Pat Gavlin 9b6a7a4397
Improve resource ref unit tests. (#5960)
- Add component ref coverage to the existing test
- Add coverage for a downlevel SDK communicating with an engine that
  supports resource refs
- Add coverage for a downlevel engine communicating with an SDK that
  supports resource refs

As part of improving coverage, these changes add a knob to explicitly
disable resource refs in the engine without the use of the environment
variable. The environment variable is now only read by the CLI, and has
been restored to its prior polarity (i.e. `PULUMI_ENABLE_RESOURCE_REFERENCES`).
2020-12-16 12:38:20 -08:00

297 lines
10 KiB

// Copyright 2016-2018, Pulumi Corporation.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package engine
import (
const clientRuntimeName = "client"
// ProjectInfoContext returns information about the current project, including its pwd, main, and plugin context.
func ProjectInfoContext(projinfo *Projinfo, host plugin.Host, config plugin.ConfigSource,
diag, statusDiag diag.Sink, disableProviderPreview bool,
tracingSpan opentracing.Span) (string, string, *plugin.Context, error) {
contract.Require(projinfo != nil, "projinfo")
// If the package contains an override for the main entrypoint, use it.
pwd, main, err := projinfo.GetPwdMain()
if err != nil {
return "", "", nil, err
// Create a context for plugins.
ctx, err := plugin.NewContext(diag, statusDiag, host, config, pwd,
projinfo.Proj.Runtime.Options(), disableProviderPreview, tracingSpan)
if err != nil {
return "", "", nil, err
// If the project wants to connect to an existing language runtime, do so now.
if projinfo.Proj.Runtime.Name() == clientRuntimeName {
addressValue, ok := projinfo.Proj.Runtime.Options()["address"]
if !ok {
return "", "", nil, errors.New("missing address of language runtime service")
address, ok := addressValue.(string)
if !ok {
return "", "", nil, errors.New("address of language runtime service must be a string")
host, err := connectToLanguageRuntime(ctx, address)
if err != nil {
return "", "", nil, err
ctx.Host = host
return pwd, main, ctx, nil
// newDeploymentContext creates a context for a subsequent deployment. Callers must call Close on the context after the
// associated deployment completes.
func newDeploymentContext(u UpdateInfo, opName string, parentSpan opentracing.SpanContext) (*deploymentContext, error) {
contract.Require(u != nil, "u")
// Create a root span for the operation
opts := []opentracing.StartSpanOption{}
if opName != "" {
opts = append(opts, opentracing.Tag{Key: "operation", Value: opName})
if parentSpan != nil {
opts = append(opts, opentracing.ChildOf(parentSpan))
tracingSpan := opentracing.StartSpan("pulumi-plan", opts...)
return &deploymentContext{
Update: u,
TracingSpan: tracingSpan,
}, nil
type deploymentContext struct {
Update UpdateInfo // The update being processed.
TracingSpan opentracing.Span // An OpenTracing span to parent deployment operations within.
func (ctx *deploymentContext) Close() {
// deploymentOptions includes a full suite of options for performing a deployment.
type deploymentOptions struct {
// SourceFunc is a factory that returns an EvalSource to use during deployment. This is the thing that
// creates resources to compare against the current checkpoint state (e.g., by evaluating a program, etc).
SourceFunc deploymentSourceFunc
DOT bool // true if we should print the DOT file for this deployment.
Events eventEmitter // the channel to write events from the engine to.
Diag diag.Sink // the sink to use for diag'ing.
StatusDiag diag.Sink // the sink to use for diag'ing status messages.
isImport bool // True if this is an import.
imports []deploy.Import // Resources to import, if this is an import.
// true if we're executing a refresh.
isRefresh bool
// true if we should trust the dependency graph reported by the language host. Not all Pulumi-supported languages
// correctly report their dependencies, in which case this will be false.
trustDependencies bool
// deploymentSourceFunc is a callback that will be used to prepare for, and evaluate, the "new" state for a stack.
type deploymentSourceFunc func(
client deploy.BackendClient, opts deploymentOptions, proj *workspace.Project, pwd, main string,
target *deploy.Target, plugctx *plugin.Context, dryRun bool) (deploy.Source, error)
// newDeployment creates a new deployment with the given context and options.
func newDeployment(ctx *Context, info *deploymentContext, opts deploymentOptions, dryRun bool) (*deployment, error) {
contract.Assert(info != nil)
contract.Assert(info.Update != nil)
contract.Assert(opts.SourceFunc != nil)
// First, load the package metadata and the deployment target in preparation for executing the package's program
