Pat Gavlin 354946a1e4
Await outstanding async work in Go. (#6983)
The Pulumi Go SDK does not currently await all outstanding asynchronous
work associated with a Pulumi program. Because all relevant asynchronous
work is created via the Pulumi SDK, we can track this asynchronous work
and ensure that it has all completed prior to returning from

This is complicated by the fact that many of the existing APIs that are
able to create `Output`s--`NewOutput`, `ToOutput`, `Any`,  `ToSecret`,
and `All`--do not have a `*Context` parameter, and so have no
straightforward way to associate themselves with a `*Context`. To address
this, these changes add new versions of each of these APIs as methods on

Despite these new methods, most Pulumi programs should work without
changes: the bulk of `Output`s are created by the SDK itself as part of
resource registration, and for `Any` and `All`, we can pick up the
context from any `Output`s present in the arguments. The only programs
that should require changes are those that create outputs from whole
cloth using `NewOutput`, `ToOutput`, or `ToSecret` and create unawaited
async work rooted at those outputs.

On an implementation level, these changes track asynchronous work using
a `sync.WaitGroup` associated with each `*Context`. This `WaitGroup` is
passed to each output associated with the context. The SDK increments
this `WaitGroup`'s count prior to starting any asynchronous work and
decrements it once the work (including any callbacks triggered by the
work) is complete.

This fixes the Go portion of #3991.
2021-05-14 12:00:21 -07:00

765 lines
19 KiB

//nolint: goconst
package pulumi
import (
type testMonitor struct {
CallF func(args MockCallArgs) (resource.PropertyMap, error)
NewResourceF func(args MockResourceArgs) (string, resource.PropertyMap, error)
func (m *testMonitor) Call(args MockCallArgs) (resource.PropertyMap, error) {
if m.CallF == nil {
return resource.PropertyMap{}, nil
return m.CallF(args)
func (m *testMonitor) NewResource(args MockResourceArgs) (string, resource.PropertyMap, error) {
if m.NewResourceF == nil {
return args.Name, resource.PropertyMap{}, nil
return m.NewResourceF(args)
type testResource2 struct {
Foo StringOutput `pulumi:"foo"`
type testResource2Args struct {
Foo string `pulumi:"foo"`
Bar string `pulumi:"bar"`
Baz string `pulumi:"baz"`
Bang string `pulumi:"bang"`
type testResource2Inputs struct {
Foo StringInput
Bar StringInput
Baz StringInput
Bang StringInput
func (*testResource2Inputs) ElementType() reflect.Type {
return reflect.TypeOf((*testResource2Args)(nil))
type testResource3 struct {
Outputs MapOutput `pulumi:""`
type invokeArgs struct {
Bang string `pulumi:"bang"`
Bar string `pulumi:"bar"`
type invokeResult struct {
Foo string `pulumi:"foo"`
Baz string `pulumi:"baz"`
func TestRegisterResource(t *testing.T) {
mocks := &testMonitor{
NewResourceF: func(args MockResourceArgs) (string, resource.PropertyMap, error) {
assert.Equal(t, "test:resource:type", args.TypeToken)
assert.Equal(t, "resA", args.Name)
assert.True(t, args.Inputs.DeepEquals(resource.NewPropertyMapFromMap(map[string]interface{}{
"foo": "oof",
"bar": "rab",
"baz": "zab",
"bang": "gnab",
assert.Equal(t, "", args.Provider)
assert.Equal(t, "", args.ID)
return "someID", resource.PropertyMap{"foo": resource.NewStringProperty("qux")}, nil
err := RunErr(func(ctx *Context) error {
// Test struct-tag-based marshaling.
var res testResource2
err := ctx.RegisterResource("test:resource:type", "resA", &testResource2Inputs{
Foo: String("oof"),
Bar: String("rab"),
Baz: String("zab"),
Bang: String("gnab"),
}, &res)
assert.NoError(t, err)
id, known, secret, deps, err := await(res.ID())
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.True(t, known)
assert.False(t, secret)
assert.Equal(t, []Resource{&res}, deps)
assert.Equal(t, ID("someID"), id)
urn, known, secret, deps, err := await(res.URN())
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.True(t, known)
assert.False(t, secret)
assert.Equal(t, []Resource{&res}, deps)
assert.NotEqual(t, "", urn)
foo, known, secret, deps, err := await(res.Foo)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.True(t, known)
assert.False(t, secret)
assert.Equal(t, []Resource{&res}, deps)
assert.Equal(t, "qux", foo)
// Test map marshaling.
