CyrusNajmabadi 1908a18d20 Loosen resource targeting restrictions. (#3426)
- If an untargeted create would not affect the inputs of any targeted
  resources, do not fail the update. Untargeted creates that are
  directly dependend on by targeted resources will still cause failures
  that inform the user to add the untargeted resources to the --target
- Users may now pass the `--target-dependents` flag to allow targeted
  destroys to automatically target dependents that must be destroyed in
  order to destroy an explicitly targeted resource.
2019-11-18 20:28:25 -08:00

413 lines
16 KiB

// Copyright 2016-2018, Pulumi Corporation.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package deploy
import (
const (
// Dummy workerID for synchronous operations.
synchronousWorkerID = -1
infiniteWorkerID = -2
// Utility constant for easy debugging.
stepExecutorLogLevel = 4
var (
// errStepApplyFailed is a sentinel error for errors that arise when step application fails.
// We (the step executor) are not responsible for reporting those errors so this sentinel ensures
// that we don't do so.
errStepApplyFailed = errors.New("step application failed")
// The step executor operates in terms of "chains" and "antichains". A chain is set of steps that are totally ordered
// when ordered by dependency; each step in a chain depends directly on the step that comes before it. An antichain
// is a set of steps that is completely incomparable when ordered by dependency. The step executor is aware that chains
// must be executed serially and antichains can be executed concurrently.
// See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antichain for more complete definitions. The below type aliases are useful for
// documentation purposes.
// A Chain is a sequence of Steps that must be executed in the given order.
type chain = []Step
// An Antichain is a set of Steps that can be executed in parallel.
type antichain = []Step
// A CompletionToken is a token returned by the step executor that is completed when the chain has completed execution.
// Callers can use it to optionally wait synchronously on the completion of a chain.
type completionToken struct {
channel chan bool
// Wait blocks until the completion token is signalled or until the given context completes, whatever occurs first.
func (c completionToken) Wait(ctx context.Context) {
select {
case <-c.channel:
case <-ctx.Done():
// incomingChain represents a request to the step executor to execute a chain.
type incomingChain struct {
Chain chain // The chain we intend to execute
CompletionChan chan bool // A completion channel to be closed when the chain has completed execution
// stepExecutor is the component of the engine responsible for taking steps and executing
// them, possibly in parallel if requested. The step generator operates on the granularity
// of "chains", which are sequences of steps that must be executed exactly in the given order.
// Chains are a simplification of the full dependency graph DAG within Pulumi programs. Since
// Pulumi language hosts can only invoke the resource monitor once all of their dependencies have
// resolved, we (the engine) can assume that any chain given to us by the step generator is already
// ready to execute.
type stepExecutor struct {
plan *Plan // The plan currently being executed.
opts Options // The options for this current plan.
preview bool // Whether or not we are doing a preview.
pendingNews sync.Map // Resources that have been created but are pending a RegisterResourceOutputs.
continueOnError bool // True if we want to continue the plan after a step error.
workers sync.WaitGroup // WaitGroup tracking the worker goroutines that are owned by this step executor.
incomingChains chan incomingChain // Incoming chains that we are to execute
ctx context.Context // cancellation context for the current plan.
cancel context.CancelFunc // CancelFunc that cancels the above context.
sawError atomic.Value // atomic boolean indicating whether or not the step excecutor saw that there was an error.
// The stepExecutor communicates with a stepGenerator by listening to a channel. As the step generator
// generates new chains that need to be executed, the step executor will listen to this channel to execute
// those steps.
// Execute submits a Chain for asynchronous execution. The execution of the chain will begin as soon as there
// is a worker available to execute it.
func (se *stepExecutor) ExecuteSerial(chain chain) completionToken {
// The select here is to avoid blocking on a send to se.incomingChains if a cancellation is pending.
// If one is pending, we should exit early - we will shortly be tearing down the engine and exiting.
completion := make(chan bool)
select {
case se.incomingChains <- incomingChain{Chain: chain, CompletionChan: completion}:
case <-se.ctx.Done():
return completionToken{channel: completion}
// ExecuteParallel submits an antichain for parallel execution. All of the steps within the antichain are submitted for
// concurrent execution.
func (se *stepExecutor) ExecuteParallel(antichain antichain) completionToken {
var wg sync.WaitGroup
// ExecuteParallel is implemented in terms of ExecuteSerial - it executes each step individually and waits for all
// of the steps to complete.