// and creating resources. This includes fetching its pwd and main overrides.
proj, target := info.Update.GetProject(), info.Update.GetTarget()
contract.Assert(proj != nil)
contract.Assert(target != nil)
projinfo := &Projinfo{Proj: proj, Root: info.Update.GetRoot()}
pwd, main, plugctx, err := ProjectInfoContext(projinfo, opts.Host, target,
opts.Diag, opts.StatusDiag, opts.DisableProviderPreview, info.TracingSpan)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
opts.trustDependencies = proj.TrustResourceDependencies()
// Now create the state source. This may issue an error if it can't create the source. This entails,
// for example, loading any plugins which will be required to execute a program, among other things.
source, err := opts.SourceFunc(ctx.BackendClient, opts, proj, pwd, main, target, plugctx, dryRun)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
localPolicyPackPaths := ConvertLocalPolicyPacksToPaths(opts.LocalPolicyPacks)
var depl *deploy.Deployment
if !opts.isImport {
depl, err = deploy.NewDeployment(
plugctx, target, target.Snapshot, source, localPolicyPackPaths, dryRun, ctx.BackendClient)
} else {
_, defaultProviderVersions, pluginErr := installPlugins(proj, pwd, main, target, plugctx,
false /*returnInstallErrors*/)
if pluginErr != nil {
return nil, pluginErr
for i := range opts.imports {
imp := &opts.imports[i]
if imp.Provider == "" && imp.Version == nil {
imp.Version = defaultProviderVersions[imp.Type.Package()]
depl, err = deploy.NewImportDeployment(plugctx, target, proj.Name, opts.imports, dryRun)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &deployment{
Ctx: info,
Plugctx: plugctx,
Deployment: depl,
Options: opts,
}, nil
type deployment struct {
Ctx *deploymentContext // deployment context information.
Plugctx *plugin.Context // the context containing plugins and their state.
Deployment *deploy.Deployment // the deployment created by this command.
Options deploymentOptions // the options used while deploying.
type runActions interface {
Changes() ResourceChanges
MaybeCorrupt() bool
// run executes the deployment. It is primarily responsible for handling cancellation.
func (deployment *deployment) run(cancelCtx *Context, actions runActions, policyPacks map[string]string,
preview bool) (ResourceChanges, result.Result) {
// Change into the plugin context's working directory.
chdir, err := fsutil.Chdir(deployment.Plugctx.Pwd)
if err != nil {
return nil, result.FromError(err)
defer chdir()
// Create a new context for cancellation and tracing.
ctx, cancelFunc := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
// Inject our opentracing span into the context.
if deployment.Ctx.TracingSpan != nil {
ctx = opentracing.ContextWithSpan(ctx, deployment.Ctx.TracingSpan)
// Emit an appropriate prelude event.
deployment.Options.Events.preludeEvent(preview, deployment.Ctx.Update.GetTarget().Config)
// Execute the deployment.
start := time.Now()
done := make(chan bool)
var walkResult result.Result
go func() {
opts := deploy.Options{
Events: actions,
Parallel: deployment.Options.Parallel,
Refresh: deployment.Options.Refresh,
RefreshOnly: deployment.Options.isRefresh,
RefreshTargets: deployment.Options.RefreshTargets,
ReplaceTargets: deployment.Options.ReplaceTargets,
DestroyTargets: deployment.Options.DestroyTargets,
UpdateTargets: deployment.Options.UpdateTargets,
TargetDependents: deployment.Options.TargetDependents,
TrustDependencies: deployment.Options.trustDependencies,
UseLegacyDiff: deployment.Options.UseLegacyDiff,
DisableResourceReferences: deployment.Options.DisableResourceReferences,
walkResult = deployment.Deployment.Execute(ctx, opts, preview)
// Asynchronously listen for cancellation, and deliver that signal to the deployment.
go func() {
select {
case <-cancelCtx.Cancel.Canceled():
// Cancel the deployment's execution context, so it begins to shut down.
case <-done:
// Wait for the deployment to finish executing or for the user to terminate the run.
var res result.Result
select {
case <-cancelCtx.Cancel.Terminated():
res = result.WrapIfNonNil(cancelCtx.Cancel.TerminateErr())
case <-done:
res = walkResult
duration := time.Since(start)
changes := actions.Changes()
// Emit a summary event.
deployment.Options.Events.summaryEvent(preview, actions.MaybeCorrupt(), duration, changes, policyPacks)
return changes, res
func (deployment *deployment) Close() error {
return deployment.Plugctx.Close()
func assertSeen(seen map[resource.URN]deploy.Step, step deploy.Step) {
_, has := seen[step.URN()]
contract.Assertf(has, "URN '%v' had not been marked as seen", step.URN())
func isDefaultProviderStep(step deploy.Step) bool {
return providers.IsDefaultProvider(step.URN())