var res2 testResource3
err = ctx.RegisterResource("test:resource:type", "resA", Map{
"foo": String("oof"),
"bar": String("rab"),
"baz": String("zab"),
"bang": String("gnab"),
}, &res2)
assert.NoError(t, err)
id, known, secret, deps, err = await(res2.ID())
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.True(t, known)
assert.False(t, secret)
assert.Equal(t, []Resource{&res2}, deps)
assert.Equal(t, ID("someID"), id)
urn, known, secret, deps, err = await(res2.URN())
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.True(t, known)
assert.False(t, secret)
assert.Equal(t, []Resource{&res2}, deps)
assert.NotEqual(t, "", urn)
outputs, known, secret, deps, err := await(res2.Outputs)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.True(t, known)
assert.False(t, secret)
assert.Equal(t, []Resource{&res2}, deps)
assert.Equal(t, map[string]interface{}{"foo": "qux"}, outputs)
return nil
}, WithMocks("project", "stack", mocks))
assert.NoError(t, err)
func TestReadResource(t *testing.T) {
mocks := &testMonitor{
NewResourceF: func(args MockResourceArgs) (string, resource.PropertyMap, error) {
assert.Equal(t, "test:resource:type", args.TypeToken)
assert.Equal(t, "resA", args.Name)
assert.True(t, args.Inputs.DeepEquals(resource.NewPropertyMapFromMap(map[string]interface{}{
"foo": "oof",
assert.Equal(t, "", args.Provider)
assert.Equal(t, "someID", args.ID)
return args.ID, resource.PropertyMap{"foo": resource.NewStringProperty("qux")}, nil
err := RunErr(func(ctx *Context) error {
// Test struct-tag-based marshaling.
var res testResource2
err := ctx.ReadResource("test:resource:type", "resA", ID("someID"), &testResource2Inputs{
Foo: String("oof"),
}, &res)
assert.NoError(t, err)
id, known, secret, deps, err := await(res.ID())
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.True(t, known)
assert.False(t, secret)
assert.Equal(t, []Resource{&res}, deps)
assert.Equal(t, ID("someID"), id)
urn, known, secret, deps, err := await(res.URN())
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.True(t, known)
assert.False(t, secret)
assert.Equal(t, []Resource{&res}, deps)
assert.NotEqual(t, "", urn)
foo, known, secret, deps, err := await(res.Foo)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.True(t, known)
assert.False(t, secret)
assert.Equal(t, []Resource{&res}, deps)
assert.Equal(t, "qux", foo)
// Test map marshaling.
var res2 testResource2
err = ctx.ReadResource("test:resource:type", "resA", ID("someID"), Map{
"foo": String("oof"),
}, &res2)
assert.NoError(t, err)
foo, known, secret, deps, err = await(res2.Foo)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.True(t, known)
assert.False(t, secret)
assert.Equal(t, []Resource{&res2}, deps)
assert.Equal(t, "qux", foo)
return nil
}, WithMocks("project", "stack", mocks))
assert.NoError(t, err)
func TestInvoke(t *testing.T) {
mocks := &testMonitor{
CallF: func(args MockCallArgs) (resource.PropertyMap, error) {
assert.Equal(t, "test:index:func", args.Token)
assert.True(t, args.Args.DeepEquals(resource.NewPropertyMapFromMap(map[string]interface{}{
"bang": "gnab",
"bar": "rab",
return resource.NewPropertyMapFromMap(map[string]interface{}{
"foo": "oof",
"baz": "zab",
}), nil
err := RunErr(func(ctx *Context) error {
// Test struct unmarshaling.
var result invokeResult
err := ctx.Invoke("test:index:func", &invokeArgs{
Bang: "gnab",
Bar: "rab",
}, &result)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, "oof", result.Foo)
assert.Equal(t, "zab", result.Baz)
// Test map unmarshaling.
