ty *Type) IsUninstStack() bool {
return ty.UninstStack != nil
// IsUnresolvedRef checks whether the Type is an unresolved named reference.
func (ty *Type) IsUnresolvedRef() bool {
return ty.Unref != nil
// String merely provides a convenient Stringer implementation that fetches a type's name.
func (ty *Type) String() string {
return string(ty.Name())
// TypeDecors is non-nil for arrays and maps, and contains other essential information about them.
type TypeDecors struct {
ElemType *Type // the element type, non-nil only for arrays
KeyType *Type // the key type, non-nil only for maps
ValueType *Type // the value type, non-nil only for maps
// TypeDecorsFormat is a modifier for arrays and maps.
type TypeDecorsFormat string
const (
TypeDecorsArray TypeDecorsFormat = TypeDecorsArrayPrefix + "%v"
TypeDecorsArrayPrefix = "[]"
TypeDecorsMap = TypeDecorsMapPrefix + "%v" + TypeDecorsMapSeparator + "%v"
TypeDecorsMapPrefix = "map["
TypeDecorsMapSeparator = "]"
// PrimitiveType is the name of a primitive type.
type PrimitiveType Name
// A set of known primitive types.
var (
PrimitiveTypeAny PrimitiveType = "any" // any structure.
PrimitiveTypeBool PrimitiveType = "bool" // a JSON-like boolean (`true` or `false`).
PrimitiveTypeNumber PrimitiveType = "number" // a JSON-like number (integer or floating point).
PrimitiveTypeService PrimitiveType = "service" // an untyped service reference; at runtime, a URL.
PrimitiveTypeString PrimitiveType = "string" // a JSON-like string.
// NewAnyLiteral allocates a fresh AnyLiteral with the given contents.
func NewAnyLiteral(node *Node, any interface{}) AnyLiteral {
return &anyLiteral{node, any}
type anyLiteral struct {
node *Node
any interface{}
var _ AnyLiteral = &anyLiteral{} // ensure anyLiteral implements AnyLiteral.
func (l *anyLiteral) Node() *Node { return l.node }
func (l *anyLiteral) Type() *Type { return NewAnyType() }
func (l *anyLiteral) Any() interface{} { return l.any }
// NewBoolLiteral allocates a fresh BoolLiteral with the given contents.
func NewBoolLiteral(node *Node, b bool) BoolLiteral {
return &boolLiteral{node, b}
type boolLiteral struct {
node *Node
b bool
var _ BoolLiteral = &boolLiteral{} // ensure boolLiteral implements BoolLiteral.
func (l *boolLiteral) Node() *Node { return l.node }
func (l *boolLiteral) Type() *Type { return NewBoolType() }
func (l *boolLiteral) Bool() bool { return l.b }
// NewNumberLiteral allocates a fresh NumberLiteral with the given contents.
func NewNumberLiteral(node *Node, n float64) NumberLiteral {
return &numberLiteral{node, n}
type numberLiteral struct {
node *Node
n float64
var _ NumberLiteral = &numberLiteral{} // ensure numberLiteral implements NumberLiteral.
func (l *numberLiteral) Node() *Node { return l.node }
func (l *numberLiteral) Type() *Type { return NewNumberType() }
func (l *numberLiteral) Number() float64 { return l.n }
// NewStringLiteral allocates a fresh StringLiteral with the given contents.
func NewStringLiteral(node *Node, s string) StringLiteral {
return &stringLiteral{node, s}
type stringLiteral struct {
node *Node
s string
var _ StringLiteral = &stringLiteral{} // ensure stringLiteral implements StringLiteral.
func (l *stringLiteral) Node() *Node { return l.node }
func (l *stringLiteral) Type() *Type { return NewStringType() }
func (l *stringLiteral) String() string { return l.s }
// NewServiceLiteral allocates a fresh ServiceLiteral with the given contents.
func NewServiceLiteral(node *Node, sref *ServiceRef) ServiceLiteral {
return &serviceLiteral{node, sref}
type serviceLiteral struct {
node *Node
sref *ServiceRef
var _ ServiceLiteral = &serviceLiteral{} // ensure serviceLiteral implements ServiceLiteral.
func (l *serviceLiteral) Node() *Node { return l.node }
// TODO should Type return Stack?
func (l *serviceLiteral) Type() *Type { return NewServiceType() }
func (l *serviceLiteral) Service() *ServiceRef { return l.sref }
// NewArrayLiteral allocates a fresh ArrayLiteral with the given contents.
func NewArrayLiteral(node *Node, elemType *Type, arr []Literal) ArrayLiteral {
return &arrayLiteral{node, elemType, arr}
type arrayLiteral struct {
node *Node
elemType *Type
arr []Literal
var _ ArrayLiteral = &arrayLiteral{} // ensure arrayLiteral implements ArrayLiteral.
func (l *arrayLiteral) Node() *Node { return l.node }
func (l *arrayLiteral) Type() *Type { return NewArrayType(l.elemType) }
func (l *arrayLiteral) ElemType() *Type { return l.elemType }
func (l *arrayLiteral) Array() []Literal { return l.arr }
// NewMapLiteral allocates a fresh MapLiteral with the given contents.
func NewMapLiteral(node *Node, keyType *Type, valType *Type, keys []Literal, vals []Literal) MapLiteral {
return &mapLiteral{node, keyType, valType, keys, vals}
type mapLiteral struct {
node *Node
keyType *Type
valType *Type
keys []Literal
vals []Literal
var _ MapLiteral = &mapLiteral{} // ensure mapLiteral implements MapLiteral.
func (l *mapLiteral) Node() *Node { return l.node }
func (l *mapLiteral) Type() *Type { return NewMapType(l.keyType, l.valType) }
func (l *mapLiteral) KeyType() *Type { return l.keyType }
func (l *mapLiteral) ValueType() *Type { return l.valType }
func (l *mapLiteral) Keys() []Literal { return l.keys }
func (l *mapLiteral) Values() []Literal { return l.vals }
// NewComplexLiteral allocates a fresh ComplexLiteral with the given contents.
func NewTypedLiteral(node *Node, typ *Type, val interface{}) ComplexLiteral {
return &complexLiteral{node, typ, val}
type complexLiteral struct {
node *Node
typ *Type
val interface{}
var _ ComplexLiteral = &complexLiteral{} // ensure complexLiteral implements ComplexLiteral.
func (l *complexLiteral) Node() *Node { return l.node }
func (l *complexLiteral) Type() *Type { return l.typ }
func (l *complexLiteral) Value() interface{} { return l.val }