joeduffy 5dc4b0b75c Switch to parent pointers; display components nicely
This change switches from child lists to parent pointers, in the
way resource ancestries are represented.  This cleans up a fair bit
of the old parenting logic, including all notion of ambient parent
scopes (and will notably address pulumi/pulumi#435).

This lets us show a more parent/child display in the output when
doing planning and updating.  For instance, here is an update of
a lambda's text, which is logically part of a cloud timer:

    * cloud:timer:Timer: (same)
        * cloud:function:Function: (same)
            * aws:serverless:Function: (same)
                ~ aws:lambda/function:Function: (modify)
                    - code            : archive(assets:2092f44) {
                        // etc etc etc

Note that we still get walls of text, but this will be actually
quite nice when combined with pulumi/pulumi#454.

I've also suppressed printing properties that didn't change during
updates when --detailed was not passed, and also suppressed empty
strings and zero-length arrays (since TF uses these as defaults in
many places and it just makes creation and deletion quite verbose).

Note that this is a far cry from everything we can possibly do
here as part of pulumi/pulumi#340 (and even pulumi/pulumi#417).
But it's a good start towards taming some of our output spew.
2017-11-20 09:07:53 -08:00

196 lines
6.8 KiB

// Copyright 2016-2017, Pulumi Corporation. All rights reserved.
import * as childprocess from "child_process";
import * as os from "os";
import * as path from "path";
import * as runtime from "../runtime";
const grpc = require("grpc");
const langproto = require("../proto/language_pb.js");
const langrpc = require("../proto/language_grpc_pb.js");
* monitorAddr is the current resource monitor address.
let monitorAddr: string | undefined;
* engineAddr is the current resource engine address, if any.
let engineAddr: string | undefined;
* tracingUrl is the current resource engine address, if any.
let tracingUrl: string | undefined;
* serveLanguageHost spawns a language host that connects to the resource monitor and listens on port.
export function serveLanguageHost(monitor: string, engine?: string, tracing?: string): { server: any, port: number } {
if (monitorAddr) {
throw new Error("Already connected to a resource monitor; cannot serve two hosts in one process");
monitorAddr = monitor;
engineAddr = engine;
tracingUrl = tracing;
// TODO[pulumi/pulumi#545]: Wire up to OpenTracing. Automatic tracing of gRPC calls themselves is pending
// https://github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-opentracing/issues/11 which is pending
// https://github.com/grpc/grpc-node/pull/59.
// Now fire up the gRPC server and begin serving!
const server = new grpc.Server();
server.addService(langrpc.LanguageRuntimeService, { run: runRPC });
const port: number = server.bind(``, grpc.ServerCredentials.createInsecure());
// Now we're done: the server is started, and gRPC keeps the even loop alive.
return { server: server, port: port }; // return the port for callers.
* runRPC implements the core "run" logic for both planning and deploying.
function runRPC(call: any, callback: any): void {
// Unpack the request and fire up the program.
// IDEA: stick the monitor address in Run's RPC so that it's per invocation.
const req: any = call.request;
const resp = new langproto.RunResponse();
let proc: childprocess.ChildProcess | undefined;
try {
// Create an args array to pass to spawn, starting with just the run.js program.
const args: string[] = [
path.join(__filename, "..", "..", "cmd", "run"),
// Serialize the config args using an environment variable.
const env: {[key: string]: string} = {};
const config: any = req.getConfigMap();
if (config) {
// First flatten the config into a regular (non-RPC) object.
const configForEnv: {[key: string]: string} = {};
for (const entry of config.entries()) {
configForEnv[(entry[0] as string)] = (entry[1] as string);
// Now JSON serialize the config into an environment variable.
env[runtime.configEnvKey] = JSON.stringify(configForEnv);
const project: string | undefined = req.getProject();
if (project) {
const stack: string | undefined = req.getStack();
if (stack) {
// If this is a dry-run, tell the program so.
if (req.getDryrun()) {
// If parallel execution has been requested, propagate it.
const parallel: number | undefined = req.getParallel();
if (parallel !== undefined) {
// If a different working directory was requested, make sure to pass it too.
const pwd: string | undefined = req.getPwd();
if (pwd) {
// Push the resource monitor address to connect up to.
if (!monitorAddr) {
throw new Error("No resource monitor known; please ensure the language host is alive");
// Push the resource engine address, for logging, etc., if there is one.
if (engineAddr) {
// Push the tracing url, if there is one.
if (tracingUrl) {
// Now get a path to the program.
let program: string | undefined = req.getProgram();
if (!program) {
// If the program path is empty, just use "."; this will cause Node to try to load the default module
// file, by default ./index.js, but possibly overridden in the "main" element inside of package.json.
program = ".";
// Serialize the args plainly, following the program.
const argsList: string[] | undefined = req.getArgsList();
if (argsList) {
for (const arg of argsList) {
// We spawn a new process to run the program. This is required because we don't want the run to complete
// until the Node message loop quiesces. It also gives us an extra level of isolation.
proc = childprocess.spawn(process.argv[0], args, {
env: Object.assign({}, process.env, env),
proc.stdout.on("data", (data: string | Buffer) => {
proc.stderr.on("data", (data: string | Buffer) => {
// If we got this far, make sure to communicate completion when the process terminates.
proc.on("close", (code: number, signal: string) => {
if (callback !== undefined) {
if (code !== 0) {
if (signal) {
resp.setError(`Program exited due to a signal: ${signal}`);
else {
resp.setError(`Program exited with non-zero exit code: ${code}`);
callback(undefined, resp);
callback = undefined;
catch (err) {
if (callback !== undefined) {
callback(undefined, resp);
callback = undefined;
function stripEOL(data: string | Buffer): string {
let dataString: string;
if (typeof data === "string") {
dataString = data;
else {
dataString = data.toString("utf-8");
const eolIndex = dataString.lastIndexOf(os.EOL);
if (eolIndex !== -1) {
dataString = dataString.substring(0, eolIndex);
return dataString;