var result2 map[string]interface{}
err = ctx.Invoke("test:index:func", &invokeArgs{
Bang: "gnab",
Bar: "rab",
}, &result2)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, "oof", result2["foo"].(string))
assert.Equal(t, "zab", result2["baz"].(string))
return nil
}, WithMocks("project", "stack", mocks))
assert.NoError(t, err)
type testInstanceResource struct {
type testInstanceResourceArgs struct {
type testInstanceResourceInputs struct {
func (*testInstanceResourceInputs) ElementType() reflect.Type {
return reflect.TypeOf((*testInstanceResourceArgs)(nil)).Elem()
type testInstanceResourceInput interface {
ToTestInstanceResourceOutput() testInstanceResourceOutput
ToTestInstanceResourceOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) testInstanceResourceOutput
func (*testInstanceResource) ElementType() reflect.Type {
return reflect.TypeOf((*testInstanceResource)(nil)).Elem()
func (i *testInstanceResource) ToTestInstanceResourceOutput() testInstanceResourceOutput {
return i.ToTestInstanceResourceOutputWithContext(context.Background())
func (i *testInstanceResource) ToTestInstanceResourceOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) testInstanceResourceOutput {
return ToOutputWithContext(ctx, i).(testInstanceResourceOutput)
type testInstanceResourceOutput struct {
func (testInstanceResourceOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type {
return reflect.TypeOf((*testInstanceResource)(nil)).Elem()
func (o testInstanceResourceOutput) ToTestInstanceResourceOutput() testInstanceResourceOutput {
return o
func (o testInstanceResourceOutput) ToTestInstanceResourceOutputWithContext(
ctx context.Context) testInstanceResourceOutput {
return o
type testMyCustomResource struct {
Instance testInstanceResourceOutput `pulumi:"instance"`
type testMyCustomResourceArgs struct {
Instance testInstanceResource `pulumi:"instance"`
type testMyCustomResourceInputs struct {
Instance testInstanceResourceInput
func (testMyCustomResourceInputs) ElementType() reflect.Type {
return reflect.TypeOf((*testMyCustomResourceArgs)(nil)).Elem()
type module int
func (module) Construct(ctx *Context, name, typ, urn string) (Resource, error) {
switch typ {
case "pkg:index:Instance":
var instance testInstanceResource
return &instance, nil
return nil, errors.Errorf("unknown resource type %s", typ)
func (module) Version() semver.Version {
return semver.Version{}
func TestRegisterResourceWithResourceReferences(t *testing.T) {
RegisterResourceModule("pkg", "index", module(0))
mocks := &testMonitor{
NewResourceF: func(args MockResourceArgs) (string, resource.PropertyMap, error) {
switch args.TypeToken {
case "pkg:index:Instance":
return "i-1234567890abcdef0", resource.PropertyMap{}, nil
case "pkg:index:MyCustom":
return args.Name + "_id", args.Inputs, nil
return "", nil, errors.Errorf("unknown resource %s", args.TypeToken)
err := RunErr(func(ctx *Context) error {
var instance testInstanceResource
err := ctx.RegisterResource("pkg:index:Instance", "instance", &testInstanceResourceInputs{}, &instance)
assert.NoError(t, err)
var mycustom testMyCustomResource
err = ctx.RegisterResource("pkg:index:MyCustom", "mycustom", &testMyCustomResourceInputs{
Instance: &instance,
}, &mycustom)
assert.NoError(t, err)
_, _, secret, _, err := await(mycustom.Instance)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.False(t, secret)
return nil
}, WithMocks("project", "stack", mocks))
assert.NoError(t, err)
func TestWaitOrphanedApply(t *testing.T) {
mocks := &testMonitor{
NewResourceF: func(args MockResourceArgs) (string, resource.PropertyMap, error) {
return "someID", resource.PropertyMap{"foo": resource.NewStringProperty("qux")}, nil
var theID ID
err := RunErr(func(ctx *Context) error {
var res testResource2
err := ctx.RegisterResource("test:resource:type", "resA", &testResource2Inputs{
Foo: String("oof"),
}, &res)
assert.NoError(t, err)
res.ID().ApplyT(func(id ID) int {
theID = id
return 0
return nil
}, WithMocks("project", "stack", mocks))
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, ID("someID"), theID)