for _, step := range antichain {
tok := se.ExecuteSerial(chain{step})
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
done := make(chan bool)
go func() {
return completionToken{channel: done}
// ExecuteRegisterResourceOutputs services a RegisterResourceOutputsEvent synchronously on the calling goroutine.
func (se *stepExecutor) ExecuteRegisterResourceOutputs(e RegisterResourceOutputsEvent) {
// Look up the final state in the pending registration list.
urn := e.URN()
value, has := se.pendingNews.Load(urn)
contract.Assertf(has, "cannot complete a resource '%v' whose registration isn't pending", urn)
reg := value.(Step)
contract.Assertf(reg != nil, "expected a non-nil resource step ('%v')", urn)
// Unconditionally set the resource's outputs to what was provided. This intentionally overwrites whatever
// might already be there, since otherwise "deleting" outputs would have no affect.
outs := e.Outputs()
"registered resource outputs %s: old=#%d, new=#%d", urn, len(reg.New().Outputs), len(outs))
reg.New().Outputs = e.Outputs()
// If there is an event subscription for finishing the resource, execute them.
if e := se.opts.Events; e != nil {
if eventerr := e.OnResourceOutputs(reg); eventerr != nil {
se.log(synchronousWorkerID, "register resource outputs failed: %s", eventerr.Error())
// This is a bit of a kludge, but ExecuteRegisterResourceOutputs is an odd duck
// in that it doesn't execute on worker goroutines. Arguably, it should, but today it's
// not possible to express RegisterResourceOutputs as a step. We could 1) more generally allow
// clients of stepExecutor to do work on worker threads by e.g. scheduling arbitrary callbacks
// or 2) promote RRE to be step-like so that it can be scheduled as if it were a step. Neither
// of these are particularly appealing right now.
outErr := errors.Wrap(eventerr, "resource complete event returned an error")
diagMsg := diag.RawMessage(reg.URN(), outErr.Error())
// Errored returns whether or not this step executor saw a step whose execution ended in failure.
func (se *stepExecutor) Errored() bool {
return se.sawError.Load().(bool)
// SignalCompletion signals to the stepExecutor that there are no more chains left to execute. All worker
// threads will terminate as soon as they retire all of the work they are currently executing.
func (se *stepExecutor) SignalCompletion() {
// WaitForCompletion blocks the calling goroutine until the step executor completes execution of all in-flight
// chains.
func (se *stepExecutor) WaitForCompletion() {
se.log(synchronousWorkerID, "StepExecutor.waitForCompletion(): waiting for worker threads to exit")
se.log(synchronousWorkerID, "StepExecutor.waitForCompletion(): worker threads all exited")
// As calls to `Execute` submit chains for execution, some number of worker goroutines will continuously
// read from `incomingChains` and execute any chains that are received. The core execution logic is in
// the next few functions.
// executeChain executes a chain, one step at a time. If any step in the chain fails to execute, or if the
// context is canceled, the chain stops execution.
func (se *stepExecutor) executeChain(workerID int, chain chain) {
for _, step := range chain {
select {
case <-se.ctx.Done():
se.log(workerID, "step %v on %v canceled", step.Op(), step.URN())
if err := se.executeStep(workerID, step); err != nil {
se.log(workerID, "step %v on %v failed, signalling cancellation", step.Op(), step.URN())
if err != errStepApplyFailed {
// Step application errors are recorded by the OnResourceStepPost callback. This is confusing,
// but it means that at this level we shouldn't be logging any errors that came from there.
// The errStepApplyFailed sentinel signals that the error that failed this chain was a step apply
// error and that we shouldn't log it. Everything else should be logged to the diag system as usual.
diagMsg := diag.RawMessage(step.URN(), err.Error())
func (se *stepExecutor) cancelDueToError() {
if !se.continueOnError {
// The next few functions are responsible for executing individual steps. The basic flow of step
// execution is
// 1. The pre-step event is raised, if there are any attached callbacks to the engine
// 2. If successful, the step is executed (if not a preview)
// 3. The post-step event is raised, if there are any attached callbacks to the engine
// The pre-step event returns an interface{}, which is some arbitrary context that must be passed
// verbatim to the post-step event.