func TestWaitOrphanedNestedApply(t *testing.T) {
mocks := &testMonitor{
NewResourceF: func(args MockResourceArgs) (string, resource.PropertyMap, error) {
return "someID", resource.PropertyMap{"foo": resource.NewStringProperty("qux")}, nil
var theID ID
err := RunErr(func(ctx *Context) error {
var res testResource2
err := ctx.RegisterResource("test:resource:type", "resA", &testResource2Inputs{
Foo: String("oof"),
}, &res)
assert.NoError(t, err)
ctx.Export("urn", res.URN().ApplyT(func(urn URN) URN {
res.ID().ApplyT(func(id ID) int {
theID = id
return 0
return urn
return nil
}, WithMocks("project", "stack", mocks))
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, ID("someID"), theID)
func TestWaitOrphanedAllApply(t *testing.T) {
mocks := &testMonitor{
NewResourceF: func(args MockResourceArgs) (string, resource.PropertyMap, error) {
return "someID", resource.PropertyMap{"foo": resource.NewStringProperty("qux")}, nil
var theURN URN
var theID ID
err := RunErr(func(ctx *Context) error {
var res testResource2
err := ctx.RegisterResource("test:resource:type", "resA", &testResource2Inputs{
Foo: String("oof"),
}, &res)
assert.NoError(t, err)
All(res.URN(), res.ID()).ApplyT(func(vs []interface{}) int {
theURN, _ = vs[0].(URN)
theID, _ = vs[1].(ID)
return 0
return nil
}, WithMocks("project", "stack", mocks))
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.NotEqual(t, URN(""), theURN)
assert.Equal(t, ID("someID"), theID)
func TestWaitOrphanedAnyApply(t *testing.T) {
mocks := &testMonitor{
NewResourceF: func(args MockResourceArgs) (string, resource.PropertyMap, error) {
return "someID", resource.PropertyMap{"foo": resource.NewStringProperty("qux")}, nil
var theURN URN
var theID ID
err := RunErr(func(ctx *Context) error {
var res testResource2
err := ctx.RegisterResource("test:resource:type", "resA", &testResource2Inputs{
Foo: String("oof"),
}, &res)
assert.NoError(t, err)
"urn": res.URN(),
"id": res.ID(),
}).ApplyT(func(v interface{}) int {
m := v.(map[string]Output)
m["urn"].ApplyT(func(urn URN) int {
theURN = urn
return 0
m["id"].ApplyT(func(id ID) int {
theID = id
return 0
return 0
return nil
}, WithMocks("project", "stack", mocks))
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.NotEqual(t, URN(""), theURN)
assert.Equal(t, ID("someID"), theID)
func TestWaitOrphanedContextAllApply(t *testing.T) {
mocks := &testMonitor{
NewResourceF: func(args MockResourceArgs) (string, resource.PropertyMap, error) {
return "someID", resource.PropertyMap{"foo": resource.NewStringProperty("qux")}, nil
var theURN URN
var theID ID
err := RunErr(func(ctx *Context) error {
var res testResource2
err := ctx.RegisterResource("test:resource:type", "resA", &testResource2Inputs{
Foo: String("oof"),
}, &res)
assert.NoError(t, err)
All(res.URN(), res.ID()).ApplyT(func(vs []interface{}) int {
theURN, _ = vs[0].(URN)
theID, _ = vs[1].(ID)
return 0
return nil
}, WithMocks("project", "stack", mocks))
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.NotEqual(t, URN(""), theURN)
assert.Equal(t, ID("someID"), theID)
func TestWaitOrphanedContextAnyApply(t *testing.T) {
mocks := &testMonitor{
NewResourceF: func(args MockResourceArgs) (string, resource.PropertyMap, error) {
return "someID", resource.PropertyMap{"foo": resource.NewStringProperty("qux")}, nil
var theURN URN
var theID ID
err := RunErr(func(ctx *Context) error {
var res testResource2
err := ctx.RegisterResource("test:resource:type", "resA", &testResource2Inputs{
Foo: String("oof"),
}, &res)
assert.NoError(t, err)
"urn": res.URN(),
"id": res.ID(),
}).ApplyT(func(v interface{}) int {
m := v.(map[string]Output)
m["urn"].ApplyT(func(urn URN) int {
theURN = urn
return 0
m["id"].ApplyT(func(id ID) int {
theID = id
return 0
return 0
return nil
}, WithMocks("project", "stack", mocks))
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.NotEqual(t, URN(""), theURN)
assert.Equal(t, ID("someID"), theID)
func TestWaitOrphanedResource(t *testing.T) {
mocks := &testMonitor{
NewResourceF: func(args MockResourceArgs) (string, resource.PropertyMap, error) {
return "someID", resource.PropertyMap{"foo": resource.NewStringProperty("qux")}, nil
var res testResource2
err := RunErr(func(ctx *Context) error {
err := ctx.RegisterResource("test:resource:type", "resA", &testResource2Inputs{
Foo: String("oof"),
}, &res)
assert.NoError(t, err)
return nil
}, WithMocks("project", "stack", mocks))
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, uint32(outputResolved), res.urn.state)
assert.Equal(t, uint32(outputResolved), res.id.state)
func TestWaitResourceInsideApply(t *testing.T) {
mocks := &testMonitor{
NewResourceF: func(args MockResourceArgs) (string, resource.PropertyMap, error) {
return "someID", resource.PropertyMap{"foo": resource.NewStringProperty("qux")}, nil
var innerRes testResource2
err := RunErr(func(ctx *Context) error {
var outerRes testResource2
err := ctx.RegisterResource("test:resource:type", "resA", &testResource2Inputs{
Foo: String("oof"),
}, &outerRes)
assert.NoError(t, err)
outerRes.ID().ApplyT(func(_ ID) error {
return ctx.RegisterResource("test:resource:type", "resB", &testResource2Inputs{
Foo: String("foo"),
}, &innerRes)
return nil
}, WithMocks("project", "stack", mocks))
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, uint32(outputResolved), innerRes.urn.state)
assert.Equal(t, uint32(outputResolved), innerRes.id.state)
func TestWaitOrphanedApplyOnResourceInsideApply(t *testing.T) {
mocks := &testMonitor{
NewResourceF: func(args MockResourceArgs) (string, resource.PropertyMap, error) {
return "someID", resource.PropertyMap{"foo": resource.NewStringProperty("qux")}, nil
var theID ID
err := RunErr(func(ctx *Context) error {
var outerRes testResource2
err := ctx.RegisterResource("test:resource:type", "resA", &testResource2Inputs{
Foo: String("oof"),
}, &outerRes)
assert.NoError(t, err)
outerRes.ID().ApplyT(func(_ ID) int {
var innerRes testResource2
err := ctx.RegisterResource("test:resource:type", "resB", &testResource2Inputs{
Foo: String("foo"),
}, &innerRes)
assert.NoError(t, err)
innerRes.ID().ApplyT(func(id ID) int {
theID = id
return 0
return 0
return nil
}, WithMocks("project", "stack", mocks))
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, ID("someID"), theID)
func TestWaitRecursiveApply(t *testing.T) {
mocks := &testMonitor{
NewResourceF: func(args MockResourceArgs) (string, resource.PropertyMap, error) {
return "someID", resource.PropertyMap{"foo": resource.NewStringProperty("qux")}, nil
resources := 0
var newResource func(ctx *Context, n int)
newResource = func(ctx *Context, n int) {
if n == 0 {
var res testResource2
err := ctx.RegisterResource("test:resource:type", fmt.Sprintf("res%d", n), &testResource2Inputs{
Foo: String(fmt.Sprintf("%d", n)),
}, &res)
assert.NoError(t, err)
res.ID().ApplyT(func(_ ID) int {
newResource(ctx, n-1)
return 0
err := RunErr(func(ctx *Context) error {
newResource(ctx, 10)
return nil
}, WithMocks("project", "stack", mocks))
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, 10, resources)
func TestWaitOrphanedManualOutput(t *testing.T) {
mocks := &testMonitor{
NewResourceF: func(args MockResourceArgs) (string, resource.PropertyMap, error) {
return "someID", resource.PropertyMap{"foo": resource.NewStringProperty("qux")}, nil
output := make(chan Output)
doResolve := make(chan bool)
done := make(chan bool)
go func() {
err := RunErr(func(ctx *Context) error {
out, resolve, _ := ctx.NewOutput()
go func() {
output <- out
return nil
}, WithMocks("project", "stack", mocks))
assert.NoError(t, err)
state := (<-output).getState()
assert.Equal(t, uint32(outputPending), state.state)
assert.Equal(t, uint32(outputResolved), state.state)
assert.Equal(t, "foo", state.value)
func TestWaitOrphanedDeprecatedOutput(t *testing.T) {
mocks := &testMonitor{
NewResourceF: func(args MockResourceArgs) (string, resource.PropertyMap, error) {
return "someID", resource.PropertyMap{"foo": resource.NewStringProperty("qux")}, nil
var output Output
err := RunErr(func(ctx *Context) error {
output, _, _ = NewOutput()
return nil
}, WithMocks("project", "stack", mocks))
assert.NoError(t, err)
state := output.getState()
assert.Equal(t, uint32(outputPending), state.state)