// executeStep executes a single step, returning true if the step execution was successful and
// false if it was not.
func (se *stepExecutor) executeStep(workerID int, step Step) error {
var payload interface{}
events := se.opts.Events
if events != nil {
var err error
payload, err = events.OnResourceStepPre(step)
if err != nil {
se.log(workerID, "step %v on %v failed pre-resource step: %v", step.Op(), step.URN(), err)
return errors.Wrap(err, "pre-step event returned an error")
se.log(workerID, "applying step %v on %v (preview %v)", step.Op(), step.URN(), se.preview)
status, stepComplete, err := step.Apply(se.preview)
if err == nil {
// If we have a state object, and this is a create or update, remember it, as we may need to update it later.
if step.Logical() && step.New() != nil {
if prior, has := se.pendingNews.Load(step.URN()); has {
return errors.Errorf(
"resource '%s' registered twice (%s and %s)", step.URN(), prior.(Step).Op(), step.Op())
se.pendingNews.Store(step.URN(), step)
// Ensure that any secrets properties in the output are marked as such.
if step.New() != nil {
newState := step.New()
for _, k := range newState.AdditionalSecretOutputs {
if v, has := newState.Outputs[k]; has && !v.IsSecret() {
newState.Outputs[k] = resource.MakeSecret(v)
if events != nil {
if postErr := events.OnResourceStepPost(payload, step, status, err); postErr != nil {
se.log(workerID, "step %v on %v failed post-resource step: %v", step.Op(), step.URN(), postErr)
return errors.Wrap(postErr, "post-step event returned an error")
// Calling stepComplete allows steps that depend on this step to continue. OnResourceStepPost saved the results
// of the step in the snapshot, so we are ready to go.
if stepComplete != nil {
se.log(workerID, "step %v on %v retired", step.Op(), step.URN())
if err != nil {
se.log(workerID, "step %v on %v failed with an error: %v", step.Op(), step.URN(), err)
return errStepApplyFailed
return nil
// log is a simple logging helper for the step executor.
func (se *stepExecutor) log(workerID int, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
if logging.V(stepExecutorLogLevel) {
message := fmt.Sprintf(msg, args...)
logging.V(stepExecutorLogLevel).Infof("StepExecutor worker(%d): %s", workerID, message)
// The step executor owns a number of goroutines that it considers to be "workers", responsible for
// executing steps. By default, as we ease into the waters of parallelism, there is at most one worker
// active.
// Workers continuously pull from se.incomingChains, executing chains as they are provided to the executor.
// There are two reasons why a worker would exit:
// 1. A worker exits if se.ctx is canceled. There are two ways that se.ctx gets canceled: first, if there is
// a step error in another worker, it will cancel the context. Second, if the plan executor experiences an
// error when generating steps or doing pre or post-step events, it will cancel the context.
// 2. A worker exits if it experiences an error when running a step.
// worker is the base function for all step executor worker goroutines. It continuously polls for new chains
// and executes any that it gets from the channel. If `launchAsync` is true, worker launches a new goroutine
// that will execute the chain so that the execution continues asynchronously and this worker can proceed to
// the next chain.
func (se *stepExecutor) worker(workerID int, launchAsync bool) {
se.log(workerID, "worker coming online")
defer se.workers.Done()
oneshotWorkerID := 0
for {
se.log(workerID, "worker waiting for incoming chains")
select {
case request := <-se.incomingChains:
if request.Chain == nil {
se.log(workerID, "worker received nil chain, exiting")
se.log(workerID, "worker received chain for execution")
if !launchAsync {
se.executeChain(workerID, request.Chain)
// If we're launching asynchronously, make up a new worker ID for this new oneshot worker and record its
// launch with our worker wait group.
newWorkerID := oneshotWorkerID
go func() {
defer se.workers.Done()
se.log(newWorkerID, "launching oneshot worker")
se.executeChain(newWorkerID, request.Chain)
case <-se.ctx.Done():
se.log(workerID, "worker exiting due to cancellation")
func newStepExecutor(ctx context.Context, cancel context.CancelFunc, plan *Plan, opts Options,
preview, continueOnError bool) *stepExecutor {
exec := &stepExecutor{
plan: plan,
opts: opts,
preview: preview,
continueOnError: continueOnError,
incomingChains: make(chan incomingChain),
ctx: ctx,
cancel: cancel,
// If we're being asked to run as parallel as possible, spawn a single worker that launches chain executions
// asynchronously.
if opts.InfiniteParallelism() {
go exec.worker(infiniteWorkerID, true /*launchAsync*/)
return exec
// Otherwise, launch a worker goroutine for each degree of parallelism.
fanout := opts.DegreeOfParallelism()
for i := 0; i < fanout; i++ {
go exec.worker(i, false /*launchAsync*/)
return exec